Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Tonight's chapter just deals with the Malfoy family- no Oliver here ;) We also have a flashback which we thought you guys might enjoy. We know it feels like a short chapter, but since we update twice a week, you guys will have to be patient :P

Also, be on the lookout Thursday for a brand new fic by the two of us. It's called Hogwarts Undercover and we think you guys will REALLY enjoy it!!!

Please review! And don't forget about coolman's LD community here- discussions are really heating up!

After a long day at work, Julie was happy to be home. She'd had to stay behind a little later than usual for a staff meeting, and she was looking forward to a nice evening at home with her daughters. Nick was away on a promotional trip and wasn't due back until the weekend.

"I'm home," Julie said as she set her bags down and took off her cloak.

"We're in the kitchen, Mummy," Ashley called out.

"How are my girls tonight?" Julie asked, appearing in the doorway.

Her two girls were seated at the kitchen table with their books. Greta was standing over Katie checking over some of her work.

"Great," Ashley said reaching for a piece of parchment. "Look at this, Mum. The school's art show is next week and two of my pieces are going to be featured."

"Ash!" Julie exclaimed. "That's wonderful sweetheart! I'm so proud of you!"

Ashley beamed at her. "You and Daddy will come, right? And Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma Ellie....and Uncle Ethan and Aunt Maddie. And maybe we can take pictures so we can send them to Aunt Saffy..."

"Absolutely," Julie nodded. "I can't wait for your father to hear about this."

Katie closed her book and pushed it away.

"Katherine, we weren't finished checking that," Greta said gently.

"I don't care," Katie said stubbornly. "I'm sick of reading! It's all I do!"

"You were doing really well," Ashley complimented her sister. "And you had three more questions left, Katie."

"But it's really stupid," Katie complained. "Who cares about what this dumb boy and his dumb cat do?"

"Your teacher does," Ashley said. "And I read that book when I was your age. I loved it."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Muggle writers are stupid."

"Greta, will you go with Ashley upstairs so she can call Nick with her good news?" Julie asked. "I'd like to talk to Katie alone."

Katie kicked at the chair leg as her sister and nanny left the room.

Julie sat down beside Katie and opened the book. "This is a really good story, Katie."

"I hate it," she snapped. "Mum my teacher is so mean! She always singles me out to read stuff and I HATE it!"

"Mrs. Turner is trying to help you," Julie tried to explain. "We all are trying to help you, baby."

"No one else has to read as much as I do," Katie said angrily.

"I know it seems that way," Julie said gently. "But you have to work twice as hard as the other students, Katie. And you're doing so well. You've come so far."

"I guess," Katie grumbled.

"You met with Maya today, right?" Julie asked referring to Katie's tutor.

"I don't like her either," Katie pushed her book away again.

Julie raised an eyebrow. "Just the other day, you said she was nice and that she was helping you out a lot. Professor Wood said that she has all these nice things to say about you..."

Katie rolled her eyes and stayed silent.

"Katherine Rose," Julie said leaning forward. "You are a bright, intelligent girl. I know this is hard, but you're not alone."

Katie looked dismissively at her mother. "If I'm doing so good how come I hate it so much?" she challenged.

"Well," Julie explained. "The level of work progresses as you master it. And you're like me in the fact that you don't like it when you don't know how to do something."

"Except this," Katie argued. "I don't need to know about a dumb boy like this."

"You do for the assignment," Julie said picking up Katie's workbook.

"I said I don't want to do it!" Katie glared defiantly at her mother.

"Then you can't go to Caroline's this weekend for the sleepover," Julie said.

Katie stamped her foot. "You're just punishing me because I'm not Ashley!"

"I'm punishing you because I am not going to have you talk to me like this Katie," Julie corrected. "You are eight years old and you're not going to have a temper tantrum when things don't go your way."

Katie grabbed her workbook and threw it on the floor before stomping out of the kitchen.

"You're not going to Caroline's," Julie called after her. "And if you keep this up, you will not go to your dance class either."

"I HATE YOU!" Katie screamed before slamming her bedroom door.

Julie sighed. "One step forward and two steps back..."

Greta came back into the kitchen. "I'm afraid she's been fighting me on reading since she got home..."

Julie picked up Katie's workbook and set it back on the table. "I wish I could just wave my wand and make this better for her, but I can't."

"You're doing what you can," Greta assured her. "And despite all this, she knows you're only doing it because you love her."

"Thanks," Julie said walking over to the icebox and grabbing a bottle of water. "Greta, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind cooking a big dinner on Friday night. I know its short notice..."

"I wouldn't mind," Greta said. "What's the occasion?"

"I invited my boss over for dinner," Julie replied. "I'm hoping Nick will be home by then."

"The headmaster?" Greta asked. "My, my... I'll have to make something extra special."

Julie laughed. "He'd be happy with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches."

Greta smiled at her. "No doubt Nick would be happy with that too. Of every gourmet dish I made him, he'd always want peanut butter."

"Even I can't screw that up," Julie said. "In fact, I think I'll make one of those right now for myself."

Greta laughed. "I just baked some fresh bread earlier today." she motioned towards the wooden breadbox on the counter. "It's already sliced."

"Yay," Julie said gratefully.

Upstairs, Katie finished sulking and she went into her sister's room to see if she was still talking to her father on the phone.

"Thanks Daddy," Ashley was glowing at her father's compliments. "I can't wait for you to see them either."

"I want to talk to him," Katie demanded.

Ashley glared at her. "I'll be off in a minute."

"Now," Katie said reaching for the phone.

"Katie!" Ashley jerked away. "Stop it!"

"How many more times do you need to hear you're perfect," Katie said sarcastically.

"Ash?" Nick asked. "Let me talk to your sister, all right? I love you and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Love you too, Daddy," Ashley said before handing the phone to Katie.

"Daddy," Katie snatched the phone away. "Mummy's being totally unfair to me."

"She is?" Nick asked.

"Yes!" Katie exclaimed. "She told me I couldn't go to Caroline's this weekend and now she even said I can't go to dance class! All because I said I hated this stupid story!"

Nick knew that wasn't the entire story, but he didn't want to upset his daughter anymore than she already was. "What story was it, Katie Bear?"

"Some stupid one about a boy and a cat," Katie sat down in a huff.

"The one that you're supposed to read for your class?" Nick asked her.

"Yes," Katie answered sullenly.

"You might not like the story, Katie," Nick told her. "But you have to read it for the class. I remember when I was in school, I hated maths. Couldn't stand looking at them to tell you the truth, but I had to do it because it was required."

"But it's a stupid story!" Katie protested. "Why can't I read what I WANT to read?"

"Because it's the story that your teacher has assigned," Nick said gently. "Come on, Katie Bear."

"You always take the grown ups side!" Katie snapped angrily.

"Katherine Rose, I am on your side and I am trying to help you," Nick said calmly. "And I think the reason you don't like this story is because you're finding it hard to understand, but that's why you have me, your mum, Greta and your tutor. We're here to help you, baby."

Katie's eyes filled with tears. "You just don't understand."

"Sweetheart," Nick said softly. "I do understand. I know this is hard for you, but I'm so proud of all that you've done."

Katie was silent on the other end.

"I'll be home tomorrow night," Nick promised. "And I'm going to bring my girls a present..."

"Another book?" Katie asked sarcastically.

Nick laughed. "No, but it is something you've wanted for a long time..."

"What?" Katie couldn't help her curiosity.

"If I told you, it'd spoil the surprise," Nick said. "And I know how much you love surprises..."

Katie felt a little more subdued. "Okay Daddy."

"Will you do me a favour?" Nick asked her.

"What?" Katie asked.

"Be nice to your mum," Nick said seriously. "Katie, she's not being unfair. She loves you so much and she wants to help you, just like I do."

"Then she shouldn't make me do what I hate doing," Katie said stubbornly.

"Katie," Nick warned.

"It just isn't fair," she whined.

"We all have to do things we don't like to do," Nick argued. "I'm here on this promotions do and I'd much rather be home with you girls, but I have to do it because of my job."

"But reading's not my job!" Katie argued.

Ashley was trying not to listen, but she couldn't help it. Her little sister was behaving horribly, but Ashley had a feeling she knew why. She had an idea of how to help her, but she wondered if Katie would let her.

"All right," she heard Katie saying. "I won't! Fine..."

Ashley watched as her sister turned off the phone and threw it down on the bed.

"Hey, Katie?" Ashley asked tentatively. "Could you help me with something?"

Katie turned and glared at her. "What?"

Ashley bit back her retort. "Do you remember that piece I was making for Grandma Ellie? I need help colouring it and I was hoping you'd help me. No one colours as good as you."

Katie softened a little. "You want me to help? Really?"

"Of course," Ashley said pulling out the huge poster board from under her bed. "I can't finish it by myself if I want to give it to her for her birthday. And I thought that you and I could give it to her together."

"Mum probably won't let me," Katie rolled her eyes. "I have to read that stupid story."

"She's probably eating dinner right now," Ashley said. "You can help me until she comes upstairs..."

"All right," Katie relented as her sister pushed a container of markers her way.

"What colour do you think we should use for those flowers?" Ashley asked her sister.

"Red, definitely," Katie replied. "Grandma Ellie loves red."

"Excellent choice," Ashley said dramatically causing Katie to laugh.

"And this one, I think it should be purple," Katie pointed, grinning at her sister.

Ashley nodded. "Katie, do you remember when Emma couldn't say purple? What was it she called it? Purk?"

"Something like that," Katie nodded. "I still love that she calls Frankie, Aunt Frack."

Ashley giggled. "That is cute."

"And Han," Katie nodded. "Hey Ash? What do you think of Hannah?"

"I like her a lot," Ashley replied thoughtfully. "And you know I bet this wasn't easy on her."

Katie shook her head. "She's really sweet."

"She is," Ashley agreed. "Did you know she's starting preschool in a few days?"

"I heard she's coming to dance class with Emma too," Katie reported.

Ashley nodded and reached for a green marker. "You know what she told me? She's scared of going because she doesn't think she'll be any good."

"She'll do fine," Katie answered. "If Mia could do it anyone can."

"I bet she'd appreciate it if you and Caroline helped her out," Ashley said treading carefully.

"Next princess meeting I'll bring it up," Katie pushed her hair back.

"You know, I was thinking I might not submit my work to the art show," Ashley confided.

"Why?" Katie looked at her as if she were crazy.

Ashley shrugged. "The winner of the art show will get to show their work at this gallery in Devon. Against older kids and I'm nowhere near their league, Katie."

"But you're so good," Katie answered. "You're the best artist I know, Ash."

"Thanks, Katie," Ashley said. "But I just can't stand the thought of standing there and watching them judge my artwork and say bad things about it. I'd be so embarrassed."

"I wouldn't be," Katie answered, colouring in another flower. "If I drew like this I'd be right there showing it to everyone."

"But everyone might laugh at me," Ashley said biting her bottom lip. "And you know how nervous I get when I have to stand in front of people..."

"You'll do fine," Katie said. "I know it."

"Have you ever done something that you were scared of?" Ashley asked.

Katie shrugged. "Not that I can think of."

"I just don't know if I can do it," Ashley said in a hushed tone. "Katie, I really think it'd be best if I just stayed at home."

"You've gone mad," Katie replied. "Absolutely mad."

"It's like how you feel about that book, Katie," Ashley tried to reason with her. "You're supposed to read it but you don't want to. And I'm supposed to submit my artwork, but I really don't want to."

"Yeah but your artwork is good," Katie said. "That dumb book isn't."

"What's so bad about it?" Ashley asked. "It's been awhile since I read it..."

"It's just boring, okay?" Katie didn't realise what her sister was up to.

"It starts out that way," Ashley remembered. "But there's this one part...I was laughing so hard when I read it, I think I nearly snorted milk out my nose."

"I didn't read any part like that," Katie carefully coloured in some green leaves.

"I think I have a copy of it here somewhere," Ashley said setting her marker aside and walking over to her book shelf. "Let me see if I can find that part..."

Katie also set her marker down and sat next to her sister.

Ashley thumbed through the book. "It really does start out slow, but this one part is really funny...."

"I hate the beginning," Katie replied.

"Me too," Ashley said with a laugh. "But see...look at this part where he sneaks downstairs to that party his grandma is having and the cat slips out of his hands..."

Katie smiled. "He lands in the cake!"

Julie listened just outside the door as her two daughters laughed together.

"And here," Ashley pointed. "He decides to dye the cat's fur PINK!"

Katie giggled. "How does he do that?"

"I could tell you, but that'll take the fun out of reading it for yourself," Ashley pushed her copy towards her sister.

Katie took the book. "Can you help me? In case, I get hung up on some of the words?"

"Sure," Ashley agreed.

"Thanks, Ash," Katie said smiling at her sister.

Ashley grinned back. "It's nice when we work together."

"Yeah," Katie agreed. "Thanks for letting me colour with you."

Julie smiled at her daughters from the doorway. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay, Mum," Ashley said. "But Katie and I want to finish this first, right Katie?"

"Right," Katie agreed.

"That's fine," Julie replied. "You've got about fifteen minutes, okay?"

"Okay," Ashley said before returning her attention to Katie.

Julie watched her daughters for a few more moments before heading for the phone to call her husband.

"Malfoy," Nick said when he answered the phone.

"Hey baby," Julie smiled as she heard his voice.

"Hi, Jules," Nick said. "I was hoping you'd call."

"I miss you," Julie sat on the bed.

"I miss you too," Nick said softly. "I'll be home tomorrow night though."

"I can't wait," Julie rubbed the back of her neck as she lay back on the bed. "It's too lonely here without you."

"Same here," Nick said. "But I think this will be good for the new album."

"Definitely," Julie agreed. "Listen, on Friday, Oliver Wood's going to join us for dinner."


"What?" Julie asked. "He's my boss."

"So we're going to kiss up to him?" Nick asked teasingly.

"Very funny," Julie said. "I've already got the second best position at Hogwarts."

"Oliver Wood's Go to Girl," Nick said.

"Nicholas!" Julie exclaimed.

"What?" Nick asked with a laugh. "That's what everyone's saying."

"What do you mean?" Julie asked. "His Go to Girl?"

"Just that you're always there to help him out," Nick replied wondering why she was getting so defensive. "His Right Hand Woman, if you will..."

"We're just friends," Julie answered. "Good grief..."

"And he is old enough to be your dad," Nick pointed out.

"Exactly!" Julie answered.

"So, I guess I'll be meeting him tomorrow night then?" Nick asked her.

"Right," Julie said. "I know it's your first night home... but after he leaves..."

"Hang on a second, Julie," Nick said. She could hear him talking to someone about photographs.

"I'm sorry," she apologised when he finished up. "I rang you at a bad time."

"It's okay," Nick said. "But I have to run. We have some publicity shots to do and then I'm heading back to the hotel. Give the girls my love."

"Okay," Julie said. "But when you come back, we're going to have to sit down and talk to Katie about her reading again. Ash has got her taken care of for now... but--"

"Don't let it get you down," Nick said. "Katie's just frustrated. We'll get her through it, Jules."

"I hope so," Julie sighed. "Okay... I love you Nick. I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"Love you too," Nick said. "Kiss my girls for me."

"I will," Julie hung up the phone.

"Julie, Katie, Ashley!" Greta called from downstairs.

Julie quickly changed from her robes into some jeans and a jumper before heading downstairs.

To her surprise, Katie was sitting with Ashley finishing up her workbook questions.

"Good job Katie," Ashley was saying encouragingly. "See- it's not so bad is it?"

"It was kind of funny," Katie admitted closing her book. "Thanks for helping me, Ash."

"Sure," Ashley replied. Katie went into the kitchen and Julie motioned for her older daughter to stay behind a moment.

"What is it Mum?" Ashley asked.

"Thank you for helping Katie," Julie said quietly. "You're a good girl for doing that Ash."

Ashley smiled. "I just wanted to help her. She's really smart, Mum. She's just needs help every now and then."

Julie hugged her. "And I know we've said this over and over, but your father and I are really proud of the two of you for not fighting."

"We're trying," Ashley said. "I like it when we don't fight too."

"That's my girl," Julie smiled at her.

"Mummy," Katie said coming back into the room. "Greta said we'd better go eat before it gets cold."

"Sorry Katie Bear," Julie said. "We're coming."

"Mummy?" Katie asked looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry for saying that I hated you."

Julie nodded. "I know you don't mean it sweetheart but I really only want what's best for you."

"Can I still go to Caroline's?" Katie asked hopefully.

"Yes," Julie said. "But next time you get angry, I want you to think about what you're going to say before you say it."

Katie nodded and stepped forward to give her mother a hug. "Thanks, Mummy."

Julie kissed the top of her head. "I'm so proud of you Katie Bear."

Katie beamed up at her. "Really?"

"Really," Julie smiled at her. "Not only for working on your reading even when I know you don't want to, but for letting your sister help you out."

"She helped me colour in that piece I'm working on for Grandma Ellie," Ashley told her mother. "I would have been lost without her."

Katie grinned proudly at her sister's praise.

"I think she's really going to like it," Ashley said as they went into the kitchen together.

"Grandma Ellie loves everything you two give her." Julie told her daughters.

Ashley smiled. "I wanted to do something really nice for her."

"So we coloured some of the flowers red," Katie chimed in.

"And other ones purple," Ashley added. "It looks so cool."

"You can show your father tomorrow when he gets back," Greta said setting a platter of food down on the table. "Nicholas is going to love it."

"Daddy always loves my artwork," Ashley said.

"That's because you're the best at it," Katie said. "Mummy, Ashley was actually talking about not putting her work in the show!"

"Come on Ash," Julie said. "You've got to enter that show."

"I'm just a little nervous about it," Ashley admitted.

"It's natural to feel nervous," Greta told her. "You should have seen your father before his very first concert with his old band."

"I can't imagine Daddy ever being nervous," Ashley said. "He seems like he was born to be on stage."

Greta laughed. "He may seem that way now..."

"As long as you guys are there with me," Ashley said looking at the three of them. "I'll do it."

"We wouldn't be anywhere else Ash," Julie told her daughter. "And you know your grandparents will be there too."

"We haven't seen them in a long time," Ashley commented.

"I saw Grandpa just yesterday," Julie told her daughters. "He came right around lunch."

"Why didn't he come to see us?" Katie asked. "Are he and Uncle Ethan trying to catch all the bad guys by themselves?"

"Something like that," Julie grinned.

"How's my Saffy doing?" Greta asked.

"She's doing quite well," Julie answered. "Misses all of you, of course."

"I've made her some of my fudge," Greta said. "I'd love for you to take it to her tomorrow."

"I think it's so cool that you used to be Aunt Saffy and Uncle Ethan's nanny and now you're ours," Ashley said.

"Don't forget that she was your father's nanny first," Julie laughed. "She's been passed down from generation to generation."

"You make me sound like a family heirloom," Greta teased.

"You kind of are, Greta," Ashley giggled.

"A family heirloom and luckily the best cook in the world," Julie smiled at her. "Otherwise we'd have all starved by now."

Greta smiled. "It's been my pleasure to watch all of you grow up."

"I can't imagine you not being here with us," Ashley said. "I'm glad Aunt Saffron let you come and stay with us."

"She certainly hasn't let anyone forget it," Julie said wryly.

"I still feel guilty about that," Greta said remembering the day that she'd decided she'd tell her young charge that she'd be leaving to go and work for Nick and Julie. It had been a hard decision to make, but Saffron was going to start Hogwarts soon and there really wouldn't be a need for Greta to remain in the Potter's employ.


"I can't believe I'm going away to school in less than a week," Saffron said excitedly.

"I can't believe it either," Hermione had been on the verge of tears ever since Saffron's acceptance letter had arrived.

"Mum," Saffron said rolling her eyes. "It's not like I'm going away forever and you've gone through this twice before. Tell her, Greta..."

Greta wiped at her own eyes. She'd been trying to tell Saffron for weeks now that she was going to be leaving, but she couldn't quite get the words out.

"You're crying too?" Saffron asked. "Come on, I'll be back for holidays!"

"It won't be the same," Greta said giving Saffron a tight hug. "I've been here from the moment you were born..."

"I'll miss you Greta," Saffron hugged her. "But you can send me biscuits and all sorts of good stuff while I'm at school."

"I'll do that anyway," Greta said patting Saffron's back.

"I bet I'll make all sorts of friends if I bribe them with your biscuits," Saffron teased.

"You'll'll make them anyway," Greta choked out. "Saffron Grace..."

"Greta," Saffron shook her head.

"Saffron, why don't you go and grab those books that we bought from downstairs?'" Hermione suggested. "Greta and I can finish up in here..."

"Okay Mum," Saffron bounded downstairs.

"Hermione," Greta wiped her eyes. "I just don't know how to tell her..."

"I know," Hermione said sympathetically. "You've been a huge part of each other's lives these past few years."

"I just can't believe she's eleven already," Greta sniffled. "Feels like yesterday I was holding her as a newborn."

Hermione nodded. "She's our baby. I don't know how I'll be able to say goodbye to her when we take her to Kings' Cross."

Greta wiped her eyes again. "I know Nicholas needs me, but I just don't know how to tell Saffy goodbye."

"I'll tell her," Hermione offered. "Maybe that would be easiest."

Greta shook her head. "I think it's best if I tell her myself."

Knowing her daughter, she had a feeling that Saffron wouldn't take this news very well, but she hoped that Saffron would listen to reason. "I'll leave you to it," Hermione said quietly, patting Greta on the back. "We'll miss you too. We'd never have been able to do this without you."

"You and Harry have been wonderful to work for," Greta said sincerely. "I'm happy I'll still get to see you two."

"You'll still get to see Saffron too," Hermione said.

"See me do what?" Saffron asked coming back into the room with her books.

Greta exchanged a look with Hermione. "Saffy... why don't you sit down a moment."

Saffron set her books down and looked quizzically at her mother and nanny. "Nothing good ever follows that statement, Greta..."

Greta patted her young charge's hand. "Well you see..." she began, clearing her throat. "Nicholas... he's asked me to... to..."

"To what?" Saffron asked. "'re scaring me."

"I'm going to work for him now, sweetheart," Greta brushed a wild lock of Saffron's hair back.

"Oh," Saffron's forehead creased. "Well, you'll be back for summer hols right?"

Greta shook her head. "I'm going to care for Ashley and Katie full-time, Saffron."

Greta shook her head. "They're going to need me full-time. And they're both so young…."

"Yeah but..." Saffron looked between her mother and Greta. "Jules will be home during summer hols and then you can come back here."

"Saffron---" Hermione started to say.

"Mum!" Saffron exclaimed. "Come on!"

"Saffron, you're going off to school and you're not going to need a nanny anymore," Hermione tried to explain.

"But who's going to stay with me when I'm home?" Saffron crossed her arms.

"Your father and me," Hermione said. "During the summer, I'll be doing most of my work from home..."

Saffron bit her lower lip. "Greta? You really want to leave?"

"Of course not, sweetheart," Greta said dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief. "But you're old enough now that Nick feels it would be okay for me to leave...."

"So Nick decided this?" Saffron put her hands on her hips.

"Saffron Grace," Hermione said warningly.

"He asked," Greta replied. "And---"

"It's just not fair!" Saffron said as tears sprang to her eyes.

"You'll still get to see Greta," Hermione said reaching for Saffron. "You can go over to Nick and Julie's---"

"I am never speaking to them again," Saffron said shrugging away from her mother. "So I don't think I'll be going to their house!"

"Saffy," Hermione shook her head. "You don't need to be overdramatic about this. The decision has been made."

"Does Ethan know?" Saffron asked folding her arms. "I bet he'll be on MY side! ETHAN!"

"Saffron!" Greta called out after her.

Saffron ran down the corridor to her older brother's room. "ETHAN!"

"What is it?" Ethan came out, looking annoyed. "I'm on the phone, Saffron."

Saffron grabbed it from him and turned it off. "Now you're not!"

"HEY!" Ethan snatched it out of her hand. "That was Erin Roberts! She's the hottest girl I bloody know and I was about to ask her out!"

"And if she has any sense she'd have told you no," Saffron said impatiently. "Something terrible is happening and you have to help me stop it!"

Ethan rolled his eyes. "You can't find your blankie to take to Hogwarts with you?" he asked sarcastically.

Saffron stomped down on his foot as hard as she could. "No, you half-wit!"

"OW!" Ethan gave her a dirty look. "I'm not helping you with anything, you bloody brat."

"Greta is leaving us to go and work for Nick and Julie," Saffron said grabbing his arm. "We have to stop them."

"Is that what you're on about?" Ethan shook her off. "I already knew that."

Saffron gaped at him. "And you didn't tell me?"

"Greta said she wanted to tell you herself," Ethan was already punching numbers back into the phone.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "I guess you don't care!"

"Of course I care," Ethan replied. "But Nick and Jules need her more."

"No they don't," Saffron said shaking her head. "I need her more. She's been with me since I was a baby and I don't want her to go."

"It's not up to you, Saf," Ethan's face softened a bit. "I know you care about her a lot, but Nick and Jules need her right now."

A tear fell down Saffron's cheek. "I need her too."

"Yeah but Saf, you're going to be away at school," Ethan pointed out.

"But, see---I was thinking that she could work for them while I'm at school and then when I'm back she can be here," Saffron said a hopeful tone to her voice. "You can help me convince her that's for the best. I mean, Nick doesn't even have to leave his house to work---he has some big studio. They don't need a nanny---":

"Saf," Ethan shot her a look. "I know you're upset but you can't change her mind. Besides, she was Nick's nanny for 20 years- he grew up with her."

"Why does he get her for 20 years and I only get her for 11?" Saffron asked undeterred. "Hmm? That's not fair, Ethan."

"Life isn't fair sometimes Saf," Ethan replied, hitting the talk button on the phone.

Saffron couldn't believe no one was taking her side in this. Couldn't they see how wrong this was?

"Sweetheart," Greta said from behind her.

Saffron didn't turn around to face her nanny- her FORMER nanny.

Greta put a hand on Saffron's shoulder. "I love you very much. I have from the first day I held you."

"Then why are you leaving?" Saffron asked her voice thick.

"I don't want to go, but Nicholas needs my help, Saffy," Greta said softly. "That's one of the hardest things about being a nanny. You have to watch your charges grow up and one day you realise they don't need you anymore."

"But I still do need you!" Saffron exclaimed.

Greta gave Saffron a hug. "Oh, sweetheart."

"I don't want you to go," Saffron began to cry. "I want you to always be here."

"I'll always be here for you," Greta said as she too began to cry. "No matter where I am."

Saffron only buried her face in Greta's shoulder.

"I'm so proud of the young woman you're becoming," Greta said soothingly. "And I have no doubt that you're going to be top of your class at Hogwarts."

"Can I at least come visit you?" Saffron wiped her eyes.

"Always," Greta said with a laugh. "You know that!"

"Every day?" Saffron managed a small smile.

Greta tweaked her nose. "I would love that."


"Boy," Katie said. "Aunt Saffy was a real brat about you coming to live with us."

"She didn't speak to me for nearly two months," Julie remembered.

Ashley made a face. "Just because you came here, Greta? That's just silly."

"That's Saffy," Julie said with a grin.

"Daddy once said she was overdramatic," Katie reported.

"She is not," Greta said loyally. "She's passionate."

"Especially with Andrew," Ashley said, blushing.

"Ashley!" Julie exclaimed.

"Sorry Mum," Ashley giggled.

"It's okay," Julie said shaking her head. "Just don't say things like that in front of your Grandpa."

"I won't," Ashley said as Katie giggled.

"At least Aunt Saffy finally got over it, right Mummy?" Katie asked.

"Finally," Julie shared a look with Greta.

"And I promised her that someday when she has children, I'd be their nanny," Greta said.

"Again, not something you want to say in front of your Grandpa," Julie laughed.

"Grandpa doesn't want Aunt Saffy to have babies?" Katie asked.

"Not anytime soon," Julie replied.

Greta laughed. "I like hearing that."

"Mummy, is your boss really coming to eat dinner with us?" Katie asked.

"Yes he is," Julie nodded. "Tomorrow night."

"He knows Maya," Katie said thoughtfully.

"He recommended her," Julie nodded.

"She's not that bad," Katie admitted.

"I'm glad to hear that," Julie said to her daughter. "She always has good things to say about you."

"She's getting married next month and she let me see a picture of the dress," Katie confided.

"I bet she looks really pretty," Ashley said.

"It's not something I'd wear, but I think it's pretty for her," Katie said.

"Time for dessert," Greta stood up.

"Oooh," Ashley said. "What are we having?"

"How does sticky toffee pudding sound?" Greta asked, knowing full well it was the girls' favourite dessert.

"Fan-bloody-tastic!" Katie exclaimed.

"Katie!" Julie laughed.

"Daddy says it," Katie giggled.

Julie only shook her head as Greta set the pudding on the table.

"Thanks, Greta," Ashley said smiling at her.

"You are very welcome sweetheart," Greta smiled at her. "I'm always happy to make something for two of my favourite girls."

"And I'll bring some of it to Saffron tomorrow," Julie promised. "Along with the fudge."

The four of them finished dessert and Julie helped Greta clean up while Ashley and Katie worked some more on her reading.

"I'm going to finish grading some essays in my study," Julie told Greta.

"I think I might go to bed early," Greta replied.

"I might do that soon myself," Julie said with a yawn.

"I'll have a wonderful dinner by half past six tomorrow," Greta promised.

"Thank you," Julie said giving the older woman a hug. "We've always been able to count on you."

"Passed down from generation to generation," Greta joked.