Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Here's the rest of Christmas, and then for you Gabe and Alexa fans, a rather enjoyable scene :)

Please review and let us know what you think! Please? It only takes a few seconds! :D

Cho set down a tray of biscuits on the coffee table and watched as her grandchildren descended on it like it was a sack of toys.

Emma squealed. "Chocolate chip!"

"Only two, Em." Allison cautioned.

"Kay," Emma said frowning.

Adam crawled over to the table. "Emmmmmmmm...."

"Hi Adam," Emma looked down at her brother. "Mummy can Adam have a biscuit?"

"If you break it up into tiny pieces," Allison said. "Really small pieces, Em."

"Kay," Emma replied, carefully doing just that. "Here Adam."

Adam happily took one of the pieces and popped it into his mouth.

Emma giggled. "He likes it Mummy!"

"He's a Weasley, isn't he?" Jon asked proudly. "We've never met a food we didn't like."

"Like Em," the redhead answered. "Em loves everything!"

Hannah laughed. "You even like aspergus."

"Asparagus," Frankie corrected.

"But Em no like Maxi's food," Emma said thoughtfully.

"You tried it once," Caroline reminded her.

"No I didn't," Emma denied.

"You did," Caroline argued. "Remember, Mummy? You were making dinner and Emma was sitting with Max on the floor..."

Emma stamped her foot. "Em never ate Maxi's food!"

"She did spit the kibble out," Allison said in her younger daughter's defence.

"Yuck, Em." Hannah giggled.

"Yucky," Sukie agreed.

Emma looked over and when she saw her mother wasn't looking, snuck another biscuit.

Caroline decided to let her get away with it. She sat down beside her grandmother. "Those are really good biscuits, Grandma."

"Thanks love," Cho put an arm around her granddaughter.

"Grandpa doesn't have to worry," Caroline confided. "Emma and I left our beauty supplies at home. No makeovers for him tonight."

"He'll be quite happy to hear that," Cho said with a grin.

"And I cannot wait to see Uncle Toshio dance in The Nutcracker tomorrow," Caroline said looking to where her uncle was talking with Neville.

"It's going to be lots of fun," Cho agreed. "I haven't had a chance to go see a ballet in awhile."

"I always love to watch him and Aunt Chi dance," Caroline said.

"I do too," Cho kissed the top of her head.

Frankie rubbed her lower back. The babies were especially active today and she was trying not to be too cranky.

"Want a massage?" Will asked.

"I don't know if it would do any good," Frankie muttered.

"That bad?" Will asked.

"They're just kicking a lot," Frankie sighed. "And I just hate being huge as a house."

"You're expecting twins," Will said reassuringly. "And you have never looked more beautiful."

Frankie smiled grudgingly. "When you say it like that I almost believe you."

Hannah came over to her with a couple of biscuits on a napkin. "I got these for you, Mummy."

"Thanks baby," Frankie patted the seat next to her. "Come sit by me for a bit."

Hannah handed her mother the biscuits and then sat down.

"I can't believe this is already our second Christmas together," Frankie looked fondly at her daughter.

"Me either," Hannah said happily.

"Santa was good to you this morning," Will said with a grin.

Hannah grinned. "I got everything on my list!"

Frankie shifted again on the sofa. It seemed no matter what, she was destined to be uncomfortable.

"Did you like the telescope Mummy got you?" Hannah asked Will.

"I did," Will nodded. "When the weather gets nice again, we'll do some stargazing."

"And you really liked the picture I drew for you?" Hannah asked.

"That one was my favourite," Will grinned at her.

Hannah beamed at him. "You're going to put it up in your office, right?"

"After I frame it, yes." Will promised. "And Mummy already hung hers up in the bedroom."

"I love you being home all the time," Hannah said to her mother. Frankie had taken an extended leave from the team.

"That part's been quite nice," Frankie agreed. She loved spending time with her daughter.

"Are the babies kicking now?" Hannah asked.

Frankie nodded. "I know you like to feel that," she reached for Hannah's hand and placed it on her stomach.

Hannah giggled as she felt something. "I bet that was Nathan."

"He's a strong little kicker," Will agreed, putting his hand on the other side of his wife's stomach.

"Think he'll play football with you, Daddy?" Hannah asked.

"I hope so," Will answered.

Chiaki was talking to her father when she felt a tug on her leg. "What is it, Sukie?"

"Hi," Sukie grinned at her.

"Hi," Chiaki knelt down. "What are you up to, miss?"

"Where did Em go?" Sukie asked, reaching for her mother.

Chiaki picked her up. "I think she went in the kitchen with her Daddy."

"I'm hungry," Sukie leaned her head on Chiaki's shoulder.

"Dad," Chiaki asked. "How much longer before we eat?"

"Maybe another half hour," Neville looked at his watch.

"Let's go and get you some juice to tide you over," Chiaki said to Sukie. "We'll find Em, too."

"Kay," Sukie said happily. "Hi Gampa!"

"Hi, sweetheart," Neville said squeezing her chubby hand in his.

"Miss you," Sukie reached for him.

Neville took her and spun her around. "I missed you, too."

Sukie giggled with delight. "Do again!"

"Uh-oh," Chiaki teased her father. "She's going to have you doing that all night, Dad."

"I don't mind that in the least," Neville kissed his granddaughter's cheek.

"You're a sucker," Chiaki said laughing.

Neville twirled her around again and she squealed with delight. This got Mas' attention and he toddled over to them.

"Me!" Mas said excitedly. "Me too, Gampa!"

"Me first!" Sukie wouldn't let Neville set her down. "Again!"

Mas' lower lip began to tremble. "M-me!"

"I'll spin you around, my love." Chiaki picked her son up.

"NO!" Mas kicked his feet. "Want Gampa!"

"Ouch," Chiaki grimaced as her son's foot hit her side. "Mas--"

"Want Gampa now!" Mas exclaimed. "No Sukie!"

Sukie glared at her brother. "Mean Mas!"

Toshio came over to help keep the peace. "Mas, you don't kick your mummy. Come here, little guy."

"No," Mas shook his head.

"Masanobu," Toshio warned. "If you keep this up, you're getting a time out."

"But Sukie's mean!" Mas's eyes were screwed up in anger.

"She was playing with your grandpa and your mum offered to spin you around," Toshio pointed out. "And if you can wait, I'm sure your grandpa would love to spin you around next."

"But Sukie's first!" the little girl exclaimed.

"One more go for you and then it's your brother's turn," Toshio told her.

"Ready for your last spin then?" Neville asked.

"Kay," Sukie said happily. She leaned in and whispered in her grandfather's ear. "Go really long, Gampa."

Neville laughed. "One... two... three!"

Toshio looked at his wife. "I think we've hit the terrible twos...."

"You aren't kidding," she handed her son off to her father as Sukie went into Toshio's arms.

"My ears are still ringing from this morning's duelling chorus of 'Mine, Mine, Mine'," Toshio groaned at the memory. Toshio's parents had given Sukie a carousel horse and Mas a magic carpet. When Mas had asked to sit on the horse, Sukie went ballistic.

"Hopefully someday they'll learn to share," Chiaki also grimaced at the memory.

Toshio looked at his daughter. "What do you say, Sukie?"

"More," Sukie replied.

"More sharing?" Toshio asked grinning goofily at her. "That's what Daddy wants to hear."

"No," Sukie said, frowning.

Toshio laughed. "It's nice to share, Sukie."

"Not with Mas," Sukie glared at her brother, who was being swung around by Neville.

"He's your brother, love," Chiaki reminded.

Sukie only turned and buried her face in Toshio's shoulder.

"Someday, you're going to love sharing with him," Chiaki told her, but she knew her daughter wasn't listening.

Emma and Jon came back out of the kitchen. Emma was wiping at her mouth.

"Jonathan," Neville said. "You and Emma Madeline didn't help yourselves to the food, did you?"

"Uh... Em just wanted a taste," Jon replied.

"And you were just supervising?" Neville asked levelling his gaze at him.

"Sort of," Jon said sheepishly.

"It was yummy," Emma announced.

Neville shook his head. "How much is still there?"

"We just had a couple of bites," Jon replied.

Emma looked up at her grandfather. "It's the bestestest food ever!"

Neville had to smile. "I'm glad you enjoyed it Em."

Caroline laughed. "Daddy, I think Em saved you."

"She's my girl," Jon swooped her up.

Emma giggled. "Daddy!"

"And I'm your girl too, right?" Caroline asked.

"Absolutely," Jon said smiling at her. "I have my Angel Girl and my Baby Girl."

Caroline grinned at that.

Allison smiled from her place on the sofa beside Frankie. She had Adam on her lap and he was about to fall asleep with his head resting on her chest.

"So, what are your plans for New Year's?" Allison asked her.

"Look longingly at the black dress I was able to fit into last year at the same time," Frankie grumbled.

Allison laughed. "Come on Frankie. You're just fishing for compliments now. You're positively glowing- and you're one of the most gorgeous pregnant women I've ever seen."

"Allison, you are blind as a bat," Frankie said patting her belly. "Look at me. I'm as big as a house. I'm uncomfortable most of the time. I'm moody and irritable."

"Join the pregnancy club," Allison replied. "It's normal to feel this way. I know I did."

"I think the babies hate me," Frankie said. "They're kicking and moving around down there and---"

"They're just restless," Allison said reassuringly.

"You're telling me," Frankie said grumpily.

"You have two months," Allison put an arm around her sister. "And trust me, it'll all be worth it."

"I know," Frankie said. "And you and Chi did it. I've always wanted to be just like you guys."

"Right down to wearing our clothes," Allison joked. "Now you're trying to catch up with us in children."

"We've both got Chiaki beat," Frankie giggled.

"Don't tell her that," Allison grinned.

Frankie watched as their older sister chased her son around the sitting room. "I think she has her hands full."

"It's the terrible twos," Allison also watched Chiaki. "It's a hard age."

"At least she has Tosh to help her," Frankie said.

"And you'll have Will to help you," Allison said. "And you have Hannah."

"She's been a great help already," Frankie said.

"She's a sweet little girl," Allison agreed.

"I've loved being home with her,' Frankie confided.

"She told Emma she loves it too," Allison grinned. "She spent a half hour telling us how you both wrapped gifts last night."

"We had such a good time," Frankie remembered. "Especially wrapping Will's telescope."

"And with these two, in a few years...." Allison patted her sister's stomach. "It's not always going to be easy, but you'll love it, Frankie. I promise you will."

Frankie smiled at her. "Thanks, Allie."

"And anytime you need anything at all--" Allison began.

"I know," Frankie said. "You've always been there for me."

"I still remember that first time you stayed with the girls for the weekend," Allison said. "you have no idea how desperate we were to find anyone."

Frankie laughed at the memory. "Will helped me out so much that weekend. I was in way over my head."

"But you did fine," Allison pointed out.

"I did, didn't I?" Frankie grinned.

"Despite Caroline dumping jasmine perfume all over herself," Will interjected.

"She did what?" Allison asked raising an eyebrow.

"That's how I found out about Disney," Frankie leaned back. "She wanted to smell like Jasmine."

"Her Aladdin phase," Allison remembered.

"She even got Will to dress like him," Frankie leaned against her husband.

"Not a memory I want to relive," Will said dryly.

"But it was so sweet," Frankie replied.

"It was," Allison agreed.

"Dinner is ready," Neville announced.

"Come on baby," Will said. "I'll help you up."

"Thanks," Frankie said offering him her hand.

Allison stood gingerly up with Adam. "Hey, little guy. Are you hungry? Hmm?"

"Emmmmmmmm..." Adam said, reaching for his mother's necklace.

Allison laughed. "You want me to set your high chair up beside Em?"

Adam nodded.

"Jon?" Allison asked her husband. "Did you set up his high chair?"

"Not yet," Jon answered. "I'll do it right now."

"Thanks," Allison said carrying Adam into the kitchen. Her father really had gone all out. He'd made a vegetarian entree for her sister and mother. He'd also made a complete turkey dinner with all the trimmings.

Emma was already sitting with her little fork and knife grasped in her hands. "Em's starving!"

"You're always starving," Caroline teased her.

"Food is yummy, yummy." Emma said. "Grandpa is bestest cook!"

"What about me?" Allison asked as she sat Adam in his chair. "I thought you loved my cooking best?"

"Um... I do," Emma grinned at her. "But tonight, Em loves Grandpa's best!"

"Good save," Allison said kissing the top of her head.

Hannah was seated next to Emma. "I haven't eaten anything since lunch."

"Han and Em eat really good," Emma said to her best friend.

Hannah giggled. "I'm starving!"

"Let's fix you a plate then," Will said. "Do you want a little of everything, Hannah?"

"Yes please," Hannah nodded.

Frankie tried to get comfortable in her chair. "William, can you fix me a plate, too?"

"I'd be happy to," Will replied, smiling at his wife.

"Thanks," Frankie said gratefully. "Nathan and Isabelle want to have a little of everything."

"Coming right up," Will set Hannah's plate in front of her.

Mas and Sukie seemed to getting along for the moment given that they were on opposite sides of the table.

"Gampa," Sukie said. "More!"

Neville grinned. "You want some more potatoes, love?"

"Yes!" Sukie banged her spoon on her plate.

"Coming right up," Neville said spooning some more mashed potatoes on her plate.

Sukie dug her spoon in and ate messily.

"She's so cute," Caroline whispered to Cho.

"She's too much," Cho agreed with a chuckle. "Don't let Em see her drop any of that on the floor."

Carolina laughed. "I promise not to, Grandma."

"How's school?" Cho asked her.

"Really good," Caroline said. "But you know what's going to be great? When Mia and I and Katie are all at Hogwarts."

"You'll have loads of fun there together," Cho tucked a stray strand of hair behind Caroline's ear.

"Like you did with Saffy's daddy and Grandpa Ron and Grandpa Neville?" Caroline asked.

"Right," Cho smiled at her.

"I think it's really cool that you're all friends after all this time," Caroline said thoughtfully. "I hope that will be like my friends and me."

"I'm sure it will be, love." Cho told her.

"I'd like to make a toast," Neville said standing up. "We've had a really good year in our family. Cho and I are so proud of all of you. We have the best grandchildren in the entire world."

Sukie chose that moment to sling food across the table at her brother.

Mas immediately started to cry. "MEAN SUKIE!"

"Sukie, no dessert for you," Chiaki said. "You're not supposed to throw your food."

Sukie ignored her mother and tossed another handful of potatoes at her brother.

"Okay," Chiaki said standing up and lifting her daughter out of her high chair. "You're through for tonight, madam."

"No!" Sukie kicked her legs out.

"You're in a time out," Chiaki said carrying her into the sitting room. She set her down in the playpen, but took out the toys. "You're to sit here while everyone else finishes their dinner. Good little girls do not throw their food, Sukie."

"Mean!" Sukie glared up at her, tears pooling in her eyes. "No like Mama."

Chiaki ignored that. It seemed to be her daughter's favourite response whenever she was disciplined. She walked back into the kitchen with her daughter's cries following her.

Toshio was still wiping the potatoes off of Mas' face when she came back into the dining room.

"She's in a time out," Chiaki told her husband. "Until dinner's over."

"Mess," Mas cried looking helplessly at his father. "Sukie mean!"

"It's okay Mas," Toshio said calmly. "We'll fix you right up."

"As I was saying," Neville said raising his glass again. "We have a great family and no matter what, there's never a dull moment around here. So I say Happy Christmas to all of you and I hope that the New Year will bring healthy, happy babies to Francesca, Will and Hannah. I hope that Chiaki and Toshio don't lose their minds dealing with the terrible twos and I hope that Allie can keep Jonathan in line."

"Hey!" Jon said. "I resent that!"

"What should I say instead?" Neville asked.

"Talk about what a wonderful son in law you have?" Jon suggested.

"I already know he likes me," Will returned with a grin.

"Okay, Golden Boy," Jon muttered.

"That was a great toast, Dad," Frankie interjected.

"Thank you, Frankie," Neville said. "And about....Thank you for making my daughter very happy and for giving us Caroline, Emma, and Adam."

"That works," Jon said with a grin.

"Happy Christmas, everyone!" Caroline exclaimed happily.

Jon kissed his oldest daughter on top of her head. "Happy Christmas, Angel."

*** *** ***

It was a few days after Christmas, and Alexa was trying to spend as much time with her boyfriend as possible, given she wasn't going to see him until Easter. He had come over Christmas Day for dinner with her family and completely charmed her mother and even had gotten along with her father.

She was helping out at the bakery like she normally did on her holidays from school and Gabe was keeping her company while also trying to do some reading.

Alexa came over to the table he was sitting at and smiled at him. "Another cup of coffee, sir?"

"You know, I'm going to be up all night if you keep refilling me," he grinned at her.

Alexa refilled his cup. "It's decaf. I cut you off from the good stuff about three cups ago."

Gabriel shook his head. "You're too good to me," he drawled.

Alexa sat down across from him and set the coffee pot on the table. She lifted up the book and wrinkled up her nose. "Organic Chemistry?"

"Fascinating isn't it?" Gabriel asked.

"Maybe I need to switch your cup back to caffeinated," Alexa commented. "You are on holiday, Gabe."

"All right," he said. "All right... I get the point."

"When will you find out how you did this semester?" Alexa asked him.

"Pretty soon," he answered. "Another week or so."

"I bet you made the Dean's List again," Alexa said proudly.

"I hope so," Gabriel said fervently.

"You know you did," Alexa said reaching for his hand. "You are well on your way of being a great paediatrician."

"As long as you're by my side, I know I'll do well." Gabriel squeezed her fingers.

Alexa beamed at him. Things couldn't be going any better for them. The distance had been hard but it had only made their feelings stronger.

"You always know just the right thing to say," she said softly.

"I try," he joked. "I'm just so glad to be here with you Lexie."

"I am very glad that you're here," Alexa said leaning in and giving him a kiss.

"I love you Lex," he whispered when they pulled apart.

Alexa looked dreamily at him from across the table. "I--I love you too."

He straightened up in his chair. "You do?"

Alexa realised what she's said. The three words that had been so hard to say. Those three words that she hadn't wanted to say again until she was sure of her feelings. "I do," she said smiling at him.

"Lexie," Gabriel's grin could have lit up the room. "You really mean that?"

Alexa nodded. "I'm sorry it took me so long to be able to say it."

"It's okay," Gabriel said quickly. "I wouldn't have wanted you to say it unless you meant it."

"Thank you for being patient," Alexa said.

Gabriel leaned in and kissed her again. "I'd do anything for you Lex."

Alexa knew he meant what he said. She'd never thought she'd be able to trust someone else with her heart again.

He was positively thrilled at her words. He'd hoped against hope that she'd soon learn to feel for him like he did for her but he didn't think it would happen for awhile yet.

Alexa looked around making sure that no one else was looking at them before leaning in and kissing him once more.

"When can we get out of here?" Gabriel asked softly.

"I have another hour," Alexa said. "Do you think you can wait that long?"

"I think so," he answered. "Promise you'll make it worth my while?"

"I think that can be arranged," Alexa said giving him one last kiss. "You should go and spend some time with your dad, you know. I feel like I've monopolised all your time."

"I saw him this morning," Gabriel answered. "He's busy on set until late tonight."

"Maybe you and I could bring him a box of doughnuts," Alexa suggested.

"I bet he'd like that a lot," Gabriel nodded.

"When I get finished here, we can bring them over," Alexa said. "And you can show me around the big movie set."

"I'll call ahead and have my dad put us on the list," Gabriel pulled out his phone.

"And then you can get back to Organic Chemistry," Alexa grinned.

"Not for the rest of tonight," Gabriel answered, stuffing the book into his bag.

He didn't reach his father, but he did reach his father's assistant, Taryn. Taryn promised to put him and Alexa on the list.

"Thanks Taryn," Gabriel said gratefully. "We'll be there in a little over an hour."

He turned off the phone and watched his girlfriend as she helped a customer.

He was still in awe over what she had said. She had said she loved him!

As her shift ended, Alexa motioned for him to come up to the counter. "Pick out some things you think your dad would like."

"Hmmm..." Gabriel studied the case. "A few of those cream filled ones... and a few with the jam in them..."

Alexa put his selections in a box. "Anything else?"

"A few of those glazed ones," Gabriel said. "I think that's good."

"Great selection," Alexa said.

Gabriel took out his wallet, but Alexa shook her head. "It's our treat. Mum said it was okay."

"What?" Gabriel asked. "No Lexie--"

"It's our treat," Alexa said. "Put your money away."

"Well then I owe you," Gabriel said.

"I just need to get my coat," Alexa said.

Gabriel nodded and took the box.

Alexa returned a few moments later. "Where are they filming?"

"Trafalgar Square," Gabriel answered. "You ready?"

"Absolutely," Alexa replied.

Gabriel tucked the box under his arm and took her hand in his.

"This is exciting," Alexa said grinning at him. "I've never been on a movie set before."

"It's pretty cool," Gabriel told her. "I couldn't stop looking around the first time I was on set."

"Because of the hot actresses?" Alexa teased.

Gabriel laughed. "The first time I went on set, my dad introduced me to Laurie Hoffman- who I had the biggest crush on. I couldn't string two words together."

"That's kind of like how I---" Alexa said her voice trailing off as she realised what she was about to say.

"How what?" Gabriel asked.

"Just that I know how it is to be around someone you have a crush on," Alexa said hastily. "Um, shall we get a cab?"

"Okay," Gabriel guessed what she was referring to and didn't pursue it.

"Do you know anything about the film?" Alexa asked.

"It's an action film," Gabriel said as they got into the back seat of a taxi.

Gabriel told the driver where they were headed.

"Your dad sure likes to make those," Alexa commented.

"They're like his trademark," Gabriel said with a grin.

"They're not my favourite genre," Alexa admitted.

"No?" Gabriel asked. "You like those cheesy romantic ones, don't you?"

Alexa giggled. "Yes I like those cheesy romantic ones."

Gabriel nudged her. "I think he's got one of those coming up soon."

Alexa rested her head on his shoulder. "We'll definitely have to go see that."

Gabriel smiled. "It's a plan." he pulled her close.

"Saffy and Sean went ice skating again," Alexa said. "I think it's getting serious."

"Yeah?" Gabriel asked. "She seems pretty happy. I was glad for her."

"Me too," Alexa said. "It's taking her a long time to get over Andrew. It's good to see her smiling again."

"Yeah well," Gabriel pulled her closer. "I know I'll be smiling for the rest of the time I'm here..."

Alexa smiled up at him. "You will?"

"I got what I wanted," Gabriel said mischievously.

"Free pastries?" Alexa asked impishly.

"Something better," Gabriel brushed his lips over hers. "And sweeter..."

Alexa looped her arms around his neck. "You did?"

"Uh huh," Gabriel answered softly.

They snogged the rest of the way to the movie set and wouldn't have noticed they'd arrived if the cab driver hadn't said something to him. Gabriel hastily paid the fare and he and Alexa set off for the main gate.

"Gabriel Boyd- Finnegan." he said. "There should be two passes for me..."

The guard checked his list for the name and then handed Alexa and Gabriel guest passes.

"This is so cool," Alexa breathed. "I mean, all of Trafalgar Square is closed for this!"

An extra walked by them covered in dried blood and Gabriel and Alexa exchanged a look.

"I think that's a great look to go for," Gabriel joked. "Maybe on our next date we should try it."

Alexa giggled. "Dr. Boyd-Finnegan, what do you think was wrong with him?"

"Hmm..." Gabriel pretended to think. "Maybe the gunshot wound in his temple?"

"You're going to have to deal with that on a regular basis," Alexa said squeezing his hand. "I can't stand the sight of my own blood let alone someone else's."

"Wait until I get cadaver duty," Gabriel told her.

Alexa shuddered. "Gabe!"

"Part of the job," he answered, squeezing her hand.

They approached the area where Seamus was filming and could hear him yelling before they even reached him.


"Uh oh," Gabriel said. "Dad's in a mood."

"She's in the middle of getting a massage," Taryn told him.


"Laura Landon?" Alexa whispered. "Isn't that the American actress? I heard she was a bit of a---"

"She's driving Dad up the wall," Gabriel whispered back. "Apparently she's really hard to work with, but she gets almost everything in two takes or less."

Alexa watched as Seamus' assistant pulled out a mobile phone and instructed the person on the other line that she was due on set now.

"We're all waiting on you, Miss Landon," Taryn said. ", I don't think he's going to want to wait---"

Seamus paced back and forth. "I don't care HOW good an actress she is," he snapped. "If she's not on my set in ten minutes, she's FIRED!"

"I've never seen your dad like this," Alexa whispered to Gabriel. "He's quite scary when he's angry."

"A bit, yeah." Gabriel said. "I'm not sure if I should tell him I'm here or not."

Seamus spotted them in the crowd though and the sour expression on his face turned into a smile.

"Is it safe to come out?" Gabriel asked wryly. "Did the time bomb stop ticking?"

"How much of that did you see?" Seamus asked sheepishly.

"All of it?" Gabriel said innocently.

"We've been waiting for Laura for nearly an hour," Seamus explained.

"Maybe you should just fire her," Gabriel suggested as he pulled the box from his bag. "Compliments of Lex and her mom."

Seamus noticed Alexa standing back. "I'm sorry you had to witness that, Alexa. Thank you for the pastries."

"You're welcome sir," Alexa said. "And it's okay."

Seamus opened the box and grinned. "All my favourites. This definitely makes me feel better."

"Other than your star not being here, how's it going?" Gabriel asked.

"It's been a long day," Seamus replied leading them over to where he'd been sitting. "This is the last scene of the day and of course Laura is keeping us waiting."

"I'm glad I'm not her," Alexa replied.

"You would never keep anyone waiting like that, Lexie," Gabriel said.

"Seamus, if we're not going to film this---" the lead actor said coming over to him.

Alexa looked up and her jaw dropped. "You're----you're----you're----"

The young man smiled. "Erik Christianson. Nice to meet you."

Alexa blushed and felt a little like how Mimi and Beth used to be when they were around Oliver Wood. "I'm name is....."

"Alexa," Gabriel supplied.

"It's nice to meet you," Erik said shaking her hand.

"And this is my son, Gabe," Seamus said proudly.

"Alright Gabe?" Erik shook his hand.

"I don't think it's me you have to worry about," Gabriel said nudging Alexa.

"Shut it," Alexa said, her face beet red.

"I'm just like anyone else," Erik told her.

"I know," Alexa said, embarrassed. "I um... I'm sorry. I just got a little starstruck."

"Laura's on her way, Seamus," Taryn said.

"About bloody time," Seamus grumbled.

"No kidding," Erik answered. "I'm going to run my lines one more time."

"Would you two like to be in the scene?" Seamus asked them.

"As extras?" Gabriel looked at his girlfriend. "I'm game- what about you Lex?"

Alexa grinned. "Really?"

"Go on over to makeup," Seamus said. "I'll see you back here in twenty."

Gabriel took her hand. "We'd better get a move on."

"Right," Alexa hurried away with him. "Gabe! This is so cool!"

"Just don't forget me when you're rich and famous," Gabriel told her.

"Right," Alexa grinned at him.

They arrived at the makeup trailer and were ushered quickly inside. The scene called for Erik's character to save Laura's after a shootout with the bad guys.

"You two will be bystanders," one of the girls said. "You're going to get shot in the shoulder," she told Gabriel. "And your girlfriend over here gets it in the leg."

"He could save me," Alexa told them. "He's going to be a doctor."

"Seamus mentioned something about that," the other makeup girl replied.

"Louise, you know he's been bragging on the boy," her co-worker said. "All the time. Gabriel this and Gabriel that."

It was Gabriel's turn to blush now.

"He's very proud of you," Louise told him.

"Thanks," Gabriel said as Louise applied some red goo to his shoulder.

"That looks real," Alexa commented.

"Seamus demands the best," Louise replied with a grin.

"Demands being the key word," Gabriel joked.

"Ten minutes," Taryn poked her head in. "Laura's just arrived."

"The diva herself," Louise muttered.

"Is she really that bad?" Alexa asked.

"She can be," Louise replied. "It helps that she's a good actress. But her attitude..."

"Sucks," Julia finished. "Absolutely sucks."

"But you didn't hear that from us," Louise said winking at Gabriel.

"Mum's the word," Gabriel joked as Louise helped him pull a new shirt on.

"Okay, when you get the cue, you squeeze this," Louise put a little device in his palm. "And it'll make it look like you got shot."

"Cool," Gabriel said. "Thanks."

"You'll do the same thing," Julia told Alexa.

Alexa nodded and thanked the two of them.

"Break a leg," Louise told the couple.

"Thanks," Gabriel said, taking Alexa's hand. "This should be a lot of fun."

"I can't wait to tell Saffy," Alexa said.

"Maybe she and Sean can come back with us before Dad wraps this up," Gabriel answered.

"That'd be great," Alexa said squeezing his hand. They arrived back on the set and Alexa saw Erik standing beside the red-haired Laura. They were receiving last minute instructions from Seamus.

"Now that we're FINALLY ready to get started," Seamus said pointedly. "It's our big shootout scene."

"I hope we can get this in one take," Laura said loftily. "I have a party to get to."

Seamus's hands clenched. "You'd better get this," he said shortly.

Gabriel and Alexa were shown where to stand and what they were supposed to do.

"All right," Seamus sat down. "Ready.... ACTION!"

Laura's character was Simone Wright, an American studying in England. She witnessed a murder and now finds herself under the protection of a young officer from Scotland Yard, played by Erik.

"I just can't shake the feeling that we're being followed," Laura said in character.

Erik glanced nervously around. "We shouldn't be out in public like this. We need to get you someplace more secure--"

Laura nodded and started to follow him when shots rang out.

Gabriel remembered his cue and jerked backwards like he'd really been shot in the shoulder. Beside him, Alexa fell as the fake blood appeared on her leg.

"SIMONE!" Erik yelled. "GET DOWN!"

Gabriel watched the rest of the scene unfold from his place on the ground. He wondered if his father had cast some sort of spell on the pavement as it was quite warm.

"CUT!" Seamus yelled. "That was brilliant!"

Laura rolled her eyes. "I told you it'd be fine."

Seamus bit back a retort. "That's a wrap for today, everyone."

Gabriel extended a hand to his girlfriend. "You're a natural, Lexie."

Alexa giggled. "I'm sure that's going to win the Academy Award."

"It should," Gabriel gave her a kiss.

"For Best Supporting Actress at least," Alexa said.

"You're the best in my book," Gabriel still held her close.

"You're not so bad yourself," Alexa said softly.

"I love you," Gabriel whispered, his lips skimming over hers.

"I love you," Alexa said. "Even when you're all bloody and bruised."

Gabriel laughed and kissed her again.

"Lovebirds," Seamus said. "If you're not too busy, we might need you here tomorrow."

Gabriel pulled away. "Tomorrow?"

"Just in case I'm not happy with the dailies," Seamus told them. "We might have to reshoot."

"I think that means we're required to be back," Gabriel said. "Because Dad demands perfection."

"If you can make it," Seamus said.

"Of course," Alexa said excitedly.

Seamus smiled at her. "Great. I'll see you both tomorrow. You going back to the flat?"

"Yes," Gabriel replied. "After I see Lexie home."

Seamus nodded. "Behave you two." he joked.

"Thanks again for today," Alexa told him.

"Glad you two wanted to do it," Seamus replied.

"We're just going to get cleaned up," Gabriel told him. "We don't want to take a cab looking like this."

"Is this stuff easy to get off, you think?" Alexa looked down at her leg as they walked back to the trailer.

"Hope so," Gabriel said thoughtfully.

"It's really sticky," Alexa rubbed some between her fingers. "Guess I'm glad I didn't get shot in the head like that one bloke. It'd take forever to get out of my hair."

"Couldn't you just magic it out or something?" Gabriel asked in a low voice.

Alexa laughed. "Maybe..." she took his hand and led him behind the trailer where she drew her wand.

Gabriel grinned. "Do your thing, O'Leary."

"I don't know," Alexa said biting her lower lip to keep from smiling as she cleaned herself up. "I'm not supposed to use magic on Muggles..."

"Even if it is for the greater good?" Gabriel asked.

"Cleaning you up makes for the greater good?" Alexa asked.

"For me," Gabriel nodded. "Yes."

"What'll you give me for it?" Alexa asked huskily.

Gabriel pretended to think. "Hmm....let's see...."

"Maybe you can just stay sticky..." Alexa began.

"How about as many kisses that you want?" Gabriel asked.

"I like where this is going..." Alexa touched his arm.

"So what do you say?" Gabriel grinned at her. "Will you take pity on a wounded man?"

"I suppose I could," Alexa leaned in.

Gabriel kissed her thinking that this day couldn't possibly get any better. Everything seemed to be going right for him---school, his grandparents were getting along with his father and stepmother, and now he had the girl of his dreams. If it did get better than this, Gabriel wasn't sure how that was possible.