Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We're so glad you liked the flashback. We have a few of those planned in the near future as well (they feature Hermione/Harry!). But, for now, you get Darla/Hans with Jon and Ron thrown in for good measure and of course the Princess Club!

Back at the beach house, Darla was sitting on her bed trying to read. She'd spent most of the morning alone trying to think about what she should do. She'd told Drew that she was considering moving to New York, but Darla wondered if she could ever do that.

She didn't want her marriage to end, not by any means. She loved her husband and she really thought if they could compromise they could make everything work out.

There was a knock on her door. Darla wiped quickly at her eyes. "Come in."

Ron opened the door. He was carrying a glass of orange juice. "Hey, sweetheart."

"Hi Dad," Darla smiled.

"Thought you might be thirsty," Ron said handing her the glass.

"I am, a bit." Darla said. "Thanks."

Ron saw his daughter's red eyes and he sighed. "You've been crying."

"I miss him, Dad." Darla admitted.

Ron sat down on the edge of her bed. "I know you do, love."

"I don't know why he won't call," Darla whispered.

Drew had told Ron that Darla had left her husband voice mail messages, but so far he hadn't returned her calls. As the days went by, Ron found it harder to keep his mouth shut where his son-in-law was concerned.

"I know you all don't really like him--" Darla began.

"That's not true," Ron interjected. "We just don't like how he's treated you these last few months, Darla."

"But you don't see him when we're alone," Darla said. "He's so sweet and loving... and he's so excited about Rafe."

"Having a child can change the way you look at things," Ron said diplomatically.

"I'd hoped this would make him settle back here..." Darla sighed. "Or... I was thinking of making the move over there."

"You want to move to the states?" Ron asked taken aback.

"I was thinking about it," Darla admitted softly.

Ron did not like the idea of any of his children moving that far away, but if that is what Darla wanted to do, he'd support her.

"I just don't know..." Darla said. "I don't want to move over there and still never see him."

"You need to do what is best for you and your son," Ron told her.

"I'm trying," Darla said quietly.

"Get some rest," Ron said kissing her on the cheek.

"Thanks for the juice," Darla said.

"You're welcome, love," Ron said. He closed the blinds so his daughter could take a kip. He closed the door behind him and took off downstairs. At times like this, he really hated his son-in-law.

As he was entering the kitchen, he ran into Jon who was making a sandwich.

"For Em," Jon said dryly. "My little girl never stops eating..."

"Don't ever let her get married," Ron grumbled.

Jon looked properly at his father. "What?"

"Don't ever let her or Caroline get married," Ron repeated. "Stupid bloody Hans..."

"What did he do now?" Jon asked.

"Or rather... what didn't he do?"

"Darla's thinking of moving to New York," Ron told his son.

"What?" Jon asked incredulously. "But I thought... I thought she told Drew..."

"She doesn't really know what she wants to do," Ron said leaning against the counter. "I'm----I'm going to go and knock some sense into him."

"You're going to New York?" Jon asked. "Dad--"

"Tell your mum I'll be back," Ron said distractedly.

Jon looked incredulously at his father. He knew that if he let his father go off on his own like this, he'd get into trouble. "Hang on. Let me give this sandwich to Em and I'll go with you."

"No--" Ron began but his son held up his hand.

"Mum would kill me if I let you go by yourself," Jon said.

"Fine," Ron said.

Jon picked up the plate and carried it outside to where his wife and Emma were sitting.

"Daddy!" Emma exclaimed happily. "That's a good sammich!"

"Thanks baby," Jon said. "It's all for you."

Emma beamed at him. "Thanks!"

"Al," Jon said. "I'm going to go out for a bit with Dad."

"Okay," Allison said. "To the boardwalk?"

"Not exactly," Jon hedged. "We're going a lot further than that."

Allison looked at him questioningly.

"I'll explain when we get back," Jon promised. "If you see my mum just tell her Dad and I went into town."

"Okay..." Allison replied. "Promise you'll fill me in?"

Jon nodded and leaned in and gave her a kiss. He looked at his youngest daughter. "Em, you're in charge. You take care of your mum for me."

Emma giggled. "Okay!"

Jon hurried back inside.

"Ready?" he asked his father.

"Yeah," Ron replied.

"Do you even know where we're going exactly?" Jon asked his father.

"I was just going to picture Times Square," Ron thought of the famous street he'd seen in films and pictures.

"It's two here," Jon said looking at his watch. "That makes it about seven in New York."

"In the morning?" Ron asked. "Shite..."

Jon shook his head. "No---no---seven in the evening."

"We could put this off," Jon said. "But, then again, they do say that's the city that never sleeps."

"Okay," Ron said. "Maybe if that bastard is sleeping we'll have a better chance of finding him."

Jon just hoped for Hans' sake that the bastard was sleeping alone.

"Okay," Jon said, hoping against hope that they wouldn't be noticed appearing in the middle of Times Square.

Ron tried to focus as he prepared to Apparate.

Jon grasped onto his father and they both disapparated.

It took awhile to pass through all the apparition points, but they finally arrived in Times Square. Jon had never been to the states before and he couldn't help looking up at the lights and tall buildings in awe.

Ron took a deep breath. "Smell that food..."

"This place is this busy at seven in the morning?" Jon asked.

"Apparently," Ron closed his eyes. "There's a bakery nearby..."

"You're like a bloodhound," Jon said to him.

"I can't help it," Ron replied.

"Focus, Dad," Jon said grabbing him by the arm. "We're here for Hans."

"Oh yeah," Ron replied glumly, staring longingly into the foggy windows of a bistro.

"If we have time, we'll grab something," Jon told him.

"That sounds good to me," Ron said.

Jon looked around. "Or maybe not...I left my wallet back at the house. I don't have any money."

"I have some," Ron said. "Harry and I were out this morning- I have some quid, but we'll have to change it to the Muggle American money."

"Hans lives on Park Avenue, right?" Jon asked.

"Yeah," Ron nodded, glancing at the slip of parchment he'd grabbed before leaving the beach house.

Jon asked a passer-by for directions. Luckily, it was within walking distance.

"Just down this way and a few streets over," Jon told his father.

They passed a diner along the way and Ron couldn't help stopping in his tracks. "Bacon..."

"Dad," Jon said exasperatedly.

"Right," Ron said breaking out of his reverie. "Let's go."

They crossed over to Park Avenue rather quickly and Jon groaned when Ron caught sight of a cart on the corner.

"Hot dogs!" Ron exclaimed. "Right here on the street?"

"Hey, buddy!" the vendor exclaimed. "You want one or what?"

Jon pulled on his father's arm. "Not now, Dad. We can stop by before we leave..."

"Mate, you're not going anywhere, are you?" Ron asked the vendor. "I mean, if I come out, you'll be here, right?"

"All day long, buddy," the vendor said.

Ron grinned. "I'll be back!"

Jon yanked on his father's arm. "Hans lives up there."

"Right," Ron said as they approached the building.

"Can I help you?" the doorman asked.

"We're looking for Hans Feinbach," Jon told him.

"Is Mr. Feinbach expecting you?" the doorman asked.

"Not exactly," Jon replied.

"Look, we've had some problems with crazy fans coming up here," the doorman told them.

"We aren't fans of his, trust me," Jon told him. "He's my brother in law."

The doorman looked uncertainly at him. But, he pushed a button on the intercom. It took awhile, but finally, they heard Hans' familiar voice calling back.

"Mr. Feinbach," the doorman said. "Sorry to disturb you. There are some gentlemen here to see you."

"Who?" Hans asked.

The doorman looked at Jon and Ron.

"Jon Weasley," Jon told him.

The doorman told Hans and a moment later, ushered them in. "Penthouse," he told him. "He'll buzz you in once you get up there."

"Thanks," Jon said. He led the way inside. "Dad, remember. We're not going to do anything irrational, right?"

"I'm fine," Ron held his hands up.

They took the elevator up to the penthouse and rang the bell.

It took a long moment, but they heard the buzz that allowed them into the hallway that led to the penthouse.

Hans opened the door. He looked like he had just gotten out of bed. "Is everything okay with Darla?" Hans asked, thinking that could be the only reason they were here. "The baby?"

"Shouldn't you know?" Jon asked in place of a greeting.

"No, he wouldn't," Ron said shortly. "He hasn't returned any of her phone calls."

Hans sighed. "Come on inside."

Jon pushed past him and gazed at Hans's penthouse. He tried hard not to look impressed and had a feeling his father was doing the same.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" Hans asked.

"No," Jon replied shortly.

"Okay," Hans said wiping sleepily at his eyes. "Sorry---I didn't get in until late."

"Why haven't you called Darla?" Ron asked point blank.

"Is she okay?" Hans asked again. "There's nothing wrong with Rafe is there?"

Jon looked at him. "If you cared, wouldn't you have called?"

"I've been on photo shoots all week," Hans explained. "Last night is the first night I've been home in almost two weeks."

"She misses you," Ron told him. "That's how she is."

"I'm sorry--" Hans began to apologise.

"She doesn't know we're here," Jon said. "She'd kill us if she knew."

Hans sighed. "Look--"

Ron stood up and got in Hans' face. "No, you look. You have a wife and a son. She's actually thinking of moving here to be with you, but she's afraid if she does, you'll still act like this way."

"Darla wants to move here?" Hans asked in shock.

"If it would mean saving your marriage, yes," Ron told him.

"Wow..." Hans shook his head. "I mean... I hoped she'd want to but I didn't think she ever would."

Ron looked at him. "You and I haven't always seen eye to eye, Hans. I don't really understand what it is you do, but my daughter loves you, so I accepted that and I tried to get to know you. I welcomed you into my family."

"I know," Hans said uncomfortably. "And I love Darla."

"What's going to happen after Rafe's born?" Jon asked him.

"If she moves here, things will be perfect," Hans said.

Ron was not so sure that would be the case. "If you don't do something, you're going to lose her."

"Lose her?" Hans asked. "What are you talking about? I'll call her right now and things will be okay."

Ron looked at him. "What are you waiting for?"

"You want me to call her right in front of you?" Hans asked.

Jon looked at Ron. "Come on, Dad. We'll go and grab something from the kitchen. I'm sure Hans wouldn't mind. Right, Hans?"

Hans shook his head. "Help yourself."

Hans sat down on the sofa and looked at the telephone.

He picked it up, taking his time dialling his wife's mobile number.

"Hello?" Darla answered sleepily.

"Hey baby," Hans said. "Did I wake you?"

"Hans," Darla said in surprise. "Yeah...I was just kipping."

"I'm sorry," Hans said. He didn't mention her father and brother, choosing instead to say he'd been out of town.

"How are you?" Darla asked.

"Busy," Hans said. "I just got your messages- I haven't been home in almost two weeks."

"Oh," Darla said quietly.

"I miss you," Hans said.

"I miss you too," Darla said. "And so does Rafe."

"How is our little guy?" Hans asked.

"Pretty active," Darla said. "Hans... is there any way you can come home? Even for a day or so?"

"Of course," Hans told her. "I have some time off coming up."

"You do?" Darla brightened. "Really, Hans?"

"I want to see you," Hans said. "We can even start shopping for the nursery."

Darla began to cry.

"Darla?" Hans asked. "Love..."

"I'm sorry," she said. "I'm just so emotional these days..."

"You don't have to apologise," Hans said feeling a pang of guilt. "You've done nothing wrong, Darla. I love you, baby."

"I love you too," she sobbed. "I wish you were here."

"Let me check in with Freddy and I'll be there in a couple of hours," Hans promised.

"Thank you," Darla said happily. "Hans, this will be so great!"

"It will," Hans said softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," Darla said. "Hurry as quick as you can."

"I will," Hans promised.

"See you soon," Darla said softly.

Hans hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen where his brother-in-law and father-in-law were eating.

"Who's Katya?" Jon asked him.

"What?" Hans asked, startled.

"She called you on your mobile," Jon said. "I saw her name on the screen."

"I work with her," Hans replied. "She's part of the same campaign as me."

"Oh," Jon said, nodding.

Hans shoved his mobile into a stack of mail on the counter. "I have to talk to my agent, but I think I'll be able to go back for a few days to see Dar."

"Good," Ron said studying his son-in-law. "You have a really nice place here, Hans."

"Thanks," Hans yawned.

"Al would love this kitchen," Jon said. "I think it's bigger than our house, actually."

"I guess," Hans shrugged. "I'm not in it much. We usually eat out."

"We?" Ron asked.

"Me and Freddy," Hans said. "Or sometimes I go out with Michaela and Kyle."

Ron did not know who those people were. He figured they were models like Hans. Ron really did not understand this type of world.

Hans jabbed at the buttons on his coffeemaker. "Bloody thing," he grumbled.

"Grandpa would love that thing, wouldn't he?" Jon asked Ron.

"Oh yeah," Ron nodded. "Dad would be on cloud nine."

The buzzer went off and Hans sighed. Who else could be here? All he needed was for Drew to be standing outside the door ready to punch his lights out.

"Yeah?" Hans asked pressing the button.

"Miss Bourne is here to see you," the doorman answered back. Hans heard Katya's laughter in the background.

"Fuck," Hans muttered under his breath. "I'll be down in a moment."

"Everything alright?" Ron asked.

"Fine," Hans said. "I have to go down and take care of something really quick."

He didn't give them a chance to respond before he hurried out of the penthouse.

He rushed downstairs. "Katya what are you doing here?"

"You didn't answer your phone," Katya purred. "So, I decided to come and wake you up myself."

"It's half past seven," he pointed out. "Katya, I'm busy. And I told you, nothing's going to happen between us."

"Can't a friend come over and take another friend to breakfast?" Katya asked innocently.

"No," he said sharply. "I'm busy, I told you. After I call Freddy, I'm going to England to spend a few days with Dar."

"Playing happy family?" Katya asked sarcastically.

"She's having my son," Hans told her.

Katya waved her hand dismissively. "Let's go upstairs. I can make you breakfast."

"NO!" Hans said angrily. "Do you understand what that word means?"

"I never take no for an answer," Katya smiled at him. She stepped past him and pushed the button for the lift.

Hans grabbed her arm. "My father in law and brother in law are up there- which means you aren't going to be."

"Ooooh," Katya grinned.

"Go," Hans told her.

"Fine, fine," Katya said leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

Hans pulled away.

"See you later," Katya said before sauntering out.

Hans sighed. He wondered what he'd ever seen in her.

Hans took the lift back upstairs and was relieved to see that Jon and Ron looked as if they were getting ready to leave.

"I still have to call my agent," Hans said. "But I'll be over soon as I hear from him."

"Darla's going to be over the moon," Ron told him. "You're doing the right thing, Hans."

"I want to be there for her and my son," Hans said. "I'll be there soon as I can."

"We'll see you soon," Jon said clapping him on the back. "And---don't tell her we were here."

"I won't," Hans promised.

"Hans," Ron said. "Would you mind lending your old father-in-law some Muggle money? I want to buy some hotdogs..."

Hans chuckled. "Sure..." he reached for his wallet and handed Ron a hundred dollar bill.

"Whoa," Jon exclaimed.

"I don't have anything smaller," Hans said apologetically. "If you go to the bakery on the corner they'll be able to give you change."

"I'll pay you back," Ron promised.

"Dad, aren't you on some sort of diet?" Jon reminded him.

Ron gave his son a pained look.

"Your secret is safe with me," Jon said with a grin.

"That's my boy," Ron relaxed.

Hans laughed. "You can't come to New York and not eat, Ron."

"Exactly," Ron said. "And I plan on taking this opportunity and using it to my advantage."

"I was thinking I'd bring Darla something from the bakery too," Hans said thoughtfully.

"She'd probably love that," Jon told him.

"She is doing okay, isn't she?" Hans asked. "Really?"

"She's been keeping quiet," Jon told him.

"She does that when she's sad," Hans said feeling guilty.

"I know," Jon replied, but tried to keep the sharp tone out of his voice.

"Well," Hans said. "Those days are over."

"Good," Jon told him. "We'll see you in a few hours then."

"Absolutely," Hans said. He couldn't stop smiling as he thought of Darla living here with him. He knew she would come around sooner or later.

His in laws disappeared and Hans grabbed his mobile out and rang Freddy to tell him he was heading out for a few days.

Downstairs, Ron made a beeline for the bakery Hans had told them about.

"Dad, how are you going to explain this to Mum when we get back?" Jon asked him.

"Explain what?" Ron asked.

"Bringing back all these baked goods," Jon replied. He looked at the display case and felt his own mouth water. "Is that----éclairs?"

"Who said we're bringing anything back?" Ron asked wickedly.

Jon nodded. "That's---that's probably a good idea."

"What can I get you?" the woman behind the counter asked Ron.

"Four of those," Ron pointed to the éclairs. "Three chocolate croissants.... two cherry cobbler slices- no make that four of those..."

"Oh, are you having a party?" the woman asked.

Jon shook his head. "No, this is just for us. Can we have some of those chocolate chip muffins, too? Three for my dad and three for me."

"I beg your pardon?" the woman asked. "All... for you?"

"That's just to start, sweetheart," Ron said with a grin.

They spent nearly the entire hundred dollars Hans had given them- saving just enough to stop for hot dogs from the vendor they'd passed earlier.

"We'll just keep this from Harry, too," Ron said to his son.

"And from Maddie and Emma," Jon said.

"We'll bring them back here someday," Ron nodded.

"Sure," Jon replied with his mouth full.

"I still think Hans is hiding something," Ron said thoughtfully.

"Like what?" Jon started on his second hot dog.

"I don't know," Ron said. "But if he hurts my little girl again, I'll make sure he regrets it."

"I'll be right behind you," Jon told him.

"Thanks for coming with me today, Jonathan," Ron said. "I'm glad you did."

"Had to," Jon replied. "Who knows what you would have done here by yourself."

Ron smiled. "I probably would have gotten arrested and THAT would have been hard to explain to Luna."

"Harder than half a bakery in your stomach?" Jon joked.

Ron laughed. "You have the other half in yours, son."

"And it feels great," Jon answered.

Ron patted his stomach. "I've missed eating."

"Why are you on this stupid diet?" Jon asked. "You don't need to lose weight."

"I wanted to get back to the weight I was when I left Hogwarts," Ron said.

"Dad, I'm not even at the weight I was when I was at Hogwarts," Jon pointed out.

"You're not best mates with the wizarding world's Superman, though, are you?" Ron asked him.

"Yeah but you aren't in a competition with him," Jon pointed out.

"Sometimes, I feel like I am," Ron confessed. "Everything comes so easily for him."

"Dad he just went through one of the worst years of his life," Jon pointed out.

"I know," Ron said feeling guilty for thinking that way.

"He's who he is, and you are who you are," Jon said. "And for what it's worth, I'd take you for my dad any day of the week."

Ron grinned. "Thanks, Jon."

"Come on," Jon said. "We have a few dollars left. Let's go see if we can get one of those nut vendors eh?"

"Ooooh," Ron said excitedly. "I forgot about those!"

"Still have some room there?" Jon asked.

Ron grinned. "I ALWAYS have room."

While the Weasleys headed off for more food, Hans was busy arguing with his agent. "I just need a few days," he said. "What's wrong with wanting to be with my wife?"

"We have you booked on two talk shows," Freddy argued. "Not to mention that print ad that shoots tomorrow."

Hans sighed. "I told you that you had to let me know of this stuff in advance."

"Look," Freddy finally said. "You'll have a few days free at the end of the week."

"I'll stay in town tomorrow," Hans told him. "For the shoot. But I can do the talk shows remotely."

"Hans," Freddy started to argue.

"No," Hans said. "I need to go be with my wife. And I need to get away from Katya. She won't leave me be."

"She's harmless," Freddy said dismissively.

"Harmless as a dragon," Hans replied.

Hans could hear Freddy shuffling papers around on the other end of the phone. "Hans, I can give you two days. I can reschedule the print ad and the talk shows, but you need to be back as soon as possible."

"Fine," Hans told him quickly.

"Leave your phone on," Freddy warned just before Hans hung up.

Hans quickly packed a bag, tossing in only what he needed. He hoped Darla wouldn't mind he was only going to be in Brighton for a few days and perhaps would even come back here with him.

He could just see the two of them pushing a pram in Central Park. He could picture the two of them painting the town red. Though, truth be told, his wife had never been one for parties.

That was okay, though. He could still go and just not stay out so late.

He was still worried about Katya. She was going to be trouble. He regretted ever doing anything with her.

At least it hadn't gone further than a few kisses.

His place was with Darla and his son. He knew that now. There had to be some way to live out his dream and have a family.

He finished his packing and stuffed his mobile into his bag before making sure he hadn't forgotten anything then used his wand to Apparate.

Drew had convinced Darla to come downstairs for a snack. "My nephew is hungry," Drew was telling her sister. "He will not be denied."

"How do you know?" Darla yawned.

"He's half Weasley," Drew replied with a grin.

"I know but he also makes me tired," Darla complained.

They heard a pop come from downstairs and Drew groaned. "I swear RJ is really starting to get on my nerves doing that. If he does it again---"

"Let's go eat before he takes it all," Darla interrupted.

"Takes what?" Hans asked coming around the corner.

Darla gasped. "Hans?"

He smiled at her. "Hey, baby."

Darla rushed into her husband's arms. "I didn't think you'd be here so quickly!"

"Neither did I," Drew muttered under her breath.

Neither Hans nor Darla heard her.

"You're really here," Darla said happily.

"I am," he said. "For two days."

Drew resisted the urge to roll her eyes. How big of him, she thought sarcastically.

"Drew and I were just going to get something to eat," Darla said, still holding onto him.

"I'm starving," Hans said before leaning in and giving her a kiss.

Darla embraced him tightly. "I missed you so much, Hans."

"I missed you too," Hans said softly.

Darla closed her eyes as he rubbed her back comfortingly. This was the husband she knew.

Drew left the two of them alone. She knew that this was her sister needed, but it didn't mean she had to like it.

Brian was in the kitchen with Chloe when she came down. "Why the long face?" he asked her.

"Hans is here," Drew replied.

"Uncle Hands?" Chloe asked delightedly.

"Yes, Munchkin," Drew said sitting down beside her daughter. She didn't want to say anything bad about her brother-in-law in front of Chloe.

"I want to go see him!" Chloe pushed herself out of her chair.

"Chloe," Brian called after her, but his daughter was already toddling out of the kitchen.

"Uncle Hands!" Chloe shrieked, tearing up the stairs.

Hans grinned when he saw the little girl. "Chloe!"

The little redhead threw her arms around his legs.

"How's my favourite toddler?" Hans asked picking her up.

"Good," Chloe said. "Daddy's making me a sammich!"

"How is your daddy?" Hans asked the girl.

"Good," Chloe said.

"Have you been taking care of Darla for me?" Hans asked her.

Chloe nodded. "And Rafe!"

"She's been a big help to me," Darla said grinning at her niece. "And so has Liam."

"Who's Liam?" Hans asked.

Darla looked at him. "He's my healer, Hans."

"Oh yeah," Hans replied.

"He can hear the baby," Chloe told him.

Hans looked at his wife. "Hear him?"

Darla laughed. "He tells Chloe that he can hear what Rafe says."

"And what does he say?" Hans tickled his niece.

Chloe giggled. "He's hungry."

"What a coincidence then," Hans replied.

"How about we go and grab a sandwich, too?" Darla asked.

"Yummy," Chloe nodded.

Darla smiled. "Come on, then."

Chloe held onto Hans and he carried her back into the kitchen.

"Alright, Hans?" Brian asked.

"Hey Brian," Hans set Chloe down. "Good to see you."

"Welcome to the madhouse," Brian grinned.

"It's good to be back here," Hans said. "Hey Drew."

"Hello," Drew replied icily.

Darla gave her sister a look.

Drew sighed. "Fine, Hans. I'm fine. How are you?"

"Great," Hans said. "In a few days I'm going to be shooting a huge print ad."

"That's great," Brian said.

"But for the next few days, he's here," Darla said. "And that's all that matters."

"And hopefully, I'll be taking you back with me," Hans said with a grin.

Darla stared at him. "Who told you I was thinking of coming with you?"

"No one," Hans said hastily. "I just thought it would be nice if you came to see me. I'd love to show you the city properly."

"Oh..." Darla said. "Well... that's something we can talk about later, right?"

Hans nodded. "Of course, love."

Darla leaned against him. "Rafe's awake..."

Chloe giggled. "That's 'cause his Daddy's here!"

"Sure is, sweetheart," Darla told her, putting Hans's hand on her stomach.

Hans felt his breath catch in his throat as he felt his son kick.

Darla smiled at him. "He's got quite a foot there."

"Of course he does," Hans said proudly.

"I often wake up to find a foot in my ribs," Darla said. "That's pretty painful."

"Ouch," Chloe said.

"You did the same thing to me," Drew said putting an arm around her daughter.

"I did?" Chloe leaned over and looked at her feet.

"Yes, you did," Drew told her. "You were quite a little kicker."

"I'm sorry," Chloe apologised.

"It's okay," Drew said hugging her.

"It didn't hurt too bad, right?" Chloe asked anxiously

"Not at all," Drew reassured her.

"Okay," Chloe took a bite of her sandwich.

"What kind of magic did you have to pull to get here today?" Darla asked her husband as they sat down.

"Freddy rescheduled some things for me," Hans said. "The shoot, and a few talk shows."

"Wow," Darla said. "Talk shows..."

"The late night ones," Hans said. "Those are fun."

"He'd know all about late nights," Drew muttered. Brian shot her a warning look.

"What?" Hans asked.

"Where've you been the last couple of weeks?" Drew asked before she could stop herself. "Hmm? She left you loads of messages. You couldn't spare two minutes to ring your wife and see how she's doing?"

"Drew!" Darla gasped.

"Chloe, how about you and I finish your sandwich outside?" Brian asked.

"Kay," Chloe replied.

Brian helped his daughter out of the kitchen. He would have grabbed his wife, too, but she was apparently not going to move a muscle.

"Drew, don't start," Darla said when they were alone.

"Go ahead, Drew," Hans said angrily. "Apparently, you've wanted to say this for quite some time."

"You bet I have," Drew snapped. "You're totally self absorbed, Hans. You don't give a fig about Darla and your son!"

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Hans shot back. "I love my wife and my son and where I am and what I'm doing is none of your concern. Mind your own business, Drew."

"Stop, both of you," Darla said, near tears.

"Your sister obviously wants me here and that's all that matters," Hans said glaring at Drew.

"Of course I do," Darla said.

Drew just shook her head.

"Drew, please don't do this," Darla said.

"I'm going outside," Drew said picking up her plate.

Hans shook his head. "I didn't come here to be accused of abandoning you," he said to his wife.

"She's just worried about me," Darla said in her sister's defence.

"But to jump on me like that?" Hans asked.

"She'll come around," Darla said. "I'm just so happy that you're here and I have some support."

Hans nodded.

"I've done a lot of thinking," Darla told him.

"About what?" he asked.

"About us," Darla replied. "I've been thinking of what it would be like to move to New York with you."

Hans grinned at her.

"This is my home though," Darla said. "And my work is here. I don't know if I could move to New York and handle the business on my own."

"You wouldn't have to," Hans told her. "Do you know how much money this whole campaign has made me?"

Darla looked at him. "Not work?"

"You wouldn't have to," Hans said. "You could stay at home with Rafe all the time,"

"I love my work though," Darla said thoughtfully. "I could do both, Hans."

"IF you really wanted to," he said.

"We can come to some sort of compromise," Darla said.

"Sure, baby," Hans reached for her hand.

"I want to make this work," Darla said.

"I do too," Hans told her. "More than anything."

"And I want my family to remember what a great bloke you are," Darla said.

Hans thought of her father and brother who were still likely tooling around New York City.

"I promise my brothers aren't going to beat you up," Darla said with a grin.

Hans laughed. "Would you believe they insured my face?"

"What?" Darla asked laughing.

"Two million," Hans told her.

Darla gaped at him. "Two million on your face?"

Hans nodded. "Half a million on my abdomen."

"I wasn't aware they did that," Darla said.

"If anything ever happens, that's what it's worth to fix me back up." Hans replied.

"In that case, I'll make sure that my family leaves you alone," Darla teased.

Hans gave her a kiss. "Love you, Dar."

"I love you, too," Darla whispered.

"You tired?" he asked.

"I'm sleepy all the time," Darla admitted. "But, Liam said that was normal."

"We could go kip," Hans suggested. "It's pretty early New York time, and I got in late last night."

"That sounds perfect," Darla said.

They finished eating then went back upstairs. "Lying down always feels so good," Darla closed her eyes.

Hans ran his hands through her hair. "I missed lying down beside you."

"That feels good too," Darla smiled.

"You're going to love New York," Hans said softly.

"I hope so," Darla said.

"I know so," Hans said. "You, Rafe, and me. Freddy seems to think we could get the cover of some magazines once Rafe is born."

"Magazines?" she asked.

Hans nodded. "Funny, isn't it? First, they wanted me to hide that we were married and now they want to pay us millions to have the first photographs of our little guy."

"They want to pay us millions?" Darla asked. "Really?"

Hans nodded.

"Damn," Darla said.

"That's what I said," Hans said. "Blew my mind."

"I don't feel right selling photos of our baby," Darla told him.

"It would be tastefully done," Hans reassured her. "And it wouldn't be a tabloid."

"I don't know," she said. "Let's think about it."

"Sure," Hans agreed. He closed his eyes.

Darla did the same, resting her head on his chest.

Hans felt like he was truly home as he held his wife. Things were falling into place. They would make this work and the first step would be her moving to New York.

Meanwhile out on the beach, Chloe had joined her cousins in making an enormous sand castle. Everyone was helping, even Caroline, Mia and Katie.

"Get that bucket," Katie said to Mia.

"Okay," Mia said.

"I think we should build a moat," Caroline said thoughtfully.

"How are we going to do that?" Katie asked disdainfully.

"We could use the spade to dig around the castle," Caroline said, "and then pour water inside."

"It's just going to sink into the sand." Katie said. She still hadn't forgiven Mia and Caroline for going to the princess club meeting and leaving her by herself.

"Not if we build it out further," Mia said looking at the castle. "I think it's a great idea, Caroline."

"Thanks." Caroline beamed at her.

"We're not doing a moat," Katie said matter-of-factly.

"I want a moat," Sukie said.

"You don't even know what a moat is," Katie said rolling her eyes.

"Katie," Caroline frowned. "She's just a little kid... and this is their castle. If they want a moat, let's make a moat."

"Fine," Katie grumbled. "But don't blame me when it falls apart."

Caroline rolled her eyes at Mia who giggled.

"I'm going to get some shells," Katie said.

Ashley chose that moment to stroll up to them. "This castle looks great you guys!"

Sukie smiled at her. "See?"

"It's going to look awful with a moat," Katie said flatly before stalking away.

"Sissy why's Katie being mean?" Emma asked.

Caroline shrugged. "I don't know, Em."

"I don't like her when she's mean," Emma said.

"Me either," Caroline said quietly. "Come on, Em. We'll build a big moat."

Emma nodded eagerly. "Let's go get water. Come on, Han!"

Hannah grabbed a pail. "Okay, Em."

"Two pails," Emma pointed.

"Take mine," Sukie said handing hers to Hannah.

"Thanks Snow," Hannah grinned at her.

Sukie grinned back before she returned to her work.

"She's so cute, Em." Hannah told her.

Emma nodded. "I love Sukie."

"Me too," Hannah said as they filled their pails with water.

Ashley was helping Caroline and Mia when Katie rejoined them. "Where's your stupid boyfriend?" Katie asked haughtily.

"Katie," Ashley hissed.

"Whatever," Katie said sitting down on the sand.

Ashley sighed and shook her head. Her sister was impossible.

"Katherine Rose, you were supposed to clean your room!" Julie called out from the house.

Katie looked at her sister. "I was, wasn't I? Oh, Ashley..."

Ashley looked up. "What?"

Katie grinned. "Go and clean my room."

Ashley stared at her. "You are really something else, Katie."

Katie felt better as she pictured her big sister cleaning her room. "Thank you."

Ashley got up and headed back towards the house without another word.

Katie grinned. This was going to be fun. Too bad, she couldn't have Ashley do her reading assignments, too, she thought to herself.

"Where did Ash go?" Emma asked.

"Back to the house," Katie said happily.

"Why?" Emma asked. "I want her to help."

"She'll be back," Katie told her. "Want to help me pick out some shells?"

"I will," Casey said.

Katie smiled. "Great. We want really pretty ones, Case."

"Right," Casey took another bucket and began to dig in the sand.

"Han and me will help too," Emma said.

"Good," Katie said. "Then we don't have to help build that dumb moat."

"Dumb moat," Casey parroted.

"Case that's not nice," Emma said.

"Dumb moat," Casey repeated.

Katie laughed and began to look for shells.

"Sissy will make a great moat," Emma said to Katie.

"Sure," Katie said dismissively.

"Brit," Casey said looking up and seeing Ashley's best friend.

"Brittany's here?" Katie brightened.

"Cool castle, you guys," Brittany said admiringly.

"It'll be even cooler when we're done," Caroline said.

"Ashley's inside," Hannah told the older girl.

"I'm actually here to see Katie," Brittany told her.

"You are?" Katie asked.

"Yeah," Brittany replied. "I wanted to talk to you about something."

"What?" Katie dropped her bucket into the sand.

Brittany motioned for the younger girl to follow her so they'd have some privacy. Katie stood up and followed Brittany.

"It's about Ashley and Zander, actually." Brittany said.

"What about them?" Katie asked, folding her arms.

"Well... they sort of want to keep things a secret," Brittany said. "And Ash told me you caught them snogging."

Katie nodded. "It was so gross, Brittany."

"They fancy each other," Brittany said. "Can't you just... let them enjoy it?"

"Ashley never does anything wrong," Katie pointed out. "I have this and I'm going to use it."

"Come on Katie," Brittany said cajolingly.

"I'm not going to tell," Katie promised. "As long as she does what I want."

"That's soooooo not cool," Brittany said.

"But--" Katie protested.

"It really isn't," Brittany said. "Just think about it, okay?"

Katie nodded. "Okay."

"Thanks," Brittany touched the younger girl's shoulder.

Katie smiled. "I'm glad you're here."

"Me too," Brittany said. "This place is always so incredible."

"Hans is here," Katie told her. "He just arrived."

"HANS FEINBACH?" Brittany shrieked.

Katie giggled. "Yes."

"You have to tell Ash to introduce me," Brittany said.

"I can introduce you," Katie bragged.

"Right now?" Brittany asked excitedly.

"Not right now," Katie replied. "He's taking a kip with Darla. But, I'm sure they'll be awake for dinner."

"Darn," Brittany pouted.

Katie grinned. "You can be patient."

Brittany poked her. "Yeah, yeah."

Katie felt better than she had all day. She and Brittany rejoined the little girls and Katie didn't even comment on the moat. She grudgingly had to admit that it didn't look that bad.

"Who wants to pour the water in?" Caroline asked.

Sukie raised her little hand. "Me! Me want to!"

"Okay Snow White," Hannah said, giving her the pail full of water.

"Pour it really slow," Caroline told her.

"Okay," Sukie struggled with the pail.

Katie knelt down. "Here, I'll help you, Sukie."

"No," Sukie said. "Do it myself."

Katie smiled. "Okay, Sukie."

The little girl finally managed to tip the bucket into the moat.

"Way to go, Sukie!" Emma clapped her hands.

"Yay!" Casey danced around. "Stupid moat!"

Caroline met Katie's gaze and the two friends laughed. "Not too bad, Weasley," Katie said.

"Thanks," Caroline smiled at her.

Hannah looked admiringly at their work. "This is the bestest sand castle ever. I'm going to go and get Mummy to see!"

"Hurry," Emma urged her.

Hannah nodded and took off for the beach chairs where her mother was sitting with Maddie, Ethan, and Will. "Mummy! Mummy!"

"What's up, baby?" Frankie asked.

"We just finished our sand castle," Hannah told her. "And it's fabulous!"

"I'll have to come see," Frankie said, standing up.

Hannah took her hand and looked over at her father. "Daddy, you come too!"

"All right sweetheart," Will said.

Hannah tugged excitedly at both their hands. "It's so cool."

"That looks great, sweetheart!" Frankie exclaimed when Hannah led them over.

"Aunt Frack, you like it?" Emma asked.

"Very much," Frankie nodded.

Hannah hugged her mother.

"Let me go and grab the camera," Will told the girls. "You want to document this, don't you?"

"What's that mean?" Sukie asked her uncle.

"It means I'm going to take a photo of you girls in front of your big princess castle," Will said. The little girls were excited about this, to say the least and Will jogged back to the house to get the camera.

"Have I told you how happy I am that you and Mas are here?" Frankie asked picking Sukie up and tickling her side.

"Yes," Sukie giggled.

"Where's Mas?" Hannah asked.

"Fish," Sukie replied.

Will came back with his camera. "Okay, princesses. Strike a pose."

Emma, Hannah, Casey and Sukie gathered to the sides of their castle.

"Former princesses, you get in there too," Will told Caroline, Katie and Mia.

"Hurry!" Emma urged.

The three older girls took their places and Will took a couple of snapshots. "Perfect."

"I want this room," Casey pointed to the side.

"Where will Noah and Aidan sleep?" Caroline asked her.

Casey thought about this for a moment. "In the moat!"

"What about the alligators?" Sukie asked anxiously.

"There aren't any alligators in our moat," Caroline reassured her.

"Oh," Sukie said.

"Will Hans Feinbach be coming out on the beach?" Brittany whispered to Frankie.

Frankie looked over at her. "Hans is here?"

Brittany blushed. "Katie said he was."

"I'm sure he'll be out later," Frankie said.

Brittany grinned. "That's great."

Ashley came back out, glowering. "She better not mess her room back up so I have to clean it again."

"How bad was it?" Brittany asked.

"I think she messed it up purposely," Ashley grumbled. "Clothes everywhere..."

"Sounds like my room," Brittany said trying to make Ashley laugh. "Hey...don't worry, Ash. I had a talk with her. I think she'll leave you alone."

Ashley shook her head. "You don't know her."

"We had a nice talk," Brittany said telling Ashley everything she'd told the younger girl.

"We'll see," Ashley didn't look convinced.

"Don't worry," Brittany nudged her. "You and Zander are in the clear."

"Until my parents figure it out," Ashley said. "I was thinking while I was cleaning up Katie's room."

"Thinking what?" Brittany asked.

"I don't know if we should risk it," Ashley said quietly.

"Ashley," Brittany protested. "Come on. You and Zander are great together."

"I don't want to talk about it," Ashley said.

"Okay," Brittany said. "But, you know, you don't always have to be perfect. Your mum and dad can't expect you to follow everything they say."

Ashley sighed. "Let's go look at the castle."

"Okay," Brittany agreed.

Ashley glared at her sister as they came over. "Keep your room clean from now on, Katherine."

"I have a mother already," Katie shot back. "I don't need another one."

"Then clean up after YOURSELF," Ashley said sharply.

"I'll do what I want," Katie said glaring at her.

"Katie!" Caroline called. "We're going swimming! You want to come?"

"Yeah," Katie called back, shooting her sister another glare before hurrying off after her friends.

"She needs to cool off," Ashley muttered.

"Ease up on her," Brittany warned. "You don't want to give her any reason to tell."

"What's going on with you and Ashley?" Caroline asked.

Katie shrugged. "Nothing."

"Why'd she clean your room then?" Mia asked.

"She owed me," Katie replied. "That's all."

"Oh," Mia nodded.

Katie bit her bottom lip. She wanted to tell her friends what she knew, but she had promised Brittany she'd keep her mouth shut.

Caroline ran into the water. "Come on!"

Josh arrived back with the little boys. He'd taken them fishing when Jon had backed out at the last minute.

Luckily Toshio had also agreed to go with them; otherwise Josh wasn't sure he could have handled four active little boys.

"You're still standing," Allison teased Josh. "That's a good sign."

"Just barely," Josh said.

Allison picked up her son. "Did you catch a big fish, baby?"

"This big," Adam held his little arms out.

Allison grinned. "That's my boy. Your daddy is going to be so proud."

"Picture," Adam nodded.

"Where is my brother anyway?" Josh asked.

"He said he went into town with your dad," Allison said.

"They've been gone quite awhile," Josh commented.

"I know," Allison said. "I hope everything's okay."

"Want Daddy," Adam said looking up at Allison.

"I know love," Allison kissed the top of his head.

"Adam," Emma called out. "Come and play with me."

"No," Adam replied.

Emma put her hands on her hips. "Why?"

"No!" Adam exclaimed, louder.

"The boys are tired, Em," Josh said to his niece. "They had a big day on the boat."

Emma looked like she was going to argue but was distracted by a large wave crashing onto the shore.

"How about we all go back to the house and relax a bit before dinner?" Allison suggested. "Em?"

"Okay," Emma said.

As luck would have it, Jon and Ron had just arrived back at the house. Adam perked up the moment he saw his father. "Daddy!"

"Hey buddy," Jon scooped him up.

Adam began telling his father all about the big fish he caught. "Big! Really, really big! Big as Maxi!"

"You caught a fish as big as Max?" Jon asked, wishing he'd been there to see it.

"Good job, Adam," Ron said grinning at his grandson. Luna looked at her husband. "Ronald? You've got mustard on your face..."

"I do?" Ron asked.

"Yes," Luna said stepping closer and wiping at his face.

"Daddy, you smell like sugar," Emma said looking up at him.

"Are you saying I smell sweet?" Jon asked.

Emma nodded, but folded her arms. "Did you go without me?"

"Just a quick trip, baby." Jon told her.

Emma scowled up at him. "Not fair, Daddy."

"We'll go to the bakery later," Jon promised. "Make a quick trip there after dinner."

Emma wagged her finger at him. "We'd better."

"Of course," Jon said. "And I'm sure Adam deserves a giant biscuit or cupcake for catching a big fish."

"Yay," Adam grinned. "Love Daddy."

"Hans is here," Luna told her husband.

Ron cast a look at Jon and they both grinned.