Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: We're glad that last chapter helped some of you feel better after our long weekend- but keep the faith guys! We still have one more book and JKR just may have a twist up her sleeve. We're not giving up fanfic anytime soon and there's PLENTY more coming that we hope you guys will like!

This chapter marks the end of the Malfoy saga (yes already haha) and some of you may be pleased, others not. It also marks a rather big occasion for Nick and Julie, and brings everyone up to speed to the last chapter of Hillsdale Nights which was Chiaki's wedding.

Enjoy, and please let us know what you think!!

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at the Potter household that night. Saffron and Ethan were both sleeping soundly and Greta, for once, managed to turn in early as well. And if it weren't for the silencing charm Hermione had cast on her study, people would must definitely know that things were far from peaceful and quiet.

"You do realise that the two of you can't be just dancing around during the ball," Draco was saying. "With the way the two of you are, you'll get caught up in each other and showing off for everyone that the whole plan will fall apart!"

"And how the hell would you know anything about us?" Harry snapped back. "You and Ginny are good at sneaking off yourselves!"

"Oh come off it, Potter," Draco sneered. "No wonder your poor wife is knackered..."

"Enough!" Hermione said sharply. "Can we please concentrate here so we can finish up with how we're going to pull this off if the ambush in my office doesn't work?"

"Yes," Ginny agreed. "The sooner this is all over with the happier we will be."

"You can say that again," Harry muttered.

"Note the date and time, Red and Granger actually agreed on something," Draco commented dryly.

Both women glared at him.

"Okay, okay," Draco said patting his wife's knee. "I was only making a joke."

"I'll thank you to remember that my last name is Potter now, and has been for many years." Hermione was exhausted and feeling quite crass.

"We know," Ginny snapped. "You remind us all the time. And here I thought you'd be quite the feminist and keep your maiden name."

Downstairs, Ron dusted himself off. He didn't mean to arrive so late, but he needed to talk to Harry about Neville. Neville was taking the term overprotective father to a new level and was promptly driving Ron crazy.

"Harry?" Ron called out.

"And I don't find that to be any business of yours," Hermione glared at her. "I was happy to take my husband's last name." her voice would have carried out of the room but for the silencing charm.

"Yeah, that's not the only thing you were happy to take," Draco muttered.

"You know I've had just about enough of your mouth, Malfoy," Harry retorted.

Ron quickly walked upstairs and made his way down the corridor to Harry and Hermione's bedroom. "You guys decent? I'm coming in!" He covered his eyes with one hand and used the other to open the door. But to his surprise, they weren't there.

"We're helping YOU, remember that," Harry was intent on putting the Malfoys in their place and keeping them there. "Remember that." his eyes were dark.

Ron approached Hermione's study and again covered his eyes before opening the door. It was just like the two of them to be having a quickie in there and Ron didn't fancy seeing that...again.

"If you two are shagging, I apologise for interrupting," he called out as he entered the room.

"Ron," Harry stopped his tirade as his friend walked in unannounced. "What are you doing here?"

Ron still had his eyes covered with his hands. "I need to talk to you about Neville, Harry. He's driving Luna and me mad..."

"Ron," Hermione sounded exasperated.

"What?" Ron asked dropping his hand. He stared in disbelief at the sight before him. "What the hell--?"

"What are you doing here Weasel?" Draco smirked.

"Me? What am I doing here?" Ron asked trying to take all this in. "What are you doing here Ferret?"

Harry put a hand on Ron's arm. "I'll explain to you tomorrow," he said. "Right now... we're... well we're just..."

"You'll explain right now," Ron interjected. "Why are they here? This is just...bizarre, Harry. Have I stumbled into some parallel universe where you and that wanker are friends?"

"Fuck no," Harry and Draco both answered at once.

Ron just shook his head. "I think I need to sit down..."

"We just needed their help with... something," Ginny tried to explain.

Ron stared at his sister. "With what, Ginny?"

"With um..." Ginny clearly didn't want to tell her brother what their plans were or what had been going on.

"Ron," Hermione said kneeling down in front of him. "We would love to tell you about what is going on, but it's really not something we can discuss right now, okay? I promise you that as soon as this is all finished, we'll tell you every single detail."

Ron looked unconvinced. "This involves my sister," he snapped. "What the hell is going on here?"

"Now you care about her?" Draco snapped. "That's just rich, Weasel."

Ron launched out of his chair, his fists clenched. "You'd do well to shut up Malfoy. Once a ferret always a ferret."

"Can I talk to my brother alone, please?" Ginny asked.

"I'm not leaving you alone," Draco said stubbornly.

"He's my brother," Ginny said rolling her eyes. "He's not going to do anything to me, Draco."

Draco wanted to protest but the look on Ron's face was murderous. "Fine, I'll be right outside." he grumbled.

"We'll just go check on Saffron," Hermione said, taking Harry's hand and leading him out of the study.

"Okay," Ron said when they were alone. "What's going on, Ginny?"

"Well..." Ginny twisted her hands together and decided not to tell her brother everything- he'd find out soon enough. "Um... Draco's father, he... tried to um..."

"He tried to what, Ginny?" Ron asked.

She thought about that night again, how Lucius's hands had been all over her body, his lips so rough, and how he'd looked at her since, both as if they shared some sort of secret and sometimes she caught him looking at her in disgust. But at least he'd maintained his distance finally. "He tried to... force himself on me." she whispered.

"HE WHAT?" Ron asked. No matter what had happened in the past, Ginny was still his sister and he wasn't going to let Lucius Malfoy get away with something like that. "I'll kill him!"

"Get in line," Draco said from the doorway, where he'd obviously been eavesdropping.

"Draco!" Ginny said turning around. "You said you would let us talk in private!"

Ron could care less whether Malfoy was there or not. "You let him do that to her?"

"I wasn't there," Draco turned stormy grey eyes on his brother in law. "Do you really think I'd purposely let that jackass hurt her?"

"I'm sorry, Gin," Ron said ignoring Draco. "Are you okay?"

She shrugged. "Okay is one way of putting it," she replied.

"So because of this, you're helping Harry and Hermione?" Ron asked gently.

"We want to put him where he belongs," Ginny offered. "It'll benefit all four of us, or so Draco says." she looked over at her husband.

"Can I do anything to help?" Ron asked and for the first time in quite some time, he saw a little of the girl his sister used to be.

"We're doing fine," Draco said, standing next to Ginny, a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sure Mum could help," Ron offered.

"No!" Ginny said. "You can't tell her Ron, you just can't say anything to her about this!"

"She wouldn't judge you Ginny," Ron assured her. "And you know she'd love to see you."

Ginny shook her head. "I've hurt her enough Ron. Just leave it be."

"Ginny--" Ron started to protest, but he thought better of it. "If that's what you want, I won't fight you on it."

Ginny nodded and looked away out the window, not saying any more.

Ron knew he should probably go and he stated making his way toward the door, but he stopped and walked over to his sister.

"I know things haven't been great between us for quite some time," he said quietly. "But no matter what, you're my sister, Ginny. And...and I hope you know that if you're ever in any trouble, I'll help you any way that I can."

"Thanks," she said in a quiet, defeated tone. Draco's face remained expressionless although his eyes were still cold.

Ron opened his arms to give her a hug and for a moment, he wondered if she'd tell him to piss off or something like that.

Ginny stared at her estranged brother for a moment before letting him envelope her in a quick, familial hug.

"Take care of yourself Ginny," Ron said softly. He somehow couldn't shake the feeling that this was the last time he'd see her.

"You too," Ginny said hoarsely.

Ron let her go and nodded curtly at Draco before walking out of the study.

*** *** ***

"When did you say you told him to come?" Hermione asked Draco. All four of them were nervous- their plan to ambush Lucius into admitting what he'd done was taking place that day and tempers were running high.

"Two," Draco replied. "We still have some time..."

"Right," Hermione rubbed her hands together briskly. "So you told him you had some dirt on me that would discredit me completely."

"Yes," Draco said impatiently. "I told him it was foolproof."

"So you definitely think he'll come right?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Draco said. "You know for a hero, you're awfully insecure, Potter."

Harry glared at him. "Your father is threatening my wife. Damn right I want to make sure everything goes the way it's supposed to."

"Can we please get through this without any more of your sarcastic remarks?" Hermione asked Draco.

"I'm not the only one!" Draco snapped back at her. "Perfect Potter over there is giving as good as he gets."

"How old are you?" Hermione asked.

"Sod off, all of you," Ginny snapped. "I'm so sick of listening to everything!"

"She's right," Hermione said. "We need to remember what we're all here for."

"Fine," Harry said shortly.

"What about Narcissa?" Ginny asked. "We've kind of forgotten all about her in this. What are we going to do about her?"

"She'll most likely come along," Draco said. "If I know my mother at all, she'll want to witness this."

"So we can nail her as an accomplice." Ginny replied.

"She has no idea about Lucius' behaviour?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Not as far as I can tell," Ginny said, still uncomfortable with talking about what had happened.

Sam poked his head in the office. "Minister? The guards downstairs said that Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy have just arrived. They should be here shortly, Minister."

"All right," Hermione said wiping her sweaty hands on her robes. "Samuel, will you please stay with us while they're here?"

"Of course," Samuel said eagerly.

"Thank you Samuel," Hermione said.

Ginny squeezed Draco's hand. "Tell me that once we do this everything will be okay?"

"If all goes well, then they'll go to Azkaban and we'll go back to Sydney," Draco said softly. "Just you and me."

"Sounds like heaven," Ginny whispered.

"Right," Draco pecked his wife's cheek.

"We can do this right?" Hermione said in a hushed tone to her husband.

"Of course we can love," Harry replied. "I've got my wand and four Aurors on standby in case he tries anything."

Hermione nodded. "I love you."

"Love you," Harry pressed his lips to hers in a quick, light kiss. "We'll be fine."

Samuel walked out of the office so he'd be there to welcome the elder Malfoys. Ginny steeled herself to come face to face with Lucius for what she hoped would be the last time.

"Relax Gin," Draco said in her ear. "I won't let him touch you, I promise."

Ginny gave him a weak smile in response. From just outside the office she could hear Samuel's muffled voice as he played his role to the hilt.

Harry and Hermione assumed scowls on their faces as Lucius and Narcissa swept into the office like they owned it.

"Well, well..." Lucius said with a smirk. "We meet again Potter."

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked angrily. "First your son shows up here saying he has something to tell us and now you...."

"We're here to put the Malfoy name back in the spotlight," Lucius said, sneering.

"I don't see what that has to do with me," Hermione said stepping forward. "I am a very busy woman and I don't have time for these games, Mr. Malfoy."

"You won't be busy after today, Minister Mudblood," Lucius's tone was superior. "My son will be stepping into your shoes and doing a much better job as the Minister for Magic."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione asked indignantly. "Your son isn't going to do any such thing!"

"Oh yes he is," Lucius's eyes narrowed into slits.

Draco stood between them. "Minister for Magic, right Father? It's what you've always wanted...for me right?"

Lucius's smirk faltered for a moment. "Of course it is. You're the one who can bring pride back to the Malfoy name."

"Of course I am," Draco said quietly.

Narcissa eyed Hermione with disdain. "I don't know how they allowed such a plain Muggleborn witch to be elected in the first place."

"Play nicely Narcissa," Lucius lectured. "She'll be gone soon enough."

"That's right," Draco said. "You remember that big news I had for you right Father?"

"Of course Draco, that's why we're here," Lucius said impatiently.

Draco nodded. "Yes, we are here to discredit the Minister. We've worked so hard on doing just that these past few weeks, haven't we?"

"We have," Lucius eyed him. "Of course, I've done most of the legwork here..."

"When you haven't been doing other things," Ginny muttered.

"What is that supposed to mean, Ginevra?" Narcissa hadn't missed her daughter in law's remark.

Ginny met Narcissa's gaze. "If you want an answer to that question, perhaps you should ask your dear husband."

Narcissa rolled her eyes. "Lucius what is this daft girl talking about?"

"I'm sure whatever it is, it's not important," Lucius said dismissively. "Come now, Draco. Tell us your news."

Ginny shook with uncontrollable rage as her father in law brushed off what he tried to do and she looked over at her husband. "Yes love, why don't you tell them." she said through clenched teeth.

"Of course," Draco said squeezing her hand. He was just as ready as she was to finish this. But he wanted to savour his father's defeat. "When I heard this news, I was shocked to say the least." He looked at his father. "I could hardly believe it. To believe that someone was capable of something like that, but then again I should have known better."

"Will you just get on with this?" Lucius asked. "I'd like to try out my-- I mean your new desk."

Draco smirked at his father's slip of the tongue. "Right, Father. Patience was never one of your virtues, was it?"

"Never has been and never will be," Lucius snapped.

Draco folded his arms. "Well let's not keep you in suspense any longer then. As you know I worked long and hard to find some way to discredit the Minister. And I was at the end of my rope really. She's such a goody-goody, you know? She's always done things by the book..."

"Always have, always will," Hermione interjected, sending Lucius a venomous yet smug look.

"And then I received a visit from an old friend," Draco continued. "You remember Professor Snape, don't you Father?"

Draco watched closely as Lucius paled momentarily. "Of course I remember Severus," he covered smoothly.

"Have you had a chance to meet with him since your release?" Draco asked innocently.

"No," Lucius lied. "What does that greasy idiot have to do with this?"

"Everything," Draco replied staring at his father. "He has everything to do with this, doesn't he?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Lucius was growing angry.

Draco laughed. "Really? Well, they do say memory is the first thing to go. Perhaps it slipped your mind..."

"We didn't come here today to play games Draco," Narcissa was also growing tired of her son's banter. "What is this big news?"

"I'm not playing games, Mother," Draco said. "In fact, I've been the only one in our so-called family who has played it straight right from the beginning."

"You've got that right," Narcissa muttered, glaring at her daughter in law.

"Draco, I've had about enough of this," Lucius said in a bored tone. "What is this dirt you have on the minister?"

"Yes Malfoy," Harry said, playing along. "What is it that you have on my wife?"

Draco paused a moment for dramatic effect. "I know what you planned to do," he said to his father. "Snape told me everything."

"What are you talking about?" Lucius snarled.

Ginny put her hand on Draco's shoulder for support.

He stared at his father for a moment wanting to savour every moment of his downfall.

"Let's see," Draco said thoughtfully. "Where to begin? You would do everything in your power to help me become Minister, playing the supportive, proud father, right? And then as soon as I made it, you were going to have Snape concoct a potion to poison me, but not before I named you as my successor."

"Of course you would name me as your successor," Lucius hissed. "Who else would be able to help you in such a position?"

Ginny stared at Lucius in disbelief. "You were plotting to murder your own son, you bastard!"

"You stay out of this you little bitch," Narcissa's eyes were angry slits.

"Stay out of this?" Ginny asked her. "Stay out of this? I wanted to stay out of this, but your husband wouldn't let me. Why don't you ask him what he's been up to while you've been sleeping? Why don't you ask him what he does when you're not around, Narcissa? Better yet, ask Marisol...I'm sure she'd tell you as well as I could!"

"You shut up," Lucius snapped. "You little vixen, trying to pin all this on ME!"

Lucius made a move toward Ginny, but Draco shoved him away. "DON'T YOU EVER TOUCH MY WIFE AGAIN!"

"Why would I want to?" Lucius sneered. "She's been used, and I'm sure not just by you."

"What about Marisol?" Harry asked stepping forward.

"Who?" Lucius asked, flaring up at Harry. "Why don't you mind your own business, Potter? This doesn't concern you and your Mudblood."

"Actually it does," Harry levelled his wand at Lucius's throat. "Seeing as how you planned on taking over her position and therefore threatening her."

"Put that away before you hurt yourself, Potter," Lucius said. "I imagine you're quite pleased with yourself, eh? You managed to turn my own son against me by filling his head with these lies!"

"He had nothing to do with this," Draco interjected coldly. "This is about you trying to use me to get what you want. This is about you trying to force yourself on MY WIFE while I was at work." his face grew red and his eyes narrowed. "Ginny would NEVER be unfaithful to me, least of all with YOU."

"This is preposterous!" Narcissa exclaimed, shaking her head.

"Oh really?" Draco asked. "Why don't you ask dear old dad here about his trysts with Aunt Bellatrix?"

Narcissa stared at her husband. "What is he talking about Lucius?"

"Nothing, Narcissa," Lucius said through clenched teeth. "He's obviously been brain-washed by Potter."

"Come now," Draco said shaking his head. "Don't you remember all those times Father said he was taking me to those special meetings? Those weren't with Death Eaters, Mum. Those were with Aunt Bellatrix. I would stay in the parlour like a good little boy while Father took care of business with your sister."

"Like he tried to take care of business with me," Ginny said coldly, her courage buoyed by having her husband there. "You disgust me, both of you do."

"You and...Bella?" Narcissa asked turning her attention to Lucius. "No...."

"That's ridiculous," Lucius said. "Ridiculous nonsense."

Narcissa felt as if her entire world was crashing down around her. She looked up and saw Ginny staring at her. This was all her fault.

"You!" Narcissa asked stepping closer to her. "It was your fault! You turned my son against me! You alienated my grandson! And you tried to seduce my husband!!"

"I didn't do anything of the sort," Ginny snapped back. "You've been a pain in my arse from the moment you and your disgusting husband came to our home in Sydney."

Draco turned around in time to see his mother draw her wand at Ginny. "Mother...what are you doing?"

"Doing something I should have done a long time ago," Narcissa snapped.

"Mother," Draco said. "Put that down!"

Ginny was frozen and everything seemed to move in slow motion as Narcissa muttered a few words.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted.

Narcissa's wand went flying through the air and Lucius took that moment to pull his out and aim it at Draco.

"Draco!" Ginny exclaimed, a look of pure horror on her face as she knew what Lucius was about to do. "NO!"

Harry realised it too as Lucius began to say the words of the killing curse. He tried to use Expelliarmus to pull Lucius's wand away but was met with a deflection spell.

"NO!" Ginny screamed.

Harry rushed forward at that moment and pushed Lucius aside, sending the spell past Draco and into the wall.

Draco staggered against his wife who enveloped him in a fierce hug. "I thought he was going to--"

"Get off me!" Lucius hissed to Harry.

"You are under arrest," Harry snarled.

"And so are you, Mrs. Malfoy," Hermione said casting a binding charm on Narcissa. "Maybe you and your husband can get side-by-side prison cells."

"Why am I under arrest?" Narcissa asked in outrage.

"Attempted murder and conspiracy," Hermione replied. "How's that for a start?"

Narcissa bit down on her tongue to keep from uttering any sharp retorts.

"It's over," Ginny said still holding on to her husband. "We did it, Draco!"

"You were both in on it too!" Lucius screamed. "You plotted against them!"

"Prove it," Draco said getting right in his father's face.

Harry smirked at Lucius. "Far as I can see, they helped us entrap you both."

Lucius glared at his son. "YOU are dead to me. A Malfoy would never do what you did today, Draco. You're a disgrace!"

"I've been dead to you for many years," Draco said in disgust. "And now, in Azkaban, you and Mother will both be dead to me."

"And this time, there won't be any early release," Hermione said coldly, her brown eyes glinting.

"Give my regards to the Dementors," Harry said smiling at Lucius.

"You bastard," Lucius hissed. "If you think this is the last you'll hear from me you're wrong. ALL of you are wrong!"

Neville, Natalie and Tristan came into Hermione's office and Neville grinned at his best friend. "Good job, partner."

"Thank you," Harry said, giving Lucius one last smirk as he and Narcissa were led out.

"Are you okay, Draco?" Ginny asked, finally letting go of him.

"Better than I have been in months." he answered.

"They're probably going to need to take a statement from both you and Ginny," Harry said. "It shouldn't take very long."

"Fine," Draco said simply. "I can't wait to get out of this shithole city and back to Australia."

"Don't you think you should say something to Harry?" Hermione asked. "He did save your lives."

Draco's mouth twisted into a grimace. "Thanks Potter, but don't think I owe you anything."

Harry sighed, not really expecting anything less from him. "I guess we're even then."

"Right," Draco grabbed Ginny's hand. He didn't want Potter rubbing it in his face in front of that wimpy Longbottom. "We'll go give a statement and then we're leaving."

"Be nicer to Marisol," Natalie couldn't help interjecting.

Ginny and Draco ignored the young woman as they breezed out of the office.

"The more things change," Hermione said shaking her head. "The more they stay the same."

"Aye but at least this time they're staying out of our lives," Harry said. "And hopefully they've learned a bit of humility along with it."

"Wishful thinking," Neville said. "Come on Tristan, Natalie. You can help take their statements."

"Right," Natalie said, smiling at Harry and Hermione as she followed them out.

Hermione looped her arms around Harry's neck. "You were fantastic today. And if they won't thank you, I will."

Harry grinned. "I'll be happy to let you thank me," he said softly.

"Thank you," she whispered before kissing him.

"Anytime love," Harry said when they pulled apart. "Anytime."

"Do you think things will get back to normal now?" Hermione asked.

"I like to think so," Harry replied. "I certainly hope so."

"Wait until we tell Julie about this," Hermione said. "She's never going to believe that we worked with Nick's parents."

"I still can't believe it either," Harry agreed.

"It certainly was one of the most surreal moments of my life," Hermione said.

Harry laughed. "It's too bad you can't go on your maternity leave again to make up for lost time. Can you believe all this only lasted a month? Feels like it's been going on for a year."

"Tell me about it," she said. She knew that she would have to go downstairs to give a statement as well, but at the moment she was glad to just have peace and quiet with her husband.

*** *** ***

Julie sat the counter of the pub near where she and Nick lived in Guilford. He'd been gone for almost two weeks on his tour and she'd spent most of her time at her parents' house and helping Chiaki with last minute details for the wedding. She took a small sip of the lemon club soda in front of her and glanced at her watch, hoping her boyfriend would arrive soon.

Nick walked into the pub and scanned the crowded pub for Julie. He'd been running a little late and he'd hoped she wouldn't be too upset. He came up behind her and tapped on her shoulder. "Is this seat taken, miss?"

Julie jumped then grinned. "You're here," she hugged him tightly.

"I missed you," he said hugging her back.

"I missed you too," Julie said, burying her face in his shoulder. "It's been a lonely few weeks."

Nick smiled. "I'm sure you didn't have time to miss me what with you helping Chi with her wedding and Saffron."

"Mostly just at night," she grinned.

"You could have come with me instead of being all dependable and responsible," Nick teased her.

"As what, your groupie?" Julie grinned at him, her eyes twinkling. "As if your teenage witch fans don't hate me enough for snagging you all for myself?" she gave him a light kiss on the lips.

"They don't hate you," Nick reassured her. "They're jealous. Big difference."

Julie laughed. "They still tried to hex me at some of your concerts. I'm safer staying right here in Guilford or with my parents in London."

"I would still have liked you to have come with," Nick said, kissing her forehead.

"Well let's try on your next tour." Julie promised. "I miss you too much when you're away."

"So," Nick said sitting down beside her. "I go away and all hell breaks loose, eh?"

"Like you wouldn't believe," Julie agreed. "Your parents went back to Sydney and your grandparents are in Azkaban."

"And I'm still trying to picture my parents working with yours," Nick said shaking his head. "Never in a million years would I have guessed that would happen."

"Get in line," Julie said. "Poor Uncle Ron walked in on them all together and nearly had a heart attack."

"I know how he feels," Nick said laughing. "I nearly had one myself when I read it in the paper."

"Well all's well that ends well," Julie stirred her soda. "Lucius Malfoy is just awful. They didn't put this in the paper but he plotted to have your father killed once he was named as his successor as Minister."

"Sounds just like him," Nick said quietly. "Mind you, I never met him, but I've heard stories."

"Well," Julie shifted uncomfortably. "He also tried to... force himself on your mum. That was the final straw from what I gather. That's when your parents went to mine for help."

"Something else the papers didn't mention," Nick said, not really sure what to make of any of this. "But say what you want to about my dad, he does love my mother. I think she's the only thing he does love other than himself."

Julie squeezed his hand. "I'm just so glad it's all over and done with."

"Me too," Nick said leaning in and giving her a quick kiss. "So what else has been going on?"

"Nothing much, aside from us getting ready for the wedding," Julie said as she tossed her hair over her shoulder. "And Mum and Dad have been kept up at all hours with Saffron- she's been a bit fussy lately whenever they put her down for a kip."

"She's missed her Nick," he joked.

"Oh please," Julie said but she was laughing. "She's not like Maddie, not yet. Speaking of Maddie though, did I tell you that she's been sending Ethan letters?"

"She's got it bad for your brother."

"Aye," Julie was still giggling. "It's so cute. And of course Ethan doesn't want to write back but Dad makes him."

"He doesn't say anything bad, does he?" Nick asked.

"No, Mum stands over his shoulder while he writes," Julie said as she asked for another club soda.

"Good," Nick said. "I think that someday, Ethan just may change his mind about Maddie."

"Who knows?" Julie agreed. "I think it'd be cute if they got together."

"Aunt Luna thinks Maddie's already planning the wedding," Nick said with a grin. "She told me the other day, Maddie was plotting out a wedding with her dolls and stuffed animals and Dolly, of course."

"That silly Cornish pixie," Julie said with a laugh. "I can't believe she still has it."

"Neither can Uncle Ron," Nick said. He looked around the pub. "Do you want to get a table in the back? It would certainly be a little less crowded..."

"Sure that sounds good," Julie agreed, grabbing her drink and Nick's hand as he led them to the back.

A few minutes later they were settled in a booth near the back of the pub. Nick smiled across the table at her. "Have I told you how much I missed you?'

"Maybe now that we're back here out of the crowd you can show me how much," Julie grinned.

Nick grinned and leaned across the table and kissed her properly. "How's that?"

"Better," Julie replied. "But I think we'll have to wait until we get home for the real welcome back."

"I don't know," Nick said with a shrug. "I'm pretty knackered..."

Julie narrowed her eyes. "Is that so Nicholas Tarrington?"

"Only joking," Nick said winking at her. "You know that I'm never tired for that."

"I know you aren't," Julie sat back against the booth and unbuttoned her cardigan. "Especially after going two weeks without."

"You know me too well," Nick said, leaning in for another kiss.

"I like to think so," she kissed him back.

"So, um," Nick said when the pulled apart. "While I was away, you know...I had some time to think. Loads of time to think..."

He felt nervous as he reached into his pocket for the ring box. He didn't want to do it like this. Proposing should be something memorable. It should be something that Julie would remember for the rest of her life. He didn't want to just ask her.

"What about?" Julie asked as she finished her club soda. "Hey maybe we should get some champagne," she said. "To celebrate your homecoming!"

Nick grinned. "Yeah, that'd be perfect. I'll go and order some for us."

"Great," Julie smiled at him as he got up and went to the bar.

Nick walked up to the bartender. "I need your help, mate."

"Sure," the other man smiled. "What can I do for you?"

Nick pulled the ring box from his pocket. "I'm trying to propose to my girlfriend. Can I have a bottle of your finest champagne and could you drop this ring into one of the flutes? You don't think that sounds too cheesy do you? I just want this to be perfect for her..."

"Aye mate, that sounds like a good idea," the bartender replied. "Say, you're not Nick Malfoy are you?"

"No, but I look like him, don't I?" Nick replied.

"You sure do," the bartender nodded, peering suspiciously at him.

"I get that all the time actually," Nick said, hoping this bloke wasn't going to make a scene. The last thing Nick wanted or needed was fans descending upon him and Julie in the middle of the proposal.

"Right," the bartender still looked suspicious but nodded. "Just let me know when you want me to bring the champagne over."

"Give us about five minutes," Nick said. "And thanks, mate."

"No problem." the man said.

Julie smiled as Nick rejoined her. "Did they have any?" she asked. "I'm rather in the mood for champagne."

"They did," Nick said. "The bartender will bring it around in a few minutes."

"Great," Julie said, sliding over to sit by him. "I'm so glad you're home," she said.

"And hopefully won't be leaving again for quite some time," Nick said putting an arm around her and pulling her close.

"I may not let you go," she grinned at him.

"And I thought you'd be sick and tired of me by now," Nick said with a laugh.

"Are you kidding," Julie nudged his shoulder. "You're lucky I love you so much Malfoy. I couldn't get tired of you."

"Good answer," Nick said smugly.

"Right," she said, nudging him again.

"Here's your champagne," the bartender came over with the two flutes on a tray with the bottle. "We don't normally carry a lot of the bubbly so it took a few minutes to dig out of our icebox."

"Thanks," Nick said, smiling as he saw the bartender hand Julie the flute with the ring.

"No problem," the bartender smiled before turning back to his duties.

"This is great, isn't it?" Nick asked her. He was waiting for Julie to notice the ring at the bottom of her flute, but at the moment, she seemed completely oblivious.

"Of course it is," she replied. "Whenever we're together things are great." she sipped slowly at her champagne.

"Aye," Nick agreed. "These are really nice flutes, don't you think?"

"Yes," Julie replied. "A bit plain but then again, like the guy said, they don't serve champagne very often so they probably don't keep a lot of them on hand."

Nick watched as Julie took another sip of her champagne. He didn't want to ruin the moment by telling her to look. "Really nice flutes, I think. Sometimes, things don't have to be really flashy to get your attention you know. Simple things can be quite beautiful."

"Sure," Julie agreed. "How come you aren't drinking yours?"

Nick gave her a slight smile before taking a sip. "That's really quite good."

"Yes it is," she replied. It was going down quite easily and she finished off the glass and pulled it away as something hard hit her lips. "Did they put ice in this or something..." her words died as she saw exactly what it was.

Nick breathed a sigh of relief. He'd been sure she was about to swallow the ring.

"Nick..." Julie said faintly. "Is this... what I think it is?"

"That depends," Nick said smiling at her. "What do you think it is?"

"It's a diamond," she said hoarsely, taking it from the flute. "A rather lovely diamond ring."

"So you do like it?" Nick asked her. He stood up and got down on one knee. "Because I think you should like it if you're going to wear it the rest of our lives, don't you?"

"I love it," she said as tears came to her eyes. He plucked it from her hand and held it up.

"Julie Potter," Nick said smiling up at her. "Would you do me the great honour of agreeing to be my wife?"

"Yes!" she said almost before the words even left his mouth. "Yes! Yes!"

"You sure you don't need time to think it over?" Nick asked teasingly slipping the ring on her finger.

"Why would I need that?" Julie asked as he sat next to her in the booth again. "I love you so much. I'd spend the rest of my life with you even if we never married."

"I feel the same way," Nick said, kissing her. "If you could have seen me this past week...practising how I'd ask you. I did okay, didn't I?"

"You did more than okay," she said as he wiped away her tears. "You're the best Nick."

"I never get why women cry so much when they're happy," he said with a laugh.

"It's definitely a woman thing," Julie said, leaning in to kiss him.

"Who would have ever thought they'd see the day when a Potter agreed to marry a Malfoy," Nick said when they pulled apart.

"Nobody," Julie laughed. "But then again, who knew there was a Malfoy as amazing as you Nick? Until I met you I'd never have thought it."

Nick smiled. "What do you say we bring the rest of this home and have our own private celebration?"

"That sounds fabulous to me," Julie leaned in and kissed him again. "I think I'm going to be hungry in a few hours too."

"We could probably order something to bring home with us," Nick said. "For later....much later, of course."

"You have same idea I do," Julie replied as they slid out of the booth.

"Well, it has been two long, lonely weeks..."

"That it has," Julie said. "Which is thirteen and a half days too long..."

"Personal record for us," Nick said. "But not one I'm very proud of."

"Me either," Julie replied. "Leaves me feeling rather antsy."

"Me too," Nick admitted. "We should probably go ahead and place that order, eh? The sooner we get out of here..."

"Right," she gave him another kiss as they slid back into their seats at the bar.

"It's really uncanny how much you look like that Nick Malfoy," the bartender said after he took their order.

Julie looked at her now fiancé and grinned. "You know love, he's right. I never paid that much attention as to how much you look like that Nick Malfoy."

"I don't know," Nick said tilting his head toward her. "I think I'm much better looking than him. And I think I'm nicer, too."

"You're a bit better looking than him," Julie said, playing along. "But I've seen him in concert. There's something about that bloke when he's onstage that sets me on fire."

"You just like it when he wears those leather trousers," Nick scoffed. He looked at the bartender. "Sometimes I think she's only going out with me because I look a little like this Malfoy..."

"Can you blame me?" Julie asked, leaning against him and resting her head on his shoulder.

The bartender laughed. "I'll just go and check on your order."

When they were alone, Nick nudged her. "We probably shouldn't have done that."

Julie laughed. "Now before we do anything tonight I want to see you in those leather trousers. You know once you even MENTION those that I can't get them out of my head until I see you in them."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Jules..."

"Nicholas," she said. "I can always tell that bartender who you really are..."

"Okay, I'll wear the leather trousers," Nick said.

Julie squealed. "Maybe you should wear them at the wedding," she said, her arms around his neck.

"I will if you wear that blue lace thing of yours," Nick countered.

"That may not be such a good idea in front of my parents," Julie replied. "But for tonight..."

"Here you are," the bartender said handing them a paper bag. "That'll be..."

Nick threw some money down on the counter and grabbed the bag. He took Julie's hand. "Keep the change!" he called over his shoulder.

"Hey thanks!" the bartender called out as the two left the pub.

Julie laughed as he pulled her down the street. "Are we eager Mr. Malfoy?" she asked teasingly.

"Maybe a little," Nick said not bothering to slow down.

"Nick-" Julie pulled on his hand. "Good things come to those who wait."

"Whoever said that didn't know what they were talking about," Nick said impatiently. "Come on, Jules..."

Julie laughed as they hurried back to their little place on the corner of a cobblestone street. "I really do love the ring," she said as he unlocked the door.

"I actually bought it two months ago," Nick said. "But I was waiting for the right moment to give it to you."

"You mean you've been planning on proposing for two months and you never told me?" Julie put her hands on her hips.

Nick grinned. "Would have spoiled the surprise, wouldn't it? What would you have liked me to say? Something like, 'Jules, I've bought you a ring but I'm not going to give it to you until I find the perfect moment'. You'd have thrown me out of the house."

Julie's lips twitched. "All right you may have a point there," She said, relaxing her stance.

"May have a point?" Nick asked her as they walked inside. "Just give it up, Jules and for once admit that I'm right. I know you can do it. Just say, 'Nick, you're right'."

"No way," Julie replied, setting her bag down on the table they kept in the hall.

Nick shrugged and made like he was going to walk right past her, but at the last minute picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "I guess I'll just have to torture you to get you to admit I was right."

"Nick!" she cried, laughing too hard to protest.

"You got yourself into this mess," Nick said patting her arse as he walked toward the bedroom. "You could have avoided it, you know? Just by saying that I was right..."

"What sort of mess is this?" Julie asked. "Far as I can see, I'm letting you have your way with me."

Nick frowned as he opened their bedroom door. "Letting me have my way with you?"

He set her down on the bed. "Okay, well don't say you didn't ask for it..."

Nick grinned mischievously at her as he took off her shoes. "You and I both know that there is one thing you can't stand, Jules. For someone to tickle your feet...."

"No way!" Julie squealed as he grabbed her legs. "Nicholas!"

"It could have all been avoided," Nick said laughing as she tried to pull away from him.

"Don't you dare!" she was laughing too as she jumped off the bed and he chased after her.

Nick lunged for her and fell onto the bed which caused her to double over in laughter.

"Okay, it wasn't that funny," Nick said.

"Yes it was," she had tears running down her face. "Absolutely hilarious."

"I would never have laughed at you like that," Nick said.

"Oh really?" Julie said, flopping down next to him. "I seem to remember the time your Uncle Fred gave me that chocolate cake and you sat and laughed while I sprouted horns."

Nick looked thoughtfully at her. "Oh, I'd forgotten about that. Okay, you see that was hilarious." He started to snicker.

"Right," Julie pushed at his shoulder playfully. "That makes us even."

"For now," Nick said. "But you really should have known better than to eat that cake, Julie."

"I suppose you're right," she leaned in closer.

"What was that?" Nick asked. "Did you just say that I was right?"

"I said I suppose," Julie said, her eyes twinkling.

"I'll take it," Nick said pulling her over onto his lap. "It's a start."

"Mmmhmm..." Julie clearly had other things on her mind as she kissed him.

Nick lay back onto the bed bringing her down with him, not breaking the kiss.

Julie ran her hands through his hair as he rubbed his hands over her back under her shirt. "Ooh..." a small sigh escaped her lips. "I can't believe you proposed. It feels like a dream."

"You had to have some idea that I would," Nick said as he unclasped her bra.

"I didn't," Julie said. "No clue at all."

Nick smiled. "Well, what do you know? I can still surprise you..."

"You certainly can," she said as he dipped his head to kiss her neck.

Nick wondered for a fleeting moment how his parents would react to the news. He didn't really care one way or the other, but he certainly would like to see the looks on their faces when they read the news.

As Julie lifted his jumper over his head, Nick quickly forgot all about his parents and anything else for that matter.

Julie could hardly contain how happy she was and she could tell that all her enthusiasm was going into her kisses. "I'm so glad you're home," she said between kissing his lips and his neck. "I really, really, really missed you."

"I missed you, too," Nick said huskily. "And I definitely missed you doing that...and that..."

"And this?" she asked mischievously, working her hand into his trousers.

"Mmmm," Nick murmured. "Definitely, definitely missed that."

"I bet," Julie said, pulling her hand out so she could tug down his zipper. "Get those trousers off Malfoy. You can wear the leather ones later for me."

Nick laughed and sat up on the bed, pulling off his trousers. "Yes ma'am, but I have a feeling that once you're done with me, I won't be able to move."

"If that's the case you can wear them tomorrow," Julie said, her green eyes dark with lust as she pulled her skirt off.

"I'll be sure to wear them tomorrow when we go and tell your parents," Nick teased as they both slid under the covers.

"And I'm sure that will go over well, with them and with Greta," Julie laughed.

"Come here you," Nick whispered huskily.

"Where would you like me?" Julie asked in a low voice.

"Right about here," Nick said pulling her close.

"Here sounds good to me too," Julie said, smiling up at him as she brushed a few strands of his silky blond hair out of his eyes.

"I love you," he said softly before kissing her.

"I love you too Nick," she said when they pulled apart.

Nick smiled feeling happier than he could ever remember feeling in his life. Everything he'd always wanted he now had and it was because of her.

They made love with a rather desperate passion that evening- which left them breathless and on the brink of sleep.

"So um..." Julie's words were interrupted by a loud yawn. "When were you thinking we'd marry?"

"I don't know," Nick replied sleepily. "I hadn't really thought much beyond the proposal to tell you the truth."

"I'm thinking autumn," Julie replied, snuggling into his side more. "I want to be married at the same place my parents were."

"And where was that?" Nick asked.

"Their reception was in a really nice hotel in downtown London," Julie said, her eyes closing. "I'll have to ask them where the church was."

"Whatever you want is okay by me," Nick said softly. "And I hope we're at least as half as happy as your parents are."

"I think we already are," Julie whispered.

"I want to give you everything you've ever wanted," Nick told her. "Because that's what you did for me, Jules."

"I did?" she raised her head a little, her eyes still half closed. "You're all I dreamed about Nick, for a long time. Even before I knew you."

"Always dreamed you'd marry a Malfoy, eh?" Nick asked her.

Julie giggled. "No but you're what I dreamed of when I thought I'd get married someday."

"I have a confession to make," Nick said to her. "I never actually thought I'd ever get married. I didn't exactly grow up in a home with the best example of marriage, did I? But when I met you, it was like everything clicked into place. And I knew that you were the one."

"You did?" Julie asked, pleased.

"After you stopped slapping me every time I kissed you," Nick replied. "Yes, I did."

She giggled again. "I guess that means you were right," she said, resting her head back on his shoulder.

Nick laughed. "You just don't want to come out and say that I am right. You've always got to preface it with 'I guess' or 'I suppose'."

"Okay," She raised herself up on her arm. "You were right, Nick Malfoy."

"I think we should include that in the vows," Nick said smugly.

"Keep dreaming," Julie yawned again. "I'm going to have good ones tonight."

"About me in leather trousers?" Nick asked with his own yawn.

"Among other things," she teased sleepily.

"Good night, Jules."

"Good night Nick." with one last kiss, the couple slid into sleep.