Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks for the reviews. We know this is a busy time of year and we appreciate you guys taking the time to tell us what you thought. You get more Alexa and RJ in this chapter as he gets to meet her parents and some of her Muggle friends. You also see more of Frankie and Will as well as getting to see more of Jared. He isn't a Gordon-type character. He has an agenda, but it's not like Gordon's, as you will come to see. As always, please read and review.

Later that same day, Luna and Ron had gone with R.J. to go meet with Alexa's parents and talk to them about her coming to Brighton with them during the summer holidays. Dinner had gone quite well- R.J. suspected his mother had said something to his father about curbing his appetite because he only had seconds- and both sets of parents were enjoying each other's company.

"I'm going to take R.J. and introduce him to some of my friends here in the neighbourhood," Alexa said as her mother poured coffee for everyone. "We probably won't be gone very long."

"Take your time," Alexa's mother Karen said smiling at her daughter. "I'm sure R.J. wants to get to know your friends."

"Sounds like fun," R.J. grinned.

Alexa's father Patrick called out to his daughter before she and R.J. left. "Make sure and tell Ben that he needs to mow the lawn. Every time I see that boy, he keeps telling me he's going to get to it, but here it is April and he hasn't touched it."

"I will Dad!" Alexa called back as they left.

"Who's Ben?" R.J. asked curiously as the door shut behind them.

Alexa took his hand. "He lives across the street. We're going to his house actually. That's where all my friends are."

"Okay," R.J. said, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

Alexa grinned, but her expression soon turned serious. "They don't know about me going to Hogwarts or that I'm a witch so just stick with the story about us both going to boarding school in Scotland and I kind of told them that you were a really good footballer..."

"How come they don't know we do magic?" R.J. asked bemusedly.

"Everyone around here is Muggles and they'd probably just think I was mad if I said I could do magic," Alexa said. "It's just better this way. They wouldn't understand R.J.."

R.J. shrugged. "If you say so," he replied non committally. "I won't say anything about Hogwarts. But I really don't know much about football."

Alexa cursed herself for telling her friends that R.J. was really good at football. But they'd had so many questions about him and what he did and she couldn't very well tell them that he played Quidditch, could she? She just hoped that Ben, who lived and breathed football, wouldn't pepper her boyfriend with too many questions about it. She kept silent as she and R.J. crossed the street and walked up the steps to Ben's house.

R.J. squeezed her hand as she rang the doorbell. "I'll be good," he teased her. "Don't worry Lexie I'll think of something."

Alexa smiled and said a silent prayer that everyone would go okay and that R.J. would like her friends and they would in turn like him.

Ben's mother opened the door and told Alexa that everyone was in the game room. R.J. followed his girlfriend down a long hall. He could hear the muffled sound of people talking and laughing.

"It's about time you showed up!" a tall boy with sandy blonde hair said to Alexa as she and R.J. entered the room. "We were beginning to think you were standing us up." R.J. guessed this was Ben and he bit down the jealous feeling he felt when the boy hugged Alexa.

"Sorry," Alexa laughed. "You know how my dad gets when he meets someone new- he doesn't stop talking. And he wants me to remind you to come over and cut the grass as soon as possible."

"I just cut it last week," Ben said poking her in the side. "You could do it, Lex. I'm sure you need extra spending money at that school, right?"

"I'm all the way up in Scotland," Alexa replied. "I'm not at home like you lot are." she turned and saw R.J. still standing in the doorway. "Oh everyone, this is my boyfriend R.J. Weasley."

"Oooooh," everyone said giggling causing Alexa to blush.

"We're only teasing Lex," Ben said putting an arm around her.

"R.J. this is Ben," Alexa said. "That over there on the sofa is Sophie, next to her is James and then Carrie."

"Nice to meet you DJ," Ben said extending his hand. "Lexie's told us all about you of course."

"It's R.J. actually," R.J. said shaking the boy's hand.

"Sorry about that mate," Ben replied. "She tells us you're a big footballer."

"Yeah," R.J. replied. "But I'm really more into the American teams." he hoped the boy wouldn't notice his nervousness at talking about a sport he knew nothing of.

"Why's that?" Ben asked curiously. "You been to America or something?"

Before R.J. could answer, the girl called Sophie stood up and rolled her eyes. "Can we please not spend another night going on and on about football? Please?"

"Whatever Sophie," Ben rolled his eyes and grinned at Alexa and R.J.. "Want something to drink?" he offered.

"Sure," R.J. replied without thinking. "I'll have a butterbeer."

Ben stared at him. "A what?"

"Ben's parents don't keep beer in the house," Alexa said quickly. "They don't like alcohol."

"Oh right," R.J. said with a laugh. "How about a soda then?"

"Sure mate," Ben was still giving him a strange look as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"So, R.J...." the other girl named Carrie began. "Where are you from?"

"I was actually born in Dublin," R.J. answered. "But we moved back to London a few years ago. My mum's a writer and my dad owns and manages some shops."

"Oh yeah?' Carrie asked. "Where? Sophie and I are always looking for a new place to shop."

"They're um... joke shops," R.J. said. "Little ones in Piccadilly Circus."

Carrie nodded. "And you and Alexa met at school, right?'

"She's talked about you non-stop since she got back," Sophie said grinning at her friend.

"Soph!" Alexa said, turning red.

"You have!" Sophie said. "But I really can't talk. When James and I started dating, she had to listen to me drone on and on..."

"And on..." Alexa and Carrie finished together.

Sophie laughed. "And you see what it's got me, don't you?" She motioned over her shoulder at James who was completely captivated by his video game. "I've lost him to Nintendo."

"I've seen these," R.J. said. "My sister's boyfriend has one of these at his flat."

James looked up from his video game. "Y-you've never played before?" he asked, the concept completely foreign to him.

"I've played a few times," R.J. replied. "But I really don't have a lot of time for these. We're not allowed to have them at school."

James motioned to the other game controller on the floor. "You're welcome to join me if you'd like. You're bound to be better than Ben. He's horrible."

"Sure," R.J. said eagerly. "What game is this?"

"Mortal Death 3000," James said. "You have to try and shoot down these planes, but you have to watch out for..."

Alexa grinned as she watched her boyfriend.

"He's fab Lex," Sophie whispered.

"Thanks," Alexa said softly. "He's really fantastic. I never thought he'd fancy me back either."

"Are you kidding me?" Sophie asked. "Lex, you're gorgeous. I kept telling you that those boys at your school would be falling all over themselves...."

"Me and my mouth of metal," Alexa rolled her eyes.

"You're getting them off soon," Carrie said. "And besides, it hasn't hurt you if you managed to land a boy like that."

"I guess not," Alexa said with a smile.

"By the way, how's your friend Saffron?" Sophie asked as Ben came back in with sodas. "How come she didn't come back with you this time?"

"She wanted to spend time with her family," Alexa replied. "Her grandfather's doing much better now and she wanted to spend some time with him."

"Here's your soda," Ben said handing Alexa a can of cherry coke. "Your favourite."

"Thank you Ben," Alexa smiled at him. "I'm glad you remembered."

"We've known each other since we were in nappies," Ben said. "I know everything there is to know about you Alexa O'Leary."

R.J. was distracted from his game as he caught their conversation.

Alexa smiled shyly at him. "You think you do." she said. "But I hardly see any of you anymore now that I go to school in Scotland most of the year."

"We'll have you around for the summer though, won't we?" Ben asked.

"Um," Alexa said biting her lip. "No, not really. I'm going to go to Brighton for a couple of weeks."

"Lex," Ben said. "You're going to miss out on so much."

"Yeah but I get to spend time with R.J.," Alexa said. "Normally I wouldn't get to see him at all during summer hols."

"But you get to see him all year when you're at school," Ben argued.

R.J. set down his game controller and walked over to join his girlfriend. "Ease up mate. It's not like she's going to be gone the entire summer. It's just a fortnight in Brighton."

Ben stared at him a moment as Alexa placed her hand on R.J.'s arm. "It's okay," she said softly. "It's just that we all used to spend so much time together as kids." she tried to explain.

"We all grow up," Sophie reminded Ben, stretching lazily. "I mean after we're all done with school who knows if we'll all meet again?"

"Yes but we're all going to try and stay close," Carrie added. "Right?"

"Of course," Sophie said.

"And maybe R.J. can join us again this summer?" Carrie offered. "When he and Lex come back from Brighton."

"If he wants to," Alexa shot R.J. an uncertain look.

"I'd love to," R.J. said squeezing her hand. "We're going to spend as much time as we can together. Right Lex?"

She smiled at him. "I certainly hope so," she leaned against him and took a sip of her Coke.

"Isn't that just great," Ben muttered under his breath before walking away to join James at the television.

"I don't think he likes me very much," R.J. said to Alexa.

"He does," Alexa said. "He's just a bit standoffish with people he doesn't know very well, R.J.."

"That and I think he fancies you," R.J. added in a quiet voice so no one else could hear.

Alexa nearly choked on her soda. "He does not!"

R.J. shrugged. "I know what a bloke's like when he fancies a girl who's already taken."

"Ben does not fancy me," Alexa said shaking her head. "In fact, I think you are the first bloke whose ever looked twice at me."

"I find that hard to believe," R.J. said, deciding to drop the Ben issue for now.

"It's the truth," Alexa said. "Boys have never thought of me that way. I imagine if Ben and I hadn't grown up together, he wouldn't even know my name, R.J.."

"I'm just glad I got to you first," R.J. said charmingly.

"Me too," Alexa said. She stood on her tiptoes so she could whisper in his ear. "How would you like to get out of here? I have something I wanted to show you..."

"Sounds good to me," R.J. agreed with a grin.

Alexa grinned and turned around to where her friends were now gathered around the television.

"We're going to get going," Alexa said. "I, um, promised Mum we'd not be very long."

"You have to go already?" Ben looked dismayed. "You just got here Lex!"

"I know," Alexa apologised. "But R.J.'s parents are visiting and we wanted to..."

"Give them a break Ben," Sophie said. "They're going to go snog."

"Sophie we are not!" Alexa gasped.

"We're not?" R.J. asked innocently. "Damn!"

Carrie, James and Sophie all laughed, but Ben just scowled.

"On that note," Alexa said starting to walk out of the room.

"It was really nice meeting you all," R.J. said. "I suspect I'll see you lot sometime this summer."

"Maybe we can play football while you're here," James offered.

"Sure," R.J. said nodding. "Sounds great."

Alexa waved goodbye as she pulled R.J. out of the room.

"What's the rush?" R.J. teased. "It's not as if we're going to snog or anything."

"We are, but not in front of them," Alexa said grinning at him. "Come on. I know we don't have much time and I wanted to show you something."

"What's that?" he asked as they went down the street.

"Come on," Alexa said taking off on a run toward her backyard.

"Coming!" R.J. laughed as he followed her.

Alexa ran toward the big oak tree in the backyard. "You ever been in a tree house before?" she asked breathlessly.

"No," R.J. answered. "A tree house?"

Alexa laughed and pointed up. "My father built it for me when I was six. I used to spend all my time up there. Come on..."

He followed her up the ladder that had been hammered into the trunk and into the tiny one room hut situated within the branches. "Wow," he said. "This is really cool! Nice and private."

Alexa laughed as R.J. bumped his head on the ceiling. "We'll have to sit..."

"Yeah I think so," he winced.

Alexa mussed his hair. "Well since it's small, we'll have to sit really, really close."

"I have no problems with that," he said, his arms already around her.

"I didn't think you would," Alexa said before kissing him.

He kissed her back hungrily, ploughing his fingers through her red waves. "I missed this," he breathed between kisses.

"Me too," Alexa whispered. "R.J., I l-lo..."

"R.J.?" a voice interrupted her. "Alexa? Are you two up there?"

"It's my Dad," R.J. whispered.

"Oh," she said softly, pulling away.

"We'll be right down, Dad," R.J. called out.

"Your mum's got an early day tomorrow," Ron called back. "We have to get going in a few minutes."

"Okay," R.J. said. He looked out the tree house window and saw his father go back in the house.

He looked at Alexa. "Lex? What were you going to say before?"

"Oh nothing," she blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Don't worry about it." she smiled.

"You're nervous," he said softly. "You don't have to be with me, you know that."

"I know," she answered softly. "I just hate it you have to go."

"Lex," he said touching her face. "What were you going to say?"

"It was nothing," she insisted, kissing him again.

"I wish you could see yourself like I see you," he said after they pulled apart. He knew that he didn't have much time with her, but he wasn't ready to go just yet.

"How's that?" she whispered.

He cupped her face in his hands. "You're amazing, Lexie."

"So are you," Alexa replied softly as he kissed her again.

"And I..."

"Ronald Junior," Ron called out.

"Damn it," R.J. swore. "Coming Dad!" he hollered.

"Kind of makes you wish we were back at school, eh?" Alexa said with a giggle.

"Few more days and that's where we'll be. Uninterrupted snog time," he grinned as they began to head back down the ladder.

"Right," Alexa said, trying not to think about what she'd almost told him.

They headed inside hand in hand and R.J. kissed her cheek and shook her father's hand. "It was good to meet you sir," he said.

"Good to meet you too," Patrick O'Leary said. "And I hope we'll get to see more of you, R.J.."

"I hope so too," R.J. grinned. "Goodbye Mrs. O'Leary. Thanks for dinner."

"And thanks for letting us take home leftovers," Ron said holding up the basket Alexa's mother had packed away for them.

"He held out as long as he could," Luna whispered to her son.

R.J. caught Alexa's eye and they both held back their laughter.

"I'll see you soon," R.J. said giving her a hug.

"Bye R.J.," Alexa whispered.

"I think that went very well," Luna said to her son when they returned home. "Her parents are lovely, R.J.."

"Yeah," R.J. replied, his thoughts obviously elsewhere.

"How were here friends?" Luna asked. "They were all Alexa's age, right?"

R.J. didn't answer her and she and Ron exchanged worried looks.

"R.J.?" Luna asked.

"Yeah they were cool," R.J. said, his thoughts still on Alexa.

Luna smiled. "I'm going to go and owl Drew and Darla."

Ron sat down at the kitchen table and opened up the basket of leftovers. "Your Mum's gone now. Anything you'd like to share with me?"

"I really like her a lot Dad," R.J. said. "More than I've liked any other girl."

"More than Juliet?" Ron asked. "And Christina, eh?"

"Way more," R.J. nodded.

"So why do you look so lost in thought?" Ron asked cutting into Mrs. O'Leary's blueberry cobbler.

"Just thinking about her," R.J. replied.

"I was the same way about your mother," Ron confided.

"I think I'm going to bed," R.J. got up. "Thanks for going tonight Dad."

"Are you kidding me?" Ron asked. "Your girlfriend's mother owns a bakery. Wild horses couldn't have kept me away son."

R.J. laughed. "Always thinking with your stomach Dad."

*** *** ***

After leaving Alicia's, Frankie went back to her flat expecting to find an owl or at the very least a message from Will apologising for acting like the biggest prat on the planet. But to her dismay, there was nothing. This only strengthened her resolve to have a great time tonight with Alicia.

After taking a nice long kip and then a nice, long shower, she dressed up in her new redstrapless dress that hugged every curve. She didn't have any intention of cheating on Will, but she wanted to go out and show that she could still have a good time. She wasn't going to sit in her flat and stew all night over her fiancé's stubborn behaviour.

At eight on the dot Alicia was knocking on her door, which surprised Frankie as her friend was known for running late. "I can't believe you're on time," Frankie teased as she let Alicia in.

"Because it's a special night," Alicia said. "I've got my best friend back."

"You never lost her," Frankie said. "I've just got to fix my hair. I'll be done in a minute."

Alicia followed Frankie into her bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed while she waited for her to finish with her hair. "No word from Mr. Boring?"

"Not a damn thing," Frankie said, using her wand to pull her hair up into a twist.

"He should be sending you bouquets of roses and love notes Franks," Alicia said. "This just goes to prove that he has no clue about the real you."

Frankie chose not to answer her friend. "Okay," she said. "I'm ready to hit the town."

"I'd say so," Alicia said. "You look fierce Franks."

"I agree," Frankie laughed. "You look gorgeous as always."

"This old thing?" Alicia said fingering the strap of her black dress. "I just threw on the first thing I saw in the closet."

"Whatever," Frankie rolled her eyes. "As if you have anything in your closet that's more than a month old."

Alicia laughed. "That's true. So, this is your night. Where do you want to go?"

"Somewhere they play good music and have good drinks," Frankie grabbed her evening bag and stuffed a few things inside.

"How about Fortress?" Alicia suggested.

"Sure," Frankie grinned. "This will be fun."

The girls Apparated to Fortress and seeing as Alicia knew the bloke at the door, they were able to bypass the long queue.

"It always helps to have connections!" Frankie shouted in her friend's ear as they moved towards the bar.

"Yes it does," Alicia said smugly.

"What do you want?" Frankie asked. "I'll buy our first round."

"Apple martini," Alicia said scanning the bar for familiar faces. "Franks, I'll be right back...."

"Okay!" Frankie said as she disappeared into the crowd.

Frankie hadn't noticed that one bloke had spotted her as she'd walked in and he'd followed her to the bar. He stood back a little so she wouldn't see him and he waited for her to place her order before he made his move.

"An apple martini and a cosmopolitan!" Frankie said with a flirtatious smile at the bartender.

"Coming right up love," the bartender said with a wink.

Frankie moved her body to the music that was blaring throughout the room. She was still angry with Will but part of her wished he was there with her right now.

The bartender came back with her drinks and Frankie was about to pay when someone came up behind her.

"It's okay," a bloke's familiar voice said. "It's on me."

Frankie turned and her eyes narrowed. "No thanks, I've got it."

"Come on Francesca," Jeff said with a lecherous grin. "It's the least I can do after all you did for me."

"I do nothing for you," she said icily, handing the bartender some money. "And you do absolutely nothing for me."

"Don't be like that," he said inching closer to her. "You used to say I did quite a bit for you."

"Sod off Jeff," Frankie took her drinks. "I don't want to have anything to do with you after last time."

"You and your little boyfriend made me look like a fool," Jeff said coldly. "I haven't forgotten that."

"Then you really need to get a life," Frankie returned. "Now get out of my way."

"I don't think so," Jeff said pulling his wand out and poking it into her side. "You say one word and I swear it'll be your last."

Frankie felt herself pale. "What are you doing?" she asked as the drinks she held began to slip from her grasp.

"You're going to come with me," he hissed. "And I'm going to get what you promised me that night we went out..."

"I am not giving you anything!" Frankie snapped.

"Oh yes you are," Jeff said, his eyes dark. "MOVE!"

Frankie had never been more terrified in her life. She was still holding onto the glasses, even though they were slick from the alcohol in them spilling out due to her trembling. Jeff poked the wand into her side harder and began to steer her towards the back of the room.

This time there was no Ethan or Will to save her. If she was going to get out of this, she was going to do it on her own. She noticed that the room that the area of the club Jeff was taking her to had an emergency exit.

"Where are we going?" she demanded.

"You'll find out soon enough," he hissed in her ear. "Keep walking."

"Ow!" she cried as he dug his wand into her side. "Look I'm going- stop poking me!"

Two drunk girls nearly knocked both of them down and Jeff lost his grip on Frankie's arm.

Frankie took the opportunity to dodge away, trying to make her way back into the centre of the club where she could get help.

"Frankie!" Jeff called after her. "Come back here!"

Frankie continued to dodge through the crowds to get away from him. She thought she was nearly scot free when she felt a hand clamp down on her wrist, causing her to drop one of the glasses she still carried.

"There you are!" Alicia said. "Franks, you won't believe..."

"We need to get out of here," Frankie's voice shook. "I need to go right now."

Alicia had never seen Frankie look like this. Her hands were shaking and Alicia took the other glass out of her friend's hand and laid it on a nearby table. "We'll go right now, Frankie."

"I need to go," Frankie's eyes filled with tears as she glanced back and saw Jeff trying to work his way back over to them. "Right now."

Alicia somehow managed to get her terrified friend out of the club. "Where do you want to go Franks? Back to yours?"

"No," Frankie shook her head. "I'm sorry Alicia I really need to go... I don't want to be alone."

"Frankie?" Alicia asked. "You're not alone...I'm right here..." but her friend had already disapparated.

Will had just settled into bed to get an early night's sleep when he heard a commotion at his front door.

Frankie was surprised she hadn't splinched herself when she'd Apparated to Will's flat. She pounded on his door. "Will! It's me! Please let me in!"

Will swung open the door. Frankie's makeup had run and her hair was a mess. Tears were streaming down her face and her hands were still shaking.

"Frankie?" he asked as she clung to him. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

She was sobbing uncontrollably by the time he had half carried her into his sitting room. "Will it was terrible."

"What happened?" Will repeated holding on to her tightly. "Frankie, please tell me."

She tried to control herself while she told him about what Jeff had almost done. "He... was going to take me out somewhere and.... and...."

"I'll kill him," Will said still holding on to Frankie. "Where's he at? I'll...."

"I just need you to hold me," Frankie buried her face in his shoulder. "Please Will I just need you so bad right now."

"Shhhh," Will soothed. "I'm not going anywhere, Frankie. I'm right here."

"I'm so sorry," she bawled again.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Frankie," Will said pulling away so he could look at her properly. "Sweetheart, this wasn't your fault."

He grabbed a tissue and handed to her so she could wipe her eyes. "I just feel like such a fool now." Frankie muttered.

"You're not a fool," Will told her gently.

"How can you be so sweet after this afternoon?" Frankie asked. "You have every right to read me the riot act."

"I love you," Will told her. "Even when we have a huge row like today, I still love you and when I opened the door just then and saw you... "

"I love you so much," Frankie leaned against him again. "You're always here for me when I need you."

Will wrapped his arms tightly around her. "I love you too Frankie. And I'm so sorry you had to go through what you did tonight."

"It's not your fault," she kept her face pressed against his shirt.

"It's that wanker's fault," Will said feeling angry at the thought of that bastard thinking he could have his way with Frankie like that. "I'm going to make sure he never touches you again."

Frankie nodded and finally pulled away. "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course," he whispered kissing her forehead. "Do you want some tea or some hot chocolate?"

"Hot chocolate," Frankie said with a small smile. "Yours always makes me feel better. And I want to change out of this dress."

"You can nick one of my old t-shirts if you want," Will offered.

"I think I will." Frankie replied. They looked at each other a moment then she leaned in and kissed him. "You are the best William Barron."

He had a feeling she wouldn't be saying that if she could read his thoughts at the moment. In his mind, he was already envisioning beating the life out of this Jeff character. Instead, he touched her cheek. "Frankie, you're safe. And I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Ever."

"I know," she whispered. "I'm going to go change."

"Okay," he said giving her one last kiss. "I'll go and make that hot chocolate."

"Okay," she said, heading for his bedroom. She noticed his bed was unmade and his pillow had a dent in it and she felt bad for obviously waking him up. She tossed her dress into a heap on the floor and pulled one of his shirts over her head.

Will was just putting some marshmallows in the hot chocolate when Frankie came back into the kitchen. She'd washed off her makeup and had pulled her hair back with one of the ties she'd left over there the last time she was here.

"You want extra, don't you?" he asked holding up the marshmallow bag.

"If you don't mind," Frankie replied. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"I wasn't really sleeping," he admitted. "I had a certain someone on my mind."

"A certain stubborn someone?" Frankie teased as he handed her a mug.

"I was a little stubborn too," Will said leading her over to the table. "We both are."

"I suppose that's what attracted us to each other," Frankie smiled as she stirred her melting marshmallows.

"One of the many things," Will said with a wink.

"Drew and Darla already have almost all our wedding coordinated," Frankie said after a few minutes of quiet between them. "Can you believe how quick they work?"

"Well they are experts," Will said. "And they both told me they were glad that someone in their family was using their skills. They were too young when Jon and Allie married and then Josh and Lizzy eloped."

Frankie laughed. "They're doing a great job. They have everything planned just how I want it to be."

"And we know how you like things to be your way," Will said before he could stop himself. "I didn't mean it that way Frankie...really..."

"It's okay," Frankie said. "I know I'm a bit spoiled that way."

"I shouldn't have said something like that though after what happened to you tonight," he said quickly.

"Will it's okay," Frankie insisted.

"You know what it's like growing up as the baby of the family," Will said. "So do I. We're used to having things our own way. But for me, it's more than that. I used to live in Jack's hand-me-downs. We shared the same room and he had to have everything his own way. I couldn't even have pictures on the wall. And when I moved in here, it was like I finally had a place to call my own. That's why I was so angry with you earlier today, Frankie," Will said honestly.

"I'm sorry for acting as if you had to move in my place," Frankie said. "Perhaps we should just find a nice house together, or a bigger flat for us both to move into."

"And you'd let me have input?" he asked. "On our new place?"

"Yes," Frankie said. "If we're both going to live there... we both agree on everything."

Will grinned. "You mean that, don't you?"

"Of course I do," Frankie said softly. "You mean so much to me Will. Sometimes it still scares me just how much I love you."

"I know how you feel," he said looking at her.

Frankie moved over to sit in his lap. "I know I have things to sleep in here but your shirt is so comfortable. I might not give it back," she joked.

"Please," Will said laughing. "You've taken so many of my t-shirts."

"They're soft," Frankie leaned against him as she finished her hot chocolate.

"Have I told you today how much I love you?" he asked kissing the back of her head.

"You might have, earlier," Frankie closed her eyes. "I feel so safe here with you Will."

"You are," he said softly. "Safe and loved, always."

They sat together for a few more minutes in a comfortable silence before a knock on the door reverberated through his flat. "What if..." Frankie had gone pale.

Will gently lifted Frankie off his lap and they both stood up. He grabbed his wand from the table and told her to stay there. "I'll take care of it."

Frankie peeked around the doorway as Will cracked open the front door. "What are you doing here?" she heard him ask.

"I thought Frankie might have wound up here," Alicia's voice floated in. "She disapparated right after we left the club and I just wanted to make sure she's okay."

Will stood back so she could come inside. "She's okay."

"Lee," Frankie came into the hall. "I'm so sorry--"

"You scared me half to death Franks," Alicia said enveloping her friend in a hug. "I was so worried."

Will tried not to let his surprise show at Alicia's unselfish concern.

"I just had to get out of there," Frankie said. She told Alicia what Jeff had tried to do.

"That smarmy bastard!" Alicia said angrily. "We should call someone! Your father would have him in Azkaban so fast, his freakishly shaped head would spin!"

"I don't want to create an issue out of it," Frankie wrapped her arms around herself as Will came by her side.

"He better hope he never runs into me," Will said putting an arm around Frankie.

For the first time that he could remember, Alicia looked at him with what could be considered admiration.

"I'm so glad you're okay Franks," Alicia said.

"Thanks Lee," Frankie smiled at her. "I'm really sorry for leaving you out there alone."

"I understand," Alicia said smiling back at her. "I had a feeling you'd come here."

"Yeah," Frankie smiled at her fiancé. "He's definitely my solid rock."

"I can see that," Alicia said. "Well, I should probably get home. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

"Thanks," Frankie hugged her best friend again. "I'm sorry we didn't get to stay out. I promise we'll do something this week."

"It's okay," Alicia said looking awkwardly at Will. She didn't know if she should hug him too. To her relief, he extended his hand and she shook it daintily. "You take good care of Franks now."

"I will," he said grinning at her. "You can count on that."

Frankie felt better than she had all day as her friend left. "Wow I think you guys are mending fences," she said happily.

"I don't know if I'd say that, but I think we realised we had something in common tonight," Will said. "We both care about you."

"Then that makes me a lucky girl," Frankie said softly.

Will gave her a soft kiss. "Come on, let's go to bed."

"Okay," she agreed. "I just want to fall asleep in your arms tonight."

"Let's see what we can do about that," Will said leading her to the bedroom.

*** *** ***

Jared's training was going extremely well. Smythe was quite impressed with new recruit and had asked Maddie to help out thinking it would benefit him even more to have someone his own age to talk about his training.

Maddie hadn't minded helping out. Jared was quite nice and she could understand how he felt dealing with this new responsibility that could both terrify and excite you at the same time.

They'd gone over some of his earliest visions that morning and after Maddie had shared some more of what she'd seen, they'd decided to break for an early lunch.

"I'm starving," Maddie said as she and Jared rode the lift down to the lobby. "I didn't have a chance to eat anything other than some toast this morning."

"So is the cafeteria here any good?" Jared asked, glad it was crowded in the lift- it gave him a chance to stand closer to her.

"Most of the time," Maddie said. "I just wouldn't eat lunch here on Thursdays if I were you. They have something that the cook calls Mystery Stew. No one knows what it is, but it smells horrible."

Jared laughed. "I'll keep that in mind. Good thing it's not Thursday."

The lift pinged open and she and Jared made their way through the crowd to the cafeteria. Unfortunately, there was a long queue.

"And it's usually a good idea to come down here after one," Maddie told Jared as they waited. "It's not as crowded as this."

"Thanks for the tip," he smiled at her. "You're a real good person to have around Maddie."

Maddie grinned. "Thanks Jared. It's been really nice having you around too."

He beamed with pride at her comment. "So how about we find a nice little corner table and chat some more about our visions," he said but she hadn't heard. Her attention had been diverted to two people sitting near the middle of the large room.

Maddie saw Ethan sitting with Bree again. She was about to put up her hand to wave when she saw Bree reach across the table and wipe something off Ethan's chin with her napkin. The momentary feeling of jealousy ebbed away though when Ethan caught her eye and smiled.

"Who's that?" Jared asked though he already knew the answer.

"That's Ethan," she said. "And that's our friend Bree."

"The famous boyfriend," Jared said trying to make his tone light. He looked over and saw Bree and Ethan laughing about something. "They sure seem close, don't they?"

"They used to date," Maddie explained. "But now they're just friends. She's seeing someone new as well."

Jared nodded. "Well, that's good that you can be friends with her too. Not too many girls I know would feel comfortable with their boyfriend's ex hanging around."

"I trust Ethan," Maddie said simply. "I know he loves me."

"Of course," Jared said quickly. "I wasn't trying to imply anything, Maddie. really. I meant no offence."

"I know you didn't," Maddie smiled at him. "Come on, let's get a sandwich and join them."

Jared nodded and a few minutes later he followed Maddie to Ethan and Bree's table.

"I most certainly did not!" Bree was saying. "Ethan! I never did that!"

"Yes you did," Ethan was chuckling. "Don't deny it, Sarah and Justin both heard the two of you."

"You know I would never do that," she said reaching across the table and swatting him on the arm. "You keep this up and I'll never sit with you again."

"Hey Mads!" Ethan said getting up and giving her a peck on the cheek. "I didn't know you were going to be down here."

"We decided to break a little earlier for lunch than we planned," Maddie smiled at him. "Hello Bree. How are you?"

"I'm good," Bree said smiling back at her. "Well, I take that back. I've been cooped up in an office with your boyfriend all morning."

"Bree's helping me on a case," Ethan explained.

"Ugh you were in the office with both Ethan and Justin?" Maddie wrinkled her nose. "Oh- this is Jared, the new guy in my department. Jared this is my boyfriend Ethan and this is our friend Bree."

"Hi Jared," Ethan said motioning for him to sit down. "Glad you could join us."

"Thanks," Jared forced a smile on his face and sat down next to Maddie.

"Oh I wanted to tell you Ethan," Maddie said. "Frankie wants us to go out either tonight or tomorrow with her, Will and Alicia."

Ethan looked at her strangely. "Mads? Did you just say Will and Alicia? I thought Will didn't like Alicia and vice versa?"

"Frankie's trying to make them get along," Maddie replied. "So we're all going out dancing- I told her I'd get back to her this afternoon if it was tonight or tomorrow."

"Tomorrow would be better for me," Ethan said. "I've got a meeting with Dad and Lupin after Justin and I finish up with Bree. I might not be home tonight until late."

"Okay," Maddie smiled at him. "I'll let her know." she looked at Bree. "Did you and Mason want to join us?"

"That's really sweet of you to ask Maddie," Bree said. "But we're already doing something tomorrow night, but how we make plans to do something else soon?"

"Sounds good," Maddie said. "How about you Jared? We could take you out and show you around London a bit."

Jared looked over at her. "I couldn't intrude like that, Maddie."

"Nonsense," Ethan said. "It'll be nice to have another bloke around."

Maddie touched Jared's arm. "Come on, Jared. I'm not going to take no for an answer."

"Well all right then," Jared grinned. "Thanks- count me in."

"Great," Maddie said grinning back at him. "You're going to have a great time."

Bree looked at her watch. "Ethan, we'd better get back. We were going to show your dad what we'd found out, remember?"

"Yeah," Ethan stood up. "Sorry we have to cut out so quick," he leaned in and gave his girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. "I promise I'll make up for it later." he whispered.

"Okay," Maddie said. "Tell your dad I said hello."

"See you later Maddie," Bree said. "And it was nice to meet you Jared."

"You two as well," Jared nodded, secretly thrilled they were leaving.

"It's a shame they couldn't stay longer," Maddie said when she and Jared were alone. "I think you and Ethan would really get along."

"Seems like a nice guy," Jared nodded, not really thinking about the other man.

"He really is," Maddie said. "But you'll get to know him and my other friends when you come out with us. I'm really glad that you agreed to come with."

This time his smile was more genuine. "It'll be fun for you and me to get to know each other out of work too," he said.

"I think so too," Maddie said before taking a bite of her sandwich.

"It's been really great having you around," Jared said honestly. "I mean, I was a bit of a wreck when I first started, after what happened with me and Cordelia and finally coming forward about my visions..."

"Were you and Cordelia together long?" Maddie asked.

"About eight months," he replied. That was about as long as it had taken him to get through her guard.

"It's a shame that she couldn't understand what was going on with you," Maddie said sympathetically.

"Yeah it's so tough, especially when you see someone be killed," he added quietly.

Maddie could remember all too well what that felt like. Her heart went out to Jared. "If you ever want to talk to somebody about it, I'll be here. You're going to help so many people, Jared."

"I hope so," he smiled at her. "Like I said, you've already helped me a lot."

Maddie grinned. "We're going to help each other Jared."

"I quite agree," Jared said, sneaking a glance down her robes as she leaned over to hug him. Maddie would help him indeed.