Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Well here's the chapter you all have been waiting for- at least part of it ;) And yeah… little cliffie at the end there too. Please review and let us know what you think of the um… event! ;)

Lavender could tell something was definitely up with her stepson. For one thing, he had spent the last few days herein the penthouse instead of going out with Saffron and her friends. The only time he ventured out was to accompany Seamus to the set. She had a feeling it had to do with Alexa, but she didn't want to pry.

Oh, who was she kidding? Of course, she wanted to pry. Seamus, though, had told her time and again, to just wait for Gabriel to come to them. That morning, they were enjoying a nice breakfast. Well, she was anyway. Seamus was going over some script revisions and Gabriel had his nose buried in the newspaper.

"It's going to be a lovely day," Lavender said brightly." I think I remember Saffron telling me she was going to take Puddles for a walk in the park and I think she was getting together with her friends for a picnic. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you wanted to go with."

"I'm fine here," Gabriel replied." In fact, I think I want to go over some of my school manuals. I only have a few weeks until I start classes."

"But--" Lavender started to protest.

"I think that's a fine idea," Seamus interjected." You want to be prepared."

Gabriel grinned at his father and went back to the paper.

"Yes, but you're going to be going back home soon and I know how close you've become to Saffy and... others," Lavender attempted again." You want to spend as much time with them as possible."

"She said she'd come visit me when she could," Gabriel set the paper down.

"And he'll see them at the wedding," Seamus said with a warning look at Lavender.

"Exactly," Gabriel finished his tea.

Lavender huffed and pushed back from her chair." Fine. I have to go and check in with the boutique. I'll be back in a few."

"Sorry Gabe," Seamus said once she'd gone." Lav's nosy but that's how she is."

Gabriel shrugged." It's okay, Dad."

"You know if you need to talk about anything I'm here, right?" he asked.

Gabriel pushed away the newspaper and looked earnestly at his father. Truth was, he did want to talk to someone about what had happened, but he knew that Lavender would blow it completely out of proportion.

"Well," he began." Something did kind of happen between Alexa and me."

"Oh yeah?" Seamus set his own paper down.

Gabriel nodded." A few days back, she needed some help in the bakery. I didn't have anything to do and she was all alone, so I volunteered to help out."

He leaned back in his chair." She's been having trouble with RJ and this summer, she and I became really close. We were alone and I sort of, well--I kissed her."

"You what?" Seamus's eyebrows rose.

"Kissed her," Gabriel replied." It was just once, Dad. I knew she had a boyfriend, but I just couldn't help it."

"How did she react?" Seamus asked curiously.

"She kissed me back, at first," Gabriel said quietly. He told his father about Saffron and Andrew showing up and then how Andrew had overheard Alexa telling Saffron about what had happened." So, needless to say, I'm not their favourite person right now."

"I'm sure Saffron doesn't hold it against you," Seamus replied." Didn't she ring here the other night looking for you?"

Gabriel nodded." But I told her I was on my way out and couldn't talk."

"Perhaps you should try talking to her," Seamus suggested." Everyone makes mistakes Gabe."

"It'll probably be better for all of them when I'm back in the States," Gabriel said." I shouldn't have done it, Dad. I just--"

"Gabe you're young," Seamus leaned forward." You were there alone with a pretty girl... and it takes two to kiss."

"He doesn't appreciate her," Gabriel said." He has this great girl and he doesn't want to spend anytime with her."

"I realise you may be right but that's Alexa's decision," Seamus replied.

Gabriel knew his father was right, but it didn't make it any easier to hear.

"I suppose she has made up her mind since I haven't heard from her since it happened," Gabriel said.

"Why don't' you give her a call then?" Seamus suggested.

Gabriel shook his head." I really do need to look at my course manuals."

"It'll take five minutes," Seamus said, amused.


It's up to you;" Seamus tucked his copy of Variety into his briefcase." I've got to get on set."

"Will you be home for dinner?" Gabriel asked him.

"If everything goes right," Seamus smiled at his son.

"Okay," Gabriel said." Have a good day, Dad."

"You're welcome to join me there later if you feel like it," Seamus said." You've got that pass I gave you."

"I might take you up on that," Gabriel said with a grin." I know you're my dad and everything, but it really is amazing to watch you work."

"I know," Seamus joked before waving and heading out.

Gabriel grabbed his newspaper and a glass of juice before heading upstairs to his bedroom.

He sat on his bed for a few minutes before deciding that he would call Alexa if only to tell her he hoped they could remain friends. He punched in her number and waited while the phone rang.

"Hello?" her quiet voice answered.

"Hi, Alexa," Gabriel said after a moment's hesitation where he contemplated hanging up the phone." It's me. Gabe."

"Oh..." she paused." Hi Gabe... how are you?"

With his free hand, he scratched the nape of his neck." I've been okay. How--how are you?"

"Fine," she covered the phone for a moment and he could hear her speaking in a muffled tone to someone." Sorry...I'm doing pretty good."

"Is this a bad time?" he asked her.

"No it's okay," she answered." RJ's here and we're just finishing breakfast together."

Gabriel's heart sank." Oh."

"I'm glad you called," she said softly." I feel bad about what happened."

"That's why I was calling actually," Gabriel said." I hope that we can still be friends."

"I want that too," she said.

"So, we'll just forget about what happened between us," Gabriel said, wondering how he'd be able to do that.

"It's not going to be that easy," Alexa said." But we can try I suppose..."

"I really should go," Gabriel lied." Lavender needs me to help her with something. I guess I'll see you at the wedding."

"Right," Alexa said softly."'ll be good to see you again Gabe."

"Bye, Lexie," Gabriel said quietly.

"Bye," she answered before hanging up.

Gabriel set the phone back down and sighed. If it was possible that phone call had made him feel worse than he already did.

"Gabe?" Lavender knocked on the door frame." Everything all right?"

Gabriel turned to look at her." Yeah..."

"I have to run some errands and then go down to the shop for awhile," Lavender told him." You don't mind being here alone then?"

He shook his head." I'll be fine, Lav. Really."

"All right," she said." Your dad said to just call for a car if you wanted to go to the set."

He knew that his stepmother wanted to know what was going on, but the last thing he needed was her playing matchmaker for a hopeless cause.

"He said he'd probably make it home for dinner," Gabriel said." I was thinking I might cook something for all of us."

"You can cook?" she smiled.

"I picked up a thing or two from my mom," Gabriel said.

"Well I can't wait to see what you make," Lavender smiled." Oh-I have a suit for you, for the wedding. I'll bring it home so you can try it on."

"Thanks," Gabriel said smiling back at her.

"I'll see you later," Lavender replied before leaving.

Gabriel spent most of the early afternoon reading his classroom manuals before heading into the kitchen to see what he could make.

"If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain," a familiar voice said from behind him.

Gabriel turned to see Saffron staring at him with her dog Puddles at her feet." What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I rang you the other day," she said." And you practically hung up on me."

"I had something to do," he said evasively.

"Are you sure you're not just avoiding me?" she asked in a sweet tone.

"No," Gabriel said as he walked over to the cupboard to check on some ingredients." I'm a little busy now, Saffy. I'm cooking dinner for my Dad and Lavender tonight---"

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon," she pointed out.

"Yeah well I don't know what I'm going to make," Gabriel said defensively.

"I'll help you then," she was undeterred." I'm a good cook."


"Come on Gabe," Saffron said." I know when I'm being avoided."

"And yet you're still here," Gabriel said sarcastically.

Saffron rolled her eyes." You think we're all pissed at you because of what happened with Alexa."

"Aren't you?" he asked." Andrew practically wanted to put his fist through my face the last time I saw him. And earlier when I called Alexa, it was awkward..."

"Andrew did not want to do that," Saffron defended her boyfriend." He was just looking out for his best mate. And when did you talk to Alexa?"

"This morning," Gabriel said with a sigh.

"What did she say?" Saffron had grabbed a blanket and made a little bed for her dog.

Although he hadn't known Saffron for very long, he knew her well enough to know that she was one of the most stubborn people on the planet. She wouldn't leave until she knew exactly what had happened.

"She was with RJ when I called," Gabriel explained." We didn't say much. Just that we wanted to still be friends and that we'd forget about what had happened."

"Well that's good," Saffron sat down at the table." I'll be straight up with you Gabe. Alexa told RJ what happened and he was really ticked. But they worked it all out-I know it's probably not what you wanted to hear--"

Gabriel shook his head." That's exactly what I want to hear, Saffron. That's for the best. Really."

"Well I'm just also here to say that you're welcome to join us in doing stuff while you're still here," Saffron fiddled with one of her plaits." RJ and Andrew won't be rude to you, I promise."

"I really want to spend as much time as I can with my dad before I have to go home," Gabriel said returning his attention to the pantry. He absently looked at the cans of food.

"I understand that," Saffron replied." I really do... but I know you've been hiding out and I just don't want you thinking that we all hate you."

"I don't think that," Gabriel said." And you and I are family now, right? I couldn't get rid of you if I tried."

"That's right," she beamed." And to be even more honest, I'm glad you two kissed. It made RJ open his eyes and realise he needs to spend more time with her."

"I'm happy to help," Gabriel said with a forced smile.

Saffron put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder." You'll probably find someone great when you go to University back in the States," she said.

"Someone without a boyfriend," Gabriel said.

"That would be preferable," Saffron nudged him and tried to make him smile.

"And someone who doesn't know you," Gabriel said smiling at her.

"Hey!" Saffron pushed him, making Puddles bark.

"Only kidding about that last part," Gabriel said hastily.

"Better be," Saffron said." Come on, I'll help you make something."

"I was thinking of Lemon Chicken," Gabriel said.

"That sounds good," Saffron agreed." And my aunt actually eats chicken."

Gabriel laughed." I thought you were going on a picnic in the park today."

"We did," Saffron said." Around noon- then Andrew had to go to a team meeting."

"And RJ and Alexa?" Gabriel asked.

"They went off by themselves," Saffron looked in the icebox.

Gabriel nodded and decided to steer the conversation away from that particular topic of conversation." You looking forward to the wedding?"

"I can't wait," Saffron said." My dress is so gorgeous."

"I'm looking forward to seeing little Emma again," Gabriel said." She's a cute kid."

"She's got one of those little kid crushes on you," Saffron said with a grin." Apparently she talks about you all the time at home."

Gabriel laughed." She calls me Gabey."

"It's so cute," Saffron laughed." She looks adorable in her flower girl dress."

"The only wedding I was ever in was for my mom's best friend," Gabriel said." I was a ring bearer and I think I was around six or seven years old. I couldn't stand being dressed up. The moment the minister pronounced them husband and wife, I dropped that dinky pillow and yanked off my tie."

Saffron was laughing so hard she had to lean against the counter to catch her breath." You are too much!"

"To this day, she still talks about it," Gabriel said with a groan.

"I bet you were a cute ring bearer," Saffron pinched his cheek.

"I was adorable," Gabriel said rolling his eyes.

"I wonder what happened," Saffron deadpanned.

Gabriel glared at her." I'm still adorable, Spice Girl."

She narrowed her eyes." I am NOT named after a spice!"

"Uh-huh," Gabriel said with a grin.

"I'm named after a famous Muggle actress," Saffron tossed her hair.

"I know," Gabriel teased." You've told me about three thousand times."

"Then don't forget it," Saffron poked him.

"Got it," Gabriel said." Your name is unique just like you, Saffy."

She beamed at him." Good save."

"So you going to help me cook or what?" Gabriel asked." I think I might need to run to the store."

"I'll help, sure." Saffron nodded." Let me lock Puddles in the loo while we go."

"Okay," Gabriel said. He scribbled a note just in case Lavender came home unexpectedly.

"This is fun," Saffron said as they headed for the shops just down the road." I love making dinner."

"How'd you learn?" Gabriel asked.

"I had a nanny while I was growing up named Greta," Saffron explained." And my dad's actually an excellent cook."

"A nanny, eh?" Gabriel asked nudging her.

"Both my parents are busy;" she nudged him back." Greta was amazing-I loved her so much. She works for my sister now."

"That's cool," Gabriel said." And it's nice that you guys are all so close."

"There's nothing I wouldn't do for my family," Saffron said." We're all really loyal."

"I can definitely see that," Gabriel said with a smile.

They quickly got what they needed to make the dinner and headed back." I almost wish I didn't have to go back to school," Saffron said." I'm going to hate being away from Andrew."

"You can write and there's always holidays," Gabriel said." I know it's not the same, but it'll help."

"Yeah I suppose," Saffron replied." I just wish I'd gotten together with him sooner."

"Well, you can't change that now, but you can make the most of the time you have," Gabriel said thoughtfully.

"A few weeks worth," Saffron began mixing the spices they would need." He's my date to the wedding."

Gabriel wasn't completely looking forward to the wedding in light of everything that had happened, but he knew it meant a lot to Lavender and it helped that Saffron seemed to want him there.

"You two should have a good time then," Gabriel said opening up a cookbook.

"You will too," Saffron replied." I promise to dance at least once with you." she teased.

Gabriel laughed." I hate to tell you this, Saffron, but I don't dance."

"Neither does Andrew," she said." But he does it for me."

"You're not getting me on the dance floor," Gabriel said firmly." I've two left feet."

"I'll give you an impromptu lesson soon as we're done here," Saffron said decisively.

"Do you even know the meaning of the word 'no'?" Gabriel asked her.

"No," she said with a grin.

Gabriel shook his head." You are something else."

"I work really hard at it," Saffron joked." Come on let's finish this so I can show you a few moves."

They exchanged small talk as they prepared the meal, Gabriel even convinced Saffron to stay for dinner. He had missed hanging out with his cousin and was glad that she'd stopped by. At least with her, things seemed to be okay. He placed the chicken in the oven and set the timer.

"I think it'll be ready by the time Dad and Lavender get home," Gabriel said, hoping she'd forgotten about dancing.

"It shouldn't take too long." Saffron agreed." I've really got to go let Puddles out."

"Okay," Gabriel said." You want anything to drink?"

"Nah," Saffron said." And when I come back we're dancing."

"No, we're not," Gabriel called after her.

"Don't argue with me," Saffron replied." You know I'll win in the end!"

Gabriel groaned." Saffy!"

"It won't be so bad!" Saffron called as she shut the door behind her.

"Says you," Gabriel said shaking his head. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a soda and wondered what sort of thing he could do to get Saffron's mind off of this. Salvation arrived in the form of his stepmother who grinned when she saw him.

"Am I glad to see you," Gabriel told her." Listen, when Saffron gets back in here, talk her ear off about anything you can think about."

"Why?" Lavender was amused." And what smells so wonderful?"

"Lemon chicken," Gabriel replied." And just do this one thing for me because Saffron seems to think I should dance at her brother's wedding and I'm terrible at it."

"You sound just like Seamus," Lavender said with a laugh.

"Well I'm no good and you know she won't take no for an answer," Gabriel pleaded.

"Gabe---" Lavender started to say.

"Hi, Aunt Lav!" Saffron said as she and Puddles came into the room." You're home early!"

"Hi Saffy," Lavender gave her niece a hug.

"You're just in time to see me teach Gabe how to dance," Saffron said with a grin." Turn some music on, Gabe."

"How about we don't and say we did?" Gabriel suggested.

"Nice try," Saffron crossed her arms.

Lavender giggled." How about I put something on for you two. You want fast or slow music, Saffy?"

Gabriel glared at both of them.

"Slow would be nice," Saffron replied." Okay, Gabe. Stand right there." When he didn't move, she rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the arm pulling him to where she wanted him to stand." Okay, perfect."

Gabriel rolled his eyes and sighed heavily.

"Okay," Saffron grinned." You know it helps when you don't look as if you're going to your certain death."

"Well I hate dancing," he complained." I'm perfectly happy just watching everyone else."

"I know for a fact that Alexa will be dancing with you at some point during the day," Saffron lied. She didn't know this, but she knew Alexa wanted to remain Gabriel's friend." You don't want to embarrass yourself. So shut up, quit being a baby, and let me work my magic."

He shook his head." Fine."

"Okay," Saffron said sharing an amused look with her aunt." Put your hands on my waist and I'll put mine on your shoulders...."

Lavender hid her smile as Gabriel reluctantly did what he was told.

"And just move your feet like this," Saffron demonstrated." But don't keep looking at your feet or my feet. You want to look right into her eyes."

"Fine," Gabriel moved as she told him.

"See," Saffron said." You're doing just fine..."

"I'm home!" Seamus called out.

"We're in here!" Lavender called out." In the kitchen!"

"Dad rescue me!" Gabriel yelled.

Saffron hit him on the shoulder." You are such a baby!"

"I told you I hate dancing," Gabriel pulled away.

Lavender looked dreamily at Seamus when he came into the room." This brings back so many memories..."

"Are you dancing?" Seamus asked with a smirk.

"Completely against my will," Gabriel replied.

"Fine, I give up- but I'm going to laugh at you when you fall all over the place at the wedding," Saffron replied.

"Come on, Gabe," Lavender urged." You were doing just fine."

"Going against these two is a lost cause," Seamus joked.

"Okay," Gabriel grumbled.

Saffron grinned." Okay, back in position, young man."

Gabriel reluctantly did as he was told- again." I do better without an audience."

"How about if Instead of watching you," Lavender suggested." I give your dad a refresher course. Come on, Seamus."

"Lav I don't need a refresher course--" Seamus protested.

"I see where you get it from," Saffron whispered to Gabe.

"Yes you do," Lavender said already standing up." Come on, you are not going to embarrass me at the wedding."

"You can't tell me I have to then back out yourself," Gabriel pointed out to his father.

Seamus stared at him." Thanks, son."

"Eye for an eye," Gabriel grinned at him.

Lavender laughed." He's right, Seamus."

"Look I'm going to check on dinner- but I promise I'll be back," Gabriel said before Saffron could argue.

Saffron laughed as she watched him disappear. She watched her aunt and uncle dance and smiled.

"You're pretty good, Uncle Seamus."

"I've had a good teacher Saf," Seamus grinned at her.

"He doesn't give himself enough credit," Lavender said." He's very good at this actually."

"There's what I needed to inherit," Gabriel said dryly as he came back in.

"You have no faith in yourself," Saffron told him." You're good."

"If you say so," Gabriel replied.

"I do," Saffron grinned." And I'm always right."

*** *** ***

"Madeline Molly," Frankie was laughing." I'm never going to finish your hair if you don't sit still!"

"Sorry," Maddie apologised." But I'm just so excited! I've feel like I've been waiting forever for today!"

Allison grinned at her sister-in-law." You have been waiting for this since you were four years old."

"You could say that," Maddie agreed with a huge smile.

Saffron came in laughing." I just saw Ethan- you wouldn't believe how pale he looks."

"Mr. Cool is nervous, eh?" Frankie said giggling.

"Tell him he's got nothing to be nervous about," Maddie told her.

"Well, I would," Saffron said." But he kind of kicked me out."

Julie snorted." I can't imagine why."

Saffron giggled." Do you lot need help with anything?"

"Can you make me not look like a whale?" Allison asked touching her protruding stomach.

"Allie you look beautiful," Chiaki told her sister." Come on- were you not convincing me I looked fine while I was pregnant with twins?"

"Yes, but," Allison started to protest.

"You do look gorgeous, Allie," Maddie said." And I couldn't imagine going through this without you in the bridal party."

"Thanks Maddie," Allison sat down on the sofa.

The door opened and Drew led her two nieces plus Katie and Ashley into the room. All four girls were dressed in light blue dresses. Emma had a crown of flowers in her hair and Saffron knelt down." You are one gorgeous little flower girl. You little heartbreaker."

"Thank," Emma beamed at her." Saf pretty too!"

Saffron grinned and pecked the little girl on the cheek.

Ashley smiled at her mother." Drew helped us get ready and we were all twirling in our dresses."

"All four of you look just gorgeous," Julie praised.

"So do you, Mummy," Katie said.

"Thank you sweetheart," Julie smiled at her daughter." Did you see Daddy out there?"

"He was helping Uncle Ron with something," Katie said.

"How long until the ceremony?" Maddie asked." I'd look, but Frankie would kill me if I turned my head."

"Thirty minutes," Darla told her sister." I need to go and check on some last minute stuff with the vicar."

"Okay," Maddie wiped her palms on her robe." I'm a little nervous too."

"There's no reason to be nervous," Frankie told her." You're going to be absolutely gorgeous and nothing and I do mean, nothing, is going to go wrong today. You are marrying the man of your dreams, Maddie!"

"I know," the blonde's face relaxed." I think it's just getting up in front of everyone."

"When you get up there, you'll only see Ethan," Drew told her." And everything and everyone else will just melt away."

"You think so?" Maddie asked her sister.

"I've planned how many weddings now?" Drew asked her." I think I'm an expert on that by now."

"Right," Maddie replied.

"I hope Andrew gets here soon," Saffron peered out the window." I can't wait to see him all dressed up."

"Young love," Julie teased her sister.

"I'm sure you were the same way with Nick," Saffron returned with a grin.

"And you should have seen her with Corey McNamara," Chiaki joked." Her first love..."

"That was a silly crush, Chi," Julie said glaring at her best friend." And please don't bring up his name ever again."

"Why not?" Saffron asked curiously.

Chiaki giggled." He was a friend of Toshio's that Julie thought she'd impress by showing him her football skills...."

"Jules you can't play football," Saffron replied.

"Mummy's rubbish at sport," Ashley said innocently.

"Yes, thank you," Julie said hastily." But he was really into football and I thought I should know how to play it before this party. I asked Dad to help me out..."

"Dad's no good either," Saffron interjected.

"Well, he was better at it than I was," Julie said." Needless to say, I embarrassed myself and Corey went after some bubble-headed Hufflepuff."

Maddie giggled." I'm sure he learned his lesson there."

Julie laughed." I certainly did. Never try to be something you're not to impress a boy."

"That's why I'm so glad I've got Andrew," Saffron replied." He loves me for me."

"He is really dreamy," Ashley said absently from her spot on the sofa.

Saffron giggled." You think so Ash?"

Ashley looked up from the magazine she was reading and blushed when she realised she'd said that aloud." Oh...well, he's just really nice."

"Do I have competition?" Saffron teased her niece.

Ashley giggled." No, Aunt Saffy. I just thought he was really nice to me when we were at Brighton."

"He is nice," Saffron said." And sweet and handsome and--"

"And perfect," Julie teased.

"Completely perfect," Saffron agreed.

"Just remember all of us when it's your turn to get married," Julie said grinning at her sister.

"My wedding is going to be so fantastic, when I do wind up getting married," Saffron said." Maybe not as lavish as this one, but it'll be so much fun."

"And Dad will be crying in the corner," Julie said." Since you're his baby..."

Katie laughed." I think seeing Grandpa cry over that would be funny."

"Mum's the one who's going to be crying today," Saffron told her niece." And Uncle Ron will be crying over Maddie."

"Sad?" Emma asked.

"No not sad," Saffron picked the little girl up." Sometimes people cry when they're happy too."

"Oh," Emma said nodding.

"Dad's going to make me cry if he starts the waterworks," Maddie said.

"I'll tell him to keep it to a minimum," Drew said with a grin.

"You are the first of his little girls to get married," Chiaki pointed out." It's a given that he'll cry, Maddie."

"All right," Frankie stood back." Your hair is too pretty to put up Mads, so I left it down."

"I love it styled in ringlets like that," Saffron said." She looks just like a princess."

"Wait until you see her in her dress," Frankie said." Maddie you are going to take everyone's breath away."

"I hate to rush things, but she should get dressed," Drew said looking at her watch." Fifteen minutes..."

Maddie felt her stomach flutter. In less than a half hour she would be standing up with Ethan, becoming his wife.

Things were a lot looser where the groom and his groomsmen were getting ready. Justin was playing cards with Will and Jon and Josh were talking about the upcoming Quidditch season. Ethan was pacing in front of the mirror.

"Relax mate," Justin said as RJ came back into the room." Getting married isn't nerve wracking-I should know."

"There must be 600 people out there," RJ said plopping down on one of the sofas.

"600?" Ethan echoed." Shite... that's more people than we thought..."

"Come on, Ethan," Josh said." Nothing to worry about. Just remember tonight you get to have---okay, I don't want to finish that sentence. This is my baby sister we're talking about."

Jon and RJ both made faces." Yes, don't continue that thought," Jon replied.

"You guys aren't going to give me 'the talk' again, is you?" Ethan asked.

"We already did that," Jon said." And as long as you remember--"

"Yes, yes I remember," Ethan ran his hand through his hair.

"She is our baby sister," Josh said." And you'll be the same way when Saffron gets married."

"Right," Ethan resumed his pacing.

There was a knock on the door and RJ got up to get it. Harry walked in, decked out in his dress robes." How's everything going in here?" he asked.

"Ethan's a nervous wreck," RJ cracked.

"Thanks, RJ," Ethan grumbled.

"It's all right son," Harry clapped his shoulder." It's normal to be nervous."

"Dad, I'm terrified," Ethan said running a hand through his hair.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"I want this to be perfect for Maddie," Ethan said." And I'm worried that I'm going to fumble my vows or something..."

"You'll do fine," Harry reassured him." It's impossible to mess up your wedding day. Maddie will be happy no matter what."

"Yeah- cause you showed up." RJ said right before Jon hit him with a pillow.

"Real subtle RJ," Josh smirked.

RJ glared at him." What'd you do that for? It's the truth!"

"Of course Ethan showed up," Jon shook his head.

"If he hadn't, Dad would have AK'd him," RJ said with a grin.

"This is so pleasant," Will joked.

Harry led his son off to the side and smiled reassuringly at him." It's going to be fine, Ethan. You're going to be fine."

Ethan nodded." I hope so. I can't wait to see her."

"Only a few minutes before you do," Harry said." Before I go out to sit with your mum, I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. And there's something your mum and I wanted to give to you and Maddie."

"What's that?" Ethan asked, feeling better already.

Harry reached into the pocked of his robes and pulled out an envelope." Open it."

Ethan pulled a confused look as he opened the envelope and pulled out a gold key." A key?"

"Not just any key," Harry said with a grin." Remember the old cottage?"

Ethan nodded." This is a key to the cottage? Dad---"

"It's a wedding present to you and Maddie," Harry replied." When it gets too small for you two, then you'll sell it to your mum and me."

Ethan was speechless." I--I don't know what to say..."

"Just say you'll enjoy it," Harry hugged his son.

"We will," Ethan said hugging him back." Thanks, Dad. Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome," Harry said with a grin." I'll see you out therein the garden."

"Thanks," Ethan said smiling at him." How's Mum doing? Holding up okay?"

"Already crying," Harry joked.

Ethan laughed." Tell her I love her."

"Ethan," Will interrupted." The vicar said it was time for us to go."

"Already?" Ethan's palms grew sweaty again." Okay."

"Good luck, son," Harry said clapping him on the back before leaving the room.

Maddie followed her bridesmaids down the hall feeling as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest. She felt better when she caught sight of her father standing just beside the door leading to the garden.

"Daddy?" Maddie called out to him.

Ron slowly turned around and his jaw dropped." Madeline little girl..."

"How do I look?" she asked a bit shyly.

"Beautiful," Ron whispered.

"Thanks Daddy," Maddie gave her father a hug.

"I don't know how I'm going to be able to give my little girl away," Ron said his voice breaking.

"Daddy don't cry or I'll start too," Maddie told him.

"I'll try," Ron promised.

Drew smiled at her father as she led Emma and Caroline to the front of the line. Katie and Ashley followed." Caroline, you and Emma go first and you both just toss the flower petals in your basket. Not all at once, okay, Em?"

"Kay," Emma said, looking at her sister.

"We'll show you Em," Ashley promised.

Drew opened the door when she heard the music begin to play." Okay, girls....and remember you sit beside your Grandma Luna on the front row, okay?"

"We know," Katie replied, wishing they could stand up in the front.

Drew straightened the flowers in Caroline's hair before ushering them outside.

"Not yet, Emma," Caroline whispered as she and Emma walked down the stairs." Wait until we reach the first row of chairs...."

"Where Mummy?" Emma asked stopping to take a look at the crowd of people.

"She's back there Em," Caroline whispered." Come on we have to go sit by Grandma--"

"Kay," Emma whispered back walking beside her sister. She waited for Caroline to start throwing her rose petals and then mimicked everything Caroline did. The crowd of guests grinned at the two little girls and Emma's eyes immediately fell on Gabriel who was sitting in the back. She waved shyly at him." Gabey!"

Gabriel grinned at the little girl." Hi Emma," he whispered and waved back." You look pretty."

Emma beamed at him and continued walking down the aisle with her sister.

Katie liked having every eye on her and she positively relished the attention. Ashley concentrated on the task at hand and only looked up to wave at her Nana who was bawling into a handkerchief.

"You girls did so well!" Luna whispered helping Emma and Caroline to their seats.

"Thank you Grandma," Caroline whispered back." Aunt Maddie looks soooo gorgeous today!"

"I know, baby," Luna said wiping at her eyes.

Next down the aisle was Drew who beamed at Brian when she spotted him sitting with her grandparents.

"You look beautiful," he mouthed to her.

Drew winked at him before continuing her walk down the aisle. She laughed as RJ made a goofy face at her.

Ethan fidgeted as the rest of the bridesmaids made their way down the aisle. He was on pins and needles wanting to see Maddie.

Finally, the wedding march began and Ethan couldn't see her. For an awful moment, he wondered if perhaps she'd wised up and decided to head for the hills.

Then around the corner, on Ron's arm, she suddenly appeared. Ethan fought to keep his jaw from dropping to the floor.

"Whoa," Justin muttered." She looks amazing..."

Ethan's gaze was fixed on hers as she slowly walked down the aisle toward him. He'd known her since they were kids. She was everything in the world to him and there wasn't anything he wouldn't do to protect her.

Maddie broke out into a radiant smile as she and her father headed towards Ethan. Her sisters had been right- nothing mattered but the man waiting for her at the makeshift altar.

She and Ron finally made it to the altar and she felt tears welling up in her eyes at the look on Ethan's face.

"Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?" the vicar asked.

Ron took a deep breath." Her mother and I do."

Ethan finally remembered to breathe as Maddie released Ron's arm and took his.

Ron took a seat beside Luna and wiped at his eyes.

"Friends, family and special guests," the vicar began." Today, we have gathered here to celebrate the marriage of Madeline Molly Weasley to Ethan James Potter. If there is anyone who knows just cause why they should not be married, let them speak now or forever hold their peace..."

Ethan smiled at her as the vicar continued.

"You holding up all right?" Luna passed a tissue to her husband.

Ron nodded." I think so. She looks like you did on our wedding day, Luna."

Luna smiled at him as Emma moved over onto his lap.

"No cry, Grandpa," Emma said leaning against him.

"I'm all right Em," Ron kissed the top of his granddaughter's head.

"May I have the rings please?" the vicar asked. Frankie and Justin produced the wedding bands and handed them over to the vicar.

"Repeat after me," the vicar smiled at Ethan." Madeline Molly Weasley, I take thee as my wife..."

"Madeline Molly Weasley," Ethan repeated." I take thee as my wife..."

He finished with his vows and slid the ring onto her finger.

Maddie beamed at him and resisted the urge to throw herself in his arms at that very moment.

The vicar handed her Ethan's ring." Repeat after me. Ethan James Potter, I take thee as my husband..."

"Ethan James Potter, I take thee as my husband," she began, her voice surprisingly calm.

Hermione nudged her husband." Can I borrow your h-handkerchief?"

"Here you go," Harry handed it to her before sliding his arm around her shoulders.

"I said I wasn't going to do this," Hermione whispered dabbing at her eyes.

"It's all right Hermione," Harry kissed the side of her head as Maddie put Ethan's wedding band on his finger.

"By the power invested in me," the vicar said smiling broadly at the young couple." I now pronounce you husband and wife. Ethan James, you may kiss your bride."

Ethan pulled Maddie to him and without any precedent, gave her a rather passionate kiss.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the vicar said when the couple broke apart." I give you Ethan and Madeline Potter."

Maddie laughed as Ethan kissed her again." We're actually married!" she squealed excitedly.

Ethan picked her up and spun her around to the delight of the crowd.

"I told you I would marry you someday," she was still laughing when he set her back down.

"You sure did, Mrs. Potter," he said smiling at her.

She kissed him again before they headed back past the rows of people who were standing up and applauding.

As they walked up the aisle, Maddie caught sight of Alexa standing beside a covered cage and she grinned when she spotted Blue peering out.

"There's my little guy," she crooned." Thanks for watching him Alexa."

"No problem," Alexa said grinning at her." You look gorgeous, Maddie."

"Thank you," Maddie beamed at her.

"Mum!" Ethan exclaimed when he saw his parents walking toward them, dabbing at her eyes." I hope those are tears of joy..."

"Of course they are," Hermione threw her arms around her son." Oh Ethan I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mum," Ethan said hugging her tightly." And thanks for the cottage-"

"What's that?" Maddie asked.

"Mads---you won't believe this," Ethan said." Mum and Dad gave us their old cottage as a wedding present..."

"Are you kidding?" Maddie was shocked." That's... that's..."

"Good news, I hope," Harry joked giving his new daughter-in-law a hug.

"You okay with this?" Saffron asked Julie.

Julie nodded." Mum and Dad were more than generous when Nick and I were married."

"Perfect Ethan," Saffron joked.

Julie nudged her little sister." You promised to be nice today," she teased.

"I am," Saffron said nudging her back." Ethan was the one that threw me out of the room earlier. And I think he overreacted."

"He was so nervous," Julie said." But I'm sure he's fine now. Come on let's go say congratulations."

Saffron followed her sister through the crowd.

"If you would both stop fawning over the Golden Boy," Saffron said to her parents." Jules and I would like to say congratulations."

"Thanks Saf," Ethan said but he was grinning." I knew you'd be happy for me."

Saffron hugged him." Congratulations, Ethan."

"It's your turn next you know," Ethan hugged his sister." And Dad will be a right sobbing mess."

"I could just run off and elope," Saffron said with a smirk.

"You'd never do that," Maddie hugged her new sister in law.

"Welcome to our crazy family," Saffron said with a grin.

"You've already pretty much been a part of it for years now," Julie also hugged her." But now it's official."

Maddie beamed at them." Two more sisters."

"Just what you need right?" Julie teased before Frankie ran over.

"Maddie!" Frankie squealed." Or should I say Mrs. Potter?"

"Mrs. Potter sounds fabulous," Maddie hugged her best friend." Thank you soooo much for everything Frankie!"

"You're welcome," Frankie said beaming at her." You look beautiful and your new husband cleans up well, too."

"He does doesn't he?" Maddie laughed as Ethan spun her around again.

Maddie giggled." You know, I just might think you're happy, Ethan..."

"I am more than happy," he told her." I don't even think I could describe how I'm feeling at the moment."

"I know," Maddie said smiling at him before giving him a kiss.

Nick laughed as he watched Katie twirling in her gown." Katherine---"

"Don't I look pretty Daddy?" she asked." I'm never taking this gown off, not ever!"

"You look beautiful, baby," Nick said." But you can't wear that gown all the time."

"Maybe just for the rest of the day then," Katie conceded.

"I think that would be fine," Nick said picking her up and spinning her around." I'm proud of you, Katie Rose."

"How come?" she asked, giggling.

" Because you and your sister haven't fought once today and you did such a good job as a flower girl," Nick said pecking her on the cheek.

" We're trying really hard," Katie said.

" Your Mum and I appreciate that," Nick said tweaking her nose.

Greta tapped her former charge on the shoulder." Who is this handsome young man before me?"

" Greta!" Ethan exclaimed giving her a big hug.

" Congratulations sweetheart," Greta said." You and Maddie make a lovely couple."

" Do you remember at Chiaki's wedding when I hid from her?" Ethan asked her.

" Of course I do," Greta chuckled.

" And you kept telling me to be a good boy," Ethan said laughing." I finally listened to you."

" Good thing you did," Greta kissed his cheek." I'm so happy for you both."

" Thanks," Ethan said." And you better save me a dance at the reception..."

" If you don't mind me stepping on your feet," Greta joked before moving on.

" Saf!" Andrew called out, holding up his hand.

" Andrew!" she squealed." I couldn't find you before the ceremony!"

" I was running late," he apologised." You look beautiful!"

" Thanks," she gave him Ha kiss." And you look so handsome!"

" This old thing?" Andrew asked holding up his tie." It was the first thing I pulled out of the closet."

" Well you look fantastic," Saffron still had her arms around him.

" You sure are brave," RJ said clapping his best friend on the back." Her dad is just a few inches away."

" Shut up RJ," Saffron said." We're not being indecent."

" Yet," RJ joked." Have you seen Alexa?"

Andrew nodded." I was standing with her before. She was going to put Blue inside and then she was going to come back out here."

" Okay," RJ turned away.

" I wanted to go and check on my Gran," Saffron said to her boyfriend." Would you come with me?"

" Sure," he said.

Saffron smiled and took his hand." Mum said she was probably still sitting with Nana and Grandpa Arthur."

Andrew followed his girlfriend over to where the seats were still set out.

" Hi Gran," Saffron said." How are you feeling?"

Elinore smiled at her granddaughter." Very happy for your big brother, Saffron Grace."

" I can't believe Maddie went through with it," Saffron said dramatically.

Elinore chuckled." Well, love makes you do crazy things."

" That it does," Saffron grinned at Andrew.

" I need to go and find your grandfather," Elinore said." He wants to dance with Julie on her wedding day."

Saffron's smile faded."'s Ethan's wedding day remember?"

" Hermione!" Elinore said with a grin." Ethan's a little too young to be getting married!"

Saffron forced herself to remain calm." Gran how about we go get you something to drink? A nice cold glass of water?"

" I'll go and get that," Andrew offered." And I'll get your Mum, too."

" Thanks Andrew," Saffron said gratefully.

Elinore leaned back in her chair." Hermione, you couldn't have asked for a more lovely day. And Julie was a beautiful bride."

" Gran please listen to me," Saffron took her hand." It's Ethan and Maddie's wedding day. We were just talking about it a few minutes ago."

Elinore stared at Saffron." Saffron?"

" That's right Gran," Saffron said encouragingly.

" I'm so sorry," she said wiping at her eyes." I don't think I took my medication today..."

" It's okay now," Saffron said gently." Mum carries your medicine with her and Andrew will be back in a moment with some water for you."

Elinore nodded and squeezed Saffron's hand.

A few moments later, Hermione hurried toward them with Andrew in tow.

" Here's your water, Dr. Granger?" Andrew asked handing her the cup." Ice cold."

" Thank you," Elinore took it gratefully." Hermione I'm so sorry-I got confused this morning and--"

" It's okay, Mum," Hermione said taking a seat on the other side of her mother. She reached into her handbag and pulled out a bottle of pills." It's been a hectic last couple of days."

" It has," Elinore took the pill and swallowed it down.

" You okay, Saffy?" Andrew asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

" I'm fine," she said, getting back up." Thanks for doing that Andrew."

" No problem," Andrew said giving her a hug.

" I'm so sorry," Elinore said wiping at her eyes." I didn't remember about my pills..."

" It's okay Mum," Hermione said." We picked you up so early this morning I'm sure it just skipped your mind. Harry and I didn't remember either."

" Don't tell Ethan and Maddie about this," Elinore said." I don't want anything to take away from their special day..."

" None of us will say a word," Hermione promised." Come on, let's go see the newlyweds."

Elinore nodded." I'm so proud of my whole family."

" We're all proud of you too," Hermione took her mother's arm as they rose.

Saffron leaned against Andrew." I worry about her so much."

" It's a sign that you care," Andrew kissed the side of her head.

" I'd do anything for her," Saffron said." It's what my Grandpa would want."

" That's right," Andrew smiled at her." And it's one of the reasons I love you."

Saffron smiled back at him and they followed Elinore and Hermione back onto the dais where Ethan and Maddie were being photographed.

" Everything okay?" Harry asked his wife.

" It is now," Hermione said quietly." Mum forgot her medicine this morning."

Harry put an arm around her." It's been a crazy day."

" Crazy but wonderful," Hermione looked at her son and daughter in law." I can't believe our little man is married now."

" And he'll be just as miserable as his old man," Harry joked causing Hermione to elbow him in the ribs." Ouch! Only kidding!"

" Better be," she said but she was smiling.

The photographer instructed Ethan to give Maddie a kiss.

" Chaste kiss," Justin chimed in." Nice, church kiss."

Sarah hit him in the shoulder." Unlike you, who practically groped me."

" I'm sorry Pookie," Justin said wrapping an arm around his wife.

" Hey I'll have none of that here," Ethan called out.

" We did promise him," Sarah said.

" Promise me too," Bree chimed in.

" You lot are just jealous," Justin said smugly.

" Come on wookie pookie doo," Ethan said In a smartass tone to his new wife." Let's go into the bally wally room."

Maddie groaned." Please don't ever say that to me ever again."

Ethan laughed." Just showing them how ridiculous it sounds."

" It sounds stupid when you do it," Justin said." It's cute when Sarah and I do it."

" If you say so," Ethan rolled his eyes." Just spare us today."

" Deal," Justin replied.

Drew and Darla stood off to the side watching as the photographer finished up.

" All the guests are in the ballroom," Darla told her sister.

" All right," Maddie said." Do we get to eat soon? I'm starving."

Darla laughed." Yes, Mads."

" Good," Maddie grinned at her sister.

" The plan is for us to have the meal first and then you and Ethan will have your first dance," Drew said." And then, you'll dance with Dad and Ethan will dance with his mother...."

" Sounds good to me," Maddie replied." And I know it sounds good to Dad."

" Dad's already snuck a couple of dinner rolls," Drew said with a grin.

" Mad!" Emma squealed running toward her aunt." Mad look pretty!!"

" Hi Em," Maddie hugged her goddaughter." You are a very beautiful flower girl!"

" Hold!" Emma said holding her arms up.

" How about you let your new uncle hold you, gorgeous?" Ethan scooped her up.

Emma giggled and wrapped her arms around Ethan's neck.

" Could we get a photo of this?" Maddie asked the photographer." Of Ethan, me and the flower girls?"

" Of course," the photographer replied.

Katie, Caroline and Ashley came forward. Ethan held Emma, while Caroline and Katie stood in front of the couple. Ashley stood beside her uncle.

" Perfect," the photographer said." Everyone smile for me please."

" They're so cute!" Saffron exclaimed.

RJ laughed." Weren't you all over Julie at her wedding Saf?"

Saffron glared at him." I was a baby and so were you."

Alexa nudged RJ." Were you a fairy for Julie's wedding?" she asked innocently.

" NO!" RJ retorted." Lex!"

" I couldn't resist," she giggled before giving him a kiss.

He played with the strap of her pale yellow dress." You coming back to my place afterwards?"

" If you still want me to," she said softly.

" What do you think?" he asked smiling at her.

" I think I'm already there," she whispered.

" Okay, everyone!" Darla announced." It's time to make our entrance into the ballroom. Bridal party goes first and then the bride and groom."

" Em up here," Caroline motioned." You get to walk in with us!"

" Stay with Mad!" Emma said stubbornly." Peas?"

" I think it'll be okay," Maddie looked at her sisters." It's not a big deal is it?"

Darla shook her head." Kind of cute actually."

" Yay!" Emma squealed grinning at Ethan who was still holding her.

" Just don't upstage me, Em," Ethan teased.

" What's that?" Emma asked.

" Well with you being so cute and adorable, no one is going to notice me," Ethan explained.

" Oh," Emma nodded." Kay."

Maddie giggled." I'm glad you're going to hang with us, Em."

" Em hang," Emma laughed as her sister, Ashley and Katie went into the ballroom.

While they waited, Maddie looked down at the ring on her left hand. She couldn't believe she was actually married.

" What's on your mind?" Ethan asked." As if I didn't really know..."

" We did it," Maddie said smiling at him." We're actually married. And this isn't just a dream."

" Not a dream," he leaned over and kissed her.

" Kissy face!" Emma giggled.

" That's right Em," Ethan laughed." Big kissy face."

Maddie kissed her niece on the cheek." It's almost time to eat, Em."

" Eat," Emma rubbed her stomach." Em hungry!"

Ethan grinned." We're about go inside and eat, baby girl."

" And presenting Ethan and Madeline Potter, with their flower girl Emma Weasley!" they were announced and greeted with a loud round of applause as the three of them stepped into the ballroom.

Maddie looked positively radiant as she and Ethan walked toward the head table.

" Em go sit with Daddy?" Emma asked." And Mummy?"

Ethan set her down and pointed her in the right direction." They're right over there."

" Bye!" Emma waved and ran to her parents.

" She is too cute," Ethan took his wife's hand and led her to their spots at the table.

Maddie smiled." I hope we have seven just like her."

" Seven?" Ethan joked.

" Weasleys are known for having big families," Maddie said thoughtfully.

" We'll get started on that tonight," he said softly before kissing her.

" Break it up," Justin said standing up. He motioned for everyone to be quiet." As most of you know, I was the best man in Ethan's wedding today. Some might say that I was the better man..."

Ethan shook his head but grinned.

" And I have known Ethan since we started Hogwarts," Justin continued." And we give each other a hard time, but there's no one else in this world I trust more, other than my wife, Sarah. He's found a soul mate in Maddie and I couldn't be happier for both of them." He raised his glass." Congratulations, Ethan and Maddie!"

" Congratulations!" the room echoed.

Frankie stood up." I can't believe I have to follow that, but I love a challenge. I grew up with both Ethan and Maddie, but I never really got to know them until a couple of years ago. They were there for me at a time when I needed them most...."

Maddie smiled at her as she recalled that night Frankie had nearly been dragged out of the club by Jeff.

" Maddie has been like a sister to me and she's become my best friend," Frankie continued." And Ethan's like an annoying little brother that you can't help but love..."

" I thought you were supposed to say nice things to me during your toast," Ethan called out.

" Hush you," Frankie replied before continuing.

"I wish them a lifetime of happiness and love," Frankie said raising her glass." Maddie, you really are my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without you. Ethan is lucky to have you. Congratulations!"

Ethan grinned." Can I kiss her now?"

"Be my guest," Frankie said with a laugh.

Maddie giggled as he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss, making the room break out into applause again.

Darla consulted her clipboard and was about to check in with the chef when someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to see Hans dressed to the nines." What are you doing here?"