Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We're sorry that our authors note in the last chapter offended so many people. That was definitely NOT our intent.

We wanted to find out if there was still interest in the story and if perhaps you guys didn't like the storylines or perhaps were concerned that this wasn't a H/Hr-centric story as much anymore.

Obviously we were wrong- there is still a TON of interest in the story and we're more than happy that you guys still enjoy it. After HBP, it was therapy for us to write it just as it was for you guys to read it.

A comment on us replying to the anonymous reviews- we will try and do it more often. Honestly- we thought the 'Anonymous' reviewers never really checked back since there was no way they'd know if the review was responded to, but obviously more of you check back than we thought so whether or not you have a username, we will respond ok? Promise

And we will continue to update on the usual schedule---Tuesdays and Saturdays. We are also hard at work on another story that we will be posting soon that is non-DD verse.

Again, we hope despite the miscommunication in our authors note that those of you who were offended will stick around. We love you guys, we really do- after JKR let us down with that interview, we don't want to do the same!

We love these characters and the story we've created and we want you to feel the same. There's loads more of story to tell and we want you all to be along for the ride.

We will hopefully see you guys back on Saturday for another 'helping' of the DD verse and we'll also see you guys soon with a brand new story that will be coming the first week of Feb. Thanks for sticking with us and know that we ADORE you guys- ALL of you!

Amy and Heaven