Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Thanks again to those of you that took the time to leave a review- your comments really mean a lot to us and your thoughts help us decide what we want to do in the story down the line.

For those of you interested in the Sims 2 Hillsdale crew: I am currently packaging them up without any of the downloads I usually use in my game, but when I post them I will make a list of the sites I get hair, makeup and clothing from so you can all download at your leisure. When I have some spare time, I will put the site up with the packaged Sims.

As always, please, PLEASE let us know what you think by leaving a review after you're done reading! There is lots of fluff right now, but there is LOADS of drama ahead for everyone!

True to what she'd said, it was early afternoon when Maddie awoke the next day. Feeling guilty for sleeping in so late when she wanted to spend time with her family, she pulled her bikini on and some shorts over it and ran downstairs.

"I'm sorry," she said breathlessly. "I was just up so late and--"

"Saving lives," Jon finished for his sister. "It's okay. We understand completely, Mad Dog."

"Thanks," she said, giving her brother a brief hug. "What are you reading Josh?" her other brother was gazing intently at a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Something you might find interesting," Josh said handing her the paper.

Maddie gasped. "That's... those are the people..." she stared at the photo and article. "But how did they hear about this?"

"They have a few reporters that cover everything that happens at the Ministry," Hermione explained. "You'll notice that you weren't mentioned, Maddie."

Maddie looked back at the article. "That's probably a good thing right? I mean, they wouldn't want everyone to know that I'm probably a Seer."

"No, they wouldn't," Hermione explained. "But don't be mistaken, Maddie. You're the reason Lydia and William are alive today and those two men were caught."

"I don't mind that my name isn't mentioned," Maddie replied. "I'm just so relieved you knew who they were Aunt Hermione. I guess I'm just scared of the day when I have a vision of someone that no one knows at all."

Hermione smiled. "Hopefully, it will never come to that, Maddie. Smythe was really impressed."

Maddie smiled. "She seemed like a really nice person. I can't wait to work with her some more."

"Once the holiday is over, we'll see what we can do about setting up a meeting," Hermione said. She noticed Maddie looking around for Ethan. "My son took Saffron, Katie, Ashley and Caroline out on the boat. He wanted to let you sleep, Maddie."

"Oh," she sat down at the table. "Do you um... know if he'll be back soon?"

"Not if the girls have anything to say about it," Hermione said apologetically.

"I suppose that's all right," she said. "I don't want to take him away from spending time with everyone else."

"You can spend time with your goddaughter," Allison said from the breakfast nook where she was holding Emma.

"Now that I'd never say no to," Maddie held her arms out for Emma.

"You can help me convince Jon that her little gurgling is not her trying to say 'Dada'," Allison said handing the baby to Maddie.

Maddie laughed. "Come on Jon, she's only five months old."

"She's very intelligent," Jon said defensively. He stood behind his sister and looked down at Emma. "Come on, baby girl. Say it...say Dada."

Emma gave her father a toothless grin. "I think she's just teasing you Jon," Maddie giggled.

"I think so too," Josh agreed. "And you know she could be calling you the other D word---like dumba-"

"Josh!" Lizzy said clamping her hand over his mouth.

"What she doesn't understand me," Josh laughed at his wife.

"Babies are like sponges," Lizzy explained. "They soak up every little thing."

"If you say so," Josh rolled his eyes. He made a face at Emma who seemed to laugh in reply.

"That's probably just gas," Jon smirked at his twin. "She knows who to aim that at."

"Do you two ever stop?" Maddie asked laughing at her two brothers. "I still don't know how you managed to live together all those years and not kill each other."

Jon and Josh grinned. "It used to be worse before Josh started getting some," Jon replied.

"Excuse me!" Lizzy squeaked. "That's none of your business Jonathan Arthur!"

"It's the truth," Jon said grinning at her.

"At least Lizzy and I never got caught by her dad post-shag," Josh shot back.

"Touché," Jon replied.

"Honestly Jon you can't go around and say these things like that," Allison frowned at her husband. "Especially if Caroline's around or Ashley or Katie."

"He started it," Jon said pointing at Josh.

Allison, Lizzy and Maddie managed to share a three way look. "Jon I love you with all that I have but grow up." Allison said.

"That goes the same for you Joshua," Lizzy said sternly. "You two aren't setting a good example for R.J."

R.J. gave his brothers a smirk. "Yeah and I'm so young and impressionable."

"From what I hear R.J.'s taking up your old slack at Hogwarts," Josh said glaring at his younger brother. "Don't let that innocent smile fool you ladies. R.J.'s just like Dad and Jon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jon asked, offended.

Josh laughed. "Come on, Jon. Do you even remember half the stuff you used to pull when we were at school? You were lucky you weren't expelled."

"It's not my fault I got the Weasley charm and you didn't," Jon said loftily. "R.J. got lucky too. Right mate?"

"Right," R.J. agreed, grinning at Jon.

"That's right, Jon," Josh said irritably. "Everything's always been a joke to you and Dad and R.J. The three of you have always just coasted by and gotten away with everything..."

"Josh," Maddie said giving him a look.

"Hey not everything is a joke," Jon replied. "Did I not buckle down my last year and make my marks worthwhile thanks to Allie here?"

"When you weren't snogging in the common room or sneaking her in and out of our bedroom," Josh shot back.

"Guys stop it," Maddie said, her eyes uncharacteristically dark.

"Josh," Lizzy said putting a hand on his arm. "What's gotten into you?"

"Nothing," Josh grumbled. "I'm going outside." he grabbed his coffee cup and left the breakfast nook.

"There are you satisfied?" Allison asked her husband angrily as Lizzy ran after him. "Why do you guys always have to have a go at him? You know he's sensitive about how you two and your dad are cut from the same mould and he's different."

"He's the one who basically called us slackers, Allie," R.J. said. "He's always trying to act like he's my father and I'm sick of it."

"You should still be nicer to him," Maddie said softly. "He's still your brother and he's always been a good brother at that. He was always there for me when I needed him as a kid."

"He doesn't make it easy," Jon replied honestly. "Allie, I love Josh. You know I do. And he's been there for me a number of times, but he never wants to hang out with all of us. He spends most of his time with Lizzy. When we went to the World Cup last year, he didn't go. And we all but begged him to come along..."

"Well maybe you two should step into his shoes and do something he enjoys once in awhile." Allison said. "Come on Maddie, we should go change Emma."

R.J. and Jon watched them leave.

"So," R.J. said looking at Jon. "What exactly does Josh like to do?"

Jon shrugged. "I'm ashamed to say I'm not sure..."

Lizzy found Josh standing on the patio looking out at the ocean. She put a hand on his arm.


"Hey," he turned to his wife. "Sorry about running out in there. Those two just get under my skin sometimes."

"Are you okay?" she asked him. "I'm sure Jon and R.J. didn't mean anything by it."

"I'm fine," Josh replied. "When they get like that it's best to just walk away from them instead of responding."

Lizzy nodded. "I don't know what it's like with siblings. I was an only chid. But I know how different you are from your brothers..."

Josh put an arm around her. "Different, a bit stodgier sure... but that's what you liked about me right?" he smiled at her.

"Among other things," Lizzy said hugging him.

"Have I told you yet today how happy I am we got married?" Josh asked, setting his coffee cup on the ledge and hugging her back.

"You mentioned it this morning," she replied resting her chin on his shoulder. "But I don't mind you telling me over and over again. I love hearing it. Dr. Elizabeth Weasley."

"My gorgeous intelligent wife," Josh grinned pulling back to give her a kiss.

"I like hearing that too," she said when they pulled apart a few second later. She saw that R.J. and Jon were standing in the doorway looking at them. "Looks as if we have company."

"What do you guys want?" Josh asked in a neutral tone.

"Well Joshie," Jon said as he slung an arm around his twin. "We wanted to apologise for acting like gits."

"I'll leave you boys to your bonding," Lizzy said smiling at her husband one last time before walking back inside the house.

"We are sorry, Josh," R.J. said.

"It's all right," Josh said with a shrug. "I'm used to it."

"But you shouldn't be," Jon argued. "We are brothers and despite popular opinion you can be fun when you want to be..."

"We think," R.J. teased.

"We'd like to hang out with our brother today," Jon finished.

Josh looked at Jon and R.J. "Okay who are you and what have you done with my REAL brothers?"

"We are your real brothers," R.J. said. "You bailed on the World Cup and you never want to play Quidditch..."

"That's because I like Quidditch, I'm not a fanatic," Josh replied. "I'd rather listen to the game on the Wireless."

"But it was THE World Cup, Josh," R.J. argued. "Dad got tickets for all of us and you didn't want to come."

"I know," Josh said. "But I don't enjoy all that and you were able to get Ethan to go with instead and he loves Quidditch."

"Water under the bridge," Jon said dismissively. "Today, we'll do whatever you like to do."

"The only problem is we don't really know what it is you like to do," R.J. chimed in. "Except for read. And if that's what you want to do, we'd be more than happy to do that."

Josh looked between them again. "This isn't a trick or anything?"

"Always quick to think the worst, eh Joshie?" Jon asked innocently. "Seriously. Whatever it is that you like to do, that is what we will do. Just the three of us."

"Well..." Josh said. "How about fishing? I really like fishing- and I'm sure we might be able to find a hot spot or two that hasn't been fished out yet. When Ethan gets back here with the boat that is..."

"Fishing?" R.J. asked thoughtfully. "That might be kind of cool."

"Really?" Josh actually seemed a bit excited. "So you guys really want to go fishing?"

"Sure," Jon said with a laugh. "I haven't done that since we were kids."

"Great," Josh said. "Let's get everything together and then we'll take over the boat when Ethan and the girls come back."

"Okay," R.J. said. "You lead the way." He pulled Jon off to the side as they followed Josh. "Um, Jon?" R.J. asked. "I've never been fishing."

Jon grinned. "It's not hard R.J. - but ask Josh to show you."

"He's going to love that," R.J. remarked dryly. "You know how much he loves to 'teach'."

"It helps him feel important," Jon muttered quietly. "So let him do it- you might be surprised."

"Okay," R.J. said.

*** *** ***

Harry and Hermione along with Ron and Luna were enjoying a quiet house as most of the children and grandchildren were out and about.

"I wish I had the energy of those kids," Luna commented as she sat down on the sofa beside Ron. "Caroline has been up since around six this morning and as soon as she got back with Ethan, she wanted to go back out on the beach. I'd be knackered..."

"Me too," Hermione laughed. "Guess our age is finally catching up to us."

"We are like fine wines," Ron said smugly. "We get better with age."

Harry laughed at that. "You're more like aged butterbeer."

Ron pulled a face. "Aged butterbeer tastes like crap, Harry."

Harry's grin widened and Ron threw a pillow at him. "Hey!" Harry chortled.

"Come on boys, enough," Hermione patted her husband's knee.

"Yes," Luna said looking sternly at Ron. "Enough. We're supposed to be relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet."

"Doesn't this make you guys feel like it did before we had kids and grandkids?" Hermione asked after a few minutes of silence between all four adults? "Those days right after Hillsdale when we were all just starting out?"

"It seems like a lifetime ago," Luna said with a smile.

"Sometimes I can't believe that was all over 30 years ago," Harry commented.

"Back when we didn't know about house payments, dirty nappies," Ron joked.

"We don't have to pay," Harry said loftily. "The Minister for Magic and her family have a residence paid for by you lesser folk." he grinned to show them he wasn't serious.

"Says the kept man," Ron said throwing another pillow at him.

"Kept and loving it," Hermione hugged Harry around the middle.

"I was waiting for the two of you to go into rabbit mode," Ron said looking at his watch. "You held out a lot longer than I expected..."

"We're not in rabbit mode," Harry replied. "We were this morning but we can control ourselves when we have to." he looked at Hermione. "Right?"

"Exactly," Hermione agreed. "And what about the two of you? The other night you forgot to use a silencing charm..."

"And your room is right next to ours," Harry interjected. "The headboard kept banging against the wall half the night."

"We were just giving the two of you a taste of your own medicine," Ron said with a smirk. "Now you know how the rest of us feel when the two of you go into full-on rabbit mode."

"Speaking of rabbit mode," Luna said laughing. "The other day when Caroline asked you about being the King of All Rabbits, Harry...I nearly lost it...."

Harry laughed too. "How do you explain that to a four year old?" he agreed. "Good thing I managed to get the conversation to Ron and his never full stomach."

"I was grateful for the save, mate," Ron said. "Caroline reminds me so much of Maddie. She's four going on forty and never forgets anything."

"Maddie used to remember everything you said," Luna smiled.

"Still does," Ron said. He looked at Luna. "She really scared me last night. I felt like there wasn't anything I could do."

"She was very put together once we got to the Ministry," Hermione replied. "We used a Pensieve to watch her vision. She literally had to relive what she saw- something I'm afraid she'll probably have to get used to."

"She was so brave to do what she did," Luna said softly. "I know how scared she was and then she was able to see..."

Luna felt tears well up in her eyes as she remembered Maddie seeing her grandmother in the vision.

"What?" Ron asked, nudging his wife gently.

She told him what Maddie had told her.

"I know you're sceptical about all of this," Luna explained. "But it was like my mum was showing her the way. The biggest regret of my life is that my mother never got the chance to meet our children; to meet her great-grandchildren."

Harry smiled sadly at that. "I know that feeling all too well," he muttered.

Luna nodded sympathetically. "It's so unfair, isn't it?"

"I could say a lot of things aren't fair in my life," Harry replied. "But I won't, because out of all the bad things that have happened, I've gotten some amazing things in return." he tightened his hold around Hermione.

"Harry," Hermione said hugging him back. "You have the family you always wanted; the family you deserved. I hate that you had to grow up thinking you didn't deserve that."

Ron laughed. "I tell you Hermione, as soon as Mum met him our first day of Hogwarts, he had her won over. That bloody waif, glasses and messy hair with too big clothes went right to where it counts. Harry didn't even have to say a word to her before she was hugging him like the long lost son she never had."

"She could hurt someone with those hugs," Harry said laughing.

"I swear I've felt my bones crack more than once," Ron joked.

"Do you remember how she hugged Nick that first time she met him?" Luna asked. "She held on to him and wouldn't let go."

"I remember his face," Ron chuckled. "He had that same look as you Harry- the "I'm never going to be able to breathe again" look."

"But he needed to know that there was someone who loved him," Luna said. "He certainly didn't have it growing up."

Ron shook his head. "Sometimes if I think enough about it I can't believe my sister turned out the way she did."

Hermione had never known Ginny Weasley as anything but selfish, self-absorbed and cruel. It was hard to picture her as anything else, but the three people in the room with her could remember a time when Ginny was a sweet, caring girl.

"Neither can I," Luna agreed. "There was a time when she and I were friends."

"You'll have to excuse me if I don't have a mental image for that," Hermione replied. "The first time she talked to me was to blackmail me about Harry."

"She and I were close up to our last year at Hogwarts," Luna said quietly. "I don't know what happened to her, but after that, she changed. She started treating me like everyone else did---like I was some sort of defect. I didn't care when people I didn't know said it, but when someone I thought was my friend did, it really hurt."

Ron put an arm around her. "At least you had us once you got to Hillsdale."

"I sure did," Luna said dreamily. "Thanks to that starry night by the lake..."

"Should we leave the room?" Harry joked.

"No," Luna said rolling her eyes. "We were just travelling down memory lane..."

The back door opened and the sound of laughter filled the room.

"It would have been nice if you'd asked if I was okay before you started laughing, Jon," R.J. was saying as he came into the sitting room.

"R.J.?" Luna asked. "Why are you all wet?"

Josh and Jon looked at each other before bursting into laughter again. "If you'd only have seen it," Jon snorted. "R.J. manages to land a bite so what does he do?"

"Freak out, drop the pole and we told him he'd have to go in after it." Josh added.

"He refuses to go so what does Josh do?" Jon interjected.

"I just rocked the boat a bit," Josh said defensively.

"And I fell in," R.J. finished glaring at his twin brothers. "At least Josh offered to help me back in the boat. Jon here was too busy laughing himself silly."

"What can I say mate?" Jon clapped his younger brother on the shoulder. "At least you managed to save the pole."

"I ought to have hit you over the head with it," R.J. retorted over his shoulder as he went off to find a towel.

Jon grinned at his parents. "It really was funny." he said.

"Aye, it was great." Josh chuckled.

"Nice to see you boys getting along," Ron said. "Well at least two of you anyway."

"We're getting along fine," Jon said sitting down beside his father. "R.J. was having a good time too until he fell in..."

Josh smiled at his twin. "Thanks for coming out there with me," he said. "I really did have a great time."

"Who knew you could actually have a good time?" Jon joked.

"Funny," Josh smirked. "Who knew you could buckle down and do something without Allie there to hold your hand?" he snickered back.

"Very funny," Jon said shaking his head. "Very funny and how long was it before you made an honest woman out of Lizzy?"

Josh grinned. "Got me there."

"So did you lot catch anything?" Ron asked his sons.

"Other than R.J., no." Josh said, looking at Jon as they both started laughing again.

"What?" Ron asked.

"It was just really funny," Jon replied. "His face as he fell over the side..."

"At least I didn't think it would be easier to use wands to catch fish," R.J. said as he came back in the room.

"What- a simple Accio would take care of all our fishing troubles," Jon said.

"You'd probably have managed to screw that up," R.J. joked.

Luna stood up and kissed first R.J. on the cheek and then Josh and Jon.

"What was that for?" Josh asked.

"Because you're getting along!" Luna said happily.

"Okay Mum," R.J. said, embarrassed.

"I could have given you a Nana bear hug," Luna teased.

"I'd rather be able to breathe thanks," R.J. smiled at his mother.

"Where is my better half?" Jon asked.

"She, Lizzy, Julie, Drew, Darla and Maddie went shopping," Hermione answered. "And Ethan has his own personal fan club with Caroline, Ashley and Katie. They have him out on the beach probably wearing him and Nick out."

"Those three probably have them buried neck high in sand," Josh said. "Think we should go help them out?"

"I think so," Jon said with a laugh. "They probably need reinforcements."

"Back out there we go. Gives R.J. a chance to dry off before dinner." Josh cracked.

"It figures that the two of them get along at my expense," R.J. grumbled following his brothers out the door.

"Come on R.J. you have to go through what Drew and Darla put Maddie through." Jon said, bumping his brother.

"Not as bad as that?" R.J. asked.

Josh and Jon turned to him with equal identical grins.

"I hate you both," R.J. said glaring at them.

"No you don't," Jon replied calmly.

"Okay," R.J. said. "Perhaps hate is too strong a word. But I'm not liking you both right now."

"Maybe we should bury him next to Nick and Ethan," Josh said to his brother.

"You wouldn't," R.J. said but he knew without a shadow of a doubt that they probably would. Luckily, salvation arrived in the form of the brown-haired four-year old running toward her father.

"DADDY!" Caroline screamed excitedly.

"Hey baby," Jon swung his daughter high up in the air.

"I haven't seen you all day!" she said laughing.

"I was out with Uncle Josh and Uncle R.J." Jon tweaked her nose. "But now I'm all yours if you want sweetheart."

"Wait until you see what we did to Uncle Nick," Caroline said pointing down the beach.

"Uh oh," Jon began laughing. "What did you guys do?"

"Uncle Ethan helped us bury him in the sand," Caroline said. "And Katie and Ashley won't let him get out!"

"So you spared Ethan but buried Nick aye?" Josh snickered.

"Ethan took us on the boat, Daddy," Caroline said as if this was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Hey baby girl, you want to help us bury your Uncle R.J. in the sand?" Josh asked his niece.

"Yes!" Caroline said excitedly. R.J. groaned in reply.

"The two of you nearly drowned me today," R.J. said. "Isn't that enough torture?"

"You're the one that let the fish get away," Jon said, hoisting his daughter on his back.

"At least I caught a fish," R.J. retorted.

Jon and Josh exchanged another glance and grinned at R.J. again.

"Caroline?" R.J. asked seeing her as his only hope. "You want to help your uncle out here? You don't really want to bury me in the sand do you?"

Caroline gave him a sweet smile. "My daddy wants me to," she said as if that explained everything.

"I'm going to just go back to the cottage," R.J. said starting to backtrack, but Josh grabbed his arm.

"No, you don't," Josh said. "Remember what you said earlier, R.J. You'd do whatever I wanted to do today..."

"That shouldn't include torturing me!" R.J. said huffily.

"Should we let him off the hook?" Josh asked his brother and niece. "What do you think?"

"It's up to my little Caroline here," Jon said.

"Caroline," R.J. said smiling sweetly at her. "Come on. Remember...I played tea party with you yesterday. I even helped you out when you hurt your leg..."

"Okay Uncle R.J.," Caroline grinned at him. "Maybe I can bury you in sand tomorrow!"

"Thank you," R.J. said squeezing her foot. "You are the best!"

"That tickles!" Caroline squealed.

"MATES?" Nick called out. "A little help here..."

Jon, Josh and R.J. all saw Nick at the same time, buried up to his chin in sand and began to laugh. "Looks like you got yourself into a tough situation eh Malfoy?" Jon teased.

"We've got him good and buried," Ashley said stacking more sand.

"Sweetheart that's enough sand on Daddy," Nick said, getting desperate. The sand was itchy and it was also wet and cold.

"Are you ready to get out?" Ashley asked.

"Daddy's been ready to get out for the past fifteen minutes," Nick replied.

Ethan laughed. "You could have avoided this and gone shopping with the ladies..."

"Julie's doing a good enough job on our Gringotts charge as it is," Nick grinned.

"Drew and Darla are the ones you have to worry about," Josh said. "The two of them could spend the rest of their lives in a shop. I still have bad memories of taking them shopping to get school supplies. It too them forever to pick things out."

"Because they had to buy about twelve other things too," R.J. chimed in as the girls began to unbury Nick.

Ethan grinned. "Saffy's the same way. Mum and Dad usually let Jules take her out now."

"So we may never see the women again the rest of the holiday," Josh mused.

"This could be good or bad," Jon said.

"It has to be bad Daddy," Caroline said. "Why would you not want to see Mummy again?"

"It's just an expression, sweetheart," Jon said scooping her up in his arms. "You know that Daddy would be very sad if I couldn't see your mummy again."

"I would be very sad too," Caroline nodded.

"You don't have to worry baby girl," Jon said. "Your mummy's going to be back and I'm sure that she bought you something while she was out."

"A present?" Caroline brightened. "I love presents!"

"So do I!" Katie exclaimed. "I hope my mummy got me something too!"

"Finally!" Nick pulled himself up out of the hole. "I'm not so sure either of you deserve a present," he said to his daughters. "Not after burying me in the sand there!" he grinned at them. "I think this calls for a dunking in the ocean!"

"No, Daddy!" Katie squealed taking off down the beach followed by Ashley. Nick ran off after them.

"Watch out for the soldier fish!" Caroline called out to them.

Ethan laughed as Nick managed to catch up to his daughters and grab them in his arms. "We did bury him down pretty deep," he said.

"I don't envy him one bit," Josh said. "R.J. mate, you lucked out."

"For now anyway," R.J. cast a glare at his twin brothers.

"There's Mummy and Auntie Lizzy!" Caroline said pointing to where the two women were walking down the beach toward them.

"Let's go meet her okay?" Jon asked his daughter.

"Piggy back ride?" Caroline asked holding her hands up.

"For you? Anytime," Jon laughed as she climbed up. "Away we go!" he began to run, purposely bouncing her up and down. He loved hearing her laughter in his ear.

"Mummy!" Caroline squealed.

"Hi sweetheart!" Allison grinned as Caroline flew from Jon's back to her arms. "Are you having fun with Daddy?"

"He just got back," Caroline replied burying her face in Allison's shoulder. "Katie, Ashley and me buried Uncle Nick in the sand."

"It was classic, Al," Jon said laughing at the memory of it. "The big rock star buried in sand and unable to move..."

Allison laughed too. "You didn't dig him out already did you?"

"We did," Caroline admitted. "But tomorrow we are going to bury Uncle R.J."

"I'll be sure and come around for that," Allison winked.

"Daddy said you bought me a present," Caroline said.

"I did," Allison said. "It's up on the patio. You want to come up with me and Daddy to get it?"

"Yes!" Caroline bounced excitedly in her mother's arms. "I love presents!"

Lizzy laughed. "I'm going to go find Josh. I'll see you guys later."

Jon nodded and followed his wife back up the beach. "So what sort of damage did you do? I'm not going to have to teach extra lessons, am I?"

"Very funny," Allison replied. "I actually didn't buy much. But you should see what your twin sisters talked Maddie into."

"What?" Jon asked intrigued.

Allison laughed. "Let's just say it's a swim costume that doesn't leave much to the imagination. I was surprised she bought it but I guess the thought of Ethan's eyes popping out of his head when he sees her in it was too much to pass up."

"How about you?" Jon asked winking at her. "Did you buy anything like that?"

Allison gave him a devilish look. "Here we go Caroline," she handed her daughter a box.

Caroline grinned and sat down on the patio before she tore into the box.

"Crayons and finger paint!" Caroline said excitedly. "Thanks, Mummy!"

Allison smiled as Caroline gave her an enthusiastic hug. "You're welcome sweetheart."

"I can make a picture for Grandpa Neville and Grandma Cho!" Caroline said. "And I can even do one for Max!"

"I bet they'll love a picture," Allison said as Caroline gathered up her new crafts and went inside. "And for your information Mr. Weasley..."

"Yes?" Jon asked.

"I did snag a little surprise for you for later," Allison wound her arms around his neck.

"Do I get a hint?" he asked leaning in and kissing her. "I am guessing you didn't get me crayons and paint..."

Allison laughed. "No... Just a little something to unwrap me in at bedtime."

"I like the sound of that," Jon said. "Too bad it's not bedtime now."

"Only a few hours," Allison leaned in and kissed him.

"You'll be happy to know," Jon said as they sat back down on the steps. "That Josh, R.J. and I had a nice brother bonding experience."

Allison grinned at him. "I knew if you guys just spent a little time with him things would be okay."

"You're dying to say you told me so, aren't you?" he asked her.

"Do I really have to?" she leaned against him.

"No," he said, putting an arm around her. "You were right. We just needed to find some sort of common ground."

Allison gave him another kiss. "I love you Jon," she said.

"I love you too," he said softly.

Down on the beach, Lizzy finally found Josh who was chatting with Nick.

"So," she said smiling at him. "I take it things went well today?"

"They did," Josh gave her a kiss.

"Good," she said. "Your sisters wore me out."

"Buy anything?" he asked.

"A couple of things," Lizzy replied. "Drew and Darla bought way too much. They kept saying they were going to write everything off as a business expense."

Nick shook his head. "I just can't wait to see the damage my wife did."

"It wasn't as bad as Drew and Darla," Lizzy told him. "But it was close."

"Great," Nick laughed. "Guess I'll have to take on an extra job."

"Or two," Lizzy deadpanned.

"As long as I don't let my nieces bury me again," Nick replied. "My own daughters had me neck high in sand."

"I wish I could have seen that," Lizzy said laughing.

"You'll see us bury R.J. tomorrow." Nick promised.

"No you won't," R.J. yelled out. "I'm not letting you lot bury me."

"That's what you think!" Nick shouted back.

"How about Dad?" R.J. suggested. "Why don't we bury him?"

"How about we bury you both?" Nick asked.

"Now I'm liking that idea, Nick," Josh said grinning at him.

"Sod off you," R.J. snapped.

"R.J., I'm sure no one is going to bury you in the sand," Lizzy reassured him. "Your brothers are adults."

"Yes but the girls aren't." R.J. replied.

"How about we bury good old Dr. Ryan Burke in the sand?" Nick asked only half joking.

"Don't let Jules hear you say that," Lizzy replied.

"I'm not so stupid to say that in front of her," Nick said. "And I know she loves me and only me, but I wouldn't mind seeing the lousy git buried up to his neck in sand."

Lizzy laughed. "Nick you're a goof."

"I'm the goof that got the girl," Nick said with a grin.

Josh and Lizzy laughed. "Speaking of girls," she said conspiratorially. "If you guys want to see Ethan's eyes bug out of his head wait until you see Maddie in her new bikini."

Josh frowned. "I don't want to hear about my baby sister in a new bikini. To me, she's always going to be this adorable four-year old girl with a Cornish Pixie."

"Aye," Nick nodded. "That's how she still is to me in my head."

Lizzy laughed as she saw Maddie approaching the beach wearing the bikini in question. She also saw Ethan nearly get whiplash as he also saw her.

"Something tells me that's not how Ethan sees her," Lizzy joked.

"Obviously," Nick said with a smirk.

"Maddie," Ethan's eyes were wide. "What... you wearing..." she had on a white bikini that was made of some sort of shimmery material that almost seemed to make her glow.

"Drew and Darla sort of talked me into buying it," Maddie said blushing. "It's not something I'd normally buy..."

"You look amazing," Ethan said quietly so everyone didn't have to hear.

"I do?" Maddie asked beaming at him. "Really?"

"I'm a little uh..." Ethan couldn't seem to form words.

"Speechless?" Maddie asked. It was the reaction Drew and Darla had said she'd get if she bought the bikini.

"Yeah," Ethan ignored everything else as he focused on her. "Wow..."

Maddie smiled. "I um haven't seen you all day," she said softly. "I missed you."

"I wanted to let you sleep this morning," Ethan replied. "You were so tired last night." he gulped as she stepped closer. "Not to say I didn't enjoy what we did when you came back..."

"When we did this?" Maddie said boldly kissing him.

"Mmmph..." Ethan's eyebrows shot up in surprise but he returned her kiss, ignoring the catcalls coming from other beach patrons.

"Was that what you were talking about?" Maddie asked dreamily when they pulled apart.

"Something like that," Ethan replied dumbly.

Maddie giggled. "So..."

"Want to go for a walk... somewhere private?" Ethan asked hopefully. "We could steal the boat and go out on the ocean... by ourselves."

Maddie pretended to mull this over in her head. She tried not to laugh at the worried expression on his face.

"Having you to myself sounds like heaven," she finally said.

Ethan grinned. "That goes double for me," He replied, squeezing her hand. "Come on, the keys are still on there."

"You going out again, mate?" Nick asked calling out to Ethan.

"Be back before dinner," Ethan shouted back noncommittally. He grinned at all of them as he helped Maddie climb aboard.

"Quite the gentleman," Maddie said as she sat down.

"I try," Ethan grinned, starting the motor.

"What did you and the girls do?" Maddie asked conversationally. "Very brave of you to go out all by yourself with them."

"We just rode around mainly," Ethan shouted over the wind as he took them out. "They like it when I go really fast!"

Maddie held on to the bottom of her seat. "I like it when you go real fast, too!"

"Okay then," he turned back to grin at her. She was holding onto her seat with one hand and holding her hair back with the other so it didn't get completely unmanageable. "Here we go!" he gunned the motor so the boat would go as fast as he could make it go.

Maddie laughed. "You're wild, Ethan!"

He laughed too. "Why don't you come drive?" he suggested.

"Really," she said shakily getting to her feet.

"Come on," he slowed the boat down. "I'll stand right here with you."

Maddie smiled and stood in front of him. "So what do I have to do?"

"Just hold the steering wheel," Ethan placed his hands over hers. "I'll make it go as fast as you want to take it."

"Okay," Maddie said. "Let's start out slow...if that's okay?"

"That's fine," Ethan moved himself behind her. "Just hold the wheel steady- make sure you watch the horizon for any other boats, and if you see a flag in the water that means there's someone diving and we should try to avoid those areas."

Maddie nodded. "This is really nice."

"Yes it is," Ethan inhaled the scent of her hair, which smelled like wildflowers. His hands left hers on the wheel and he slid them around her waist instead.

"That is really nice," Maddie said softly.

"You're really nice," Ethan said in her ear.

Maddie smiled. "Can we stop...the boat? Just for a few minutes?"

"Sure," Ethan put his hand on the speed controller and eased it so the boat stopped moving. They were out so far they could barely see land and there were no other boats around. "Are you feeling all right? Not seasick or anything?"

She turned around to face him. "No, I'm not seasick. I just wanted you to kiss me is all."

"Oh," He grinned. "Ask and you shall receive," he leaned in and covered her mouth with his.

Maddie wound her fingers through his hair and kissed him back. This is the perfect day, she thought.

Her skin was warm, her hair slightly damp due to the ocean spray. He crushed her body against his, appreciating just how much skin her bikini left uncovered.

"I love you," she whispered in between kisses. "So much..."

"I love you too," Ethan muttered back. "I'm never letting you go Maddie."

Maddie smiled. "For the first time, I feel like everything's falling into place. I have you and I think I've found my calling---what I was meant to do. I'm just so...happy."

He grinned at her. "I'm glad you're happy." he said. "You make me happy."

"A part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop," she admitted. "Like it can't be this good, can it?"

"Well... I guess these are typically called the honeymoon days," Ethan laughed. "You know, before the reality sets in."

"Before we get back to our real lives back home," she said.

"Exactly," he said, sitting down on the long sofa like seat and pulling her down next to him.

"We go home in a couple of days," Maddie said. "Are you looking forward to getting back to training?"

"Not really," he chuckled. "Well I am, but I have some of my toughest training courses ahead of me."

"You've never been one to back away from a challenge," Maddie said truthfully. "I'm sure you're going to do fine. You'll be the best Auror Ethan. It's in your blood."

"I'm just glad we're sort of going to be working in the same field," Ethan said.

"There's no guarantee that the Department of Mysteries is even going to want to me," Maddie said resting her head on his chest. "I could be right back where I started from on my graduation day...not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life."

"Of course they'll want you," Ethan replied. "Especially if you've got the support of the Minister behind you."

"I know," Maddie said. "But I don't want people to say I got the job because of who I know. You understand, right? You didn't want special treatment just because of who your parents were, right?"

"No, you're right." Ethan nodded and pulled her closer. "But after last night Mads, they'd be crazy to not take you."

"I'm not usually this insecure," she said blushing. "I'm just hoping that this isn't just a fluke. I know in my heart that I can do this."

"It's something new," Ethan reassured her. "Well- not really new, but you're realising exactly what's going on. It's a big step."

"I really am sorry for scaring you last night," she told him.

"Don't apologise," Ethan said cupping her face in his hand.

"I was afraid it might have scared you off," Maddie admitted. "But last night you were so supportive. It meant a lot to me."

"You mean a lot to me," Ethan replied. "And nothing you do at this point is going to scare me off Mads. You're stuck with me."

"Forever and a day?" she asked grinning at him.

"Two days," he grinned back. She leaned in and kissed him again and he fell back on the bench.

They kissed for a long while- forgetting about the time. Ethan felt like days had passed once they pulled apart and were breathing heavily.

"Wow," he chuckled. "Where'd the sun go?"

"We've been out here too long," Maddie said. "Everyone's going to worry about us."

"It'll be okay," Ethan replied. "But talk about being able to stargaze- it's not even fully night but look at all the stars out here."

"It's gorgeous," Maddie agreed softly, pulling her legs up to her chest. It had grown cold and she still only had the tiny bikini on. Ethan noticed her shiver and reached under the bench and pulled out a blanket.

"Here," he wrapped it around her.

"Thank you," Maddie gave him a grateful kiss. He let his lips linger on hers for a few more minutes. "It's not that I'm not enjoying this but maybe we should go in. I really don't want anyone to worry."

"Okay," Ethan sent her a grin. "Want to drive us back?"

"Sure," Maddie replied. "But only if you'll help me."

"Of course I will," he replied. She kept the blanket wrapped around her as she stood in front of him. "I'll control the speed while you steer. And I'll show you which dock is ours when we get closer."

"Sounds good," she shivered again, but more from Ethan's closeness than the cool night air.

He kept their speed steady as they headed back for the beach. Maddie did a rather good job of keeping them inline while looking out for any flags or boats still on the water.

"Nice job," Ethan said admiringly as she pulled close to the dock. He took over from her and manoeuvred it the rest of the way in.

"Thanks," she said, pleased. "I'm going to wear this in." she indicated the blanket.

"Okay," he grinned. "Don't want your dad to see your new swim costume?"

"That and it's still cold," Maddie laughed. "I'll try and run upstairs to change before I go into the kitchen."

Ethan took her hand and they ran across the sand and back to the house.