Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thanks you guys who took the time to leave a comment- we've gotten some really awesome reviews from you guys lately and it's really made fanfiction worth writing.

We will update on Tuesday, but for obvious reasons, we will not update next Saturday as we'll have some NEW CANON to read! Who else is nervous/excited/all of the above? Probably all of us ;p

Anyways- as always, please let us know what you think at the end of the chapter- something rather explosive happens in the next one that will have you all absolutely HATING Lucius if you don't already!!!

Allison and Lizzy exchanged an amused look as Josh and Jon engaged in their fifth argument of the afternoon. The brothers were moving into their new flat today and their girlfriends along with Julie and Nick were helping them get settled.

"I don't know why you're putting your stuff in that back bedroom, Jon," Josh called after his brother who was lugging his trunk to that very bedroom. "It's my room!"

"No Joshua," Jon called back. "We discussed that it would be mine. You wanted the one closest to the sitting room!"

"I never said that!" Josh argued. "I said I wanted the bigger room and being as I am older, I think I should get it. I'm the one who is starting University in the fall. I'm the one who is going to need the extra space, not you."

"You're only older by three minutes!" Jon retorted. "And I need the room too! I'm going to be teaching people how to fly and I'll have more than one broomstick I'll need to store."

Julie shook her head. "I don't know what your parents were thinking letting the two of you live together. There's an easy way to handle this, boys."

"Like what?" Josh asked curiously.

Julie produced a sickle from her jeans pocket. "You can flip for the back bedroom."

"Fine," Jon said, glaring at his brother.

"You want to call it Josh?" Julie asked. "Heads or Tails?"

"Heads I guess," Josh grunted.

"Okay," Julie said tossing the coin up in the air and then catching it in her hand. Both boys looked expectantly at her. "Sorry, Josh. Back bedroom is Jon's."

"Damn it," Josh said. "All right, I guess fair's fair."

Jon smiled and continued to carry his things into the back bedroom. Lizzy put an arm around Josh. "It's not that much bigger than your room, Josh. And you have the better view."

"I guess," Josh said. "I just hate losing to that smarmy git."

"Hey!" Allison teased. "That smarmy git you're talking about is my boyfriend!!"

"I'm sorry," Josh said, not sounding sorry at all. "You just happened to have chosen the worse twin." he grinned at her.

"You sound just like my Dad," Allison said throwing a pillow at him.

"So does that mean I got the good twin?" Lizzy teased, putting her arms around him. "I do like the sound of that..."

"I like to think so," Josh said. "And you are the smartest witch at Hogwarts."

"The good twin and the smartest witch in the smaller bedroom," Lizzy said with a laugh. "I think we can make this work. Besides the better view, you have the nice window seat where you can study."

"I'm feeling better already," Josh said sincerely.

"Well could you help me with these books then?" Nick asked coming back into the flat carrying a large box. "Are you sure you aren't Hermione's kid? You have as many books as she does."

Josh laughed. "She did give me a few boxes worth for my area of study in University." he said. "Some of her old textbooks from that time... I think they'll come in really handy."

"No wonder this box is so full," Nick said setting it down beside the sofa.

"Is the big rock star sore from carrying so many books?" Jon teased, coming back in the room.

"The only reason I'm doing this is because you two helped Jules and I move into our cottage." Nick replied.

"Family togetherness," Jon said comically. "It's a Weasley trait."

"That and we knew Nana was going to feed us when we were there," Josh said.

"I remember that," Allison said, patting her stomach. "I didn't think I could eat as much as I did, but I couldn't help it. Everything was so good!"

"Aye," Nick said. "Nana's great for feeding the masses."

"She's coming over later," Jon said.

Allison frowned. "How much later? My dad said I had to be home by eight."

"Eight?" Jon said. "Why so early?"

"You have met my father, haven't you?" Allison asked. "I'm lucky I'm here at all."

"But I thought as long as Julie was here you could stay," Jon objected. "She said she'd stay as late as you wanted."

"I know," Allison frowned. "But--"

"But nothing," Julie said. "How about I floo over to your house and tell your dad that we're all going to eat late and that Nick and I will bring you home as soon as we finish."

"Do you think that'll work?" Allison asked. "I really want to stay but he's just being so..."

"It's worth a shot," Julie told her. She could certainly sympathize with the younger girl's plight. It wasn't easy dealing with a father who didn't want to admit that his little girl was growing up.

"Okay," Allison said. "Thanks Julie."

"No problem," Julie said making her way over to the fireplace.

Jon picked up another box and motioned with his head for her to come back to his bedroom with him.

Allison followed him down the hall not really wanting to hear her father telling Julie that under no circumstances was his daughter to be home after eight o'clock.

"It's a bit tense at home aye?" Jon asked her after closing the door.

Allison nodded. "He wouldn't even let me come over here to help you move unless I had a chaperone, Jon. You'd think I was Maddie's age the way he's treating me."

He pulled his girlfriend close and kissed her forehead as she leaned against him. "He'll come around Al. Sooner or later he'll have to. There's no way I'm ever giving you up."

Allison smiled up at him. "And whether my dad likes it or not, I'm going to be with you."

Jon grinned back at her then leaned in for a kiss. "Love you Al," he said a moment later when they pulled apart.

"I love you," she whispered.

"Allie?" Julie knocked on the door. "Good news- I managed to convince your dad that we had tons of work to do and I'll bring you back home when we're finished." she grinned. "I wonder if I should put a leash on you just to convince Uncle Neville that you've been a good girl."

"Don't give Dad any ideas," Allison said laughing. "Thanks, Julie. I appreciate it."

"It's no problem," Julie said. "I'm just glad I can be of help in allowing the two of you to have some time together."

"Me too," Jon said smiling at her. "It's good to have you in our corner."

"You have pretty much everyone in your corner," Julie shook her head. "I don't get why Uncle Neville is so against this. You're a good bloke Jon. Allie here could have done a lot worse." she smiled at the both of them.

"My mum thinks that he's overprotective because of what happened with mum when she was pregnant with Chi," Allison said softly.

"Well yeah, but we aren't sleeping together," Jon pointed out. "Well... we're not shagging." he said sheepishly.

"That and he'd never leave you if something did happen." Julie agreed.

"No way," Jon said emphatically.

Allison squeezed his hand. "I know that."

"Don't worry you two," Julie said. "Everything will work out eventually. Look what happened with Nick - and things couldn't be better for us."

"Exactly," Allison said. "When does he leave for his tour?"

"In a week," Julie said. "He'll be gone for two, and then back with a few weeks to spare for Chi's wedding."

"I still can't believe my sister's getting married," Allison said. "My mum can't talk about anything else it seems."

"It's very exciting," Julie agreed.

"I guess it goes to show you how wrong those superstitions about weddings are," Jon joked. "You caught the bouquet at Lavender's wedding, but Chiaki is the next one getting married."

Julie laughed. "That's true," she replied. "Although now that Nick and I have moved in together everyone sort of expects we'll be next."

"Any wedding bells in your future?" Allison asked.

"Not at this point," Julie said. "But I don't know, I don't feel a rush to go that step... although if he asked..." she grinned.

"You'd say yes without a moment's hesitation," Allison finished.

"That's right," Julie laughed. "I'd be crazy not to."

"Oi!" Josh called out from down the hall. "I hate to break up your good time, but are you guys going to help or what?"

"We are!" Jon came out of the room. "We had to... set something up."

"In your big, but not better bedroom," Josh teased.

"Don't you start," Lizzy admonished.

"Okay," Josh said. "I'll be nice."

"We need to go to the shops," Jon said to his twin. "Even though Nana's bringing food over, Dad will eat it all."

"You're right," Josh said. "Maybe we should make a list so we'll know what to get."

"Watch Uncle Ron add all sorts of extra things to it," Nick cracked from where he was unpacking some of Josh's books.

"I almost forgot!" Allison said walking over to the door and reaching into her bag. "I made some biscuits for you guys last night. Consider it my housewarming present to you."

"Ooh," all the guys crowded around her. "Chocolate chip?"

"Chocolate chocolate chip," Allison said opening up the tin. "The same recipe Maddie and I used when I visited you guys."

"Fantastic," Jon stuffed three in his mouth.

"Hey save some for us," Lizzy and Julie elbowed their way in.

Nick grabbed one and popped it into his mouth. "Wow, Allie. These are great."

"Thanks Nick," Allison set the tin on the table. "They're really easy to make."

"Don't anyone get too comfortable," Lizzy said as she finished off her own biscuit. "We still have loads to do."

"We know Mother," Josh said with a smartass grin.

"Josh!" Lizzy glared at him. "You were the one who said you wanted to finish this all today."

"I was joking," Josh said, grabbing another biscuit.

"I doubt the two of you can live on this alone," Julie said. "Josh is right. You should probably go down to the shops and pick up some basics---bread, milk, eggs..."

"Crisps, more biscuits, jelly slugs, sugar quills," Nick interjected cheekily.

"Butterbeer and Firewhisky," Jon finished.

Julie shook her head. "Those aren't basics, boys."

"But they're necessities," Nick said in defence. "Come on, you know a wizard can't relax without a bottle of Firewhisky around."

"Come on," Julie said, grabbing her bag. "I'm going to show you boys what you need to buy...and Firewhisky is not on the shopping list."

"Me and Allie will stay here," Jon said. "In case my parents or Nana shows up."

"And miss out on all the fun?" Nick asked sarcastically.

"I'm sure I'll have my chance to make up for it," Jon deadpanned.

"Josh will take good notes for you," Julie said. "Come on, let's go."

Allison heard her boyfriend close the door behind them all and waited for him in the kitchen. "Finally some time to ourselves," she said. "Without interruptions..."

"And no chaperones," Jon teased. "Try and behave yourself, Miss Longbottom."

"Look who's talking," Allison snorted. "You are the bad twin after all..." she teased.

Jon laughed. "Okay, well the bad twin thinks we should at least put these dishes up. You know how my Nana gets. She'll get here and want to do it all herself.."

"That's true," Allison agreed as Jon set a box on the counter.

Jon unpacked the box. "You know these are the same dishes my mum and dad used when they moved in together?"

"Are they really?" Allison asked with interest. "Isn't it weird to think of our parents being our age and doing all this for the first time?"

"It is," Jon agreed. "Most of this stuff in here was theirs from their first flat. They had it in storage."

"It's good that they saved it all," Allison ran some water in the sink to rinse the dishes off. "Now you don't have to buy any."

"I know," Jon said, joining her at the sink. "Money's probably going to be tight for Josh and me for awhile."

"You guys will make do," Allison said. "Especially once you start teaching. People will line up around the block when they see how good you are at flying."

Jon stood behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "When you say it like that, I almost believe it could really happen."

"It will," Allison turned to smile at him.

"I want to make you proud of me," he said softly, cupping her face in his hands.

"I already am Jon," Allison turned off the water.

"I'm really glad you're here," he said before leaning in and kissing her.

Allison was unable to keep from responding to the touch of his lips. "Me too," she whispered.

Jon buried his face in her neck, then kissed the hollow of her shoulder.

She let out a soft whimper as his lips skimmed over her skin. He set her on the counter as her legs wrapped around his middle.

"I've wanted to do this all day," he whispered.

"Me too," she said, running her hands up under his shirt.

"Allie," be breathed against her neck.

She whimpered again as his hands began to tug up on her shirt.

Jon looked into her eyes. "Do you want to go to my room?"

"Yes," she said weakly.

Jon kissed her as he picked her up off the counter and carried her to the back bedroom, wondering the entire time if this was a dream.

They collapsed on the bare mattress, their lips fused together, hands roaming everywhere.

"I want you, Allie," he whispered between kisses. "So much..."

"I want you too Jon..." Allison gasped as his tongue flicked over her skin.

Both of them were so caught up in each other, they hadn't heard the front door open.

"Joshua! Jonathan!" Molly called out, setting her basket of food down on the coffee table.

"They're not here, Mum," Ron said looking at the basket. "I guess that means I get the food!"

"They're around here or they just stepped out for a moment," Molly swatted her son's hand away from the basket.

"Do you hear something?" Allison asked breathlessly.

"No," Jon pressed his lips to hers again.

"Ronald Weasley, step away from that basket right now!" Molly yelled. "That's for your sons!"

"Now I know I heard something," Allison pulled away.

"I was only going to get a bite," Ron whined.

Jon froze. "That's my dad, Al."

"I hope mine isn't here too!" Allison pushed him off her and scrambled for her shirt.

"You and me both," Jon said, grabbing his t-shirt from the floor. "I'm rather fond of breathing."

"Just say I'm in the loo," Allison ran for the door and slipped across the hall.

"Right," Jon said. He ran a hand through his hair and forcing a smile walked out of the bedroom and into the sitting room where his parents and grandmother were sitting.

"Jonathan!" Molly exclaimed, getting to her feet when she saw him. "We didn't think anyone was home!"

"Sorry," Jon said, giving his grandmother a hug. "I was setting up some things in my bedroom. Al's in the loo."

"I've brought loads of food just for my boys," Molly said with a pointed look at Ron.

"Aren't I one of your boys?" Ron pleaded.

"This food is for your sons, Ron," Molly said. "I told you that how many times already?"

In the bathroom, Allison dabbed at her face with a cold washcloth. She could still feel Jon's touch on her skin.

"Thanks Nana," Jon said gratefully. "Josh and I will make good use of this."

"I should hope so," Luna teased. "That's enough to feed a small army...oh hello, Allie!"

"Hi," Allison said, hoping her face still wasn't all flushed and her lips not so swollen. "I thought I heard voices out here." she smiled at her boyfriend's parents and grandmother.

"I trust you and Elizabeth have been keeping my boys straight," Molly said giving her a hug.

"We've certainly been trying," Allison grinned.

"Al?" Jon asked. "How about you and I go and get the dishes....?"

"Sure," Allison quickly agreed. "We were just unpacking the dishes you guys had saved."

"Our first dishes!" Luna exclaimed dreamily, launching into another trip down memory lane.

Once Jon had his girlfriend alone in the kitchen, he took her hand. "Hey...are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Allison said, the heat returning to her face and neck. "Jon... I don't know what would have happened in there if your parents hadn't come in..."

"I know," he said softly. "Things were getting a little heated, weren't they?"

"Just a bit," Allison agreed quietly.

"I'm sorry," he said in a low tone. "I--I don't know what to say..."

"It wasn't a bad thing," Allison said, putting her hand on his cheek so he'd look at her.

"I love you, Allie," he whispered. "We don't have to rush into anything."

"I know," she leaned against him and felt him sigh into her hair. "Come on, let's get those dishes so we can eat before everyone else gets back."

"Right," he said grabbing some dishes while Allison pulled out some silverware.

"Do you think they know?" she whispered.

"I don't think so," Jon said thoughtfully. "If we looked a little flushed, they probably thought it was because we were working so hard."

"That's true," Allison said. "Besides, your parents don't seem to mind so much."

"My parents love you," Jon told her reassuringly. "I lost count of how many times Mum said she liked having you around when you were at the house."

"I'm glad to hear that," Allison said softly as they left the kitchen.

"Where's the rest of the clan?" Jon asked as he set the plates on the coffee table.

"With your grandfather," Molly said.

"You left Drew and Darla, not to mention Maddie and R.J. alone with Grandpa?" Jon asked. "They'll tear the house down, Nana."

"Don't forget Dolly," Ron said with a laugh. "That lunatic Cornish Pixie alone is enough to rip a house down."

Molly laughed. "Maddie promised to keep her in the cage."

"That's a relief at least." Jon said.

"How are the wedding preparations going, Allison?" Molly asked. "Your sister must be on pins and needles."

"She's pretty calm actually," Allison replied. "Her dress robes are finished and it's basically just keeping her and Tosh from nitpicking at this point."

"They should just elope and have done with it," Ron said reaching for a bread roll.

"Ronald!" Luna said, hitting him on the arm. "Don't joke about that! Cho would be so hurt if her daughter got married without her family. I would too for that matter."

"I think my dad would probably kill her," Allison smiled. "He's been complaining to Mum about how much money it's costing. And Mum always points out that he has to do this two more times." they all laughed at that.

"Weddings are so much fun to plan," Molly said. "And it must be really nice for your mum to plan that with..."

Molly's voice trailed off as she thought of her own daughter's wedding. She hadn't even been there to see it. Molly began to sob.

"Mum what is it?" Ron asked.

Molly dabbed at her eyes. "I was just thinking about Ginny..."

"You shouldn't," Ron said, a bit harshly. "She doesn't care what happens to us."

"Deep down she does," Molly said, still unable to write her only daughter off completely.

Luna placed a comforting hand on her mother in law's arm. "You still have us Molly," she said softly.

Molly gave Luna a hug. "I know, dear. I just missed so much with my little girl. I didn't get to see her wedding. I didn't even meet my grandson until years later. And I keep hearing those awful things Ginny said to me in that shop in my head..."

"She's a Malfoy now," Ron said coolly. "She thinks like they do."

The front door opened and Josh, Lizzy, Nick and Julie came inside carrying shopping bags. Nick saw his grandmother crying and went to her side.

"Nana?" he asked worry etched across his features. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing dear," Molly said, giving her grandson a bone crushing hug. "It's so lovely to see you."

"It's good to see you too," Nick said hugging her back. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh yes," Molly nodded. "Here, let me get you a sandwich, or some biscuits..." she grabbed for her basket.

"Nana..." Nick said stopping her. "Is this about my parents? You didn't see them again, did you?"

"Not since the day in the shop Nicholas," Molly said. "Don't you worry, I'm just fine." she forced a smile at him.

Nick decided not to push his grandmother since she obviously didn't want to talk about it. He couldn't stop the anger that boiled up inside him when he thought about what his mother had done to his grandmother.

"Well we got loads of good things at the shops," Julie changed the subject. "Now you can eat to your heart's content Uncle Ron."

"That's my goddaughter!" Ron said getting to his feet and following her into the kitchen.

"But don't eat everything dad," Josh said. "Remember, your two sons are still jobless and therefore a bit broke..."

"And will hit you up for money if you eat us out of house and home," Jon finished.

"You two have always been a hole in my pocket," Ron retorted but he was grinning.

"I think I'll just go with and keep an eye on you," Josh said. "Make sure you don't get out of hand."

"You act like you don't even trust your own father," Ron whined, making them all laugh.

"Not as far as I could throw him," Josh deadpanned.

"Maybe we shouldn't have paid up for this place," Ron said, cuffing his eldest son on the head. "Luna is it too late to get our money back?"

"Okay, okay," Josh said quickly trying to squirm away from his father. "Mi casa es su casa."

"What?" Ron asked. "What does that mean?"

"It's Spanish for 'my house is your house', Mr. Weasley," Lizzy explained.

"Oh," Ron said sheepishly.

"We really do appreciate you giving us this place Dad," Josh said. "We do."

"I know you do," Ron said. "I'm glad your mum and I are in a position where we can do this for you both."

"And I'm sorry for always giving you a hard time, Dad," Jon said. "This was the best gift you could have given us really."

"Does this mean I can raid your kitchen whenever I come over?" Ron asked hopefully.

"You've got yourself a deal," Josh said with a grin.

*** *** ***

Marisol was never so happy to have a day off in her life. Things around the Malfoy house had been tense as of late, and it was even worse for her now when she was around Lucius Malfoy.

Ever since the first night he'd tried to make a pass at her, he'd constantly voiced lewd remarks in her direction and had even taken to touching her. That morning as a matter of fact, he'd brushed up against her chest while right in front of her mistress, who had ignored the whole episode as if it hadn't happened. She made her way into the small coffee shop she liked to frequent and sat down in a booth.

Natalie watched from behind the counter as Marisol sat down. She'd followed the Malfoy's maid and studied where the young woman shopped and where she went when she wanted to get away from the Malfoys. It had been Harry who decided Natalie should work undercover as a waitress in order to befriend the young woman and try and get information out of her.

Natalie smiled warmly at Marisol as she came over to the booth. She set a mug of hot chocolate in front of her. "The usual, right?"

"Oh thank you Selma," Marisol said gratefully to the pretty waitress. "You always know exactly what I'm in the mood for. Hot chocolate is perfect today."

Natalie smiled sympathetically at her. "Tough day?"

"Something like that," Marisol shrugged.

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here," Natalie said, not wanting to push the young woman too early. "I'm a good listener. It's how I get great tips..."

Marisol smiled. "That and you seem to be able to read people's minds."

Natalie sat down. "It's not that hard in your case, Marisol. You look really sad. Are you still homesick?"

"That's part of the reason," Marisol replied, looking down at the table top. "That other part..."

"Yes?" Natalie asked gently.

"The people I work for, my master, his parents are living with us for the time being... and lately he... he's been..." Marisol's voice began to quiver.

"He's been what, Marisol?" Natalie asked with concern etched across her face.

"He's been... making passes at me," Marisol said quietly.

"Oh, Marisol!" Natalie said, keeping her voice low.

"Today my mistress just sat there while he was brushing up against me and touching me," Marisol said with tears in her eyes. "And it's so ridiculous, but all I could think of was how I wanted to be home with my mother..." she began to cry.

Natalie reached across the table and put a comforting hand on the girl's arm. She genuinely felt sorry for this girl having to deal with this day in and day out.

"You shouldn't have to go through something like this, Marisol. It's not right."

"Yes but I don't know what to do," Marisol took a napkin and wiped her eyes.

"Has he threatened you?" Natalie asked. "If you didn' know...."

"He told me that my employers wouldn't care, and he was right," Marisol said miserably.

Natalie bit her bottom lip as she thought about what she should do or say next. Perhaps it was too soon to tell Marisol who she really was and what she was really trying to do, but Natalie honestly didn't know how she could let this poor girl spend one more day in that house with those horrible people.

"What if I could help you?" she finally asked.

Marisol shrugged. "At this point I'd do about anything to get out of that house."

"I'm...I'm not who you think I am," Natalie said quietly.

Marisol looked up. "What do you mean?" she asked, her tone slightly fearful.

"My name isn't Selma," Natalie finally said. "It's Natalie Worthington. And I'm not a waitress, Marisol. I'm an Auror. I can help you..."

"You've... been lying to me?" Marisol asked. "All this time I've been coming in here and talking to you and I barely know you?"

"No, you do know me," Natalie said quickly. "Marisol, we may have met under false pretences, but I consider you a friend. I care about what happens to you..."

Marisol looked back down at the table. "How can you help me?" she whispered. "You don't know my employers. They're horrible people."

"The people I'm working for can protect you, Marisol," Natalie said, relieved that Marisol hadn't run off when she'd told her the truth. "Perhaps we could even find you another job...closer to your home; to your mother."

"That's the only reason I came in the first place," Marisol said. "They're horrible people but the wages are good."

"Are you off work for the afternoon?" Natalie asked. "I'd like to take you back to headquarters so you can talk with my partner."

"I have the rest of today off," Marisol said. "But I don't know..." she was hesitant. "I can't get sacked. My mum needs the money that I've been sending home to her."

"You won't get sacked," Natalie reassured her. "I know you're scared, Marisol. But I want to help you."

"There's nothing anyone can do," Marisol pushed away the rest of her hot chocolate, which had grown rather cold by now.

"You've heard of Harry Potter, haven't you?" Natalie asked, deciding to use anything she could to convince the young woman.

"Of course I have," Marisol replied.

"He's my partner," Natalie said smiling at her. "Well, more like my boss really..."

"My employers hate him," Marisol interrupted. "They always talk about how he ruined their lives."

"He can help you, Marisol," Natalie said. "He'd make sure that you and your mother were safe. I promise you that."

Marisol's eyes filled with tears again. "Why are you doing this for me?" she asked. "No one's ever been nice to me without something in return."

"Because you're my friend," Natalie said honestly. "And I think it's about time you got a break, Marisol. You're a good person in a bad situation. It's time the Malfoys knew that they can't keep getting away with what they're doing."

Marisol stared at her for a long moment. "Okay," she finally whispered. "I'll go with you."

Natalie smiled. "You won't regret this, Marisol."

"I hope not," she said softly.

*** *** ***

Over the past few days, Severus Snape had been able to think of little else than Lucius Malfoy's proposition. He'd mulled over this decision and weighed all his options. There was no way around this. Lucius Malfoy wasn't going to forget about this and he would be coming sooner or later for an answer. And despite what Lucius had on him, Severus knew he couldn't participate in this plan. There was no way he could do that to his former student.

Draco was settled at his desk with a mountain of paperwork when a knock at his door sounded. "Yes?" he asked irritably, thinking it was most likely his father coming to ask him if he'd managed to find out anything more about the Potters that they could publish or if he'd managed to piss anyone off that day.

Snape opened the door and gave Draco a tight smile. "Hello, Draco."

"Professor Snape?" Draco asked incredulously.

"I'm sorry to intrude," he said closing the door behind him. "And I apologise for not making an appointment, but I had to see you."

"No it's fine," Draco was still staring at his former mentor- the only professor at that godforsaken school that he'd actually looked up to.

"How are you?" Snape asked sitting down.

"Busy," Draco replied. "I've managed to take on quite a few patients here, but it's nothing like the practise I had back in Sydney."

"Your father tells me he has big plans for you," Snape said quietly.

"He wanted to be Minister," Draco revealed, knowing he was telling this to someone safe. "But I told him if he wanted my help, it would be me in control."

"And you think Lucius will stand back and allow that to happen?" Snape asked in a low tone.

"He agreed to," Draco said. "Why... do you know something I don't?"

Snape looked around as if wanting some sort of confirmation that they were alone. He knew it was silly, but ever since that meeting with Lucius a few days back, he'd become quite paranoid. "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

Draco's eyebrows knit together. "What?" he asked.

Snape leaned forward. "Your father came to see me the other day. He...he wanted to talk to me about his plans."

"No disrespect sir," Draco began. "But why is he involving you?"

"I asked myself that same question," Snape said getting to his feet, not really comfortable sitting anymore. "He approached me at the Hogwarts' graduation. He said he needed my help."

"With what?" Draco was confused. "I thought everything was going fine..."

Snape didn't know how to say this exactly. It wasn't every day that you told someone their father was plotting to kill them. "I could tell you this, but I think you'd need to see it for yourself, Draco."

"See it for myself?" Draco shook his head.

Snape nodded. "I've brought a Pensieve...."

Draco realised whatever his former professor had to tell him must be of the utmost importance. "Let me lock the door so no one comes in," he said, getting up from his desk.

Snape nodded. "I think that's a good idea."

Draco locked the door and watched as Snape placed the memory of whatever he had to tell him into the bowl. The two men bent over the swirling mass inside.

Draco saw his father pacing in a dark room at Hogwarts castle. There wasn't anything unusual about this. He watched as Pensieve Snape approached his father.

His jaw dropped repeatedly during the course of the discussion between the two men. "He... wants you to poison me?" he finally uttered.

"I could hardly believe it myself," Snape said quietly.

Draco sat back down at his desk, running his fingers through his hair. "I should have known," he said angrily. "I should have known he really didn't want anything to do with me. He just wanted a front man."

"I told him I needed time to think about it," Snape said. "I assure you I had no plans to help your father, Draco. I hope you know that."

Draco didn't respond for a few moments. "I realise that," he said quietly.

"What are you going to do?" Snape asked.

"I don't know," Draco said. "I really don't. I never really trusted him, and I may not even have believed it if you hadn't brought the Pensieve..."

"I'm sure this isn't easy for you," Snape said quietly. "What...what should I tell your father? He's going to want my answer soon."

"Tell him you'll do it," Draco said. "I plan on being long gone before he tries to do anything."

"He's gone completely mad," Snape said, nodding. "I don't know if it was all that time in Azkaban, but I really believe he's lost it, Draco."

"I should never have agreed to this in the first place." Draco raked his fingers through his hair again. "Ginny was right."

"You could be a great Minister for Magic," Snape said thoughtfully. "I always thought so. You were destined for greatness, Draco."

"I'm a pretty great Healer," Draco said wryly. "At least back home I am."

"You're a good healer here too," Snape said, seeing glimpses of the insecure boy from Hogwarts who wanted to be the best, but realizing in his father's eyes, he'd never quite measure up. That side of Draco's personality not too many people got to see.

"But Sydney's my home," Draco said. "It's where Ginny and I were happiest."

"So you'll be going back?" Snape asked.

"As soon as I figure out how to get away from Lucius," Draco no longer wanted to call him father. "If we just go back to Sydney he'll just find us again."

"I'll do whatever I can to help," Snape said.

"Your telling me this was the only bit of help I really needed." Draco said. "It's up to me and my wife now to figure out a way out of this."

Snape nodded. He had a feeling though that Draco and his wife wouldn't be able to do this alone. But he wasn't about to express his doubts now. It wasn't the time. "I'll let you know if Lucius contacts me..."

"Thank you," Draco said, for once in his life meaning the words.

"Good luck," Snape said, extending his hand to his former student.

Draco nodded, shaking the other man's hand.

Without another word, Snape crept out of the office, leaving Draco alone to mull over all that he'd just seen and heard.

*** *** ***

Hermione read the latest edition of the Daily Prophet with a smile. "That press conference turned out to be a great idea," she said.

"That's wonderful," Greta replied.

"Aye," Hermione agreed. "It makes me feel better- like all this will come to pass like everything else has."

"It will," Greta reassured her. "And you'll be stronger because of it."

"People say that every time," Hermione folded the paper. "But I suppose they're all right."

Ethan walked into the kitchen and without a word to his nanny or mother sank down in a chair with his arms folded.

"What's on your mind, little man?" Greta asked.

"I'm bored," Ethan said sulkily. "Saffy's not that much fun to play with, Mum. She just sleeps all the time."

"Well she's a baby Ethan," Hermione said with a smile, smoothing back her son's wild hair.

"Well, she needs to hurry up and grow up so we can play," Ethan said grumpily. "And where's Dad? He was supposed to be home hours ago!"

"She'll be big enough to play with before you know it," Hermione assured him. "And your father will be home soon. He owled me earlier to say he had something to take care of before he could get back here tonight."

Ethan nodded. School had finally let out for the summer holidays, but unlike last summer, he and his family weren't going on vacation. Their annual trip to Brighton had even been called off because Hermione had too much to deal with at the Ministry to take another vacation. It wouldn't have been so bad if all of Ethan's school friends hadn't already departed for holiday.

"Do you think Josh and Jon will come over and help me with the moat?" Ethan asked.

"I'm sure if you ask them they'd be happy to come over," Hermione said. "Why don't you send them an owl?" she smiled. "I know Maddie would drop everything to come over and help. And I recall you saying you wanted her to play here as well."

"Oh yeah," Ethan said. "Well, only if Josh and Jon come."

"So you'd rather be bored if they can't come over right away?" Hermione teased.

"You could play with me," Ethan said with a shrug.

Hermione laughed. "You don't want your old mum to play with you. I'm the one who makes all the rules you hate, remember?"

"You're not that bad," Ethan said smiling at her.

"Gee thanks," Hermione grinned at Greta.

"We could even play that trivia game you gave me last Christmas," Ethan said. "Even though you beat me every time..."

"Sure," Hermione said. "I'd love to play a game with you."

"I'll go and get it," Ethan said getting to his feet.

"He misses you both so much during the day," Greta told her once Ethan had gone.

"I know," Hermione said softly. "I miss him too. And Saffy."

"Things will settle down and you'll be able to spend a bit more time at home again," Greta said.

"I can't tell you how grateful Harry and I are to have you," Hermione said. "You've been a godsend."

Greta smiled. "Thank you- it's been wonderful working with a family who actually cares about their children."

"I don't know how you stood it all those years," Hermione said shaking her head.

"It was all for Nick," Greta said. "I love that boy like I would if I was his mother."

"In all the ways that count, you are," Hermione told her. "He told me so himself."

Greta blushed with pride. "He's certainly risen above his parents- I'm sure your daughter has something to do with that."

"They're good for each other," Hermione said with a grin.

"He's certainly over the moon for her," Greta said. "I knew he was the moment he rang me at home last summer while you were all still at Hillsdale to tell me about her."

Hermione smiled. "Maybe someday you'll be a nanny for their children."

Greta laughed. "If I last that long," she joked.

"Okay," Ethan said coming back into the kitchen carrying the game. "Get ready, Mum. You're going down...."

"Is that what you think little man?" Hermione said as they began to set up the pieces.

"I'm feeling really lucky," Ethan said. He saw the curious look on his mother's face. "I swear I didn't peek at the answers!"

"Better not have," Hermione replied. "Or you'll be stuck doing the dinner dishes tonight."

"I didn't," Ethan said. He heard the familiar sound of his father Flooing home and he called out. "Come on, Dad! You can watch me take Mum out!"

"Hey little man," Harry said. He looked and felt completely exhausted. "I actually need to talk to your mum for a few minutes alone."

"How about you and I play a warm-up game?" Greta asked Ethan.

"Okay," Ethan said. "That way I'll be ready for Mum."

Hermione kissed the top of Ethan's head before following Harry upstairs to their bedroom.

"Please tell me you have good news," she said quietly. "I've had my share of bad for a lifetime."

"It's... sort of both," Harry said, blowing out his breath. "Natalie brought in the Malfoys' maid today. Apparently good old Lucius has been putting the moves on her."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Hermione asked, shaking her head. "That poor girl..."

"That's not all of it," Harry said slowly. "The girl- Marisol- she's told us what the Malfoy's have been plotting."

"What are they trying to do?" Hermione asked.

Harry looked straight at her. "They're plotting to take over your position in the Ministry," he said. "They've been planting the articles to discredit you, and setting us up to look bad in public. That's just the tip of the iceberg."

"There's more?" Hermione asked, still trying to grasp what he'd just told her.

"Too much more," Harry sighed. "We've decided, in light of this, to send Natalie in as Marisol to get some solid proof of everything. That way we can use it to... get rid of them."

"Harry," Hermione said. "That's dangerous. To send her in with those people...are you sure that's the only solution?"

"We'll have people standing close by," Harry replied. "Besides, she won't let on who she is."

Hermione didn't know what to say as she was still trying to process what he'd just told her.

"Why couldn't they have just left us alone?" Hermione asked angrily. "Look at everyone who has to pay for their revenge scheme? Our children, our friends. People we care about. You know, just when I think they can't sink any lower, they surpass it!"

"I know," Harry replied grimly. "This time though they've gone too far. As far as I'm concerned, they've threatened you, though indirectly, and I intend on going forward with pressing charges against them."

"I'm not so worried about Draco and Ginny as I am about Lucius," Hermione said. "I don't know what he's capable of and that scares me, Harry. If he tried to do anything to one of the children..."

"I know," Harry replied. "I've got a few more surveillance guys watching around here and around Julie's home- it helps that she's on holiday now."

Hermione nodded. "Is it ever going to end?"

"This time, yes," Harry said, his eyes glinting in anger.

Hermione walked over to him. "We'll do this, together."

"Damn right we will," Harry said. "She's going in tomorrow night. We have polyjuice brewed already and Marisol's going to slip out tomorrow afternoon and Natalie will take her place."

Hermione nodded and put her arms around him, resting her head on his chest. She felt his comforting arms wrap around her and she felt for the moment at peace.