Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Thought we'd post a little early for you guys tonight. It's the rest of Hannah's birthday and then RJ faces Audrey for the first time since she found out about magic. We hope you enjoy this!

Frankie, Will and Hannah set off about a half hour later for pizza. They'd told their daughter she could pick wherever she wanted for her birthday and since pizza was her favourite food, the choice had been easy.

"Are you sure you want pizza?" Will tickled her. "Not Italian or fish and chips?"

"Pizza!" Hannah exclaimed giggling. "You said I could choose!"

"Pizza all the time," Will picked her up and swung her upside down.

Frankie laughed. "Will's happy that someone else shares his favourite food now."

"What's your favourite food, Mummy?" Hannah asked.

"Seaweed," Will answered. "Makes her hair shiny."

Hannah scrunched up her nose. "Really?"

"No," Frankie poked her husband in the side. "I do not like seaweed!"

"Then what is your favourite food?" Hannah asked.

"My dad's spaghetti," Frankie answered. "The world famous recipe."

"That is yummy," Hannah agreed. "Grandpa does a good job."

"I can never resist it," Frankie said. "No matter how many calories I'm watching out for."

Hannah linked her hands with her parents and felt so happy. She was part of a family and she had a little sister or brother on the way. She didn't know how she felt about that, but it didn't seem so bad the more she thought about it.

"I see my parents," Will said as they approached the restaurant.

Hannah turned and saw her Grandpa Ted and Grandma Abbie. She let go of her parents' hands and ran toward them.

"Hi Grandma!" she said happily. "Hi Grandpa! I missed you!"

Abbie picked her up and gave her a big hug. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart! I can't believe you are really five years old!"

Hannah giggled. "I told Daddy I'm getting old and he said he'd love me even when I'm grey."

Abbie smiled. "So will I."

"Let me see the birthday girl," Theodore said.

Hannah grinned as Ted gave her a hug. "Did Mia come with?"

"She went into the toy store to buy you a present," Abbie told her.

"She did?" Hannah asked brightly. "Really?"

"Well, it is your birthday," Frankie said.

Hannah grinned again. "It's been the best day!"

Mia came out of the toy store and grinned when she saw her cousin. "Happy Birthday, Hannah!"

"Thanks Mia," Hannah gave her cousin a hug. "I'm glad you're here today."

"Me too," Hannah said.

"Come on, princesses," Will said. "Aladdin here is very hungry."

Mia giggled. "I remember when you dressed up Uncle Will."

"I saw the pictures," Hannah said giggling, too.

"Yeah, yeah," Will said with a grin. "I looked pretty convincing, didn't I?"

"Might have to get you to wear it for me sometime," Frankie whispered in his ear.

"Frankie Gai Pan," he whispered back, making her laugh.

Cho and Neville were already waiting for them in the pizza place and Hannah's eyes lit up when she saw them.

"There's my girl!" Neville said giving her a big hug. "Your grandma and I have a surprise for you back at the beach house."

"You do?" Hannah asked. "Can I have a hint?"

"Not even a little hint," Cho said giving her a hug.

"I'm so glad you came today," Hannah said. "I really missed you."

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world," Cho said.

"And big congratulations are in order," Neville smiled at his youngest daughter.

Frankie grinned. "Can you believe it?"

"Not really," Cho teased, kissing her cheek. "But we're so happy for you three."

"You're going to be a great big sister," Mia told her cousin.

"Thank you," Hannah said. "I um... I'm excited about it now."

"Why don't you give Hannah her present now, Mia?" Abbie suggested.

"Okay," Mia agreed, handing her cousin the bag.

Hannah opened up the bag to reveal Belle's Castle Mini-Princess Play Set. "Thanks, Mia!" Hannah exclaimed.

"You're welcome," Mia grinned. "I hoped you didn't' already have one."

"I can't wait to play with it!" Hannah said holding it up for her parents and grandparents to see.

"How lovely," Abbie smiled at her granddaughters.

The waitress came over and took their orders.

"May I please have extra cheese on my pizza?" Hannah asked politely.

"It's her birthday," Mia added.

The waitress smiled at Hannah. "How old are you today?"

"Five," Hannah answered, blushing.

The waitress motioned for a couple of her co-workers to join her. She knelt down in front of Hannah. "What's your name?"

Hannah blushed even more.

"Hannah," Mia told the waitress. "Her name is Hannah."

"Okay," the waitress said standing back up. She clapped her hands and the rest of the patrons turned in their direction. "Ladies and gentlemen! We have a birthday girl in the house today! Can everyone sing Happy Birthday to Hannah?"

Hannah turned a purplish red as everyone began to sing to her.

Will put his arm around her. "You okay, sweetheart?"

"Yeah," Hannah answered. "I'm just not used to everyone staring at me."

"It's okay, baby," Will said. "This is your special day."

Hannah nodded. "I know..."

The waitresses left and the other patrons returned their attention to their own meals. Hannah squeezed Will's hand.

"You're not really one for the spotlight, are you baby?" he asked, smoothing her hair back.

"Not really," Hannah admitted. "I just like being with you and Mummy."

Will smiled down at her. "Are you looking forward to going home?"

Hannah nodded. "I miss Jessica and school."

"Just a few more days," Will told her. "Then it's back to your royal bedroom."

Hannah smiled. She loved being at the beach with everyone, but she did miss their home back in London.

She enjoyed her pizza lunch and was surprised when the wait staff presented her with five balloons. She couldn't wait to show Emma when they returned to the beach house.

"You might blow away like Mary Poppins," Mia teased her as they headed back for the beach house. "Except she had an umbrella."

Hannah giggled. "Maybe you should help me carry some of them?"

"Sure," Mia agreed.

Cho hung back with her daughter. "How's the morning sickness, sweetheart?"

"Bad today," Frankie told her mother. "But right now I'm fine."

"That might be poetic justice," Cho teased. "Out of all three of you girls, you gave me the worst morning sickness..."

"Thanks Mum," Frankie said with a grin.

"You are taking your prenatal vitamins, right?" Cho asked. "And ginger tea always helped me..."

"I am taking the vitamins," Frankie answered. "And I'll try the tea."

Cho squeezed her hand. "That's my girl."

"I'm kind of scared," Frankie confessed.

Cho looked thoughtfully at her. "You already know what a good mum you are."

"It's not even so much that..." Frankie sighed. "I'm scared of the birth. I know it's going to hurt a lot."

"I'm not going to like to you," Cho said. "It does, but you get through it. And they can give you things to help with the pain."

"You'll be there, right?" Frankie asked.

"I'd like to see them try to keep me out," Cho said smiling at her.

"Thanks Mum," Frankie hugged her. "I want to be as good a mother as you."

"You will be," Cho said. "I'm so proud of all three of my girls."

"We did you proud," Frankie grinned.

"Yes you did," Cho said. "And if you ever have doubts about what a great mother you are, you look at that little girl up there...."

Frankie smiled. "I was saying earlier, I can't believe it's been almost a year since I met her."

"She was hiding under Luna's table scared to death," Cho said. "And look at her now..."

"I'm so proud of her," Frankie said softly. "She's had a lot to overcome."

"Have you heard anymore from David Wright?" Cho asked.

"Not a bloody word," Frankie's eyes grew dark. "And that's the way I plan on keeping it."

"Has Hannah had any more nightmares?" Cho asked.

"Not in a while now," Frankie answered.

"That's great," Cho said. "And she seems to be adjusting to the baby news."

"That too," Frankie nodded. "She helped us think up names the other day."

"What did you settle on?" Cho asked eagerly.

"If it's a girl, Isabelle Christine," Frankie said. "And if it's a boy, Nathaniel William."

"Those are lovely!" Cho exclaimed.

Frankie laughed as they approached the house. "Will wanted his name in there somehow."

"And I'm sure Adam and Mas would love to have another boy around," Cho said.

"I hope it's a boy," Frankie rubbed her stomach. "I mean, I'll love another girl too of course, but it'd be nice to have one of each."

Hannah and Mia hurried up the steps. Hannah figured everyone would be out on the beach and she hoped to catch up to Emma.

"We just need to get into our swimming costumes," Hannah was saying to Mia as she opened the door.

"Okay," Mia said. "Wait- what's that over there?" she pointed to the sitting room.

"I don't know," Hannah said stepping into the room.


Hannah jumped as her family and friends jumped out from hiding places.

"Surprise Han!" Emma was giggling uncontrollably. "Surprise for the birthday girl!"

"Jessica!" Hannah exclaimed seeing her school friend. "I didn't know you were coming!"

"Your aunt came and got me," Jessica smiled at her. "Happy Birthday Hannah."

Chiaki's twins toddled up to their cousin and gave her a big hug. "Boons!" Mas exclaimed reaching for one of them in Hannah's hand. "Want boon!"

"You can have one," Hannah said, pulling a blue one from the bunch. "And a pink one for Sukie."

Sukie clapped her hands happily. "Oooooh!"

"That was nice of you Hannah," Chiaki kissed her niece on the cheek. "What do you two say to your cousin?"

"More boon?" Mas asked looking up at his mother.

"No," Chiaki said. "You tell Hannah thank you."

"Tank," Mas said smiling up at Hannah.

"Tank, Han," Sukie said taking her pink balloon.

Emma plopped down in front of her younger cousins. "Mas, guess how many Han is today!"

"Don't know," Mas shook his head.

Emma held up her hand. "FIVE!"

Mas imitated her. "High five!"

Emma grinned and clapped his hand against hers. "That's right, Mas. You get fifty billion million points."

"Me too!" Sukie said. "Me too Em!"

"You get fifty billion million points too, Sukie," Emma said patting her hand. "Because you're pretty!"

"Tank," Sukie smiled. "Em is pretty too."

Emma beamed at her before returning her attention to Hannah. "Em give Han present now!"

"You have a present for me?" Hannah asked.

Emma nodded. "Come with Em."

"Okay," Hannah slid her hand into Emma's.

Emma dragged her over to Allison. "Mummy! Can Em give Han present now?"

"You don't wait to wait?" Allison asked.

Em shook her head. "Want to now, Mummy! Peas?"

"Okay baby," Allison said. "Let me see if I can find it in here..."

Hannah's eyes grew large when she saw the table that was stacked with presents. "Those are all for me?"

Allison grinned. "That they are!"

Emma watched carefully as her mother looked on the table for her present. "It was the one in the purple paper, Mummy!"

"I see it," Allison located the small box. "Here you go, Em."

Emma squealed and took the box. "Here, Han!"

"Thanks Em," Hannah carefully peeled away the pretty paper and found a small box inside. In it were two bracelets.

Emma started to jump up and down. "Like Sissy's!"

"They're best friend bracelets," Hannah said softly.

"Cause Han is Em's bestest friend!" Emma exclaimed.

Hannah smiled at her. "And Em is Han's bestest friend," she said, handing her one of the bracelets.

Frankie watched this and started to cry. She was quite emotional these days and seeing something like that did her in. "That's the sweetest thing I've ever seen!"

"Mummy?" Hannah stood up, the other bracelet still in her hand. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, baby," Frankie said wiping at her eyes. "Let me help you put that one on."

"Thank you," Hannah said as her mother clasped the bracelet on her small wrist. "It fits perfect, Em!"

"Em's too!" Emma said happily.

Hannah gave her best friend a hug. "Thank you so, so much Em."

Neville tapped Hannah on the shoulder. "Your grandma and I have something for you too. Are you ready for your surprise?"

"Yes!" Hannah said eagerly.

"Well, when Caroline was about your age," Neville began. "We gave her a present for Christmas that was like what we are giving you."

Emma covered her mouth with her hand so she wouldn't tell the secret.

Cho stepped through the crowd carrying a puppy. Hannah gasped, speechless.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart," Cho said, handing the wiggly little animal to her.

Hannah eagerly took the puppy in her hands and hugged it to her. "She's so cute, Grandpa!"

Neville grinned. "I had to work pretty hard on your mum for this gift. I'm glad you like her, Hannah."

"What kind of dog is that?" Ethan asked.

"It's a beagle," Cho answered. "They're pretty easy dogs to keep."

"What are you going to name her, Hannah?" Jessica asked.

"I don't know yet," Hannah said softly. "I have to think of a good name."

"I'm sure you'll come up with a good one," Will said to his daughter.

Hannah laughed as the puppy licked her cheek.

"Maxi will have a best friend now too!" Emma told Hannah.

"Right," Hannah agreed with a grin.

"Good thing Max is neutered," Jon said under his breath.

Allison nudged him in the ribs. "Jon!"

"The last thing we need is some Max Jr's," Jon said with a grin.

"I already have my hands full enough with you," Allison said grinning back at him.

"I'd like you to have your hands full of me later," Jon commented.

"If your son cooperates tonight and goes to bed on time..." Allison promised.

Jon gave her a quick kiss. "I'll make sure of that then."

In the corner, Hermione handed Harry a plate of food. "It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Saffy's fifth birthday, doesn't it?"

Harry looked over at his daughter, who was talking to Alexa. "I wish she was five still."

"Back when you could protect her from getting hurt?" Hermione guessed.

"Something like that," Harry agreed. "I could protect her from anything at that point."

"She's going to be fine," Hermione said. "She's strong."

"I know," Harry said. "Like you."

Hermione smiled at him. "I was going to say like you."

"She got the best of both of us," Harry put an arm around her.

"Even our hair," Hermione said dryly. "Or maybe that should be the worst..."

Harry laughed. "Probably a worst."

"I love you," Hermione said giving him a kiss.

"Love you too," Harry touched his forehead to hers.

"There you two go again," Saffron said coming up behind them. "Getting gooey-eyed and mushy..."

"We were talking about you," Harry said with a grin. "And how we passed down great traits from both of us."

"Starting with the unruly hair," Saffron mused.

"Which is why you always plait it," Hermione smiled fondly at her baby daughter.

"I'm glad we decided to stay the rest of the holiday," Saffron said. "I wouldn't have anted to miss this."

"I'm sure Hannah's glad to have you here," Hermione said. "And it seems like you're feeling better."

Saffron nodded. "I'm trying to keep my mind off of him. It works sometimes, but when I'm alone..."

"You'll get through it," Hermione assured her. "I know you will, Saffy."

"Thanks, Mum," Saffron said, wishing that were true.

"Sure you don't want me and Ethan to go scare him up a bit?" Harry offered, only half serious.

Saffron laughed. "I might take you up on that someday."

"Looks like Puddles is making friends," Hermione motioned to where Saffron's dog was nosing at Hannah's new puppy.

"A girlfriend, perhaps?" Saffron asked. "Well, if he wanted to rob the cradle..."

Hermione laughed. "It's a good thing he's fixed."

"I still don't think he's forgiven us for that," Harry said winking at Hermione.

"Come here baby," Saffron scooped up her dog. "Are Grandpa and Grandma making fun of you?"

Puddles let out a bark.

"See?" Harry asked.

Saffron laughed as Puddles tried to lick her face. "I'm so glad I have this guy," she said. "He's been making me feel so much better."

"Too bad you can't take him back to school with you," Hermione said.

"I tried," Saffron replied. "I pleaded to Jules, to Professor Wood... it's the only time my persuasive powers had no effect. So not fair."

"You could see if your mother could pass down an executive order," Harry said thoughtfully.

"Would you?" Saffron turned to her mother. "Pretty, pretty please? It'd only be for a year, and I think since I'm Head Girl I should get at least one special privilege."

"Thanks, Harry," Hermione muttered.

"Come on Mum," Saffron leaned against her. "Pretty, pretty, pretty please?"

"I thought you didn't want any special treatment," Hermione said. "You said you never wanted to coast by on your last name or who your parents were..."

"But that was before I knew you could help me get Puddles to school," Saffron begged.

"I'll see what I can do," Hermione promised.

"Thank you!" Saffron threw her arms around her mother, smushing the dog between them.

Puddles yelped and Saffron pulled away from her mother. "Sorry, baby!"

Puddles scrambled down and headed into the thick of the party. "He probably wants to see the puppy again," Saffron gazed after him.

"I think it's time for cake," Harry said. "Unless Ron got to it first..."

"Then we better hurry," Hermione got up.

Hannah picked up her puppy and carried him over to the table where her birthday cake was. Truth be told, she was still quite full from lunch.

"Maybe we can share some cake," she told the dog. "And I have to think of a pretty name for you."

The puppy looked up at her and Hannah smiled. "I bet you miss your mummy and daddy, but don't worry."

The little dog licked at her chin and Hannah giggled. "I can't wait to show you my room. I hope Mummy and Daddy will let you sleep in there with me."

"I think that can be arranged," Will said smiling at her.

"Really?" Hannah asked. "I'll make her a little bed and clean up after her and everything!"

"I know you will," Frankie said sitting down beside her daughter. "Are you ready for your cake?"

"Just a little piece," Hannah said. "I had so much pizza!"

"Coming right up, birthday girl," Maddie said, slicing the cake.

"Thank you," Hannah said. "It looks yummy."

"It's Chocolate," Maddie said.

"My favourite," Hannah dug eagerly into the piece.

After everyone had cake and ice cream, Hannah opened the rest of her presents. She couldn't believe how many presents she'd received. She kept saying thank you and giving people hugs. Her new puppy stayed with her the entire time and toward the end of the evening, Hannah was quite sleepy.

"I think it's time for bed," Will squatted down in front of her. "Your mum and I will pack all your new things up for you."

Hannah nodded, her eyes were drooping. Will picked her up and Hannah rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you, Daddy."

"You're welcome baby," Will said softly. "Let's bring your pup, eh? Did you figure out a name for her?"

Frankie knelt down and picked up the puppy. "She's the cutest thing, Hannah."

"She is," Hannah agreed. "I was thinking I might name her...Belle."

"A perfect name," Will smiled at his daughter. "Good job, love."

"Can she sleep in my bed, please?" Hannah asked.

"We can try that," Frankie nodded. "Let me put her outside first and see if she does her duty."

"I can do that," Will said. "It's cooler out now. I'll be back in time to give our girl a kiss good night."

"All right," Frankie took Hannah while Will headed out with the puppy. "I'm glad you had such a good day, sweetheart."

"It was one of my most favourite days," Hannah said keeping her voice down so she wouldn't wake Casey or Emma, who were already sleeping.

"Mine too," Frankie said, helping her change into pyjamas.

"My most favourite day was when I met you," Hannah said sleepily.

Frankie smiled at her. "That was the best day of my life, baby."

Hannah gave her a hug. "I love you more than anything, Mummy."

"I love you too," Frankie held her closely. "You'll always be my best girl Hannah."

"Even when I'm grey?" Hannah asked.

Frankie laughed softly. "Even when you're grey." she tweaked her daughter's nose.

Hannah slid underneath the covers. She was fighting sleep because she wanted to see Belle and she wanted to give Will a kiss good night.

"Daddy will be back any minute," Frankie said, brushing some hair off Hannah's forehead.

Hannah smiled up at her mother. "Okay."

Will indeed came back in a few minutes later. "She's all set for the night."

"Thanks, Daddy," Hannah said as he set the puppy down on the bed. "Come here, Belle."

The beagle sniffed the covers before crawling towards her new mistress.

"Good night, sweetheart," Frankie said softly. "Sleep well and if you need anything, you know where we are."

"Thanks Mummy," Hannah blinked as Belle snuggled against her.

"Good night, baby," Will said pecking her on the cheek. "Happy Birthday."

"Night Daddy," Hannah whispered.

Frankie and Will crept out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"What a day," Frankie yawned. "I'm exhausted."

"We can sleep in tomorrow," he said putting his arm around her.

"You might," Frankie said. "I may be up at the arse crack of dawn in the loo."

"I'll hold your hair back," Will promised.

"You don't have to get up," Frankie glanced at him.

"What kind of husband would I be, if I didn't?" Will asked her.

Frankie smiled at him. "I happen to think you're perfect."

"Let's see what you say about me when you're in labour," Will mused.

"Nothing bad, I bet." Frankie said, changing into her pyjama trousers and tank top.

"Tosh was telling me that Chiaki said some unrepeatable things about him when she was in labour," Will said taking off his trousers and stripping down to his boxer shorts.

"I happen to be very fond of painkillers," Frankie grinned. "Which I do plan on using..."

Will grinned. "No natural childbirth for you, eh?"

"No thank you," Frankie shuddered as they got into bed.

"This was a good day," Will said happily.

"Yes it was," Frankie snuggled against him. "Will?"


"Promise you'll still look at me like this when I'm fat?" she asked.

"You're always beautiful to me," Will said giving her a kiss. "Always."

"Thank you," Frankie said softly, her arms around him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," Will said holding her close.

"And our little family," Frankie said. "Which just got a bit bigger..."

Will closed his eyes. "Sounds perfect to me."

"Our life is pretty perfect," Frankie agreed, her head on his shoulder.

Will held his wife, thinking about how long ago it seemed that she'd ran from the idea of any commitment. And now, they were happily married with a happy, healthy five-year old little girl and a baby on the way. It really didn't get better than this.

*** *** ***

RJ waited a few days before attempting to talk to Audrey. He wanted to give her time to cool off and to perhaps get used to the idea of who and what he was. He just hoped that she hadn't said anything to Victoria. The last thing RJ wanted to do was make things even more difficult for his brother.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door to the pub. He'd asked Jon when Audrey was working and decided to come by around mid shift, hoping to catch her on a break.

"RJ," Victoria said spotting him. "How are you?"

"Good," RJ nodded. "How are you, Vic?"

"Keeping busy," Victoria said. "Ready for your brother to come back and take some of this off my hands."

"A few more days," RJ relaxed, as he realised Audrey hadn't told Victoria anything about magic.

"What can I get you?" Victoria asked.

"Is Audrey around?" RJ asked.

"She's in the back on her break," Victoria said.

"Mind if I go back and have a word?" RJ crossed his fingers.

"I don't see why not," Victoria replied before heading down the bar to take an order.

"Thanks," RJ said, quickly heading to the back room. He knocked softly before poking his head around.

Audrey looked up from her sandwich and rolled her eyes when she saw him. "Go away, RJ."

"Can I please just have five minutes?" he asked, stepping inside. "I owe you an apology and an explanation."

"No need to explain," Audrey said standing up and throwing the rest of her food away. "You lied to me about everything and if you're afraid I was going to tell Vic..."

"I didn't lie," RJ objected. "I just... I didn't tell you everything. But I was going to."

"I'm sure you were," Audrey said angrily.

"Why won't you believe me?" RJ asked. "Audrey--"

"You lied to me," Audrey interjected. "You lied to me about everything right from the start."

"I never lied!" RJ protested. "I just... I wanted to get to know you better before I dropped something like that on you."

"Some world that you live in," Audrey muttered. "Lies and deceit."

"Audrey," RJ moved in front of the door, blocking her path. "Why won't you at least hear me out? And don't call me a liar again."

Audrey looked as if she was going to consider it for a moment, but she shook her head.

"Come on," RJ reached for her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Audrey asked.

"I really just wanted to get to know you first," RJ said. "And I wanted you to get to know me... without you thinking I was using magic or anything like that."

Tears were in Audrey's eyes, but she tried to stave them off. The truth was that she really did fancy him and she'd been so hurt and disappointed when she'd found out that he'd lied. "Your brother's been lying to Victoria. It isn't right. She has a right to know..."

"He's going to tell her," RJ said quietly. "When he gets back from holiday."

"For his sake, I hope she reacts better than I did," Audrey said quietly.

RJ looked at her intently. "Is there anything I can do or say to make you give me another chance?"

"I don't know," Audrey said truthfully. "I don't know if I can get past this. "

"I'll tell you anything you want to know about it," RJ said. "Anything you want to know about me. No holds barred."

Audrey considered him for a moment. "What is it that you really do for a living?"

"I play a sport called Quidditch," RJ briefly described the sport to her. "I'm the Keeper for the team."

"You do all that on a broom?" Audrey asked in disbelief.

RJ nodded. "Yeah..."

"And you went to school----"

"A castle, called Hogwarts," RJ told her.

"With Saffron and Andrew and Alexa?" Audrey guessed.

RJ nodded. "Saffron and Alexa are two years younger than Andrew and me. They're still in school- one more year to go."

Audrey put her head in her hands. "It's a completely different world."

"But it's one you can be part of," RJ squeezed her hand.

"RJ," Audrey said quietly.

"I really, really like you," he said softly.

"I like you, too," Audrey admitted.

He chanced a smile. "So can we try again?"

"I---I might need some time to get used to this," Audrey replied.

"Of course," RJ nodded, stepping back. "I um... I understand."

"But I'd like to try," Audrey said.

He smiled again. "I'm glad to hear that."

"If you lie to me again, I'll kick your arse," Audrey said smiling at him for the first time that evening.

RJ grinned. "And I actually believe you there."

"I'm going to have a million questions," Audrey told him.

"Ask away," he said softly. "Whatever you want to know..."

Audrey looked at her watch. "Actually, I have to get back on duty. But, maybe we could get together tomorrow for lunch?"

"Tomorrow it is," RJ agreed instantly. "And..."


RJ knew he was risking a lot, but he couldn't help himself. He leaned in and gently kissed her.

Audrey pulled away. "I-I really have to get back. I'll see you tomorrow around noon?"

"Noon," he nodded. "Thanks..."

"Good night," Audrey said before heading out of the back room.

RJ stayed for a few more moments, feeling rather elated.

He hadn't expected her to give him a second chance, but now that she had, he was going to do whatever it took to make sure he didn't screw this up again.