Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks again to everyone who reviewed. The chapter is chock full of Malfoys. But there are also some cute, fluffy moments to balance it all out. Hope you enjoy the chapter and that you will take a few seconds at the end to review and let us know what you thought. Next chapter will be posted on Saturday as usual.

Chapter 11

Ginny leaned against her husband as they walked down the streets of Muggle London. Normally they'd never bother to leave the Wizarding section of the city as the Muggles were so inferior, but Ginny had wanted to get as far away from her father in law as possible. She'd caught Lucius leering at her several times over the last few weeks and it was starting to give her a serious case of the creeps.

"You're awfully quiet tonight, Red," Draco said softly. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing really," Ginny said. "I'm just bored here. I miss Sydney."

"I miss it too love," Draco said pulling her closer. "But we have big plans, don't we? You'll have loads to do as the Minister's wife. Your pretty face will be in all the papers."

Ginny smiled. "On the arm of the best looking Minister they've ever seen."

"Exactly," Draco said. "We're going to have it all, Red."

"I'll probably start doing fundraiser work with your mother," Ginny said, eager to think of ways to keep away from Lucius. "I don't really care about any of that but it looks good."

Draco stopped in his tracks and looked quizzically at his wife. "What parallel universe have I stumbled into here? You are actually volunteering to spend time with my mother?"

"I know," Ginny smiled at him. "But you know she'll want to be involved. And maybe she'll like me better if we do more things to make you look good." Ginny didn't believe a word of what she was saying and she could tell her husband didn't either.

"What's really going on, Red?" Draco asked her.

Ginny wanted to tell him just how much Lucius scared her but held her tongue. "Like I told you," she said. "I'm bored and want more things to do outside the house other than just shopping."

Draco sensed there was more to this than met the eye, but he decided not to pursue the issue any further. He was growing tired of listening to his wife constantly complain about his mother and vice versa.

"You can help plan that big fundraising ball that St. Mungos is having in a few weeks," he suggested. "Party planning is one of your many talents."

"That's very true," Ginny agreed. "No one plans a party like I do."

"Father thinks that will be good publicity for us," he said walking ahead of his wife and not noticing the look on her face at the mention of Lucius.

"Well..." Ginny said in a halting voice. "I'm sure Lucius knows best."

"His methods are a bit unorthodox, but he certainly does know what he's doing," Draco continued. "Did you see that poll in yesterday's paper? The Mudblood's approval ratings are at an all-time low."

That made Ginny's smile more genuine. "It's about time that bitch was cut down to size."

Draco laughed. "And it's only going to get worse."

"I can't wait," Ginny purred.

A few blocks down from where Ginny and Draco were talking their stroll, the Weasley Graduation party was winding down. Nick and Julie stood off to the side as Josh and Jon were trying to hurry everyone along so they could get a look at their new flat.

"What is taking Dad so long with the bloody bill?" Josh asked impatiently.

"He's probably getting some extra dessert," Jon said as he put an arm around Allison.

"I can't wait to see your place," Allison said excitedly. "I'm going to come over every day to help you unpack and set things up."

"I thought you were going to help your mother at the dance studio," Neville interjected.

"I can do both," Allison replied with a smile.

"That's just great," Neville said putting his hands in his pockets. "Just great..."

"Poor Jon," Julie said moving closer to Nick.

"I don't know why Neville's so against them being together," Nick put his arm around her. "Guess that makes me the lucky one that your parents seem to like having me around." he grinned at her.

"They do kind of like you," Julie teased.

"Are you sure you two don't want to come look at the flat?" Jon asked, calling over to them.

"I wish we could," Julie said apologetically. "But it's late and I have to teach tomorrow."

"But you'll come by soon right?" Josh asked. "I really want you to see the place Jules."

"I will," Julie promised, giving him a hug. "You are my friend and I love you, but you Josh Weasley have no sense of style. I'd hate to see how you and your brother would decorate your new place if left on your own."

"That's what me and Allie are here for," Lizzy laughed. "We aren't colour blind like those two."

Ron finally joined the others outside and apologised for taking so long.

"I just had a few things to take care of," Ron said.

"Like some more garlic bread, perhaps?" Harry asked. "Or some tiramisu for the road?"

"Sod off Potter," Ron hid the bag in his hand behind his back.

"And what's that you have there, Ronald?" Harry asked.

"None of your bloody business," Ron said, sweeping a rather tired Maddie into his arms.

"Let's go, Dad," Josh said. "We want to see the flat!"

"Okay," Ron said laughing. He looked at Nick and Julie. "I really wish you two could come along."

"We promise to be by this weekend," Julie said. "I'm just glad I was able to get someone to work for me today otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make the graduation."

"Thanks for coming Jules," Josh said smiling at her.

"Congratulations again, both of you." Julie kissed them on the cheek. "I'm really proud of you guys."

"That goes double for me, cousins," Nick joked.

"Words of wisdom from the big rock star," Jon cracked with a grin.

"And don't you forget it," Nick said. "Come on, Jules. We better get going too."

"See you all later." Julie hugged her parents and Ethan goodbye and kissed Saffron's forehead before allowing Nick to lead her down the street.

"I wish I could take you on tour with me," Nick said softly. He would be leaving in a couple of day's time and while he was excited about the tour itself, he didn't like being away from Julie for so long.

"I wish I could go too." Julie said. "I know this is so big for you, but I wish there was a way you could just stay home." she laughed. "You'd think with apparition and portkeys we'd just be able to go wherever we want anytime we want."

"You'd think," Nick laughed.

"Well, if it isn't our long-lost son," a familiar voice said from behind them.

Nick froze, his shoulders hunching up and he gripped his girlfriend's hand tighter. "Father." he said, his tone cold. "I'd rather hoped I wouldn't run into you again."

"And his girlfriend too," Ginny said smiling at Julie. "Forgive me if I can't remember your name just now---what was it again? Justine? Judith?"

Julie rolled her eyes. "Come on Nick let's just go."

"Ginny and I are both very sorry about the heat your poor mother has been taking, Miss Potter," Draco said with false sincerity. "It must be really hard on your poor family."

"My mother is fine," Julie said evenly. "No thanks to either of you, I'm sure."

"Are you implying that my wife and I have something to do with your mother's inability to run the Ministry?" Draco asked innocently. "You know your mother just got in over her head in my opinion. She thought she could do it all, but the people she governs over have suffered for her ambition. It's a shame really."

"My mother CAN do it all and she has been for almost three years now." Julie snapped.

"Look, you made yourself perfectly clear when I last saw you in Sydney," Nick interrupted. "You don't want to see me again. I don't want to see you again. So why are you two here if not to try and disrupt our peace?"

"Our intentions are completely honourable," Draco said. "I know you've heard about my new position at St. Mungos."

Nick shook his head. "I only know you're here with... my grandparents."

"They are staying with us until they find their own place," Draco said dismissively. He had no desire to clue his ungrateful son in on any of their plans.

Nick's jaw set firmly. "So as long as we stay out of each other's hair we'll be fine." he said coldly.

"Exactly," Draco said in an equally icy tone.

"It really is amazing how much you resemble your mother," Ginny commented looking appraisingly at Julie.

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Julie retorted. "I take that as a high compliment."

"It wasn't meant as one," Ginny corrected her.

"My mother is a beautiful woman," Julie said calmly with a smile.

Ginny laughed. "Your mother is Hermione Granger, right? She's many things my dear, but beautiful isn't one of them."

"Shut up," Nick said furiously. "Why don't you both go on and leave us alone? We were having a perfectly fine evening until the two of you showed up."

"We were just going," Draco said taking his wife's hand. "Good night, Nicholas."

Nick glared back at them without a word and it wasn't until his parents were gone that he realised he was shaking in rage. "I hate them." he said furiously. "How could they insult you that way and expect me to not want to pound them into the ground?"

"They were trying to get a rise out of both of us," Julie said. "Trust me, Nick. It was best to just let them have their say and act as if we couldn't care less."

"If you weren't here..." Nick began.

"I was here," Julie said squeezing his hand.

"Thank Merlin you are." Nick said quietly.

"Let's go home," she said softly. "Let's not let them spoil our nice evening."

"What are you thinking we'll do once we get there?" Nick asked, pushing the thoughts of his parents out of his head and concentrating on the love of his life in front of him.

Julie smiled. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"Does it involve the blue lace thing?" Nick asked.

"Maybe," Julie said coyly.

"I'll wear the leather trousers if you wear the blue lace thing," Nick offered. "And I won't wear anything BUT the leather trousers."

"You're on," Julie said.

Nick pulled her in and gave her a kiss. "I love you Jules." he said softly.

"I love you," she whispered back, knowing that seeing his parents tonight had shook him more than he cared to admit. "Everything's going to be fine, Nick. I promise."

"I hope you're right," he said. "As long as you're here with me I'll be all right."

"I'm not going anywhere," she said smiling up at him.

"That's the best thing I've heard all night." he gave her another kiss.

"Now," Julie said. "Let's go home and get you into those leather trousers..."

"And out of them too," Nick laughed.

"Now THAT'S the best thing I've heard all night," Julie said.

*** *** ***

In light of the bad publicity, Hermione decided to hold a press conference that day to respond to her critics and reassure the public. She was going over some last minute revisions to her prepared speech.

"Are you sure you didn't want to have your children present?" her assistant Sam asked. "It might be a good photo opportunity."

Hermione shook her head. "I would never use my children for something like that Sam, you know that."

"Yes Minister but it might bring in sympathy votes." Samuel Baker was a good second in command but would do anything, absolutely anything, to look good in the public eye.

"Harry and I have always been vocal about wanting to keep them out of the public eye," Hermione told him. "How do you think it would look if we suddenly trotted them out for everyone to see now? Sam, those reporters would call me a hypocrite and you know it."

"Yes Minister," he said, handing her back a section of her speech that he'd been looking over.

"She won't be alone up there," Harry said from the doorway. Hermione looked up in surprise at him.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"You need a bodyguard," her husband said with a smile. "I don't trust these reporters as far as I could throw them. And I don't like you being alone up there without an Auror closer than the back of the room. So here I am."

Hermione smiled. "I'll have the best Auror up there with me."

"That's right," Harry said with satisfaction.

"Now that's going to score us some great numbers," Sam said looking quite pleased with himself. "I'm going to go and check on some last minute things, Minister."

"Right," Hermione replied. "Honestly, sometimes that man makes me want to go mad." she said once he was out of earshot.

Harry nodded in understanding. His wife looked quick frazzled and he could tell she was nervous.

"You're going to have them eating out of your hand," he told her.

"I hope so," Hermione said. "This is the lowest my numbers have ever been. And it's all due to some silly articles."

"This is the Daily Prophet we're talking about Hermione," Harry reassured her. "For all we know, they fudged those numbers to support that rubbish they've been writing."

"I hadn't thought of that," Hermione admitted as they went to the front of the room where her table was set up.

"Before Ethan left for school, he told me to tell you that he wished you luck and that no matter what, he loved you," Harry said.

Hermione smiled. "That makes me feel loads better." she said. "He is so sweet."

"He gets that from me you know," Harry said smugly.

"Aye," Hermione laughed. "He gets lots from you."

Harry smiled. "So how much longer before this all begins?"

"About five minutes," Hermione answered.

Harry touched her cheek. "Just enough time for me to do this..."

Hermione closed her eyes and leaned into her husband's kiss.

"For luck," he said softly when they pulled apart.

"Having you here is all the luck I need," Hermione buried her face in his shoulder.

Sam cleared his throat to alert them to his presence.

"Sorry to interrupt," he said sheepishly. "But I was wanting to know if we could go ahead and let the reporters in. They're going to need to set up."

"Go ahead," Hermione answered, pulling away from Harry and taking her seat behind the table. Her husband sat on her right side and Sam would be seated to her left once the conference began.

One by one, the reporters came into the office taking their seats and talking animatedly to each other. Hermione could make out some snide remarks from some of them, but she was bolstered by Harry's presence.

"Just keep a brave face," he said quietly to her. "You'll get through this and be back on top again."

"Right," Hermione said smiling at him.

Sam put on his most winning smile as he opened the press conference and introduced Hermione.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," he said. "The Minister has prepared a few remarks to open the press conference. Afterwards, she will welcome questions."

Hermione stood up. "Thank you Samuel." she turned to face the reporters. "I called everyone here to discuss and lay to rest some of the comments and rumours that have recently come to light about my personal life and my professional one."

"Some people have called into question my ability to run the Ministry while also caring for my family," Hermione continued. "I won't lie to you and say that it hasn't been hard to balance my position as Minister with my role as a wife and mother."

"Are you going to comment on the recent article about one Gordon Devereaux?" one eager reporter interrupted her speech.

"The Minister will take your questions after she has finished her prepared remarks," Samuel interjected. "Please hold all questions until she has finished."

"I will answer any and all questions about my duties to you, the public as Minister." Hermione continued. "I will be more hesitant to answer any questions about my private life including questions about my children. We have always asked that their privacy be respected and today is no exception. Thank you." she sat back down.

"What about Gordon Devereaux?" the eager reporter asked again. "Is it true that you strung him along and drove him into madness?"

"The situation with Gordon Devereaux happened over twenty years ago," Hermione answered. "He has some mental issues that were not addressed for many years. As for me stringing him along, that is untrue."

"What was your relationship with Mr. Devereaux?" the reporter continued.

"We were friends," Hermione said. "Back when we were students at Beauxbatons and then for a little while, until his mental problems took over, we were friends at University."

"You expect us to believe you had nothing to do with his so-called mental problems, Minister?" the reporter asked.

"I expect you to believe that I'm telling you the truth," Hermione said coolly. "Seeing as I have no reason to lie about it."

"And what about the bad publicity you've received these past few weeks?" another reporter asked. "You've had to deal with rumours of your husband's infidelity. There were those pictures of him accosting a photographer in a Muggle park. Many people thought that you used your husband's name to become Minister and now his name might be tarnishing your own image. How do you respond to that?'"

"First of all, my marriage to Harry has been and remains strong as it ever was." Hermione began. "As you can all see, he's here today to give me support. The reason he was so angry in the park was due to a photographer taking shots of our youngest daughter."

"But even you have to admit he didn't handle that situation in the best way," the reporter commented.

"No he didn't," Hermione admitted, sharing a look with Harry, who nodded. "And if we could, we'd take it back. But we can't. Yet the fact remains is that we agree to pose for photos as long as no one tries to sneak pictures of our children."

"Is it true that your son was missing a few days ago?" a reporter asked and Hermione froze. She had no idea how someone had found out about that. No one outside of the family knew about the incident with Ethan a few days back.

"Not entirely," Hermione replied slowly. "And that's a private family matter."

"Your son ran away, didn't he?" the reporter asked.

"I believe my wife said that it was a private family matter," Harry spoke up.

The reporter smiled. He had Harry Potter right where he wanted him. If he continued on this line of questioning perhaps that fiery Potter temper would emerge.

"He was upset about hearing his father was cheating on his mother, wasn't he?" the reporter asked trying not to smile as he asked the question.

Now Samuel's eyes darkened in anger. "If you keep up with the questions we'll have you removed from this room." he said firmly.

"Fair enough," the reporter backed off, hoping one of his colleagues would follow through.

Samuel sat back down and Hermione sent him a grateful look. "Next please." she said in a calmer tone.

"How are you balancing your role as Minister with your duties as a wife and mother?" a reporter from The Quibbler asked.

"Lately not so well," Hermione said, feeling more relaxed at this question. "But I hope once this hype calms down I'll be able to divide my time like I did before. Having two children around definitely makes things a bit crazier but I do my best to spend as much time with them as possible while fulfilling all promises I made during my campaign."

"And how is the youngest Potter doing, if you don't mind me asking?" the reporter asked.

"She's doing quite well, thank you." Hermione said with a smile.

"And she's letting her mum and dad get some sleep in every now and then," Harry chimed in, causing a few of the less hostile reporters to laugh.

"And your son?" another reporter asked, writing furiously trying to capture every word. "He's in primary school correct?"

"Yes," Hermione said. "And he's quite ready for his summer holidays."

For the next half hour, Harry grew more and more proud of his wife as she fielded every question that came her way. Some of them bordered on quite personal, but she managed to evade those. Until the same reporter who'd been asking about Ethan near the end stood up when they were almost out of time.

"One more question if I might, Minister," the reporter asked with a smirk.

Hermione recognised him and gave a curt nod. "Yes?" she asked.

"Did you know that former model Isabella Marconi is publishing a book about her relationship with your husband?" the reporter asked. When Hermione didn't answer, he continued. "And she claims that their relationship continued for years after you married Potter."

"I would ask her when she decided to start writing fiction novels," Hermione retorted with a smile. "And I would also ask when she learned to write. Good day."

Samuel quickly ushered the reporters and photographers out of the office as Harry congratulated his wife.

"Well done, Hermione," he said giving her a hug.

"Thanks," Hermione smiled as he kissed her cheek. "Can you believe the nerve of that one bloke though? As if Isabella really knew how to put a quill to parchment and write something other than her name..."

"I heard she was desperate for money," Harry said shaking his head. "But I didn't know how much until now."

"I'd feel sorry for her but she's so despicable," Hermione said. "So really, she brought it on herself."

"How did they find out about Ethan though?" Harry asked. "No one knew about that outside of our friends and family."

"I have no idea," Hermione shook her head. "That's just strange- I know Greta would never say a word, and the only other people that knew were Nick and Julie and they aren't talking either."

"We'll get to the bottom of it," Harry said reassuringly. "I'd hate to think someone we trusted was blabbing our secrets."

"Right," Hermione said. "And you said you have an Auror keeping an eye on him at school right?"

"All the time," Harry replied.

"Good," Hermione said. "I'm actually exhausted from that. The last thing I want to do is go back in the office now."

"How about we go home then?" he asked her. "I happen to know a two-month old who would like to arrange a meeting with her mum."

"I don't think Samuel will mind too much if I ask him to take over the meeting I have later today." Hermione agreed. "I miss my baby girl. And I'd love to surprise Ethan by being home when he gets back from school."

"It's settled then," Harry said. "Let's go home."

Ginny was trying very hard to be patient, but Narcissa wasn't making it easy. She and Narcissa were planning St. Mungos fundraising ball. On the one hand, it kept Lucius at bay, but on the other she had to spend countless hours with her dreadful mother-in-law. Ginny kept trying to tell herself that this was the lesser of two evils, but it was really becoming a test of her own will.

"I still think conservative is the way to go," Narcissa was saying. "People like the classics."

"But people like to dress the way they want to," Ginny said, tapping her quill. "This isn't the early 1900's."

"That's the trouble with you young people," Narcissa said frowning at her daughter-in-law. "You think that your way is always right. I was doing this sort of thing before you were out of nappies, Ginevra. You could learn a thing or two from me."

"Well I don't think we're always right," Ginny rolled her eyes. "But I do know what's in style these days and what people like to do and wear despite what you think."

Narcissa sighed heavily before taking a sip of her tea. "You'd better not screw this up, Ginevra. This is going to be a very important night."

"I'm a better party planner than you ever could be," Ginny was finally at the end of her rope. "I've NEVER screwed up a party that I planned."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Narcissa said, her eyes darkening.

"It means I know what I'm doing and I don't need your help," Ginny snapped back.

"You were the one who came to me and asked me to help you," Narcissa reminded her.

"A momentary lapse of insanity," Ginny shot back, throwing her quill down and standing up.

"Fine," Narcissa said standing up as well. "Plan this party on your own. But don't come crying to me when you fall on your gold digging face."

"I am NOT a gold digger," Ginny said furiously. "Draco's worked hard for what he and I have today."

"That's right," Narcissa said. "HE worked hard. What did you do? Paint your nails?"

"I worked as a chambermaid while he went to school," Ginny's face was red with anger.

Narcissa laughed. "If you ask me, someone of your questionable upbringing should still be working as a chambermaid."

Ginny's hand curled into a fist and she might have actually struck her mother in law if Lucius hadn't entered the room right then.

Lucius grinned as he saw his daughter-in-law. She was a fiery one, he thought admiringly.

"Good afternoon, ladies," he said smiling at them, his eyes lingering on Ginny.

"I didn't think you'd be home until later," Narcissa said.

"I finished my business early," Lucius said, his eyes still locked on his daughter in law, who was looking away from them.

"Maybe you can talk some sense into Ginevra then," Narcissa said. "She refuses to listen to a word I say."

"What seems to be the problem?" Lucius ventured closer to her.

Ginny shivered. Something about the way he was looking at her scared her.

"We--we just have a difference of opinion is all," she said still not meeting his gaze.

Lucius glanced at his wife, who rolled her eyes and strode from the room. "Would you like me to say something to her?" he asked Ginny, reaching out to push a lock of her hair out of her face.

"No," Ginny said backing away from him. "I can handle her myself. Thank you."

"Are you sure?" Lucius asked calmly, with a smile the resembled a leer on his face. His eyes skipped down her slender body and back up.

"Positive," Ginny said, walking over to the table and trying to gather her paperwork. Her hands were shaking and she tried to steady herself. The last thing she needed was for him to see her rattled.

"Where's my son this evening?" Lucius asked in a drawling manner, blocking the doorway.

"He should be home any minute," Ginny answered shakily. "Could you please let me by? I have some letters I need to go through..."

Lucius smiled coolly and moved over the slightest bit.

Ginny tried to brush past him, but he grabbed her arm. "What?"

Lucius's smile grew. "I just wonder what a firecracker like you is doing with a waste of time like my son," he said.

Ginny stared at him. "I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me," Lucius said.

"I love your son," Ginny answered. "And he loves me. And he is most certainly not a waste of time. He's an outstanding healer and he's going to be a fantastic Minister for Magic."

"Not without my help," Lucius said, still blocking her way out.

"Draco could do this without you," Ginny told him defiantly.

"I highly doubt that," Lucius said silkily, leaning in. "Draco couldn't work his way out of a paper bag by himself."

Ginny squirmed to get away from him. "Why are you offering to help him if you think he's worthless? Why would you do that, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Because I want the name Malfoy to mean something again," Lucius's smile slipped off his face.

"Draco will do that and more," Ginny said, finally managing to get past him. "Now, if you'll excuse me..."

"I'll see you around, Ginevra," Lucius said in a low tone.

"Not if I can help it," Ginny said under her breath as she sprinted up the stairs. She could feel his eyes on her the entire time.

*** *** ***

"It's so nice that she's been easing into a sleep pattern," Hermione said to Pansy as the healer checked Saffron over. "And she's stopped crying so much too."

"And she gets cuter every time I see her," Pansy said smiling down at the baby.

"I'd have to agree with you," Hermione laughed. "Of course, I'm biased as can be..."

Pansy laughed. "I caught your press conference on the wireless the other day. Fantastic job, I have to say."

"Thanks," Hermione said. "It was nice to put a lot of those rumours to rest."

Pansy gingerly handed Saffron back to Hermione.

"What was all that rubbish about Ethan? He tried to run away?"

"He saw the article about Harry and Natalie, and he didn't understand that it was fabricated," Hermione said. "So he ran off because he was upset."

Pansy nodded. "He understands that none of that was true, right?"

"He does now," Hermione replied. "After we grounded him for running away."

"I wonder how someone found out about that," Pansy thought aloud.

"We've been trying to figure that out too," Hermione set Saffron back in her pram.

Pansy scribbled some notes on Saffron's chart. "How about I walk you two out?"

"That sounds lovely," Hermione said.

There was a man standing in the doorway to Draco's office and Pansy just shook her head. In the short time Malfoy had been here, he had people from all over coming over to kiss his arse and sing his praises.

Hermione followed her gaze and narrowed her eyes. "That's the reporter that knew about Ethan," she whispered to Pansy.

"Really?" Pansy whispered back. "What do you...of course. He's obviously in cahoots with Malfoy."

Hermione's eyes narrowed even further. "What the hell is his plan?" she asked.

"I'll be in touch," the reporter said to Draco and right before the man turned his head, Pansy closed her office door so he couldn't see them.

"There's something else I think you should know," Pansy said keeping her voice low. "I caught Draco on Gordon Devereaux floor the other day. I didn't know why he was there because he doesn't specialise in that sort of healing, you know? But now it all makes sense. "

"Gordon!" Hermione exclaimed. "That bloody bastard! I KNEW Draco was behind these articles showing up!"

"What are you going to do?" Pansy asked.

"I'm going to tell Harry about this for starters," Hermione replied. "I just don't know what his agenda is. I mean, why move here just to plant ridiculous articles about me and Harry? They've made it obvious they don't care about Nick so he can't be the reason they're here."

"You would think he wouldn't be seeking revenge for things that happened years ago," Pansy commented. "And though I hate to admit it, he did have a good reputation in Sydney. I don't know why he would come here. For all intents and purposes, his job here is kind of a step down from what he had in Australia."

"Maybe Harry will know what to do," Hermione opened the door back up. "Good, that reporter is gone."

"I'll keep an eye on Malfoy for you here," Pansy offered. "Let you know if I notice anything out of the ordinary."

"Thank you Pansy," Hermione said gratefully. "I'll see you in a month if not sooner."

"Good luck, Hermione," Pansy said, watching as her friend walked away pushing Saffron in the pram. "I think you're going to need it."

Hermione smiled at the healer as she left the office. She headed straight for the Ministry building, pushing Saffron's pram in front of her as she headed for the Aurors section.

Harry was eating lunch at his desk when he looked up and saw his wife.

"This is a nice surprise," he said walking around the desk. "Two of my favourite girls in the whole world..."

"Hello love," Hermione greeted her husband. "I wish this was a social call but it really isn't..."

Harry reached into the pram to pick up Saffron. "Saffy's okay, isn't she?"

"She's fine," Hermione replied. She quickly told him about who she'd seen in Draco's office and what Pansy told her.

"Why am I not surprised?" he asked when she'd finished.

"I don't know why I am." Hermione replied as Natalie came back in the room.

"Oh, hello Minister," Natalie said. "I didn't mean to interrupt."

"Quite all right Natalie," Hermione smiled at her. "How are you?"

"Very well thank you," Natalie replied. "And how is Miss Saffron today?"

"She's doing just fine," Harry grinned, wiggling one of Saffron's tiny hands at Natalie.

Natalie smiled and sat down at her desk.

"What do you think we should do?" Hermione asked her husband. "He's definitely got an agenda here, but what?"

"I'm not sure," Harry mused, kissing his daughter on the side of her head. "Maybe... I wonder if there's a way to get someone in there with polyjuice or something... to see if they'd talk if they don't know they're being overheard."

"Excuse me sir," Natalie said looking up from her paperwork. "I don't know what sort of situation you're talking about here, but when you're trying to do surveillance like that, wouldn't it be best to use the polyjuice to turn someone into a servant---like a maid or a butler?"

Harry looked at Hermione. "I'd bet my right arm they have a maid," he said slowly.

Hermione nodded. The Malfoys would most certainly have a maid. "We just need to find out who that is." She looked over at Natalie. "Brilliant suggestion, Auror Worthington."

Natalie's face glowed. "Thank you Minister."

Harry looked at his trainee. "Natalie, how would you like to do some preliminary surveillance?"

"You want me to go in?" she asked in surprise.

"Not just yet," Harry said quickly. "I want you to try and find out where the Malfoys are staying. If you go by in the early morning, you'll probably be greeted by someone in their staff. You can just make something up about getting the wrong house or something..."

Natalie was excited. "You mean you're really going to let me do field work on my own?" she asked.

"This was your idea after all," Harry said smiling at her. "And I think you're more than capable of doing this."

"Wow," Natalie's face was flushed with pride. "I'll do my best sir. I really will. I'll start tomorrow morning!"

Harry smiled. "I know you will, Natalie."

Hermione smiled at her and then looked back at Harry. "You should probably talk to Remus before sending her anywhere," she reminded him. "To make sure she has the proper warrants and papers and such."

Harry nodded. "You know if this whole Minister thing doesn't work out for you, I think we'd have a place for you here as an Auror, Mrs. Potter."

Hermione shook her head. "The Minister thing is working out just fine for me, Mr. Potter. I'll leave all the daring and dangerous work to you."

"What do you think, Saffy?" Harry asked looking at his daughter. "Do you think Daddy can handle that? Um, Hermione....I uh---would changing dirty nappies constitute daring and dangerous work? Or would that fall under your jurisdiction?"

Saffron cooed up at her father and reached for the swatch of black fringe that fell into his eyes.

Hermione laughed. "I think she wants you to change her love."

"Nooo..." Harry tried to push her little hand away but Saffron grabbed onto his hair and pulled. "Hermione!"

"Sweetheart, don't hurt Daddy," Hermione said stepping in to offer her help. "Take note, Natalie. If he gives you any trouble, just yank at his hair."

Natalie laughed. "I'll keep that in mind Minister."

"I'll let you two get back to work," Hermione said taking Saffron back from Harry. "We should probably be heading home."

"I'll see you later," Harry winced at his reflection in the mirror above Natalie's desk. "Bloody hell, I'm going to be bald in another year if she keeps pulling at my hair!"

"You could always get a hair cut so you wouldn't have that problem," Natalie suggested, stifling a giggle.

"Lose this?" Harry scoffed, running his hands through the messy inky black strands. "I've kept it this way for years. I'm not about to change it now."

"I'm sure Saffy will grow out of her grabbing stage," Natalie said helpfully.

"Eventually," Harry grimaced as he kissed his wife and daughter goodbye.

"Will you be home late tonight?" Hermione asked.

"Soon as I can be," Harry said. "Natalie and I will go talk to Remus about this and get the necessary paperwork filed."

"Okay," Hermione said. "I'll see you when you get home then."

"Bye love," Harry said, watching as she left the office.

Natalie concentrated on her paperwork trying to curtail her excitement about her upcoming fieldwork. She couldn't wait to tell Tristan about it.

Lucius couldn't sleep. He was beyond frustrated. It was extremely difficult to sleep next to his wife when he was thinking about the feisty redhead a few doors down. She was certainly proving to be a challenge.

Deciding a nice glass of brandy would do the trick, Lucius made his way downstairs and into the kitchen.

Marisol was up late setting the table so she would have less to do that next morning and she wouldn't have to risk either of the Malfoy women yelling at her for not having her job done fast enough.

"Well, well, well," Lucius drawled looking at the maid. He couldn't remember her name, but she was quite pretty---for a servant.

"Good evening sir," Marisol nervously dropped into a curtsey. "I'm sorry if I woke you sir. I was just getting a head start on tomorrow's duties."

"You didn't wake me," Lucius said lasciviously.

Marisol didn't know what to say so she nodded and turned back to her work.

Lucius walked over to the liquor cabinet and helped himself to the brandy. He could have asked the girl to get it for him, but he was too busy admiring her body as she bent over the table.

She was aware of Mr. Malfoy's eyes on her as she worked, and she tried to ignore it but his stare was starting to make her extremely nervous. "Is there anything I can get you sir before I retire?" she asked timidly.

"That depends," Lucius said huskily. "What are you offering?"

"I... I'm afraid I don't know what you mean sir," Marisol trembled as he came closer to her.

"It's your job to satisfy my every need, isn't it?" he asked cornering her.

Marisol turned her head as he leaned in. "Not... no sir. Not this way."

Lucius put his hands on her shoulders. "I could make it worth your while, my sweet."

"I have someone back home sir," Marisol shook her head. "I couldn't possibly..."

"And I have a wife," Lucius interjected. "I won't tell if you won't."

"No sir," Marisol said, feeling a bit bolder. "This is not my job."

"You know where I am if you change your mind," Lucius said, deciding to drop it for now. Besides, the maid wasn't the woman he really wanted. She was just going to be someone to pass the time with.

"I won't sir," Marisol said, still feeling bold.

"Fair enough," Lucius said, but he kept his hands on her shoulders. "And I trust I don't have to warn you of the consequences if you tell anyone about my proposition."

"I don't think your son would like hearing about it," Marisol tried to squirm away from him but his grip was tight.

"Whose word do you think my son would take?" Lucius asked her. "Mine or some lowly maid?"

Marisol looked away and didn't answer; she just prayed he'd leave her alone.

"You'd better run along to bed," Lucius said with a grin.

"Good night," Marisol choked, finally able to pull away from him.

Lucius drained his glass and thought briefly of having another. It was going to be a long night with that cold creature lying beside him. Once he was minister, he wouldn't have to worry about that. He'd have everything he'd always wanted---and that list now included his son's wife.