Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We would like to thank you all for the feedback on the last chapter. Everything had been fluffy and nice and all of a sudden this happens and you're going to see the fallout for quite some time. This storyline has rejuvenated us in a way and we hope that you guys will like what we have planned. There's definitely drama and angst ahead. Thank you guys so much for reading! You are the best!

(Beginning of flashback)


A small smile played on Harry's lips as he saw his youngest daughter as a four-year old holding his hand as they walked down the boardwalk. "Ooooh! Books!" she exclaimed.

"Books," Harry laughed. "That's right baby. Should we go in and find you a book?"

Saffron nodded. "Big book! Bigger than me."

Harry laughed as he swung her up. "A book bigger than you? That won't be hard."

Saffron giggled and put her arms around his neck. "I love you, Daddy."

Harry kissed her cheek. "I love you too baby."

"Bigger than the sky?" Saffron asked beaming at him.

"Bigger than the sky, and the ocean, and all of the UK," Harry told her.

"That's a lot," Saffron said as he pushed open the door to the book shop.

"Hello, Mister Potter," the owner of the shop said brightly. "And this can't be your youngest. How big has she gotten since the last time I saw her!"

"This much!" Saffron held her arms open.

Harry laughed. "She's four now, Grace. Four going on forty."

"Daddy I'm not THAT old!" Saffron giggled.

"She'll be that old before you know it," Grace said.

"Daddy's going to get me a BIG book!" Saffron announced.

Harry set her down and Saffron happily followed Grace to the children's section.

"That one!" Saffron pointed as soon as they got over there.

"What did you pick out, baby?" Harry asked.

"Fairy tales!" Saffron clutched the book to her.

"Excellent choice, Miss Saffron," Grace said.

Saffron grinned. "Daddy, we can read them together, right?"

"Absolutely," Harry agreed.

"And we have to get Julie, Ethan and Mummy a book too," Saffron said. "And Greta!"

"All right, all right." Harry said.

"No cookbooks for Mummy," Saffron said causing Harry to laugh. "No way."

"Definitely not," Harry said. "How about a nice biography?"

"I think I have something Mrs. Potter would like," Grace said.

Harry picked Saffron up again. "This has been the best day, Daddy."

"It's always a best day when I get to spend it with my Saffy," Harry said, hugging her tight.


"Dad?" Ethan asked, coming up behind his father. "Dad?"

Harry jerked himself out of his reverie. "What?"

"I just wanted to see how you were holding up," Ethan said.

Harry just shook his head. "How many years have I been an Auror now... and I don't even know where to begin here."

"I know," Ethan agreed. "This is all my fault. I'm sorry that---"

"It's not your fault," Harry said. "Don't even go there. We need to figure this out, not play the blame game."

Ethan nodded. "Justin and Lupin are checking on Dolohov's whereabouts. It has to be him, Dad."

Harry nodded. "He's been lying low the past few weeks, since the verdict. He's been plotting."

"Neville said we needed to think of other possibilities too," Ethan said. "Do you think Nick's parents---"

"This isn't their MO," Harry replied. "Lucius, perhaps... but he's still in Azkaban."

"What about his wife?" Ethan asked. "Narcissa, isn't it?"

"I'll check on that- but she never does anything without her husband." Harry replied.

Ethan knew they had to consider all the possibilities, but he knew in his heart that Dolohov was behind this.

"Come on," Harry said.

Ethan nodded and followed his father. They were getting nowhere just standing around.

"I should really go tell your mother what's going on," Harry raked his hands through his hair. "And... shite... Sean's parents."

"Neville's with them now," Ethan told him.

Harry shook his head. "I really can't believe he'd go this far," he said tightly.

"Murder, kidnapping, attempted murder," Ethan said listing the charges Dolohov would face if---when, they caught him.

Neville came back over to them. "We've got a trace on the area to see where the suspect Apparated away to."

"And?" Ethan asked.

"We'll find Saffron," Neville told him.

"I'm going to Dolohov's," Harry said determinedly. "I'm going to make that bastard tell me what he did to my daughter!"

Neville grabbed him by the arm. "Harry, I know you're upset---"

"HE TOOK MY DAUGHTER!" Harry roared.

"You are thinking like a father right now," Neville said quietly. "You have to think like an Auror. You know that the obvious choice isn't always the right one. If you go busting into his house without the proper authorization, you're going to make things worse. You are too close to this, Harry."

"Damn right I am," Harry said furiously. "I should never have let him go in the first place. I should have killed him right outside the courtroom."

"That's just great," Neville said sarcastically. "Then you'd be in Azkaban, Harry."

Harry glared at him. "I have to get to the Ministry," he snapped.

"Harry, don't do anything foolish," Neville warned.

"I'll go tell Mum what's going on," Ethan said quietly. "I'll meet you at the Ministry, Dad."

"Tell your mother that I'm going to bring our little girl home," Harry said to his son. "Tonight."

Ethan nodded. "Safe and sound, right?"

"Safe and sound," Harry said. "If it's the last thing I do."

Ethan nodded again before heading back to the beach house.

Everyone was gathered in the sitting room awaiting word on what had happened. Ethan hadn't expected to see everyone like that. He didn't even know where to begin. The only time he'd ever seen his mother like this was when her father had passed away.

He gulped when he arrived back. "Um..." he began.

"Where's Aunt Saffy, Uncle Ethan?" Ashley asked, wiping at her eyes. "Is she okay?"

"I don't know," Ethan said, running his hands through his hair. "Um... Sean... well... Sean was killed. Alexa was hurt and Gabriel's at hospital with her. And Saffy...."

"Please tell us, Ethan," Julie urged.

"We don't know where she is," Ethan admitted.

Hermione looked point-blank at him. "Ethan, you're not telling us everything, are you?"

Ethan hadn't wanted to tell her this. "There was some blood found at the scene. It was---Saffy's."

Hermione let out a cry at this news.

"Mum," Julie said staving off her own tears to comfort her mother.

"They put a trace on the area for spells," Ethan continued, unable to look at his mother or sister. "Dad says he's going to bring her home tonight."

"Grandpa can do it," Katie said loyally. "I know he can."

"That's the spirit Katie," Ethan said with a tired smile.

Luna gave her husband a hug. "I can't imagine what Sean's parents are going through. And the O'Learys..."

"No parent should have to go through that," Ron said feeling helpless. "Luna, she was just here this morning."

"I know," Luna felt tears well up in her eyes.

At St. Mungos, Gabriel was sitting right outside the door to Alexa's room. Seamus had used his mobile to call the O'Learys, who were currently on their way there.

"She's going to be okay," Gabriel said. "Right, Dad? I mean, these people can help her?"

"I hope so son," Seamus said. "Unfortunately, we don't know what sort of curse that guy hit her with."

"He didn't say anything when he pointed his wand at her," Gabriel said.

Seamus nodded thoughtfully. "They've got a good team of healers here." he said. "I'm sure they'll figure it out."

"I can't lose her," Gabriel choked out. "I can't."

"She knows you love her," Seamus said comfortingly. "That will help her pull through."

Gabriel didn't know if that would be enough. He knew nothing about magical medicine and there wasn't anything he could do to help her.

"Come on," Seamus said. "Let's see if they'll let us in there."

The receptionist at the front desk looked up expectantly when Seamus and Gabriel approached her. "Can I help you?"

"We'd like an update on Alexa O'Leary," Seamus said. "And to see her, if possible."

The receptionist consulted her charts. "I'm sorry. That's not possible. The healers are still examining her."

Gabriel sighed. "Damn it."

Seamus put his hand on his son's shoulder. "You'll get to see her soon."

Gabriel shook his head and began pacing. "What am I supposed to say to her parents?" he asked.

"You tell them that Alexa was brave and tried to protect her best friend," Seamus said thoughtfully. "You tell them that Alexa is strong and that she is going to pull through this."

Gabriel nodded wordlessly.

As luck would have it, RJ and Andrew were at St. Mungos that day. RJ had fallen off his broom during a pickup game of Quidditch with Andrew, Jason and some of their old Hogwarts friends. RJ had taken a tumble from his broom and had sprained his ankle in the fall. After receiving a few healing spells from a medi witch, he was good as new. Andrew laughed at his friend as they approached the front desk to check out. "You were showing off, RJ. As usual..."

"Yeah whatever," RJ slugged his arm. "At least I can do the Wronski Feint."

"Is that what you call that move you were doing?" Andrew chuckled.

"I'd like to see you do it," RJ said indignantly.

Andrew opened his mouth to reply when he saw Seamus Finnegan and Gabriel Boyd in the waiting area off to the side. "RJ, look."

RJ turned. "What are they doing here?" he wondered. "Come on mate."

Gabriel saw the two boys approaching and got to his feet. He figured that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had told them what had happened. "We--uh, we don't know anything yet. She's back there and they won't tell us anything."

"Don't know anything about what?" RJ asked. "Wait-- did something happen to Lexie?"

Gabriel stared at him. "You don't know?"

"About WHAT?" RJ asked impatiently.

"We were in Brighton," Gabriel told him. "Lexie, Saffy and me. This man came out on nowhere. He killed Sean. Lexie was hit with some sort of curse and Saffy was taken."

"What?" Andrew pushed RJ aside. "Saffron's been kidnapped?"

Gabriel nodded. "It all went so fast..."

RJ stared at him. "Did they find out what curse?"

Seamus shook his head. "We haven't heard and Gabriel wouldn't have known---"

"Do they know anything about Saffy yet?" Andrew interrupted.

Seamus shook his head and told Andrew and RJ everything they knew up to this point.

Andrew sat down, raking his hands through his hair.

RJ was just as taken aback by this news. He and Saffron had just started to get back the friendship they used to have. And Alexa...she was back there fighting for her life.

"I'm--I'm going to ring my mum in Brighton," RJ said. "I want to see how they're doing."

Gabriel nodded. "I'll keep you posted," he said.

"I'm not going anywhere," RJ told him. "I want to make sure Lexie's okay."

"Thanks," Gabriel offered him a small smile. "I'm sure that means a lot to her."

"You can use my phone if you like," Seamus said producing his mobile. "I'm sure your parents would be glad to hear from you, RJ."

"Thanks," RJ said gratefully.

Alexa's parents arrived just as RJ was stepping outside to use the phone.

Karen O'Leary hurried toward Seamus and Gabriel. "Where's my daughter?"

"Mrs. O'Leary," Gabriel stood up. "I'm so sorry... I would have done anything to protect her--"

Karen nodded and held up her hand. "One of those wizard police escorted us here and he told us what had happened."

"We haven't heard anything," Seamus said. "But we're not immediate family so they probably wouldn't have told us anything."

"They're going to tell me," Patrick O'Leary said putting his arm around his wife.

"Will you please let me know?" Gabriel pleaded.

"Of course," Karen promised, hurrying after her husband.

Gabriel wanted to follow them but Seamus put a hand on his shoulder. "Let them go, son."

Gabriel nodded and sank down on the sofa. He hated not knowing what was going on. It reminded him too much of that time he'd spent in the waiting room for news about his mother.

Andrew couldn't sit anymore. He stood up and walked over to the window looking down at the garden down below. What in the world had happened to Saffron?

He turned back around. "You have to tell me more," he said to Gabriel. "Please, mate..."

"She and Sean had a fight last night," Gabriel told him. "Alexa and I were taking her to the boardwalk to get her mind off of her problems. We were just inside the shop for a minute. When we came outside, all hell broke loose."

"What did this other guy look like?" Andrew asked. "He tried to kill Saffron?"

"He was an old man," Gabriel said shaking his head. "Dad said it could have been a disguise. Probably was. He shouted that killing spell at Saffron but Sean stepped in front of her. He---he saved her life."

Andrew nodded. He would have done the same thing.

Andrew sighed and put his head in his hands. Saffron had to be okay.

In a small room miles away from St. Mungos, Saffron awoke feeling excruciating pain at the back of her head. "Mum?" she asked weakly.

She struggled to sit up, wondering why her bed felt so hard. "Mum?" she asked again.

Saffron rubbed the back of her head and gasped when she pulled her hand back and saw there was blood. "Mum! Dad!"

"They aren't here, love." a strange, male voice said.

"Who's there?" Saffron asked.

The man chuckled. "Don't worry about that."

Saffron winced as she struggled to get to her feet. She was alone in this room. "I don't know who you are, but I'm hurt. I need help."

"You'll be fine," the voice said calmly. "It's nothing but a simple wound."

"Where am I?" Saffron asked.

"You don't need to know that," the voice replied.

"Look, my mother is Minister for Magic," Saffron said angrily. "And my father is Harry Potter. They're going to find me and---"

"WHICH IS PRECISELY WHY YOU ARE HERE!" the voice boomed, startling Saffron. A few moments ago, he'd sounded calm and patient.

Saffron shrank back against the wall. "What does me being here have to do with my parents?" she dared to ask.

"There's some ointment on the desk," the voice said, not answering her question. "It should help the cut on your head."

"Why should I take anything from you?" Saffron demanded. "Or believe anything you say? For all I know, it'll kill me."

"You're too valuable to me," the voice replied. "You took a nasty fall earlier."

Saffron was starting to get pissed off. "What the hell did you do to me?" she snapped.

The man leaned back in his chair and smiled as he watched the fiery brunette. He hadn't meant to kidnap her. He'd meant to kill her, but that Muggle boy had gotten in the way. Still, this would work. It made him think of an even better idea. He only wished he could see Potter and his wife scramble around looking for their precious daughter.

Saffron carefully got to her feet, using the wall for support.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered what had happened to Sean.

"Why did you have to do this?" she asked. "Why'd you have to hurt Sean?"

"Collateral damage," the voice said dismissively. "Your friend, Alexa, was it? That was kind of fun, actually."

Saffron hit the wall angrily. "Why don't you show yourself, you bloody coward?"

There was no response. Saffron sank back against the ball and slid to the floor. Sean was dead because of her. And Alexa...what had happened to her? She and Gabe had to be okay. They had to be.

Her head was still pounding, and she wondered if perhaps the ointment was okay to use after all.

She shakily stood up and walked over to the desk.

"It's in the bowl," the voice told her.

"I can see," Saffron grumbled.

"You should appreciate what I do for you," the voice said coldly.

Saffron rolled her eyes. "Taking me away from my family and friends? Killing my boyfriend? Thank you so much!"

The walls suddenly shook. "I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT!"

Saffron jumped back. She didn't want to antagonize this psychopath. "Look, I just want to go home. If you've taken me for money---"

"I don't want money," the voice said. "I want revenge."

"Revenge?" Saffron asked. "For what?"

The man was silent for several long moments. "You'll see in time."

"C-can I call my parents?" Saffron asked. "Just so they'll know I'm okay?"

"I'll be in touch with them soon enough," the man said.

Saffron wiped at her eyes. Her parents would look for her. They'd find her and bring her home.

"Don't try to use magic in there," the voice said. "It's useless. Besides, you don't have your wand."

There were no windows in the room, either. The only escape was the door and Saffron knew it was locked and warded.

"Don't worry," he said ominously. "You're not going to be alone."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Saffron asked.

"Use the ointment," the voice said. "I'll bring you dinner later. Get comfortable, Miss Potter."

"How am I supposed to get comfortable in here?" Saffron snapped.

"Good evening," he said with a slight laugh. "You are going to be fun."

Saffron closed her eyes for a moment. She had to try and find a way out of here- without magic.

It was nearly two in the morning when Harry arrived back at the beach house. He'd spent hours at the Ministry trying to find out something that would help him find his daughter. To make matters worse, Dolohov had suddenly disappeared. That only confirmed what Harry already knew. Dolohov had his daughter.

Hermione was waiting up and pacing around the sitting room when he appeared. "Harry?" she came towards him anxiously.

Harry only shook his head. He hadn't wanted to face her. He'd promised he'd bring Saffron home and he'd failed.

Hermione's face crumpled. "My baby," she said as Harry caught her.

"I'm sorry," Harry said holding her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Hermione."

"We have to find her," Hermione sobbed.

"We will," Harry promised. He led his wife over to the sofa and sat down with her.

Hermione wiped at her eyes. "Where's Ethan?"

"He stayed behind," Harry said. "I'm going back in a couple of hours. I just wanted to check on you and see how you were holding up."

Hermione shook her head. "I'm coming with you."

Harry wanted to argue but he knew it was no use.

"The media knows now," Harry said quietly. "Lupin thinks we should make a statement."

Hermione nodded. "It might help us find her."

"Did you call your mother?" Harry asked her. "And Greta?"

"I couldn't tell my mother over the phone," Hermione said quietly.

Harry nodded in understanding. "We are going to find her."

"We have to," Hermione said. "We have to find her."

"Dolohov," Harry said bitterly. "I'm going to kill him, Hermione. If he's hurt her---"

"I'll have him in Azkaban so fast his head will spin," Hermione said, suddenly furious.

"Mum?" Julie asked coming downstairs to check on her mother. She was happy to see her father, but dismayed to see that he was alone. "Any news?"

Hermione shook her head.

"I couldn't sleep," Julie said walking over and giving her father a hug.

Harry held his oldest daughter tightly. "I'm not going to be able to do anything until we find her."

"She knows how to take care of herself," Julie said. "And she knows that we will do everything we can to find her and bring her home."

Harry nodded. "You're right, Jules."

"She was just here this morning," Hermione said looking up at them. "My baby was just here this morning and now, I don't know where she is, or if she's hurt, or who has her. I can't stand this!"

"Come here," Harry pulled his wife to him. "We'll find her, Hermione. We'll make sure she's okay. I promise."

Hermione sobbed into his shoulder.

"Mum," Julie wrapped her arms around her mother's waist.

Harry knew he'd promised Lupin and Neville he'd take a break, but he wanted to get back to the investigation. He didn't know how much time they had.

"I need to back," Harry said reluctantly pulling away from his wife.

"WE need to go back," Hermione corrected him. "I'm going to help find her, Harry."

"Right," Harry nodded. "Jules--"

"Nick and I will stay here," Julie said wiping at her eyes. "Please keep us posted, Dad."

"I will sweetheart," Harry promised.

"Be careful," Julie told him.

"You too," Hermione hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Mum," Julie said softly.

"I love you too, my sweet girl," Hermione didn't want to let her go.

Julie gave her mother's hand a squeeze. "Go and bring her home."

Harry and Hermione arrived at the Ministry and headed straight for the Aurors department. "Anything?" Harry asked his son tersely.

Ethan nodded. "We received a letter and a photograph a few moments ago."

He handed it over to his father.

"Merlin," Harry said, going pale. "That bastard...."

Hermione held out her hand. "Let me see it."

It was a Muggle photograph of their daughter lying on a bed, unconscious. There was a letter tacked to the photograph that had a two word sentence. "Game on."

"Game on?" Hermione asked. "GAME ON?"

"This is a game to that sick son-of-a-bitch," Ethan said angrily.

"Did you see who dropped it off?" Harry demanded. "How did it arrive?"

"No," Ethan said grimly. "If I had, I'd have beaten the shite out of them."

"She's still alive, right?" Hermione asked. "Please..."

"She has to be," Ethan said. "Right Dad? Saffy has to be okay?"

Harry honestly didn't have the answer. He wanted and needed to believe that his daughter was still alive. But, time was working against them. Dolohov was as unpredictable as he was psychotic.

"Let's go see Lupin," Harry said. "And we still have to give a statement to the press."

"Are you up for that, Mum?" Ethan asked. His mother was still clutching the photograph of Saffron.

"I have to be," Hermione said quietly.

"I'm going to get Maddie in on this too," Ethan said. "Maybe she can see something that could help us."

"Good idea son," Harry said.

"I'd do anything for the brat," Ethan said his voice catching. "You know that, Dad."

"I know," Harry said. "She knows that too, Ethan."

Ethan hoped so because it was partly his fault that his sister had been kidnapped. Ethan couldn't change what had happened, but he swore he would do everything in his power to bring his baby sister home.

*** *** ***

Neither Harry nor Hermione had slept last night. They'd stayed at Auror headquarters trying to determine any clues from the photograph and letter. Hermione cried every time she looked at her daughter lying helpless like that. She knew she wouldn't rest until their little girl was home.

In just a few minutes, she was scheduled to make an official statement to the press about Saffron's kidnapping. She didn't know if the appeal would convince Dolohov to let Saffron go, but she had to try. Samuel was trying to brief the Potters on how it would go, but Hermione was barely listening.

"Julie, you and Ethan should stand to your mother's left," Samuel was saying. "You're more than welcome to speak, but---"

"They can talk if they want to," Hermione interrupted. "Anything that might help bring Saffy home."

"Of course," Samuel said hastily. "I'm sorry, Hermione."

Hermione nodded as she rubbed at her eyes. "I should go freshen up."

"I'll come with you," Julie said taking her mother's hand.

Harry watched his wife and daughter go.

"Remember," Neville warned Harry and Ethan. "You cannot implicate Dolohov. We have no evidence..."

"I know that," Harry snapped.

"Harry," Neville said shooting him a warning look.

"I know what to say," Harry said testily. "And I know what not to say."

"We all do," Ethan said quietly.

"And after this, I really do think you should go home and get some rest," Neville said. "All of you."

"Rest?" Harry asked glaring at him. "Would you be able to rest if Chiaki, Allie, or Frankie were kidnapped?"

"No," Neville admitted.

"He's only trying to help," Ethan said to his father.

Harry sighed. "I know. I'm sorry... this just has me on edge. I can't stand the thought of my baby girl out there with that psycho."

"I know," Neville said. "Harry, you know that I love Saffron like she was one of my own. We all will do whatever we can to bring her home. But, you are no good to her or this investigation if you're walking around like a zombie."

"I can't guarantee I'll rest," Harry said. "But I'll try."

"Thank you," Neville said as Hermione and Julie came back into the room.

"We're ready," Julie said softly.

Samuel nodded. "Okay, I'll just go and make an opening statement to the media."

Harry reached for his wife's hand. "We'll do this sweetheart, and we'll get her back."

Hermione nodded hoping more than anything that this was true.

"Minister Potter," Samuel called out. Harry gave Hermione's hand a squeeze before they walked out. Julie and Ethan held hands as they followed their parents.

At least two dozen reporters were waiting with quills and parchment in hand.

Hermione's hands were shaking as she approached the podium. She had given hundreds of speeches over the years, but never like this, under these circumstances.

"I appear before you today not as the Minister," Hermione began. "I'm here today as a mother. Nothing in this world is more important to me than my three children."

"Minister," one reporter called out. "Who do you think could have done this?"

Hermione looked at the reporter. "We don't know at this time. We're looking at all leads and I have confidence in the Auror department that we will find my daughter."

Another reporter began to speak but Samuel held up a hand. "Please hold all questions until after the Minister is done speaking."

"Yesterday afternoon in Brighton, my daughter was kidnapped," Hermione said trying to keep her emotions in check.

Harry had to bite down hard on the inside of his cheek not to stand up and tell everyone who he thought the culprit was.

"I am asking that the person who took her," Hermione said her voice breaking. "Please let her go. She hasn't done anything to you. If you have an issue with my husband or myself, please don't hold it against her."

"Please," Julie added. "She's our sister and we love her very much. We'll do anything to bring her home safely."

"Harry," Hermione said looking at her husband.

Harry nodded. "We're using as many resources as we can to find her. And we'll continue to work around the clock until Saffron's brought safely home."

Samuel stepped in front of them. "The Minister will take questions..."

A flurry of reporters began speaking at the same time. "One at a time, please." Hermione said wearily.

"Your husband has a number of enemies," one of the reporters said. "This could be anyone, really. How do you feel knowing that your daughter was taken because of who you are?"

Hermione bit her lower lip. "Harry and I have always tried to keep our children out of the spotlight, and we can only hope that whoever this person is that took her, will deal with us."

"Yes, but your daughter was taken because of you," the reporter continued. "You might have tried to keep them out of the spotlight, but they are there because of you being the Minister for Magic and your husband being the most famous wizard in the world."

"We won't be made to feel guilty about our status in the media due to who we are," Harry said sharply. "I don't believe it has anything to do with that. I believe this was a personal vendetta."

"Against you, not your daughter," the reporter continued. "And now she's paying for it. Frankly, I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened before. Wait---it did. Your first child was nearly kidnapped shortly after her birth..."

Harry stood up angrily. "I'll have you know--" he began heatedly.

Ethan put a hand on his father's shoulder. "My parents have done everything in their power to protect us. Julie, Saffy and me know who they are and what they've done. We love them unconditionally and I know I speak for both my sisters when I say that we couldn't have asked for better parents."

Hermione managed a tremulous smile as Harry calmed back down and sat beside her.

"Is Nikolai Dolohov a suspect?" a reporter called out.

"We're looking at a number of suspects," Ethan said. "We aren't at liberty to name names at this point."

Hermione squeezed Harry's hand as he tensed up at the name.

"Have you had contact with the kidnappers?" a reporter from Witch Weekly asked. "Has there been a ransom demand?"

"We did receive a note, with a photograph," Hermione said. "But no request for a ransom just yet."

"What did the letter say?" the reporter asked.

"I'm sorry, but we cannot divulge that information," Hermione replied.

"How about the photograph?" a reporter in the back asked.

"It was a picture of our daughter," Hermione said, tears streaming down her cheeks. "She----"

"She appears to be injured," Harry said quietly. "So we can only hope it wasn't serious, or that the person who took her at least tended to her."

Saffron awoke with a start. She heard her father's voice. "Daddy?"

This had all been a dream, hadn't it? She was back in her room in the beach house and her father was waking her up. That's what it was.

She rubbed at her eyes and frowned when she saw that she was still in that same grubby room. Her father's voice was coming from the wireless on the desk.

"We will do whatever it takes to get Saffron back," her father's voice said.

"Daddy?" Saffron pushed herself up. "Daddy!!!"

"If anyone knows anything about her disappearance, I ask that you contact the Ministry immediately," Harry said.

Saffron felt tears well up in her eyes. "Daddy I'm here," she whispered.

"If your daughter could hear this, what would you want to stay to her, Minister?" a reporter asked.

"That we love her," Hermione said, wiping her eyes. "That we hope she's safe, and that we'll find her."

Julie nodded. "We love you, Saffy and we're going to bring you home. We promise."

Saffron nodded. "Please," she whispered. She had spent a good few hours the previous night looking for any way out of the room, including banging on walls, the window and the door.

The Wireless disappeared suddenly and Saffron heard that same familiar voice from last night. "Did you enjoy your wake-up call?"

"Bring it back," Saffron was desperate for any link to her family. "Please give that back to me."

"I think that's enough for now," the voice replied. "Though you missed my favourite part when those mindless reporters nearly had your father. He is so easy to upset..."

Saffron's eyes filled with tears. "Please let me go. I haven't done anything to you."

"I can't do that," the voice replied. "You're too valuable to me, Miss Potter. Saffron Grace...such a pretty name for a pretty girl."

She trembled. "Don't hurt me..."

"You're still alive, aren't you?" the voice replied. "I have big plans for you, Saffron Grace. Don't you worry. You'll not be alone for long."

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What are you going to do?"

"Don't you worry," the voice said. "And you'll find I left you some books. Wouldn't want you to get bored."

"I just want to go home," Saffron said. "I want to see my family and my friends." her eyes filled with tears again as she thought about Sean.

He was dead because of her. All he'd ever done was love her and she couldn't love him back the way he'd deserved. And now, he was dead. He'd died saving her life. She couldn't imagine what his family was going through.

She slumped back against the wall and began to sob harshly.

"There, there," the voice called out. "It'll be okay."

A tray of food appeared before her, but Saffron didn't even notice.

"Eat up," the voice told her.

"Leave me alone," Saffron mumbled.

"Eat," the voice said firmly. "Or you won't get any other food until that's gone."

Saffron wiped at her eyes. She picked up a piece of toast and took a small bite.

"That's a good girl," the voice said.

She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning and she was starving. She worried that the food might be poisoned, but she'd used the ointment and it had healed the cut on her head.

Tentatively, she ate the rest of the meal, feeling surprisingly nourished after she finished.

"That's a good girl," the voice said. "Good girl."

Saffron pushed the empty tray towards the door and curled up in the corner of the room.

"Daddy," Saffron whispered. "Please..."

He watched her shiver and held his tongue about Potter not coming to rescue her. That press conference had been a joke. Those reporters had let the Potters off way too easy.

"Don't worry little one," he said softly. "You'll all be together soon."

Back at the Ministry, Hermione hugged Ethan and Julie. "I was so proud of the two of you."

"Thanks Mum," Ethan said. "I hope we maybe got through to the bastard and we can get Saffy back."

"I hope so," Hermione said.

Julie approached her father, who hadn't said much since they'd arrived back in Hermione's office. "Dad?"

"Yeah Jules?" Harry asked.

Julie hugged him. "You handled it really well out there."

"Thanks sweetheart," Harry hugged her back. "That was one of the toughest things I ever had to do."

"For all of us," Julie said. She looked over her shoulder. "I'm really worried about Mum."

"Me too," Harry said. "She doesn't even know how to approach this subject with your grandmother."

"Gran," Julie said softly.

"I don't know what this would do to her," Harry ploughed his hands through his hair.

"She'll have to be told eventually," Julie said thoughtfully.

"Might be better when we have more news," Harry said. "Or when we find her... Elinore doesn't even have to know."

"If you think that's best," Julie said. "I'll go along with whatever you decide."

Harry nodded. "We sent a team of Aurors to watch your house. They'll be there around the clock until we bring Dolohov in."

"There's still no word on where he is?" Julie asked.

Harry shook his head. "He's covering his tracks well."

"Mum, when was the last time you ate?" Ethan asked.

"Yesterday," Hermione replied absently. "Look, I think we should go back upstairs to headquarters."

Ethan shook his head. "We're going to the cafeteria."

"Ethan, I'll grab something later," Hermione said. "I want---"

"You have to eat," Ethan said. "Come on... we'll all go."

Samuel held up his hand. "I've actually arranged something for you. I thought you'd want your privacy so I asked the cafeteria to bring up some things."

"Thank you Samuel," Hermione said. "Thank you so much."

"It's the least I can do," Samuel said holding the door for them.

"You're a Godsend," Hermione embraced him for a moment.

"I wish there was more I could do," Samuel said.

"Thanks Sam," Harry shook his hand.

Samuel nodded. "I'll leave you to it. If you need anything else, please let me know."

"We will," Ethan nodded as they sat down in Hermione's office.

"I'll make you a plate, Mum," Julie offered.

"Thank you sweetheart," Hermione said. "Just a little... I'm not very hungry."

"Blueberry pancakes," Ethan said. "Do you remember how Saf couldn't say 'blueberry'? She used to call them boo berries."

Harry half smiled. "She learned to talk so young. By three I could carry on a full conversation with her."

Julie grinned. "And you thought mum was crazy for reading Shakespeare to her while she was still in the womb."

"It worked for you too," Harry replied.

"All of us," Ethan said pouring himself a glass of juice.

Hermione wiped at her eyes again. "I just can't concentrate on anything but bringing her home."

"Which we'll do," Ethan vowed.