Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Sorry for the late update! We hope you enjoy the chapter. It's a long one with the continuation of Hermione/Harry talking with Saffron about her contract and you also get a nice Zander/Ashley/Brittany scene. We hope you enjoy!

"FIVE MILLION?" Saffron screeched. "DAD ARE YOU SERIOUS?"

Harry nodded and handed her the contract. "It says so right there."

"Oh Merlin," Saffron's hand shook. "This. Puddlemere. I knew it would be the best."

Harry smiled. "All your hard work paid off, Saffron. I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks," Saffron was beaming.

"Is this what you want?" Harry asked her.

"Yes," Saffron said without hesitation.

"You've gone over it?" Hermione asked Harry. "You think this is the best option for Saffy?"

"I think it's between that and Appleby," Harry said. "But Puddlemere will put her in the starting line-up, as well as the pay they're offering her..."

"I really want Puddlemere, Dad," Saffron said.

Harry handed his daughter a quill. "All you have to do is sign it, baby."

Saffron took the quill. She wanted someone to pinch her. This really couldn't be happening. All her life she'd dreamed of this, but here it was actually happening.

"We'll send it in the owl post just as soon as your signature is on it," Harry smiled at her.

Saffron's hands were shaking as she signed her name on the dotted line.

Harry clapped. "Welcome to Puddlemere's newest star Seeker!"

Saffron grinned and hugged her father. "Thank you, Daddy!"

Hermione smiled proudly at her daughter. "Congratulations, sweetheart."

"You're really happy for me?" Saffron asked turning to look at her mother. "I know you---"

"I want you to be happy," Hermione brushed Saffron's hair back. "And if this is what you want, then I want it for you."

"I want this more than I've ever wanted anything," Saffron said solemnly.

"You should tell RJ," Hermione said. "Your father will post this for you."

Saffron nodded. "I will, but it's late---"

"Your Gran will want to hear this tomorrow," Hermione added with a smile.

"I can't wait to tell her!" Saffron exclaimed. "Oh and Jules! Mum, can I pop over there to tell her really quick?"

"Sure sweetheart," Hermione replied.

Saffron took hold of the contract and hurried into the sitting room. She grabbed some Floo powder and threw it into the fireplace.

"Jules!" she called into the fireplace.

Greta appeared in the sitting room. "Saffy, is that you?"

"Greta!" Saffron squealed. "Guess what! I just signed to Puddlemere!"

Greta grinned. "Oh, Saffy! That's fantastic! Come here!"

Saffron hugged her former nanny. "And you won't believe what they're starting me at!" she told Greta about her salary.

Greta gasped. "Saffron!"

"I know," Saffron couldn't stop grinning.

"I knew this day would come," Greta said tears in her eyes. "You were always so determined! I am so proud of my Saffy!"

"Thanks Greta," Saffron hugged her again.

"Greta, come on!" Katie appeared in the room. "You were going to---Aunt Saffy, what are you doing here?"

"Katie!" Saffron exclaimed. "Where's your mum and dad and Ash?"

"Downstairs in the studio," Katie replied. Before she knew what was happening, Saffron had scooped her up. "Aunt Saffy!"

"I'm signed to Puddlemere!" Saffron squealed, unable to hold back.

"Ooooh!" Katie squealed. "Let's go tell Mummy!"

Saffron grabbed her niece's hand and practically dragged her downstairs.

Nick was sitting at the piano playing a melody while his wife and oldest daughter listened.

Saffron and Katie burst into the studio. "Mummy guess what!" Katie crowed.

Julie stood up in surprise. "What on earth? Saffy?"

"I'M SIGNED TO PUDDLEMERE!" Saffron swung Katie around again.

Julie grinned. "Saffy, that's fantastic!"

"And I'm starting at five million," Saffron told them. "And two hundred thousand when we reach the World Cup."

Saffron put Katie down and her older sister enveloped her in a hug. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks Jules," Saffron said. "Dad's posting the contract back to them right now."

"That's the mostest money I've ever heard of," Katie said.

"It sure is," Nick replied. "Congratulations, Saffy!"

"That's great news," Ashley chimed in. "Don't forget the rest of us when you're rich and famous."

"Hardly," Saffron grinned at her.

"We'll go to all your matches," Katie promised.

"Definitely," Julie agreed. "This is wonderful, Saffy. Have you told Ethan yet?"

Saffron shook her head. "I just signed the contract."

"He's going to be proud of you too," Julie told her.

Saffron forgot how mad she'd been at him earlier. She did hope he would be proud. His opinion did mean a lot to her even though she didn't always act like it did.

Nick grinned at her. "Does this mean you'll spare us no mercy tomorrow in our pickup match?"

"No way," Saffron laughed.

"Better pack on the gear then," Nick joked.

"Grandpa must be so pleased!" Ashley said.

"He was almost as excited as me," Saffron said with a giggle. "Mum's happy too."

"Greta, why are you crying?" Katie asked the older woman who was standing at the foot of the stairs watching them.

"I'm just so happy for her," Greta wiped her eyes with a soggy tissue.

Saffron crossed the room and gave Greta another hug. "Don't cry, Greta."

"I'm sorry love," Greta stroked her hair. "I just can't believe what a lovely and successful young woman you've become."

Saffron smiled. "You had something to do with that."

"And with me," Nick said with a grin. "You've got a good track record, Greta."

"And these two," Julie said putting an arm around each of her daughters.

"This just turned into the best night," Saffron said happily. "Puddlemere!"

"You and RJ on the same team," Nick said.

"Good thing we've made up, eh?" Saffron grinned.

Julie laughed. "That will certainly make for a happier season."

Saffron hugged herself. "I cannot wait to start with the team."

"You still have to graduate, miss," Julie reminded her.

"That's in the bag," Saffron bragged.

"You going to tell Mary Ellen about this?" Ashley asked, referring to her aunt's archrival.

"Rub it in her face," Saffron said gleefully.

Julie shook her head in amusement. "Saffy..."

"I just can't stand her," Saffron said. "She always wants to see me fail."

"She's very envious of you," Julie said. "I think she acts that way to mask her own insecurities."

Saffron waved her hand. "She's a cow. I still need to call Lexie!"

"We'll see you tomorrow at Gran's," Julie said giving her sister one last hug.

"Okay," Saffron replied. "Sorry to have interrupted you. I was just so excited."

"We're glad you stopped by," Ashley said. "I can't wait to tell Zander and Brittany about this!"

"Tell everyone," Saffron said with a grin.

"Aunt Saffy's going to make more than you, Daddy," Katie said already picturing what things she'd asked her aunt to buy for her.

"Katie," Nick shook his head.

"Katie, it's not important what a person makes," Julie lectured. "It's the strength of their character that counts."

"But to have all that money..." Katie said enviously.

"Katherine," Julie said putting a hand on her shoulder.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Sorry."

"I'm still going to be the same me," Saffron said. "I'm not going to change."

"I doubt you will," Julie said affectionately.

"We raised her better than that," Greta said. "She's a good girl."

Saffron grinned. "I'll see you lot tomorrow."

"Congratulations!" the Malfoys called after her as she hurried upstairs.

Saffron decided to pop in to her brother and Maddie's house before heading home to tell them the good news.

"Ethan!" Saffron called out.

Ethan and Maddie had just been climbing into bed when they heard Saffron calling them. "What the bloody hell?" Ethan grumbled.

"Something could be wrong," Maddie said pulling back the covers. She grabbed her dressing gown. "Come on."

Ethan pulled a t shirt on over his head and followed his wife to the sitting room.

"Saffy, are you okay?" Maddie asked. "Is it your parents?"

"No," Saffron shook her head. "I just signed to Puddlemere!"

"You did?" Ethan asked, a slow grin spreading across his face. "Saf!"

Saffron told her brother and sister in law how much she'd be making and laughed as Ethan's jaw dropped.

"Congratulations, Brat!" Ethan said giving her a big hug.

"Thanks Ethan," Saffron said.

"We're so proud of you," Maddie said beaming at her.

"Thanks," Saffron hugged her too. "I had to tell you guys tonight. I couldn't wait until tomorrow."

"I'm glad you did," Ethan said. "I'm---I'm sorry about the teasing earlier."

"It's okay," Saffron said. "I was on edge."

"I gave him hell for it," Maddie told her.

"Thanks Maddie," Saffron joked.

"Can you loan your brother a million galleons?" Ethan asked.

"Depends on how well you can suck up," Saffron teased.

"The Golden Girl," Ethan said giving her a bow.

"That's more like it," Saffron laughed as she pushed him over. "Respect."

Ethan laughed. "Well, at your first press conference, you can tell the public that I taught you everything you know."

"Yeah right," Saffron said. "I wouldn't want to lie to everyone."

"My dad is going to be over the moon about this," Maddie said. "And you and RJ are going to be on the same team!"

"It's going to be so great," Saffron nodded. "I can't wait to start practising with the team."

"Congratulations again, Saffy," Maddie said giving her one last hug.

"Thanks," Saffron said. "I'm sorry again to have bugged you."

"Its part of your charm," Ethan said grinning at her.

"You could learn a thing or two," Saffron hugged him again. "See you two tomorrow."

"Good night, Saffy," Maddie said.

"Night," Saffron said, Apparating away with a pop.

It was late by the time Saffron reappeared at home. Her parents had already retired for the night. Saffron sent a quick owl to Alexa and to Sean to let them know about her exciting news. Inexplicably, she wondered what Andrew would think about this.

She wondered if he would have been proud of her... if they would have been out celebrating right now.

In a few months, she'd be playing against him. What would that be like?

She supposed she'd have to wait and see.

*** *** ***

Ashley couldn't believe that her first year at Hogwarts was going to be over soon. It seemed like just yesterday that she and her fellow first-years were coming over to the castle in the boats. Now, in less than a month, she'd be going home for the summer.

Right now though, she was more concerned with making her boil cure potion.

"Very nice, Miss Malfoy," Snape said admiring the way she added the crushed snake fangs.

"Thank you sir," Ashley blushed under the potions master's praise.

Snape turned to observe Brittany's potion making and he scowled. "You do realise you have to touch the horned slugs, Miss Murray."

Brittany looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. "Professor, they are disgusting!"

Snape glared at her. "Perhaps you'd like to help crush them in detention!"

"No sir," Brittany muttered.

Ashley looked sympathetically at her friend. "I'll put them in for you," she whispered when Snape moved on.

"You are a life saver," Brittany said gratefully.

"It's our secret," Ashley grinned at her, adding the slugs quickly.

Snape announced that he would be in his office and would return in 15 minutes to check their progress.

"What a wanker," Brittany muttered when he'd gone. "I don't know how you can stand him, Ash."

"He's not so bad," Ashley said. She turned to see how Zander and Sam were doing with their potion.

Sam caught Ashley's eye and smirked. "Hey, Zander. Your girlfriend's looking over here. How about you blow her a kiss?"

"Shut up," Zander turned red and glared at him

Sam laughed and handed Zander the dried nettles to add to their potion. "You spend all your time with her and your cousin. In fact, I think maybe you should trade your trousers in for a skirt."

"Bugger off," Zander replied.

Zander added the nettles to the potion. He really needed to get this right since his potions marks weren't that great. If it hadn't been for Ashley, he'd probably be failing.

"Add them only a little at a time," Ashley whispered to him.

Zander nodded. "Thanks."

Sam rolled his eyes. "You can't do anything by yourself, can you, Murray?"

"Leave him alone, Sam." Brittany snapped. "If it wasn't for Ash, you BOTH would be failing."

"Guys, be quiet," Ashley said. "If Snape comes back in here and sees this, you'll get in trouble."

Zander turned his attention back to the potion but Sam wasn't willing to let it go just yet. "You can't do anything without them, can you?" he whispered.

"I can," Zander shot back.

"Yeah?" Sam asked. "Prove it."

"What?" Zander asked.

"Prove it," Sam replied. "I dare you to... to... spend the night in the Forbidden Forest!"

Ashley turned around. "Sam, why don't you leave him alone? Zander doesn't have to do that..."

"Stay out of it," Sam retorted.

"Headmaster Wood has specifically said that the Forbidden Forest is---" Ashley started to say.

"What a goody- goody," Sam jeered at her.

Zander quietly resumed his potion making, but Sam wasn't about to be deterred. He also received help from two of the Slytherins in the class.

"I thought you Gryffindors were supposed to be brave," Carson Ripley chimed in. "I think the Sorting Hat got it wrong."

"I'd go," Sam said with bravado. "But I guess Murray here is too big a chicken."

"I'm not a chicken!" Zander retorted. "I could spend the night in the forest!"

"Then prove it," Sam said with a nasty grin.

"Fine," Zander said glaring at him. "I'll---I'll do it tonight."

Ashley and Brittany both turned around. "Zander!"

"How are we going to know he spent the whole night there?" Ripley asked Sam.

"He doesn't have to," Ashley glared at Sam.

"Yes he does," Sam said gleefully. "But Ripley's right. We have to think of something to prove that he stayed there all night."

"I'll stay out there," Zander said. "I'm not a chicken."

"Quiet!" Professor Snape announced coming back into the classroom. "Please put your finished potions in a beaker and bring them to the front of the class."

"Did you at least finish?" Sam asked Zander.

Zander added the last ingredient and then poured the remaining amount into his beaker.

Ashley placed hers and Brittany's finished potion on the desk. "You shouldn't fall for their trap," she whispered to Zander as he put the beaker next to hers. "They just want to get you in trouble."

"You wouldn't understand," Zander whispered back.

Ashley stared at him in silence.

"We'll test your potions tomorrow," Snape announced. "Class dismissed."

"Zander--" Ashley began.

"I have to do this," Zander said going back over to his desk to pack his belongings. "If I don't, I'll never hear the end of it."

"You're better than that," Ashley picked up her bag. "Brit, tell him he doesn't have to do this."

"Ash is right, Zander," Brittany said. "I don't see Sam or those Slytherins volunteering to spend the night in the forest. You don't have to do this."

Zander shook his head. "Neither of you understand," he grumbled as he stomped out of the dungeons ahead of them.

Brittany shook her head. "Boys..."

Ashley frowned. "Brit... I'm really worried about him."

"Maybe it won't be THAT bad," Brittany said thoughtfully. "Hagrid goes in there all the time and he comes out okay."

"But Hagrid knows all the creatures in there," Ashley pointed out. "And he's half giant."

"We're not going to be able to talk him out of it, Ash," Brittany said. "He feels like he has to prove something to those Neanderthals."

Ashley bit her lower lip. "What if we spend the night there with him?"

Brittany gaped at her. ""

"Come on," Ashley replied. "If we're all together, it won't be so bad."

"Count me out," Brittany said shaking her head. "There's creatures in there---slimy, scaly, creep, crawly creatures in there. I don't do that."

Ashley looked over at her. "Come on Brit. For me and for Zander."

"Oh, all right," Brittany relented. "But the first thing that crawls on me...I'm outta there."

Ashley gave her a hug. "Let's go tell him!"

Zander was already in the common room when they arrived back at Gryffindor Tower.

"Zander," Ashley hurried over to him. "Guess what--"

Zander sighed. "What?"

"Brit and I are going to stay with you in the Forest tonight," Ashley said in a hushed voice.

Zander vehemently shook his head. "No, you're not."

"Yes we are," Ashley replied.

"No, you're not," Zander said grabbing her by the arm and leading her out of the earshot of anyone else. "I have to do this by myself, Ashley."

"Why?" Ashley asked.

"Because I have to prove myself," Zander said quietly. "I'm not a coward."

"Sam's the real coward," Ashley argued. "It's like Brittany said---he's not volunteering to spend all night in the forest."

"It's too dangerous," Zander wouldn't look at her.

"Which is precisely why you shouldn't be going out there either," Ashley pointed out.

"Ash--" Zander began.

"You're not going to spend the whole night out there alone," Ashley said firmly. "Brittany and I are going to be there with you. If Sam has anything to say about that, I'll---I'll stuff a paint brush down his throat!"

Zander stared at her in surprise.

"So we'll meet here at 10," Ashley said.

Zander had to admit he was relieved. "Thanks Ashley," he said gratefully.

"You do realise we'll be in a world of trouble if we get caught," Brittany said joining them.

"We won't get caught," Ashley replied. "We... we won't."

"It's just a few hours in the forest," Zander said when he saw the look of trepidation on his cousin's face.

"It's an entire night," Brittany corrected. "Merlin..."

"It'll go by really fast," Ashley said. "We'll have snacks and we can play games..."

Zander nodded. "Okay."

"It'll be fun," Ashley said trying to sound brave.

"Sure," Brittany answered unenthusiastically. "Just a roaring good time."

Zander spent the rest of the evening listening to taunts from Sam and the other boys in his dorm. They didn't think he was going to go through with this. Truth be told, if it wasn't for Ashley deciding to come with him, he didn't think he would have.

"So you'll take a picture once every hour," Sam handed him a camera. "So we know you spent the whole night out there."

"I've got it," Zander said grabbing his cloak.

"I bet you don't stay out there," Sam said.

"I'll see you in the morning," Zander said grabbing his bag.

Ashley and Brittany exchanged glances. Zander was going to go out just past Hagrid's hut and wait for them there.

"He'll come running back, crying like a baby," Sam boasted as Zander snuck out of the room.

"Wanker," Ashley muttered. "Okay, Brit. We'll give it another five minutes and we'll go."

"Yeah," Brittany said tapping her fingers nervously on the table.

"It'll be okay," Ashley reassured her.

"Ash, I--I've been thinking," Brittany began.

"Brittany," Ashley looked back at her. "Don't even think about backing out--"

"I can't do it," Brittany said guiltily. "I wish I could, but I just can't. I hate spiders. I hate trolls. I just keep picturing them crawling on me and I feel sick."

"We'll be on the edge of the forest," Ashley whispered. "There won't be any spiders or bugs- and we've got blankets to sit on."

"I just can't," Brittany said getting to her feet. "Um---tell Zander I'm really sorry..."

Ashley stared after her friend in disbelief as the brunette went upstairs.

Ashley checked her bag to make sure that she had everything before she left to meet Zander.

"Hey, you," someone said tapping her on the shoulder. Ashley turned around to see the one person she didn't want to see. "Aunt Saffy, what---what are you doing in here?"

"I live in here," Saffron said to her niece. "What are you doing?"'

"Nothing," Ashley replied quickly, her voice about two octaves higher than it usually was. "Nothing."

Saffron gave her a strange look. "Ashley..."

Ashley yawned. "I'm going up to bed. You know, since it's curfew and all..."

"What's with the bag?" Saffron asked.

"Dobby brought me some socks," Ashley said cursing herself for the stupid excuse. She'd never lied to her aunt before. "He wants me to paint his portrait and he's got so many socks...he wanted to know which ones I liked best for the um, portrait."

Saffron was still sceptical. "I see..."

"He wants to look his best, you know," Ashley said holding up the bag. "So---I guess I'll go upstairs now. Good night, Aunt Saffy."

"Good night, Ash." Saffron folded her arms.

Ashley hurried upstairs, knowing that her aunt was watching her every move.

Brittany stared at her when she appeared in the doorway. "You aren't going either?" she whispered.

"I ran into my aunt downstairs," Ashley told her.

"Did she find out?" Brittany's eyes grew wide.

Ashley shook her head. "I didn't tell her. I made up some stupid lie which she probably didn't buy..."

"How are you going to get out then?" Brittany asked.

Ashley shrugged. "I guess I'll just wait a few minutes until the common room clears and then I'll sneak out."

"I'll cover you," Brittany offered. "I suppose it's the least I can do."

"I just hope he doesn't think I've abandoned him," Ashley said walking over to the window and looking out at the grounds.

"I doubt it," Brittany said quietly.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with us?" Ashley asked again.

Brittany looked away. "I know I'm a scaredy cat," she said.

Ashley wasn't looking forward to spending all night in the spooky forest, but she wasn't about to let Zander do this on his own. He was her friend and she wasn't going to let him down; even if it meant breaking the rules.

Brittany peeked out the door and into the common room. "No one's down there now," she reported in a hushed tone.

"Okay," Ashley said grabbing her bag again. "Wish us luck."

Brittany sent her a half smile. "Good luck, Ash."

Outside Hagrid's hut, Zander was wondering where in the world Ashley and Brittany were. Something must have happened to keep them away. He looked toward the forest with apprehension. He was going to have to spend all night in himself.

With a sigh of trepidation, Zander picked up his bag and began a slow walk over to the edge of the forest.


Zander turned around in relief. "Ash!"

"I'm sorry!" she said out of breath from running.

"It's okay," he was so glad to see her. "Where's Brit?"

"She kind of chickened out," Ashley told him.

Zander rolled his eyes. "Figures."

"So, it's just you and me," Ashley said.

He smiled at her. "I'm really happy you came with me."

Ashley smiled back. "I wasn't going to let you do this by yourself. You know that."

He gave her a hug. "Thanks Ash."

Ashley hugged him back. "We're going to be fine. I have a flask of hot chocolate, biscuits, brownies, and crisps. I brought my sketch book, too."

"Great," Zander said as they headed for the edge of the forest.

He told her about the camera Sam had given him to take photos. "I should take one of you before you go inside," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"I should probably take one of myself," Zander told her. "Since I'm supposed to be out here alone."

"Oh," Ashley said nodding. "Right."

"Thanks though," Zander smiled at her. "You know... I only agreed to do this because you said you'd come out here with me. I really, really appreciate it."

Ashley nudged him. "You don't have to keep thanking me."

"Yes I do," he told her.

"Well, you can repay me by playing a piece for me on the piano again next time you're at my house," Ashley said. "I still can't get over how talented you are."

"Deal," Zander replied, setting a blanket down. "Here's a good spot."

Ashley sat down and looked up at the night sky. She loved nights like this where there wasn't a cloud in the sky and you could see all the stars.

Zander sighed. "Well... five minutes down."

"Think positive," Ashley said.

"I'm trying," Zander leaned against a tree.

Ashley decided to do whatever she could to keep their minds off the fact that they were in a potentially dangerous forest. "You know...I'm ready to see the rest of my family, but in some ways, I don't want the year to end."

"I know," Zander replied. "But it's been a good year."

"Gryffindor won the House Cup," Ashley said with a grin. She could still remember the sight of her aunt being carried off the pitch on the shoulders of her team-mates.

"That was awesome," Zander recalled. "I really hope I can eventually play for the house team."

"You can try out next year," Ashley said.

"I need to get a lot better," Zander replied.

"You were the best in our flying lessons," Ashley remembered.

"I wasn't that great," Zander said modestly.

"You were," Ashley said smiling at him. "Much better than me."

"I thought you were pretty good," Zander watched her pull out her sketchbook.

"Well, let's just say you're not going to see me trying out for the house team," Ashley said finding a blank page. "Do you mind if I sketch you?"

"Okay," Zander said. "What do I have to do?"

Ashley grabbed her pencil and smiled at him. "Stay still."

"Just remember I have to take a picture in an hour," Zander looked over at her.

"Yes, sir," Ashley said concentrating on her sketch. "So...what are you doing for summer hols?"

"I'm not sure yet," Zander replied. "Hopefully me and Brit can come visit you."

"I'd like that," Ashley said. "We usually go to Brighton for the first few weeks of the summer. My grandparents have a beach house there."

"Cool," Zander commented. "I bet that's a lot of fun."

"It is," Ashley said. "But...sometimes..."

"What?" he asked.

Ashley bit her bottom lip. She'd never told anyone this. "I sometimes felt left out. My Aunt Saffy tries to include me and I love spending time with her, but it's not the same as having someone your own age, you know? My sister's younger than me and my cousins are a lot younger than me. I never really had my own friends."

Zander looked properly at her. "Really? I thought you looked sort of lonely that one day I came and introduced myself. I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad you did, too," Ashley said. "You and Brittany were my first real friends."

Zander grinned at her. "We're the lucky ones, aye?"

Ashley laughed. "Can I ask you something? Why did you come over to me that day?"

"I saw you sitting there by yourself," Zander recalled.

Ashley studied her sketch and then studied her friend. "You know what I liked most about you? You seemed interested in me and not who my dad and grandpa are."

Zander shrugged. "It's cool who they are, but people shouldn't be friends with you because of it."

"I remember when I was in primary school," Ashley told him. "There was this girl named Nicole that was having a birthday party. She invited everyone in the class, but me. She said that she'd let me go, if I brought my dad there."

Zander shook his head. "I hope you told her off."

Ashley shook her head. "I just acted like it didn't bother me."

"Good for you," Zander replied.

"Well, what about you?" Ashley asked. "What was it like for you growing up?"

Zander thought for a moment. "I don't know... my family, aside from Brit, are all pretty normal. She's more like a sister to me than a cousin; we're around each other so much."

Ashley had met Zander's mum once that day when Brittany and Zander had stopped by her house. "Your mum seemed really nice when I met her."

"She thought you were really nice too," Zander told her.

Ashley smiled. "What are Brit's parents like?"

Zander grinned. "My aunt is a bit mad... that's where Brit gets it from."

"Brittany's not bad," Ashley said in her defence, but she couldn't help but laugh.

"She's just crazy," Zander had forgotten they were sitting in the forest. He was having a great time.

Ashley was silent for a few moments as she drew the tree that Zander was leaning against.

"This hasn't been too bad so far," Zander's eyes moved towards the forest.

"You should probably take your photo," Ashley said.

"Oh yeah," Zander reached for the camera. "Thanks for reminding me."

Ashley set her sketch aside and decided to pour them both a mug of hot chocolate.

"I brought some biscuits too," Zander rummaged around in his bag.

A howling sound from the distance startled both of them.

"W-what was that?" Ashley stammered.

"I don't know," Zander's face went pale.

"I'm sure it was nothing," Ashley said wishing she was right. "Um---let's just ....let's just have our snack."

Zander swallowed nervously. "I'm not sure I can eat right now..."

Ashley moved over to sit beside him. "It was probably just Hagrid's dog."

"I hope so," Zander said quietly.

The two of them were silent for a long time until Zander finally decided to chance taking the photograph of himself.

"I think everyone's going to be really impressed that you stayed out here all night." Ashley told him as he snapped a photo.

"I don't think I'd be out here right now if you'd not come with me," Zander said truthfully.

"Again... you really don't have to thank me." Ashley told him. "You're my best friend."

Zander grinned. "And you're mine, Ashley."

"Which is why we're two fools out here together," Ashley smiled back.

Since they hadn't heard any more strange noises, Zander reached for the bag of biscuits and offered one to her.

"Thanks," Ashley took one. "Have some hot chocolate."

Zander took the mug from her. "Dobby makes the best hot chocolate."

"He really does," Ashley agreed.

"How are the biscuits?" Zander asked.

"Delicious," Ashley answered. "If you want some crackers later, I have a box here."

"You thought of everything," Zander said.

Ashley smiled as she rubbed her eyes. "It's no problem."

"Are you knackered?" Zander asked.

"No," Ashley tried to deny, but a big yawn said otherwise.

"You can go to sleep if you want," Zander said.

"But that's not why I'm out here," Ashley objected.

"You're sleepy," Zander said. "I don't mind if you take a kip, Ash."

Ashley glanced at him. "Promise to wake me up if you need anything?"

Zander nodded. "I promise."

She leaned against her best friend. "I won't sleep long."

Zander saw that Ashley's sketchpad was still open. He picked it up gingerly so as not to disturb her. He couldn't get over how much the sketch looked just like him.

She had done the sketch so quickly too. His friend was truly a talented artist.

He still couldn't believe that she'd actually come out here with him. He'd expected Brittany to chicken out.

Ashley was already asleep and she shifted a bit so she was lying down more.

Zander put his arm around her. He hoped that she was warm enough. It wasn't very cold, but there was a chill in the air.

Ashley mumbled something, her eyes still closed.

Zander made sure his wand was handy just in case whatever was howling in the distance decided to come closer.

An hour rolled by and he wished he'd brought a book or something to read. Instead, he pulled Ashley's sketchbook over again and began looking through the rest of her drawings.

There were a lot of sketches of the Hogwarts castle. Zander couldn't get over her attention for detail.

She'd drawn everything, down to some of the cracks in the stones.

Zander knew it was time to take another photograph, but he didn't want to wake up Ashley. She looked so peaceful.

He hoped he would be able to take it without any trace of her in the photograph. Zander gingerly reached for the camera.

He held it away from him and pressed the button. A flash illuminated his face and awoke Ashley who looked a little disoriented.

"What's going on?" she asked drowsily.

"I'm sorry," he apologised. "I just---I had to take the photo."

"It's okay," Ashley sat up. "How long have I been out?"

"About an hour," Zander replied. "You can go back to sleep..."

"I'm all right," Ashley sat back up.

"I was looking at your sketches," Zander said.

"They're just of the castle, mostly." Ashley replied. "I'm not going to see it for three months, so I've been drawing it as many chances as I get."

Zander nodded. "Is that why you wanted to sketch me? Since you're not going to see me for three months..."

"I hope I'll get to see you during the summer," Ashley said shyly.

"My grandparents on my dad's side actually live near Brighton," Zander said.

"Really?" Ashley asked excitedly. "Maybe you can come visit me there!"

"I'd like that," Zander said.

"We have loads of fun there," Ashley told him. "My grandpa always does barbeque at least once, and it's the best dinner ever."

"You promise your cousins aren't going to ask me to be a part of their princess club?" Zander asked.

Ashley giggled. "I can't promise that!"

"Imagine what Sam would do if he heard about that?" Zander mused.

"It's our secret," Ashley swore.

The next couple of hours went by fast. Ashley and Zander played a game of exploding snap and talked throughout the game about their summer plans, their families, and why Professor Snape had taken a shine to Ashley.

"I really don't know!" Ashley claimed. "He doesn't like my mum at all."

"Or your aunt," Zander said. "Or your grandfather. I remember watching them when your grandfather came for Saffy's last match..."

"Aunt Saffy hates him," Ashley giggled. "She told me one time she made his cauldron explode."

Zander laughed. "I wish I could have seen that. He scares me half to death. You remember our first day of classes? When he called on me and I had no idea what he was talking about?"

"And Brit tried to answer, and he got mad at her?" Ashley recalled.

Zander nodded and shuddered at the memory. "Maybe we'll be lucky and he'll retire soon. He's pushing 100."

"And he looks like it," Ashley added with a giggle.

"Miss Malfoy, do you have the answer?" Zander asked in his best Snape impression.

"Thank goodness I usually do," Ashley said. "Aunt Saffy gave me her first year potions text with all her notes in it."

Zander gaped at her. "Ash! You've been holding out on us!"

"I have all of her old potions texts," Ashley revealed. "She just gave them to me the other day."

"That'll be useful for our final exam," Zander said.

"Very," Ashley agreed. "I'll make sure we all get a chance to study them."

Zander smiled. "Except for Sam."

"No way," Ashley made a face.

"Okay," Zander said. "Do you want to play again? You still haven't beaten me."

"Sure," Ashley said, grabbing the cards.

"You're going down again, Malfoy," Zander boasted.

"I think this is my lucky game," Ashley returned.

Zander shook his head. "Not this one."

"Yeah right," Ashley told him.

Zander dealt the cards and looked at her. "You can go first."

Ashley tossed one down and grinned at him.

"Beginner's luck," Zander said tossing one down on top of hers.

Ashley scoffed. "I don't think so!"

"You think just because you beat your little sister at this all the time that you're going to beat me," Zander said as she threw another card down. "But so far, it hasn't happened yet."

"Until tonight," Ashley countered.

Zander threw down another card and winced when Ashley threw down a higher card.

"Beat that!" Ashley crowed.

Zander had no choice but to throw down a lesser card.

Ashley threw down her last card and raised her hands over her head. "I WIN!"

"Yeah, yeah," Zander grumbled.

Ashley giggled. "Finally!"

"Luck of the draw," Zander said taking the discards and putting them back in a pile. The cards reshuffled themselves.

"When do you have to take another picture?" Ashley asked, looking at her watch.

"Ten minutes," Zander said stifling a yawn.

"We only have a few more hours," Ashley said.

"Yeah, and it's not been that---" Zander started to say, but there was a rustling in the trees and Ashley's eyes grew large and she moved closer to him.

Zander grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Maybe it was just the wind," Ashley whispered.

"I hope so," Zander gulped nervously. "Maybe if we're really quiet whatever it is will go away."

Ashley nodded wordlessly. She tried to remember all the creatures they'd learned about that inhabited the forest.

The rustling was louder this time and Ashley and Zander scrambled backwards. Ashley was certain some dangerous creature was headed right for them when suddenly a beautiful white unicorn peeked through the bushes.

"Zander!" Ashley said excitedly. "Look at her!"

Zander could only stare in awe.

Ashley had never seen one before, but she'd heard enough about them from her grandparents, especially her grandfather. Ashley stood up and slowly walked toward the unicorn.

"Ash!" Zander whispered. "Are you sure you should do that?"

"They prefer a woman's touch," Ashley whispered back. "She's not going to hurt me."

Zander watched as Ashley inched forward and touched the unicorn on its velvety nose. It leaned in and nuzzled her palm.

Ashley smiled wanting so badly to sketch the unicorn. "You gave us quite a fright, you know?"

The unicorn stepped closer to her and pressed its head against her.

"My grandfather used to see them all the time when he'd go for walks with Hagrid," Ashley told Zander.

Zander nodded. "This is so cool."

Ashley nodded in agreement. She knew that when she told Brittany about this, her friend would hate that she'd missed the chance to see a real unicorn.

"You are so beautiful," Ashley said softly, running her fingers through its mane.

"What else did your grandfather tell you about them?" Zander asked, not sure if he could step any closer.

"They like girls," Ashley said. "And they're quite shy..."

"Sounds a bit like me," Zander joked.

"You aren't that shy," Ashley rubbed the unicorn's neck.

Zander took a few tentative steps forward.

"Really slow," Ashley coached him quietly.

Zander did as she requested.

Ashley grinned excitedly as Zander touched the unicorn.

"This is amazing," Zander said smiling at his friend.

"Yeah it is," Ashley agreed.

"You want to draw her, don't you?" Zander asked.

"I don't think she'd stay for me to do it," Ashley said wistfully.

"Maybe she would," Zander said thoughtfully.

"Guess I won't know unless I try," Ashley reluctantly withdrew her hand and reached for her sketchbook.

Zander stayed beside the unicorn to help keep her in place.

Ashley put her pencil to the paper and began to draw as quickly as she could.

Zander stood back as the unicorn stepped closer to Ashley.

She could hardly breathe as the unicorn came up close, looking her right in the eyes.

Zander smiled. Ashley had a habit of drawing those around her close to her.

"I can't believe this," Ashley's hand flew across the page.

"Maybe someday we'll be able to tell our grandchildren about this," Zander said without thinking. " know like your grandfather told you. And I'll tell my grandchildren that I have myself...not that I'd have them because I can't...."

Ashley blushed. "Right."

"You know, your grandchildren that you have and the grandchildren that---I'm just going to quit talking now," Zander said putting his head in his hands.

Ashley blushed even more as the unicorn reared back its head.

Zander sighed and wondered what in the world had possessed him to say something like that.

Ashley finished her sketch. "I got it," she said triumphantly.

Zander peered over her shoulder for a better look. "That's fantastic, Ash!"

"Thanks," Ashley said proudly.

The rest of the evening passed with no incidents. Their unicorn friend apparently decided to stick around and only got a little jumpy each time Zander took a photograph. Zander and Ashley took turns getting some sleep and were both a little sad to see the sun coming up.

"You made it," Ashley told him. "Sam has to eat crow."

"We both made it," Zander said helping her gather up their things.

Ashley watched as the unicorn cantered away into the forest. "I can't believe we got to see a real unicorn."

Zander grinned. "And you beat me for the first time ever in Exploding Snap. Don't forget that."

Ashley giggled. "Come on. We still have to sneak back in."

"Right," Zander said. "What--what time is it anyway?"

"Just past six," Ashley answered.

"We'd better hurry," Zander said.

Ashley nodded as they hurried back to the castle, keeping to the shadows.

They tried the front entrance, but the door was locked. They'd have to wait until the caretaker opened the door.

"Do you think he'll see us?" Ashley asked. "Filch loves getting any student into trouble."

"We'll wait until he opens the doors," Zander said. "And when he steps out...we'll sneak in...It'll be easy."

"I hope so," Ashley said nervously.

She looked at her watch. She hoped that Filch would come out soon. They really needed to be inside.

"I can't wait to show the pictures to Sam," Zander wanted to alleviate her fears.

"Can't wait to see the look on his face," Ashley said.

"It'll be the second best part of the day," Zander smiled at her.

Ashley smiled back knowing what he meant.

It was a few minutes later when they heard the bolt across the door slide back.

Zander and Ashley held their breath, waiting for the door to open fully.

"....stupid children," Filch muttered to himself. "...Peeves..."

"Now," Zander whispered, grabbing her hand.

Ashley hurried inside after him.

"That was easier than I thought it would be," Zander whispered as they practically ran up to the common room.

Ashley nodded. "We made it, Zander!"

"Thanks again Ash," Zander told her.

"Remember, I wasn't there," Ashley said softly. "That was you and you alone."

"Oh yeah," Zander realised he was still holding her hand.

Ashley released his hand. "We had a good time, didn't we?"

Zander nodded. "We should do it again sometime," he joked.

Ashley giggled. "Maybe."

"I guess I'll see you at breakfast," Zander said.

"Right," Ashley said. "At least we'll get an hour or so of sleep before then."

"I hope so," Zander said. "Night Ash."

"Good morning, Zander," Ashley said grinning at him before disappearing up the staircase.

Zander watched her go before heading to his own dormitory. Sam was waiting for him when he opened the door.

"Murray," Sam said holding out his hand. "Let me see the camera."

Zander pulled it out of his and tossed it at him.

"You really stayed in the forest all night?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," Zander said shortly. "I did."

Cole Baxter, one of the other first-year Gryffindors, grinned. "I knew you'd do it, Zander."

"It wasn't so bad," Zander said. "Saw a unicorn."

"Big deal," Sam said trying to sound dismissive.

"That's awesome, Zander." Cole told him.

"Thanks," Zander said setting his bag down and kicking off his muddy trainers.

Sam seemed disappointed that Zander had actually gone through with it.

Sam set the camera down and stalked back toward his bed pulling the curtains shut.

Cole grinned. "He spent all night expecting you to run back in here. I'm glad you did it. Puts him in his place."

"He can talk when he spends the whole night out there," Zander said.

Cole laughed. "I'll see you later, Zander. Good job."

"Thanks," Zander said. It had been a long night and he was happy to get at least a few minutes of sleep in his own bed. But, he wouldn't have changed one moment of what had happened tonight.