Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This is a bit of a short chapter tonight. But, next week you get a really cute flashback from Alice/Frank that they share with Harry. Tonight's chapter has Ethan/Maddie and their girls plus a bit with Darla/Liam/Hans. Please read and review!

Ethan hugged his knees to him as he tried not to move the block tower Kiera was currently building around him. The new block set was her favourite toy at the moment and had been a gift from her Grandmother Luna. Kiera liked nothing more than to build things up as high as she possibly could and then knock it down.

"Kiera," Ethan called out. "Can Daddy come out? It's rather cramped in here."

"No," Kiera giggled.

"Kiera Faith, take some pity on your old man," Ethan said laughing as the little girl studied over which block to pick next. "How about the green one?"

"No," Kiera said. "Boo! Like BUH!"

"Where is that pixie, anyway?" Ethan asked curiously.

Blue flitted past Kiera causing the little girl to clap her hands happily together.

Maddie was carrying Gwyn downstairs. The baby was wrapped in a towel, fresh from her bath.

"He was helping me give Gwyn her bath," Maddie said. "Or should I say 'splashing' me while I gave Gwyn her bath."

Kiera giggled as the pixie picked up a block and looked like he was going to throw it at Ethan. "Be nice."

Blue cackled before setting the block on top of the pile.

"Good," Kiera told the pixie with a big smile.

Maddie laughed as she set out a blanket to change Gwyn. "Time to get you into your pyjamas, Miss Gwyn."

"I'll help," Ethan said, trying to stretch his legs.

Kiera folded her arms. "NO!"

Maddie laughed. "You're in jail, Ethan."

"By a one and a half year old no less," Ethan said. "Don't tell my fellow Aurors."

"They won't hear it from me," Maddie promised.

Kiera handed one more block to Blue. "Top."

Blue cackled and dropped the last block on the top of her tower.

Kiera turned around and looked at her mother. "See?"

"What a lovely tower," Maddie praised her daughter. "Are you going to let Daddy go free?"

Kiera thought about it and looked at Blue. "'Kay, Buh!"

"One... two... three..." Ethan counted for her.

"DOWN!" Kiera giggled, pushing the blocks over.

Ethan stood up and stretched. "I'm getting too old for that!"

Kiera giggled and held her arms up to him.

Ethan picked her up and swung her around. "Daddy's girl!"

Maddie laughed. "I think it's time for your girl to get into pyjamas."

"No," Kiera said shaking her head.

"Yes," Ethan kissed her cheek.

Kiera hugged him tightly.

"When we get your pyjamas on, we can build a tower around Blue," Ethan told his daughter.

"Ooooh!" Kiera exclaimed.

Maddie watched as Ethan carried Kiera out of the room. "Your daddy's silly." she said to Gwyn.

Gwyn cooed happily up at Maddie while Blue hummed from his perch on Maddie's shoulder.

"You're a good girl," Maddie said softly, running her index finger over Gwyn's soft cheek.

Being a mother was the most rewarding thing in her life and it was something she had always wanted to be.

"Here we are," Ethan said, bringing Kiera back into the room. "She's ready for a new tower.

"Big one," Kiera said.

"That's right," Ethan set her down. "A nice big one, for Blue."

Blue's eyes grew large.

"Buh," Kiera clapped her hands together before reaching for some blocks and stacking them together.

"Be a good boy," Maddie told the pixie.

"Come on down here and give us a hand," Ethan said to his wife.

Maddie picked up Gwyn. "Come on..."

She set Gwyn in her bouncy seat then knelt next to her daughter.

"I bet we can box him in completely," Maddie said to Kiera.

"Oh," Kiera said.

"She loves these blocks," Ethan commented.

"It's one of the best gifts she'd gotten," Maddie agreed.

Kiera giggled as she set up a circle of blocks around Blue.

Blue hopped up and down excitedly and Ethan shook his head. "That pixie is something else."

"He is," Maddie agreed, resting her head on Ethan's shoulder.

Ethan slipped his arm around her. "How was your day?"

"Busy," Maddie replied. "And yours?"

"It was really routine today," Ethan replied. "No raids, no nothing."

"I know you don't care for those days, but that's the kind of days I like for you to have," Maddie said softly. "Because that means you're safe."

"Yeah I guess," Ethan replied. "Plus I get to come home on time to you three."

"Which we love," Maddie said.

"Daddy!" Kiera said. "Hep!"

Ethan laughed. "What do you need me to do, sweetheart?"

Kiera held out a block to him.

"Where do you want it?" Ethan asked her.

Kiera pointed to the top.

"All the way up there, eh?" Ethan asked. "Okay..."

Maddie smiled as Kiera clapped her hands eagerly. Her eyes met her daughter's as she felt a swelling sensation inside her. She loved when her daughter would share emotions this way.

"She's so happy right now," Maddie whispered.

"What?" Ethan asked.

"Kiera," Maddie said motioning to their daughter. "Just now, she looked at me and I could just feel how happy she was."

Ethan smiled at their oldest daughter.

"I can't even describe what this feels like," Maddie said.

"Maybe someday she'll share it with me." Ethan said.

"Maybe," Maddie said handing Kiera another block.

Ethan watched the two of them build the tower even larger. "What's on your mind?" he asked his wife. "I can tell when you're deep in thought, and it's not just about feeling what Kiera's feeling."

"I know this is going to sound crazy," Maddie began.

"Uh oh..." Ethan raised an eyebrow.

"I had a vision last night," Maddie told him. "And it's kind of stayed with me all day. I don't known when it's going to happen, but I saw us with five more children."

"What?" he asked in disbelief.

"Us with five children" Maddie repeated. "They were so beautiful, Ethan."

"Five MORE?" Ethan's jaw was slack.

Maddie nodded. "You okay?"

"In a little shock..." Ethan replied.

"I don't know when it will happen," Maddie reassured him.

"I know but..." Ethan's voice dropped off as he watched Kiera push herself over to Gwyn's bouncy seat.

Kiera touched her sister's hand. "Hi."

Gwyn looked at her big sister with wide eyes.

"You know..." Ethan said. "Maybe five more wouldn't be so bad..."

"Yeah?" Maddie asked.

"Not if we had five more like them."

Maddie smiled and put her arms around him.

Ethan gave her a kiss. "Love you, Mads."

"Love you too," Maddie said softly.

"Maybe we should start on this later," he said, nuzzling her ear.

Maddie giggled. "It's a date."

"I can't wait," Ethan said, pressing his lips to her neck.

They were interrupted by a crash of blocks as they fell to the floor. "Buh!" Kiera chastised.

"Bloody pixie," Ethan muttered.

"Did you knock the tower down, Blue?" Maddie asked.

Blue cackled and somersaulted in midair.

Maddie giggled. "Show-off."

"I think Gwyn is down for the count," Ethan nodded to their daughter, whose eyes were drooping shut.

"Bedtime," Maddie said standing up.

"No," Kiera shook her head.

"Yes," Ethan said picking up Kiera. "I'll tell you a story."

"Oh," Kiera said.

Maddie picked Gwyn up from her bouncy seat. "Come on, love."

She put Gwyn in her crib then stood aside and listened as Ethan told Kiera a fairy tale.

"...and they lived happily ever after," Ethan finished.

Kiera smiled at her father.

Ethan kissed her cheek. "Sweet dreams, baby girl."

"Good night my love," Maddie whispered.

Kiera held up her arms for a hug.

Maddie gladly obliged. "I love you so, so much."

Kiera smiled sleepily at her mother. "Love mama."

"My girl," Maddie kissed her forehead.

Ethan took his wife's hand and led her out of the nursery.

"You're right," she said. "If we had five more just like them, I'd be fine with that."

"They're just like their mum," Ethan said to her.

Maddie smiled at him.

"I knew what I was getting into when I married a Weasley," Ethan said.

"One large family," Maddie joked. "Appetites..."

"...brothers and sisters," Ethan continued.

"Lots and lots," Maddie said, winding her arms around his neck.

"I love you," Ethan said.

"I love you too," Maddie said, her eyes half closed.

"You and our girls mean everything to me," Ethan said.

"I know," Maddie said softly, running her fingers through his messy hair. "It's the same for me."

"I say we clean up the mess downstairs tomorrow morning," Ethan said grinning at her.

"I say that's a great idea," Maddie leaned against him.

"I have a few of them every now and again," Ethan said.

"I have another idea," Maddie whispered in his ear.

"Yeah?" Ethan asked with a grin.

"I want you..." Maddie brushed her lips over his. "To take... me... to bed..."

Ethan looked at her with darkened eyes. "No bedtime story..."

Maddie shook her head. "Not for me..."

"Maybe afterwards," Ethan said putting his arms around her.

"Ooooh," Maddie said. "Promise?"

Ethan laughed. "I promise."

Maddie laughed as he scooped her up. "Perhaps we'll start on one of our five children tonight."

Ethan smiled at his wife. The idea of having five more children was a bit overwhelming, but he knew that he and Maddie could do it. They had always made a great team.

*** *** ***

Darla stared at the folder in her hands and wondered if she was doing the right thing. All that she had to do was sign her name. It shouldn't be such a big deal, she thought to herself. But, signing these papers meant the end of something that she had held onto for so long.

She had kept the divorce papers hidden in her drawer for awhile but after the past few weeks she decided it was finally time to sign them. Her relationship with Hans was going nowhere. He was living in London again, but gone almost all the time.

The door opened and Drew breezed inside. "It's absolutely horrendous out there, Dar! Tell me again why we live in London? It's certainly not for the weather!"

"Because it's where we were born and where we grew up and where our family lives?" Darla replied automatically.

Drew shook her head. "Why couldn't Dad have moved us to Cancun or the Bahamas?"

Darla looked over at her sister. "What?"

Drew took off her cloak and hung it on the rack. "Nothing...thanks for covering with me this morning. Chloe's feeling much better now that she's seen Lizzy."

"Sure," Darla said, still distracted.

"Dar?" Drew prompted.

Darla jumped a bit. "Drew... when did you get here?"

Drew walked over to her sister's desk. "Two minutes ago," she replied. "Are you okay? You look a million miles away right now."

"I sort of am," Darla sighed.

"Why?" Drew asked, but she had a feeling she knew the answer.

"Divorce papers," Darla said quietly.

"Oh," Drew said. "I see."

"I haven't signed them," Darla said. "I haven't even given them to Hans yet. I got them months ago, but I just haven't... I haven't even looked at them until today."

Drew sat down and studied her sister. "So what made you get them out now?"

Darla was quiet for a moment. "It's over." she admitted. "I realised it today. It's over. He moved back here and he's still never home. I can't do it anymore."

Drew reached for her sister's hand. "I know it's no secret that I'm not his biggest fan, but I only wanted you to be happy."

"I know," Darla said sadly.

Drew gave Darla's hand a squeeze.

"I suppose if I get it over with, I'll feel better you know?" Darla asked. "Maybe I can really start moving on with my life."

Drew nodded. "Closure."

"Yeah," Darla replied. "If that's the word..."

"You guys will always be in each other's lives because of Rafe," Drew pointed out.

"I know," Darla said. "I want things to remain civil, at the very least."

"Where's Hans now?" Drew asked.

"Morocco," Darla answered. "Until tomorrow."

"You going to wait until then?" Drew asked.

"I kind of have to," Darla said. "I don't know where in Morocco he is."

Drew nodded. She could not imagine what this was like for her sister. "Do you want to take the rest of the afternoon off? I can handle things around here."

"It's all right," Darla shoved the papers into her desk drawer. "I need to keep my mind off it."

Drew smiled. "You sure?"

Darla nodded.

"Okay," Drew said. "I was looking over some of the notes about the catering while I was waiting for Lizzy to see Chloe."

Darla put her hand to her forehead. She felt bad for not asking how Chloe was feeling. "How did everything turn out? You said Lizzy saw her?"

Drew nodded. "It's just a cold. She gave her a potion and it worked right away. She'll be fine by tomorrow."

Darla smiled. "That's good. Um, did you...did you see Liam?"

"Just in passing," Drew said looking up.

"How did he seem?" Darla asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"All right, I suppose." Drew said. "Why?"

"No reason," Darla replied.

"Aren't you two talking?" Drew asked.

"Not really," Darla said quietly.

"How come?" Drew asked.

Darla looked at her sister. "What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone , okay?"

"You know I'd never tell a soul." Drew replied.

Darla nodded. "Well, Liam did not actually have the greatest childhood. His father's an alcoholic and he's been abusive to his wife and mentally abusive to his sons. Liam couldn't wait to grow up and get out of there."

Drew gaped at her.

"And a few weeks ago, his mother showed up," Darla continued. "She had finally taken the initiative and left. She stayed with Liam and he seemed to think that things were finally falling into place, but I guess his father showed up or something and took her back home."

"I had no idea," Drew admitted. "Of course... I suppose I wouldn't have known."

"I tried to help him, but he said I wouldn't understand," Darla said. "And we haven't really spoken since then."

"I'm sorry, Dar." Drew apologised.

"I miss him," Darla said softly. '

Drew didn't quite know what to say. "Would you like me to talk to him?" she asked finally.

Darla vehemently shook her head. "No, Drew. He doesn't know I told you, for one thing. And for the other, you can't always solve my problems."

"I didn't mean--" Drew began.

"I know you didn't," Darla interjected. "But, you can't fix this for me."

Drew nodded. "I understand."

Darla sighed and leaned back in her chair. "You realise that I'll be the first Weasley to ever get a divorce?"

"You always did sort of like being an individual," Drew teased gently.

Darla laughed. "Great Auntie Muriel will have loads to say about this."

Drew waved her hand dismissively. "Great Auntie Muriel has never been married, Dar."

"And she doesn't believe in divorce," the two sisters said together.

Darla rolled her eyes. "Good old Great Auntie Muriel."

"Well like you said," Drew replied. "Once you actually sign those papers, you'll feel better."

Darla nodded and looked at the paperwork on her desk. Hans was a good man and she had loved him with all her heart. She knew that he loved their son and would do anything for him.

"I'll keep you distracted," Drew promised her sister. "We have three other weddings coming up in a few weeks that we need to finish the minor details on."

"And everything going on with Saffy and Andrew's wedding," Darla said, nodding. "Just what I need to take my mind off of this."

"Right," Drew agreed. "And tonight, why don't you and Rafe come over for dinner. Chloe should be fine by then and she'll love having Rafe there."

Darla smiled. "I'd love that. Thanks, Drew."

"Anything for my sister," Drew told her.

"You're the best," Darla said.

"Well," Drew said. "We have a meeting at two with this bride," she pointed. "And another at four with her."

"The one at four is at the bakery for the cake tasting," Darla said.

"Ooooh good," Drew said with a grin. "That means we get to take dessert home with us."

Darla laughed. "One of the perks."

"Reminds me why I do love this job," Drew agreed.

"If only Dad and Maddie knew," Darla said. "They'd want to be our partners."

"I think Maddie does know," Drew laughed. "But she'd never bring it up to Dad. It would break his heart not being able to go."

Darla laughed, too, but was interrupted when a delivery man came into the office carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Darla Feinbach?" he asked.

"Yes?" Darla asked.

"These are for you," the delivery man said handing her the bouquet of pink roses.

"Oh," Darla said. "Thank you..."

Drew took care of the tip and the delivery man left the office. Drew turned her attention back to her sister. "Who are they from?"

"They're from Hans," Darla said slowly. "He... he says he misses me and can't wait to see me and Rafe tomorrow."

"They're beautiful," Drew replied.

Darla sighed. "Why does he do this?"

Drew shrugged. "I don't know."

She looked at the roses. "Just when I think I'm doing the right thing..."

"Darla," Drew said shaking her head. "This doesn't change things. You know, he's sent you things before. You don't need flowers. You need him here. With you and Rafe."

Darla nodded. "You're right."

Drew stood up. "I'm just going to file these away. I'll be right back."

"Sure," Darla replied, still gazing at the roses.

Darla knew that Drew was right. Roses were not going to solve their problems and they shouldn't make her change her mind. She had decided to sign the papers.

Grabbing a quill from her drawer, she scratched her name across her portion before she could change her mind again.

All that remained now was getting Hans to sign the papers as well. And then...their marriage would be over.

After that, it would be easier to move on. Liam crossed her mind, but she pushed the thoughts of him away. It still hurt to think how easily he could shove her aside.

The man in question was also trying very hard to throw himself into his work. He had already seen seven patients that morning and was about to see the eighth. He opened the door and was surprised to see his brother sitting on the examination table. "Conor?" Liam asked, raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

Conor shook his head. "Not with me."

Liam sent his brother a confused look. "Then why are you here?"

"Checking on my brother," Conor replied. "There's no law against that, is there?

"No," Liam replied. "But you've never bothered before."

Conor shrugged. "Pardon me for saying this, but you look like shite, little brother."

"I've been busy," Liam muttered.

"I know Mum going back to Dad threw you for a loop," Conor said. "It did for me, too. But, we can't change it. Maybe the next time she leaves, it will stick. "

"Yeah right," Liam snapped.

"The point is," Conor said. "You can't ruin your life because of their bad decisions."

"I'm not ruining anything," Liam said.

"Oh?" Conor asked, folding his arms. "When was the last time you went out? When was the last time you did something just for fun?"

"I don't have time for fun these days," Liam told his brother.

"Why?" Conor pressed.

"Because I have sick people that need my help," Liam told his brother impatiently.

"Twenty-four hours a day?" Conor asked.

"What are you getting at?" Liam asked him.

"I'm worried about you," Conor said. "Look, I know I haven't always been here for you like a big brother should, but if any good thing came out of this mess with Mum, it brought you and me back together."

"I haven't seen you in almost a month," Liam pointed out.

"I was out of town on business," Conor replied. "Bloody Goblins have me running ragged. "

"Oh," Liam replied.

"Mum tried to contact you, then?" Conor asked.

"Not in the past two weeks," Liam replied.

"Me either," Conor said. "I was actually thinking of going to see her just to make sure she's fine."

"You were?" Liam asked in surprise.

Conor nodded. "You want to go with?"

"I don't know," Liam looked away.

Conor nodded. "Just let me know. I was thinking of Friday."

"I'll see what I can do," Liam said. "But if Thomas is there--"

Liam did not have to finish his sentence. On this, the brothers agreed. "How's that friend of yours anyway?" Conor asked changing the subject.

"Which one?" Liam asked.

"Darla, wasn't it?" Conor asked.

"I haven't talked to her in awhile," Liam answered.

Conor just shook his head.

"What?" Liam asked, annoyed. "I don't have time for this--"

"That what you told her?" Conor asked.

"Why do you care?" Liam snapped.

"Because you're my brother and I don't want to see you cock this up," Conor said. "I saw the two of you that night at your place, you know."

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"You know," Conor told him.

"Whatever you saw--" Liam began.

"You're not in love with her then?" Conor asked.

"I'm not in love with anyone," Liam denied.

"Uh-huh," Conor said laughing.

"I'm not," Liam claimed. "I have no time for relationships."

Conor clapped his brother on the back. "Your partner there has a husband and three children, right? The receptionist was telling me all about that."

"I'm busier than she is," Liam made excuse. "I take on more new patients."

"Because you're throwing yourself into your work," Conor countered. "Look, Liam. Do what you want, but if you don't watch out, you'll lose it before you even had a chance to have it. I was just like you, you know? Throwing myself into my work..."

"You're not married and you don't care," Liam countered.

"I don't want the same thing to happen to you," Conor said. "Look, before it's too late and you're too old and that girl's moved on to someone else..."

"She's trying to work things out with her husband," Liam said.

"And you're just standing back?" Conor asked.

"It's her husband," Liam argued. "They have a son together."

"And if things don't work out with him?" Conor pressed.

"I'm not going there," Liam said warningly.

Conor stood up. "Just---just think about what I said."

"Fine," he sighed.

"Let me know about Friday," Conor said.

Liam nodded. "I'll owl you tonight."

"Take care," Conor told him before seeing himself out.

Liam looked at the empty doorway for a moment thoughtfully. Perhaps his brother was right- even though he didn't want to admit it.

He had thought a lot about Darla and when he had seen her sister in the office earlier, it had taken all that he had not to stop her and ask after Darla.

He missed her, but was loathe to drag her into his family troubles.

She had enough to deal with as it was. If things weren't so messed up, maybe things could be different.

But perhaps Conor WAS right. Maybe it wasn't too late for him to be a part of her life again, even if it was just as friends.