Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks you guys so much for the response to the last chapter! We really appreciate you guys reading every week! You guys are the best! We hope you enjoy this latest chapter!

Three days. Three days of having Hans home, so to speak, Darla thought. The first night, he could not have been more like his old self. He had made dinner for her and had even changed every single one of Rafe's nappies. That had continued onto the next day until around lunch when he had to skip out because his London management team wanted to meet with him.

He hadn't returned until nearly midnight, long after she had put Rafe down for the night.

Now today, he was getting himself ready for another meeting with a new agent in London. "I shouldn't be gone long," he said to her.

"Of course," Darla said giving him a half smile.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

Darla poured herself another cup of tea. "Fine."

"You sure?" Hans asked. "I know I didn't' get back until late last night, but Rick my agent over here, took me to an industry party."

"It's fine," Darla replied, not really wanting to get into a fight with him. She turned her attention to Rafe who was sitting happily in his bouncy seat.

She smiled at her son. "Hello my handsome boy."

Rafe giggled and held up his little hand to her.

Darla lifted him up and hugged his little body to her.

Hans grinned at her. "A charmer just like his dad."

"Yes he is," Darla said. "He's a little flirt with women."

Hans helped himself to a glass of juice. "Maybe we can grab some lunch later? Take him to the park?"

Darla looked at him in surprise. "That would be nice," she agreed.

Hans grinned. "I'll ring you when I'm finished."

"What time do you think that might be?" she asked. "I have a few errands to run."

"One?" Hans replied thoughtfully.

"Okay," Darla agreed.

He pecked her on the cheek and then kissed the top of Rafe's head. "Wish me luck."

"Break a leg," Darla smiled at him.

Hans grinned back at her before he disapparated, leaving Darla and Rafe alone.

"Well my little guy," Darla looked at her son. "Should we get you dressed?

Rafe just looked at her in response. Darla laughed. "We'll take that as a yes."

Rafe grinned at her as she changed him into a little pair of jeans and a jumper. The weather was finally warming up but it was still just a touch chilly.

Darla picked up his shoes and laughed at the look on Rafe's face. He hated wearing shoes.

"You only have to wear them until it warms up." she said, trying to put one onhis kicking foot.

Rafe shook his head. "There's another thing you have in common with your father," Darla commented.

Rafe let out an angry cry when she successfully put the shoes on his feet.

Darla tickled his side. "Too bad Liam's not here. He's the only one who could get you in them without a fuss."

Rafe looked around for Liam, then back at his mother. "No love, he's not here." she said.

Rafe's lower lip trembled and he reached for Darla.

She kissed the side of his head. "How about we go see him?" Darla asked her son. "You miss him don't you?"

Rafe nodded.

"All right," Darla said. "We'll go visit him."

She thought about ringing him first, but she did not want to give him the chance to push her away.

She quickly got herself ready to go then left the house with Rafe in tow.

If she was being honest, Darla was looking forward to seeing Liam, too. It had been days since she had seen him and she wanted to catch up or at the very least let him know she would be there for him if he needed her.

She knew he was upset about the situation with his mother- and she also knew his brother was no help at all and the stress of everything was left to fall on his shoulders. That alone had to be difficult.

Darla look the lift to Liam's flat and knocked on the door. There was no response and Darla knocked again. She was about to turn and walk away when the door swung open. Liam stood there looking like he had just gotten out of bed. He wore nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms.

He rubbed sleepily at his eyes. "Darla?"

"Hi," she said softly. "I'm sorry... we woke you up?"

He nodded. "I--I was on call last night. Um, come in..."

She smiled at him. "Rafe missed you... and... I've missed you too."

Liam stood back so she could enter the flat. "Uh, give me just a second. I'll put on a shirt."

"Sure," Darla nodded.

While he was gone, Darla lifted Rafe out of his pram.

She carried him into the sitting room and was surprised to see how messy his place was. Normally he was quite neat.

Liam came back into the room and Rafe reached for him. To Darla's relief, Liam smiled and lifted Rafe into his arms. "Hi, mate," Liam said.

"I had a heck of a time putting his shoes on this morning," Darla tried to joke. "You're the only one he allows to do it."

"It's all in the voice," Liam told her. He sat down with Rafe.

"I suppose you're right," Darla cleared off a spot on the sofa. "So um... what's new?"

"Working," Liam replied, laughing as Rafe reached up to touch his cheek.

"Lizzy mentioned that you lot have been busy," Darla replied.

"Flu season," Liam said. "Kind of like June for you wedding planners."

Darla smiled. "Good analogy."

"So, how've you been?" Liam asked.

"Pretty good," Darla said. "Hans is back home."

"Oh," Liam said quietly.

"I don't know what's going to happen there," Darla said thoughtfully.

"Back home or back with you?" Liam asked.

"Not sure," she confessed. "He wants us to try and work things out, but I'm not sure that I want to."

Liam just shook his head.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing," Liam said handing Rafe back to her.

"If you have something to say--" she began.

"Going back to him after what he put you through?" Liam asked angrily.

"I just said I don't' know," Darla said defensively. "He's my husband, and we have a child together. It's not that easy to forget."

"You sound like my mother," Liam shot back.

Darla narrowed her eyes. "What is your problem?"

"Nothing," Liam said turning away from her. "Thingsā€¦things aren't going too well for my mother."

"What happened?" Darla asked, softening her tone.

Liam did not answer her.

"You can tell me," she urged.

He turned around and looked at her and Darla's heart broke when she saw there were tears in his eyes. "Liam..."

"She just doesn't get it," he said angrily. "He's always going to hurt her and she just won't leave him."

"Oh, Liam," Darla said standing up with Rafe.

He just shook his head. "I'm sick of it."

"Something else happened?" Darla asked gently. "Since she went home?"

"It's just everything," he said. "Connor is absolutely no help at all. He'd just as soon pretend none of it exists."

Darla wished she knew something to say to make him feel better; to let him know that none of this was his fault. "At least she knows that you'll be here if she needs you."

"I'm the only one," he muttered.

Darla looked at him. "Well, you're not alone, Liam."

"I'm not?" he asked. "Really..."

Darla shook her head. "No, you have Rafe and me. We've missed you."

"You don't know what this feels like," Liam told her.

"No, but I want to help you," Darla said.

"You can't," he said, standing up.

"I can if you let me," Darla argued. "Liam---"

"How would you know how to help?" he asked. "Your parents are happy together. Your father would never dream of hurting your mother."

"I might not have been through it but I'm your friend, Liam," Darla argued. "Look, I know you're angry, but you can't push everyone that cares about you away."

"Well I just have to take care of this on my own," Liam told her. "As usual, everything that goes on in this family falls to me."

Rafe squirmed in Darla's arms.

Liam sighed. "Look, there's just nothing you can do. I have to deal with this."

"If you want to talk about this, I just want you to know that I'm here," Darla said. "Liam, next to my sister, you're my best friend. I've told you things that I haven't even told her. You were there for me when I was at my lowest."

Liam looked at her properly.

"What?" Darla asked softly.

"I appreciate the fact that you want to help, but you can't."

Darla sighed in defeat.

"I guess Rafe and I should go," she said when Liam remained silent.

"I'll see you out," Liam told her.

"It's all right," Darla said, picking up Rafe's bag. "I know where the door is."

"Thanks for stopping by," Liam said quietly.

"Sure," she said, her tone heavy with disappointment.

"Darla?" Liam asked.

"What?" she asked coolly.

"Take care of yourself," Liam said looking at her.

"You say that like I'm never going to see you again," Darla remarked.

Liam shook his head. "I'm busy, you know? You're busy with work and...Hans."

"You really have no idea," Darla replied.

"You're right," Liam said, suddenly angry at her. "I have no idea how you could go back to someone like him."

"You're a jerk," Darla snapped. "You haven't talked to me in weeks, when I just wanted to help you."

"I'm the jerk?" Liam asked incredulously.

"Yes," she said furiously.

"That's rich," Liam retorted.

"Whatever," Darla said. "I've got to go."

She glared at him one last time, putting Rafe in his pram.

Liam just shook his head. "Maybe you should start bringing him to Lizzy if you're so unhappy with me."

Darla sighed. "Liam...what the hell is wrong with you?"

"You should ask yourself that," he said before closing the door.

Darla stared at the door for a few moments. What had just happened in there? She had gone over there just to see how he was doing and offer him her friendship and it had somehow turned into the worst row they'd ever had.

Biting her lower lip, she pushed the pram outside and began heading towards the park. She still had awhile before she was due to meet Hans.

She tried to tell herself that he was upset at the situation and not at her, but it was not helping. Her situation with Hans was completely different from what his mother was facing with Liam's father.

But that still didn't excuse him passing judgement on her life with Hans.

Darla peered into the pram and smiled when she saw Rafe sleeping.

"You are the only truly bright spot in my life," she whispered to her son.

Darla pushed the pram over to a bench and sat down. The weather was very nice today and that was a consolation to her.

"I suppose we should wait here for your father," she said rocking the pram back and forth a little bit. "Maybe he'll be early for a change."

He was not early, but he was not all that late. He arrived about ten minutes past one and he was grinning. Darla looked up at him. "I take it your meeting went well, then?"

"Yeah," Hans said his grin widening. "My new agent already booked me on two shoots."

Darla smiled. "Congratulations. That's great news."

"Thanks," Hans leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

"What are the shoots for?" Darla asked conversationally.

"One's for some Muggle jeans," Hans replied. "And the other is for a local designer."

"That's great," Darla said. "Especially that the shoots are here in London."

"Well one of them is," Hans said. "The local designer. The other is in Greece."

"Oh," Darla said. "Well, that's still great news."

"I leave tonight," Hans said. "I'll be gone for three days."

The smile on Darla's face faltered. "Three days?"

"This is going to be good for me," Hans said. "Get me back out there."

Darla nodded. "And then you'll be back here?"

"Should be," Hans said. "Unless I get booked somewhere else."

Darla did not begrudge him his success, but this kind of went against what he had promised her. "Of course," she said quietly.

"But I'll definitely be back for the weekend," Hans said. "We'll take this little guy out and about on the town."

"Oh, yeah?" Darla asked as he put n arm around her.

"Absolutely," Hans said, looking into the pram.

"He loves the park," Darla commented.

"How long has he been out?" Hans asked. "If he wakes up soon we can play with him."

"About half an hour," Darla replied. '

"How long does he usually sleep?" Hans asked.

Darla looked at him in surprise. "Hans, he's your son. You should know that."

"Well I don't know if his kips are longer or not," Hans said a bit defensively.

"Usually he kips in the morning for an hour," Darla said. "But they've been getting shorter."

"Is that a good thing?" Hans asked.

Despite herself, Darla laughed. "Not really, but Liam says..."

Hans's face dropped at the mention of Liam.

"Liam says that's normal," Darla finished.

"Right," Hans said, pushing the blanket back a bit.

"But you had to notice this when he was with you during the holidays," Darla commented.

"Dar..." Hans looked at her properly. "Let's not pick a fight."

"I'm not picking a fight," Darla said defensively.

"Okay," Hans said. "How about we grab a bite to eat?"

Darla nodded. "That sounds lovely, actually."

He smiled at her. "Good. I'm starved."

"We could go to Jon and Josh's," Darla said thoughtfully.

"Is that nearby?" Hans asked. "I haven't been there in a long time."

Darla was again hit by the realisation that Hans really did not know that much about her life now. "Um, it's just down the street..."

"Great," Hans pushed the pram with one hand and took hers with the other.

It felt like old times in some ways but in many ways it seemed foreign.

"What do you want to do tonight?" he asked her.

Darla looked over at him. "I don't know. Did you have anything in mind?"

"Something quiet, maybe." Hans said. "We can just hang out together."

Darla had expected him to suggest going to some club. "I'd like that."

"Have we got any new movies?" he asked.

Darla nodded. "I picked up some new ones when I was --" Her voice trailed off as she remembered a shopping trip with Liam where she had picked up some movies. That had been a fun day, she recalled. "A little while ago."

"Cool," Hans smiled at her.

They made it to the pub and the smile on Hans' face fell when he saw Ron and Luna sitting at a table.

"Maybe we shouldn't eat here," he mumbled.

Darla squeezed his hand. "Come on, it's just my parents and they just spotted us."

"They hate me," he said quietly.

"They do not," Darla said waving at her parents. "Come on."

Hans put a smile onto his face as they approached Ron and Luna.

"What a nice surprise!" Luna exclaimed, standing up to welcome them.

"Hi Mum," Darla kissed her mother's cheek. "We thought we'd grab something to eat."

Luna smiled. "Why don't you join us? I can look at my grandson..."

"Hans," Ron nodded to him. "It's good to see you."

Hans extended his hand. "Good to see you too."

Darla smiled. "Good timing too. Rafe's just waking up."

Luna peered down at her grandson and grinned. "Can I?"

"Of course, Mum." Darla replied. "You know he loves you."

Luna lifted her grandson out of the pram and hugged him to her. "That's my boy. How did you sleep? Hmm?"

Rafe grinned at her. "Hi!"

Luna grinned back. "Hi, sweetheart."

"He's growing to look like his daddy," Darla said.

"Ah, he's cuter than me," Hans said sitting down.

"He's a little flirt," Darla said. "We were at the shops a few days ago and he was just charming all the women who worked there."

Luna knew her husband well enough to know when a smart remark was coming and she shot him a look.

Ron stuffed a piece of bread in his mouth so he wouldn't talk.

"Hans met with his London agents today," Darla told them. "He's booked two photo shoots."

"That's wonderful, Hans." Luna said. "Tell us about them."

He told them the details of the shoots and talked excitedly about the upcoming one in Greece. Darla tried to listen, but her mind was on Liam.

It hurt her so much to hear what he had to say about Hans. She knew neither man was fond of the other, but she cared about them both.

"Ma," Rafe said, breaking into her thoughts.

Darla smiled. "I love hearing him talk."

"I remember saying the same thing about your brothers," Ron said dryly.

Darla laughed. "And then they never stopped."

"Especially Jon," Ron said shaking his head.

"What was that?" Jon asked. "I heard my name, and I'm sure right before it was something like charming, handsome..."

"Of course," Luna said smiling at him. She bounced Rafe on her knee. "Say hello to your Uncle Jon, Rafe."

"Hi," Rafe looked up at him.

Jon grinned. "Hi, mate."

"Hold," Rafe reached for him.

Jon picked him up. "Do you want to go see Adam?"

The little boy's eyes lit up at his cousin's name. "I think he likes that idea," Darla said.

Jon carried him to the back. Darla leaned back in her chair and smiled at her father. She was glad that he was being civil.

"So are you planning on sticking around in London, Hans?" Ron asked him.

Hans nodded. "This is home, right?"

"Sure is," Ron replied. "Where your wife and son are."

"Absolutely," Hans agreed.

Ron nodded and suddenly smiled at him.

Hans put his arm around Darla. "This is our second chance"

Darla smiled a bit uncomfortably. "Sure," she agreed cautiously. "We're trying."

Hans did not notice the look on her face. His mobile phone began to ring and he excused himself to take the call.

Luna watched him go. "He seems very optimistic."

"We're trying," Darla said again.

Luna nodded. "Do what's right for Rafe, and yourself."

"I just wish I knew what it was," Darla replied.

"You'll know sooner or later," Luna reassured her.

"Thanks, Mum," Darla said.

"In the meantime, you know your father and I are always here for you and Rafe." Luna told her.

Darla nodded. "I do know that. I love you both very much."

Ron smiled at her. "We love you too sweetheart, and we're so proud of you."

Darla felt so lucky to have parents like hers. They loved their children and they loved each other. It was a shame that Liam's parents could not be like this. She cursed herself for thinking about him yet again.

"Hi!" Rafe called out from across the room where Jon was carrying him back out, Adam also in tow.

"Hi, Adam!" Darla exclaimed holding out her arms. "Look at how big you're getting!"

"I know," Adam replied, giving her a hug.

Darla laughed. "How's your Mummy?"

"Okay," Adam said. "But no fun."

"That's what you have your dad for," Jon said. "We can play until Mummy has Olivia."

"We play cars," Adam said to his aunt.

"Em," Rafe said looking around. Adam frowned.

"No Em," Adam told his cousin. "Em was bad."

Darla looked at Jon. "Was she?"

"Just more with her ADHD," Jon replied. "Medicine doesn't seem to help her."

"Poor Em," Darla said sympathetically.

"It's not easy, but we deal as best we can," Jon told her.

"If I can do anything, let me know," Darla said.

"Thanks," Jon said to his sister.

Darla took Rafe back from her brother just as Hans returned to the table.

"Everything all right?" Jon asked him.

Hans nodded. "Yes, of course."

"Good," Jon said, glancing at his sister.

The waitress brought out their food and Darla was happy for the distraction.

"How is it with Allie not being here?" Darla asked Jon.

"I miss having her here, but she's doing what's best for her and the baby," Jon replied. "And everyone's helping out."

"I will have to stop by with Rafe in the next few days," Darla said.

Jon looked at Darla. "Dar, can you actually ask Liam if he could give us a call? Lizzy said he had experience working with kids who have attention-deficit issues. I'd really like it if he could meet with Emma."

Darla turned red. "Um... you might want to talk to Lizzy to get in touch with him."

Jon raised an eyebrow. "You can't ask him for me?"

"I won't be seeing him for awhile," Darla murmured.

Luna put her hand on Darla's arm. "Sweetheart, why not?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said.

Everything seemed to fall into place for Hans. That was why she had been so upset or seemed so distant earlier. But, if she was having issues with that Thornhart...that could only bode well for him.

"We just don't see eye to eye anymore," Darla finally said. "That's all."

Jon shrugged. "Okay, I'll talk to Liz about it instead then."

"Good," Darla nodded.

Hans put his arm around his wife. "I've been trying to tell you what a wanker he was."

Darla sighed. "I just said I didn't want to talk about this."

Hans held up his hands in defeat. In her lap, Rafe kicked his feet, obviously wanting out of his shoes. Darla sighed.

"Here buddy," Hans said, "Let's take these off--"

When Hans knelt down, Rafe kicked him in the nose.

Darla gasped. "Hans!"

Hans had put his hand over his nose. For a baby, Rafe was quite a kicker. "I---I think he broke my nose..."

"I don't think it's broken," Darla said. "But we'll go to hospital to be sure."

"It's bleeding," Luna pointed out. Rafe started to cry and Darla hugged him to her. "Its okay, Rafe. Daddy knows you didn't mean to do it."

"I can't bloody believe this," Hans muttered.

"It was an accident," Darla told him.

"I know," Hans said.

Luna handed Hans a napkin. "I'm sure it's going to be fine."

"A spell and a potion and you'll be good as new," Ron nodded.

"Right," Hans mumbled. "Come on Dar..."

"See you all later," Darla said softly.

"Bye, sweetheart," Luna said.

"Come on," Darla said. "We can Apparate and have you fixed up in no time."

"Let's hope so," Hans muttered.

"Hans, he's a baby," Darla said. "You're acting like our son kicked you on purpose."

"I'm sorry," Hans said. "It's just I don't need this right now."

Darla rolled her eyes but didn't say anything else until they arrived at St Mungos.

Thankfully, they were seen fairly quickly.

"There's nothing to treating a broken nose," the healer said cheerfully.

"How long will it take?" Hans asked.

"Just overnight," the healer replied. "Your bones have to mend themselves."

Hans sighed in relief. "Good. I think my son has a career as a footballer in his future."

Darla kissed the side of Rafe's head. The little boy still seemed quite upset.

"It's okay," Darla said patting his back comfortingly. "My sweet boy."

"Let me see him," Hans said once the healer went to mix the potion.

"Go to Daddy," Darla said handing him over to Hans.

"Hey buddy," Hans said.

Rafe rested his head on Hans' shoulder.

"That's my boy," Hans said, his voice softer. "It's all right."

Darla smiled. "Told you."

"Here you are," the healer returned with the potion. "You'll be right as rain by tomorrow morning."

"The last time I had to take this kind of stuff, I was nine and had broken my arm," Hans said. "Any chance the taste has improved over the years?"

"Probably not," the healer replied.

"Man up, Hans," Darla teased taking Rafe back from him.

"Funny, Dar," Hans replied before downing the potion. "Ugh."

"Just take it easy the rest of the day andyou should be fine by tomorrow," the healer told him.

Hans nodded. "I've got to go out of town, so that works out well."

"If you have any other complications just let me know," the healer said before taking his leave.

"Come on," Hans said. "Let's get out of here."

Darla nodded. It had been a long day.

"Home and we'll put in those movies," Hans said. "At least the Muggles have those going for them."

"Right," Darla said following him out of the examination room. She saw Liam at the reception desk talking to a nurse. She was hoping to get past him without him seeing her, but Rafe had other ideas. "HI!" he shouted over her shoulder.

"Oh brother," Hans grumbled. "Why?"

"Let's just go," Darla said.

"Fine with me," Hans said, putting his arm around her.

Liam watched the three of them and shook his head. He saw his colleague, Healer Fitzpatrick writing something on the chart. "Greg, what case did you just work on?"

"Broken nose," Greg replied. "Why?"

"Whose?" Liam asked. "Hers? His? The child?"

"You know I can't tell you that, Liam." Greg replied. "It's against policy."

Liam sighed. "Right."

Greg finished writing the information on the chart and handed it over to a nurse, who gave him another.

Liam felt terrible for the way he had treated Darla this morning. She did not deserve it, but he truly felt it would be best for her to stay away from him.

His family situation would never rectify itself and it was better that he didn't bring anyone else into it.

He just wished he knew why she was at hospital. They seemed perfectly fine when they left, he thought.

He went back over to the desk and casually reached down for the file.

To his relief, the file showed it was Hans who had the broken nose. Greg had given him a dose of Skele-gro.

He briefly wondered how it had happened but stuck the file back before anyone could see him reading it.

Darla deserved so much better than this. But, maybe Hans had turned over a new leaf and was going to be the stand-up bloke his wife and son so obviously wanted him to be.

If that's what made her happy, then that's what Liam wanted for her.

*** *** ***

RJ felt bad that Audrey was feeling neglected by him. They'd had a good time at the basketball game, but he could tell Audrey felt a little ill at ease while he and Alexa had talked and joked together.

With Alexa's help and encouragement, he had planned an evening for himself and Audrey that he hoped would reassure her.

He'd thought about taking her out, but knew she'd appreciate a dinner that he made. He'd set up the dining room with candles and some soft music on the wireless and was keeping the food warm while he waited for her to come home.

The front door opened and Audrey stepped inside. It had been a long day at school and she was grateful that she had the night off from the pub.

"RJ?" she called. "Are you home?"

"Dining room," RJ called back.

"I just had the longest day--" she began, coming into the room.

"Surprise," RJ said grinning at her.

Audrey stopped short and stared. "What's all this?"

"Dinner," RJ replied handing her a glass of wine.

"You made all this?" she asked, impressed.

RJ nodded. "Yes, I did. With no help from anyone."

Audrey smiled. "It smells delicious."

"Your favourites," RJ said holding out a chair for her.

"Thank you," Audrey said, giving him a kiss before she sat down.

RJ disappeared into the kitchen and came back out carrying two salad plates. "The first course..."

"Are you taking over my job for the evening?" she asked with a grin.

"Just for tonight," RJ said setting her plate before her.

"What's all this for?" Audrey asked him.

RJ took his seat across from her and shrugged. "We haven't had a night like this in a while."

"No we haven't," she agreed. "I've missed just being alone with you."

"Well, tonight's the time to make up for that," RJ said smiling at her.

"What else did you have in mind?" Audrey asked.

RJ shook his head. "I'm not telling."

Audrey grinned. "The whole evening's a mystery then..."

"Yes," RJ said. "So, how was your day?"

"Long," Audrey said. "That project I've been working on was due, and then I had to give a presentation."

"How'd that go?" RJ asked.

"Fine," Audrey replied. "I got full marks. I just hate getting up in front of everyone."

RJ reached across the table and squeezed her hand. "I don't see why, Aud."

"Just nerves," Audrey said.

"Weasleys never have a problem getting up and talking," RJ said dryly. "As you've learned..."

"I have," Audrey returned, laughing. "I ought to take a hint from you lot."

"We could give lessons," RJ said. "Especially Em."

"That little girl isn't afraid of anything," Audrey finished her salad.

"Except for an empty plate," RJ said.

Audrey laughed. "Good point."

RJ excused himself and brought back the entree. "I'm sure this isn't as good as when Nana makes it, but I think it turned out okay."

"I'm sure it's wonderful," Audrey reassured him. "You're an excellent cook RJ."

"You're not biased or anything," RJ said with a grin.

"Not with you," Audrey answered. "I'd tell you if you were a rotten cook."

"That's my girl," RJ said watching as Audrey took a bite of the stew.

"It is delicious," Audrey complimented him.

RJ smiled at her. She was beautiful on the inside and out. He loved her very much and did not want to her to feel that she was second best.

"I'm excited to see what you've got for dessert," Audrey told him.

RJ grinned. "You'll see."

"What about you?" Audrey asked. "What did you do with your day aside from make dinner?"

"Practise," RJ replied. "And then I went to Mum and Dad's."

"How are they?" Audrey asked.

"Okay," RJ answered. "Mum's going to talk to Lexie about writing some articles for the paper over the summer."

"That's wonderful," Audrey commented.

"I think so too," RJ said. "Lexie's a great writer."

"I've never read anything of hers," Audrey said. "Perhaps she'll let me once she gets home."

RJ nodded. "I'm sure she would."

Audrey finished her stew. "Have you got any more of this?"

"Coming right up," RJ said, pleased that she obviously liked it.

Audrey watched him in the kitchen as he got her another bowl of stew. This had been such a sweet surprise to come home to.

RJ came back with another bowl of stew for each of them.

"I'll have to let you cook more often," Audrey told him.

RJ laughed. "It's much better than grabbing a sandwich isn't it?"

"You better believe it," Audrey said. "I've been so busy lately, it'll be nice to have things calm down a bit so I can spend more time with you."

"Summer's coming soon," RJ said. "We'll have time off for just each other."

Audrey grinned. "I can't wait. Maybe we can sneak off for a weekend at a bed and breakfast somewhere."

"Yeah, or we could just go to Brighton," RJ said. "No one's really going there this summer with the wedding."

"They're not?" Audrey asked.

RJ shook his head. "Yeah, and Jon and Allie are going to stay close to him with her being on bed rest."

"That might be fun," Audrey nodded. "Have that whole house to ourselves..."

"Without four-year olds bothering us every five seconds," RJ continued.

Audrey leaned over the table to kiss him. "I'm in."

"Just the two of us," RJ said before pressing his lips to hers.

"I love the sound of that," she said. "I think it's just what I need."

"Me too," RJ said. "What with all this wedding stuff. I thought that I wouldn't have to do too much since I'm the best man and all I had to do was show up, but Saffy set me straight."

Audrey laughed. "You have quite a bit to plan for Andrew."

"He's my best mate and Saf's like a sister," RJ said with a shrug.

"I'm happy for them," Audrey said. "Especially for Saffron. It seems like she's finally got everything she wanted."

RJ nodded. "She's been through so much. Sean, the kidnapping..."

"I'd have been done for," Audrey admitted. "That's so much..."

"She's strong," RJ said. "One of the strongest people I know. And I felt bad because the break-up with Andrew was partly my fault."

"It wasn't," she argued. "At least, I don't' think so. I mean, that was her decision to be angry at you for breaking up with Alexa."

"She's loyal to a fault," RJ said shaking his head.

"Yeah," Audrey nodded. "That's a good quality to have."

"But, everything worked out in the end," RJ said thoughtfully.

"It sure did," Audrey said, sliding around so she was sitting next to him.

"Lexie, Saffy, Andrew and me---we've been through a lot," RJ said. "And it means a lot to me that we're all friends again."

"Of course it does," Audrey reassured him. "Everything is as it should be."

"But, you're a part of that now, too," RJ said.

"A big part," Audrey smiled at him. "And I plan on staying that way."

RJ smiled back at her. "And you have nothing to worry about with Lexie. I love you, Aud."

"I love you too," Audrey said, leaning in so her forehead touched his. "And you do things like this... and it makes me realise I can love you even more."

RJ gave her a kiss.

Audrey slid her arms around his neck. "Can we save dessert for later?" she whispered.

RJ pretended to mull this over. "I don't know..."

Audrey pressed her lips to the side of his neck.

"Okay, you've twisted my arm," RJ said picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom.

While RJ and Audrey reacquainted themselves, Saffron was at her parents' home trying on her dress for Julie to see. Her sister had not been able to attend the final fitting so she hadn't seen the dress.

"Oh, Saffy!" Julie exclaimed. "You look----"

"Beautiful," Lavender finished, watching with pride as Saffron modelled the dress. "Absolutely beautiful."

Saffron wore a huge grin on her face. "It's the most gorgeous wedding gown EVER."

Lavender beamed. "It is, isn't it?"

"You look incredible," Julie said. "Andrew's going to flip."

"Hermione's holding up a little better this time," Lavender teased. "The other day at the fitting, she was sobbing."

"If you thought she was bad, wait until Dad sees her," Julie warned.

Hermione smiled. "I can't help it. She's my baby."

"I'm just happy that I've got my figure back," Saffron said, turning to the side.

Upstairs, Harry had just returned home from work and he called for his wife. When she didn't answer, he went upstairs and heard voices coming from the master bedroom. Harry opened the door and his jaw dropped as he looked at his daughter.

"Hi Daddy!" Saffron beamed at him. "I didn't know you would be home."

"Harry?" Hermione asked walking over to him.

"What?" Harry asked distractedly.

"Daddy?" Saffron asked, smoothing down her dress. "Is something wrong?"

"No, baby." Harry said. "I just can't believe you're getting married."

Saffron smiled at him. "Do you like my dress?"

"You look gorgeous," Harry said.

Lavender grinned at him. "You can admit I'm a genius."

Harry shook his head. "I wouldn't want to lie."

Lavender glared at him. "Shut it, Potter."

"I'm just kidding," Harry said. "You did a great job, Lavender."

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Lavender told him.

"I don't know about that," Harry joked.

Saffron laughed. "You two never change."

"You can't improve on perfection," Lavender said primly.

"That's what everyone usually says about me," Harry countered.

"Now who's talking about lying?" Lavender said, straightening Saffron's hem.

"Be nice," Saffron told them. "There's a baby present." She motioned to where Julie was holding Ellie.

"Ahhh," Harry said. "There's a face that will always make me smile."

Julie carried her over to Harry. "She's being extra sweet tonight."

Harry took her carefully. "Hello, gorgeous."

Ellie smacked her little lips and looked up at Harry.

"She's getting to look like you, Saffy." Harry said.

Saffron grinned. "That's what Mum keeps telling me."

"She does have Andrew's eyes," Harry commented.

Saffron watched her father and felt a lump in her throat. They had teased him about this, but she could just imagine how hard this was for him. To him, it probably seemed like just yesterday he was holding her in his arms.

"I think this is perfect," Lavender stood back and scrutinized her. "My best one yet."

"Thank you so much, Aunt Lavender," Saffron said softly. "This dress is amazing."

Lavender beamed at her. "Anything for you."

Julie grinned at her sister. "We'll go downstairs so you can change."

"Lav and I will help her out of the dress," Hermione said.

Harry carried Ellie out of the room and followed Julie downstairs.

"Surreal, isn't it?" Julie asked her father. "Seeing Saffy in a wedding dress. It seems like just yesterday, she was playing dress up when I babysat her."

"Tell me about it," Harry said. "I just can't believe she's getting married."

Julie had stopped for pizza on her way over and she set the table while her father held Ellie. "I imagine Nick will be the same way when Katie and Ashley get married."

"it won't be easy for you either," Harry said. "It's sort of the final bit of growing up."

Julie smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "Is that right, Grandpa?"

"I've learned that from experience," Harry said, bouncing Ellie gently.

"You're old hat at this now," Julie said.

"Julie," Harry said. "How many times must I tell you, never use that word when you're talking about me?"

Julie grinned. "Old?"

Harry gave his daughter a look.

Julie laughed. "I'm sorry. How about I get you a slice of pizza to make up for it?"

"When did we get pizza?" Harry asked.

"I brought it over for dinner," Julie said.

"What kind?" Harry asked.

"Just cheese for Saffy," Julie said pointing to one of the boxes. "Mushrooms and peppers for Mum and meat lovers for you."

"You know me too well," Harry opened the box with a wave of his hand. "Thanks Jules."

"No problem," Julie said. "Dad, there is something I wanted to ask you about."

"What's that?" Harry asked.

She told him the story of the Malfoy ring and how Malfoy had been writing to Katie. "I don't understand it, Dad. I really don't. He never cared about them before. Why now?"

Harry was disgusted. "He's probably got some sort of plan."

"Nick thinks so too," Julie said. "He gave the ring back, but who's to say he wouldn't just send it back to her?"

"He probably will," Harry shook his head.

"I don't want him anywhere near her," Julie said. "Him or Ginny."

"With Katie, you just need to let her take the lead but watch her," Harry told his daughter.

Julie nodded. "If he does send her the ring back, would you test it for me? Make sure there aren't any spells or charms?"

"I'll take it in right away," Harry said without hesitation.

"Thanks," Julie said gratefully.

"I'll do anything to keep my granddaughters safe from that wanker," Harry replied.

Julie nodded. "We feel the same."

"Okay," Saffron bounced into the room. "Where's Ellie?"

"Right here," Harry said gently handing the baby to her.

"Thanks for watching her while I got dressed," Saffron kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Of course," Harry said.

"I got you a cheese pizza," Julie told her. "Figured you might be hungry."

Saffron smiled. "Thanks, I'm starving."

"Where's Nick tonight?" Harry asked Julie.

"Recording," Julie replied. "New album."

"Think he'd mind singing a few at the wedding?" Saffron asked.

Julie nodded. "He would love that."

"Great!" Saffron said, taking a huge bite of pizza. "Everything's really coming together. Especially now that I have my dress!"

Lavender and Hermione came into the kitchen. "Something smells delicious!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Greasy, fattening pizza," Harry said.

Hermione swatted at her husband. "Shut it, Harry. Come on, Lav. You can have some pizza."

Lavender wrinkled her nose. "No thank you."

Hermione looked at her. "Come on, Lavender. One piece isn't going to hurt you."

"What kind are you having?" she asked her cousin.

"The vegetable one," Hermione said.

"Oh perfect," Lavender said.

"Live a little," Hermione said putting a slice on a plate and handing it to her cousin.

"Uh oh," Harry said. "That has more than six calories..."

"Harry, be nice," Hermione said.

"I'm not the one with an arse the size of my ego," Lavender muttered, making all the women laugh.

"Hermione!" Harry exclaimed, looking at his wife.

"What?" Hermione laughed. "It was funny!"

Harry shook his head. "Ellie's the only one here being nice to me."

"Daddy you know we love you," Saffron hid her smile.

"Love giving me a hard time," Harry muttered.

"That too," Julie nodded.

Ellie cooed happily from her carrier.

"Ellie agrees," Lavender said with a grin.

"that's not an agree with you noise," Harry argued.

"Oh, I didn't realise you spoke 'baby'," Lavender retorted.

"Apparently you do too," Harry returned.

"At least I don't act like one," Lavender said sweetly.

"I beg to differ," Harry glared at her.

"Why am I suddenly fighting the urge to put them both in detention?" Julie asked thoughtfully.

"Because they're acting like a few first years," Hermione said.

"He started it," Lavender pointed out.

"Did I say first years?" Hermione asked. "I meant children..."

Lavender scoffed. "Whatever."

Harry leaned back and grinned. "Sure sweetheart."

"You should take some of this home to Seamus," Hermione said to Lavender.

"He'd probably love that," Lavender replied. "I haven't seen him all week."

"Where is he?" Saffron asked curiously. "Filming?"

"Yes," Lavender said. "Up in Washington, near this tiny little town called Forks."

"He works too much," Saffron said. "Like Gabe."

"Gabe is so much like Seamus," Lavender agreed.

Saffron did not want to say anything about the troubles Alexa and Gabe were having. It was not her place and she knew neither of them would want Lavender interfering.

"He is determined though, and for that, he'll make a great doctor." Lavender continued.

Saffron nodded in agreement. "He will."

Lavender smiled at her. "He is looking forward to coming here for the wedding."

"I can't wait to see him," Saffron said. "It's been ages."

"Alexa's been home quite a bit, I've heard." Lavender said.

Saffron nodded. "She's been a big help to Andrew and me with Ellie."

"She loves being a godmother," Hermione said.

Saffron laughed. "She loves spoiling Ellie. My daughter hasn't worn the same outfit more than once thanks to her."

"And me," Lavender finished her pizza.

"Can't forget you," Harry muttered.

"No one can," Lavender said smugly.

"No matter how hard we try," Harry said rolling his eyes.

"I'll have you know--" Lavender began.

"Okay," Hermione held up her hand.

"Really," Saffron agreed. "Maybe Jules SHOULD put you both in detention."

Julie nodded. "You both have known each other for years and you're still fighting."

"Because it's what we do best," Harry replied.

"We are really good at it," Lavender said. "I mean, you'd think we were nuts if we were all of a sudden smiling at each other and singing campfire songs."

"That's true." Hermione admitted.

"And I can admit he's not THAT bad for an egomaniac,' Lavender said thoughtfully.

"And she's not so bad for a diva," Harry responded.

"Thank you," Lavender smiled.

Saffron shook her head. "I will never understand you two."

Hermione put an arm around her. "Neither will I and I've been trying for years."

"I should go," Lavender said. "I can get the finishing touches on the dress tonight."

Saffron gave her a hug. "Thanks, Aunt Lav."

"Anytime," Lavender kissed her cheek. "I'll be in touch."

Julie left a few minutes later with leftover pizza for Nick, leaving just Harry, Hermione and Saffron. Ellie was sleeping soundly in her carrier.

Hermione smiled at her granddaughter. "Bring her by again soon, Saffy."

"I will," Saffron promised.

Hermione kissed her daughter's cheek. "Don't forget the meeting on Saturday with the decorator."

Saffron nodded and picked up the carrier. "Thanks again, Mum."

"Of course, sweetheart," Hermione said as Harry also stood up.

"Take care of my granddaughter," Harry said smiling at his daughter.

"My top priority," Saffron gazed down at Ellie. "She's so incredible."

"Just like her mother," Harry said.

Saffron grinned. "I'll see you later."

Hermione smiled at her husband when they were alone. "Big moment, eh?"

"Seeing her in that dress makes it hit home," Harry nodded. "This is so hard, Hermione."

"She'll always be our baby," Hermione said leaning against him. "No matter what"

Harry nodded. ""That's why this is so hard."

Hermione hugged him. "I know." \

"We'll get through it right?" he asked.

Hermione nodded. "Like we always do. Together."

Harry leaned in and gave her a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," Hermione said. "Even if you are an egomaniac."

"That makes you Mrs. Egomaniac," Harry teased her.

"That's my cross to bear," Hermione said nudging him.

"Somehow I think you'll handle it," Harry said, hugging her to him.

"Feeling better?" Hermione asked him.

He nodded. "Thanks."

Hermione excused herself to finish up some work in her office, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts. As he cleaned up the dishes and boxes, he could not keep the image of his daughter in her wedding dress out of his mind. That smile on her face was positively radiant.

If anyone ever asked him what he wanted in life, it was for his children to be happy. And finally, it seemed as if everything was the way it should be.