Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: As you guys know, we decided to take a break from this story for awhile. We're going to continue posting until we run out of what we have so far, but we are going to stop replying to reviews unless there are questions. We are still going to read the reviews and we will still participate in discussions at the group. We hope you guys will continue to understand the need for us to do this. We appreciate all of your feedback and have taking your comments to heart. Your support for us taking a break means a lot, and don't think for a moment it's a decision we made lightly. We think though, that when we come back, things will be better than ever. You guys ROCK!

Things between Katie and Caroline didn't improve over the next couple of weeks. Caroline was still hurt by her best friend's words and Katie didn't understand why Caroline was so upset given that Katie was only trying to help her.

They'd been best friends for so long; it was strange for both of them not to talk to each other or to have sleepovers. And to make matters worse, Katie thought Mia was taking full advantage of the fight to worm her way into Caroline's good graces.

The girls in the class obeyed Cho when she asked them to perform their warm up stretches. Katie glared at Mia as the younger girl took her place beside Caroline.

"Did you talk to her yet?" Mia whispered.

Caroline shook her head. "I was thinking I might after we finish tonight. Mummy said I could invite her to come eat with us."

"I still think it was mean she said you weren't as good as her," Mia replied. "You're the best in our group."

"Thanks, Mia," Caroline said gratefully.

Cho clapped her hands to get their attention. "Okay, girls. As you know, we usually have our recital in June, but due to some scheduling conflicts, the recital will be held in August. That gives us much more time to prepare. And you all know that this year, your class will be performing a couple of selections from The Swan Princess."

All the girls clapped politely.

"Auditions will be held at the end of June," Cho told them. "So everyone who wants to try out for the lead, practise, practise, practise!"

"When can we sign up for the audition?" one of the girls asked.

"I will be posting a sign-up sheet after the class," Cho told them. "If you would like to audition, please sign up. But no matter what, you will all play a part in the recital."

"Han and Em are swans!" Emma announced from the corner.

Everyone giggled at the redhead who was sitting with her brother on a blanket at the back of the class. Adam was lying on his back looking up at his big sister.

Cho smiled at her granddaughter. "That's right Emma. Everyone will have a part, whether it's a swan or one of the forest animals."

Lindsey Gill poked Katie. "You're a shoe-in."

"I hope so," Katie said fervently.

"You're the best here, Katie," Lindsey said loyally.

"It's nice to have someone here who understands," Katie nodded.

"Come on, girls," Cho instructed. "I'll start the music."

Katie looked over towards Caroline but the brunette was moving towards the other side of the room with Mia.

Emma pointed toward Caroline. "Adam, watch Sissy!"

Hannah giggled. "I don't think he knows to watch her yet, Em."

"Adam smart," Emma said looking over her shoulder at Allison. "Mummy, sit Adam up to see, peas?"

"All right sweetheart," Allison carefully lifted her son. "I'm sure he'll want to watch you out there next."

"Adam, watch," Emma said. "Go Sissy!"

"Shhh, Emma." Allison cautioned.

Hannah and Emma watched the older girls dancing. Katie worked her way toward the front of the class, wanting Cho to get a good look at her.

Caroline concentrated on her steps and tried not to watch Katie show off. Remembering how Cho always told them to keep their heads up, she avoiding watching her feet.

"Good, Mia," Cho said as she walked around the room. "But remember to stand up straight....that's it."

Katie shot a superior glance to the back of the room as Cho moved on.

"Good Caroline," she praised. "Very lovely turnout."

Caroline smiled to herself. She had worked hard to get better and she was glad it was paying off.

Mia grinned at her. "See?" she whispered. "You're the best!"

Cho smiled at Katie. "Very good, Katie."

Katie straightened up proudly as she moved to another position.

Julie walked into the studio and waved at her daughter before taking a seat beside Allison.

"Did I miss much?" Julie whispered.

Allison shook her head. "Cho just made the announcement about the recital."

Julie looked at Adam who was staring up at Allison. "Allie, he's getting so big!"

"Tell me about it," Allison replied. "They grow up entirely too fast for my liking..."

"Joos, look at Sissy!" Emma squealed. "And Katie!"

"Emma," Allison put a finger to her lips. "Remember when we talked about being quiet during Grandma's class?"

Emma nodded. "Sorry, Mummy."

The music for their warm-up finished and the girls lined up for their lesson. Caroline stood back, not quite ready to be at the front just yet. Katie's friend Lindsey stood on her other side. "You're going to try out, are you?"

Caroline looked at her. "I want to," she nodded.

"If you do get it, it'll be because your grandma's the teacher," Lindsey said matter-of-factly. "That's the only reason."

Caroline stared at her. "I could get it even if my grandma wasn't the teacher," she said quietly.

"Right," Lindsey giggled.

Caroline had never particularly liked Lindsey and now that feeling was only magnified.

"Mrs. Longbottom is always fair," Mia whispered to Lindsey. "She never plays favourites."

"That's what you think," Lindsey looked at her disdainfully.

"Linds, come up here with me!" Katie called out.

"Gotta go," Lindsey smirked at the younger girls.

"I don't like her," Mia said, shaking her head.

"Me either," Caroline admitted.

Cho demonstrated the moves the girls were to learn today and Caroline watched her grandmother carefully.

"We're going to do a pirouette this way," Cho said. "And turn back this way..." she demonstrated.

"Lindsey, Katie, Marcie and Robin," Cho said motioning for those four girls to come forward. "You try it first."

Katie and Lindsey sent each other knowing grins.

Cho stood back and watched the older girls as they performed the movements. "Lindsey, don't watch yourself in the mirror...."

"Yes Mrs. Longbottom," Lindsey averted her eyes.

"Marcie, that's good. And Katie, you have a lovely pirouette. Robin, don't go so fast on your turn..."

Caroline looked over at her mother who made Adam wave to her. The gesture made Caroline feel a little less nervous about impressing her grandmother enough for the part.

Cho smiled at the older girls. "Great. Now, let's see Caroline, Mia, Tara and Stacey."

Caroline gulped nervously. She still wasn't used to getting up and having everyone watch her perform.

"Do good for Grandma," Lindsey whispered when Caroline walked past for her. "Like it matters..."

Caroline shot her an angry look before taking her place at the front of the room. She willed herself to pretend that she was just practising on her own.

Cho once again performed the movements before letting the girls do it. She then stood back and watched as the younger girls started to dance

Caroline held her back straight and her head up as she did her pirouette.

Cho grinned. "Excellent, Caroline."

Caroline beamed back at her grandmother and did next turn. She caught Mia's eye in the mirror and her cousin gave her a quick thumbs up.

Katie had to admit her best friend was quite good, but doing the movements well in class and doing them well on stage were two entirely different things.

"She's not as good as you," Lindsey murmured. "And you know if she gets picked, it's 'cause Mrs. Longbottom is her grandma."

"She's not like that, Linds," Katie whispered.

"I thought you were mad at her," Lindsey said. "That's what you told me before class, wasn't it?"

Katie shrugged. "Yeah."

Caroline finished and hesitantly walked over to her best friend. "Hey."

"Hi," Katie said, looking up at her.

"You did really well," Caroline said.

Katie smiled a bit. "Thanks. You did pretty good too."

"You really think so?" Caroline asked hopefully.

"Sure," Katie nodded. "If you practise more, you might get in the chorus or something..."

"I think I'm going to try for the lead," Caroline said.

Lindsey scoffed. "Even if you already know Katie's going to get it?"

"Everyone has a chance," Caroline said defensively.

"Sissy," Emma ran over and interrupted the tense conversation. "It's Em's turn now!"

Caroline was happy for the interruption and she took her sister's hand. "Come on, Em. I'll show you what to do."

"See?" Lindsey said to Katie. "Even she knows you're better."

"I am, but I don't want to hurt her feelings," Katie said. "I'll be right back."

Instead of going over to Emma and Caroline, Katie walked over to say hello to her mother. "I thought Daddy was coming today because you had to work."

Julie smiled. "I left a bit early so I could come see the end of your lesson. You did wonderful out there, sweetheart."

Katie gave her mother a hug. "Thanks, Mummy."

"I missed you today," Julie kissed Katie's temple.

"I missed you too," Katie said.

"I thought tonight we'd pick up some pizza for dinner on our way home," Julie told her.

Katie grinned. "Okay."

Hannah looked over at the older girl. "Hi, Katie," she said shyly.

"Hey Hannah," Katie greeted her.

"I hope someday I can dance as well as you and Caroline," Hannah said.

"You just have to practise a lot," Katie told her. "I bet you could be good someday."

"I will," Hannah promised.

"I heard you're coming to Brighton with us," Katie said. "It's a lot of fun. We make sand castles and swim in the ocean."

"You and Caroline?" Hannah asked.

"All of us," Katie nodded.

"I've never been to the ocean before," Hannah admitted.

"You'll like it," Katie said. "Unless you're like Aunt Saffy and get tossed in by all the guys!"

Hannah giggled. "Caroline told me about that!"

"Don't tell her, but it was pretty funny," Katie nodded, turning to look at Caroline.

"Why don't you join them?" Julie urged.

Katie shook her head. "I'm going back to sit with Lindsey until class is over."

"Katie--" Julie called after her.

"I guess the girls still really aren't talking to each other," Allison said.

Julie shook her head. "I keep hoping they'll make up."

"I'm sure they will," Allison replied. "They're just young girls, they're bound to have their arguments."

Julie nodded. "I hope so."

Allison grinned at her. "Did you sometimes ever think we'd wind up here? Our daughters are best friends... we both are happily married with guys we got together with at Hillsdale..."

"I know," Julie agreed grinning back at her. "I wouldn't change a thing, Allie."

"You and Nick are so in love," Allison nodded, patting Adam's back when he grew a little fussy.

"We are," Julie smiled. "But we did have a major fight a few weeks ago." She told Allison in a hushed tone about what had transpired between her and Oliver.

"He really fancies you?" Allison whispered, her eyes wide. "Jules... what did you tell him?"

"I didn't really have to tell him anything other than that I loved my husband," Julie replied. "And Oliver respects my marriage, Allie. He said he'd never cross the line. And things have been awkward and tense, but I think we're getting back to being friends."

"I'm glad," Allison said. "That had to be rough."

"It was," Julie admitted. "But he really is a wonderful man and he's been such a good friend to me, especially with everything that's been going on with Katie."

"How is her reading?" Allison shifted Adam to her other shoulder.

Julie looked over at Katie, who was talking with Lindsey. "She's doing really well. I'm really proud of her."

"I am too," Allison nodded.

Caroline giggled as Hannah and Emma did an impromptu dance. "Em, you just like spinning."

"Em loves to spin," the redhead giggled.

"You're making me dizzy," Hannah giggled.

"Han don't spin like Em," Emma said. "Like this!"

Hannah did as Emma requested and couldn't stop giggling.

"They're so cute!" Mia whispered to Caroline.

"I know," Caroline grinned. "I love having a little sister."

Katie stood off to the side with Lindsey watching them. She didn't think Caroline should try out, but she didn't like the fact their row was causing Mia to worm her way into Caroline's good graces. "I'll be right back, Linds."

"Where are you going?" Lindsey asked.

Katie didn't answer her as she made her way over to the other members of the Princess Club. "Um, can I talk to you for a minute, Caroline?"

"Okay," Caroline said. "Em, I'll be right back, okay?"

"Kay," Emma replied.

Katie took her friend's hand and led her toward the back of the room. "I'm sorry about what I said."

Caroline looked at her doubtfully.

"You have every right to try out and I was wrong for making it seem like you didn't," Katie continued.

"You think I'd be good enough to try out?" Caroline asked. "Really?"

"You just need to work on your stage fright," Katie said wisely. She knew that Caroline was far too shy to ever really make a go of this.

"Okay," Caroline smiled at her. "Thanks Katie!"

Katie gave her a hug. "And you're much more fun to hang out with than Lindsey. You know she's actually thinking of trying out?"

"She might do good too," Caroline said.

Katie shrugged. "Hey, why don't we show Em that crazy dance you and I used to do when we were about her age. Do you remember?"

Caroline giggled. "Yes!"

Katie grabbed her hand and the two girls ran back over to where Hannah, Emma and Mia were. "Hannah, Em. How would you like to learn the Katoline dance?"

Emma stared at her. "Em can't say that..."

"What is it?" Mia asked curiously.

"It's a dance me and Katie made up when we were younger," Caroline told her. "Watch!"

Hannah and Emma sat down with Mia and the three girls watched as Katie and Caroline began their dance. Emma squealed when Katie did a little kick just as Caroline did. "Oooooh!"

"They're really good!" Hannah was impressed.

"Bestest friends like Han and Em," Emma told her.

Katie giggled as Caroline did that dramatic pose that always made her laugh. "Okay, Caroline. Big finish, remember?"

"I think so," Caroline said as she and Katie simultaneously made pirouettes and turns.

Hannah, Emma, and Mia clapped enthusiastically.

"That was very good, girls," Cho smiled at both of them. She had witnessed their dance from across the room. "Did you both make that up?"

Caroline nodded. "Katie calls it the Katoline dance--Kat for her and oline for me---parts of our names, see?"

"Very clever," Cho nodded.

"We make a good team," Katie said proudly.

"Always have," Caroline agreed.

Allison nudged Julie. "I think they've made up."

"Good," Julie said. "Katie was a bit mopey without Caroline."

"Ditto," Allison said with a grin. She looked down at her son. "Hey, little guy...are you going to go to sleep on me now?"

"He is such a handsome guy, Allie." Julie said.

Allison smiled down at him. "He looks more like Jon every day."

"He does," Julie agreed. "And Chloe-- I can't believe what a beautiful baby she is... Saffy wouldn't let anyone near her the day of the wedding- not that I can blame her."

Allison laughed. "That must be why she was offering us free babysitting."

"The girls love when she baby-sits for them," Julie said. "Not that she has much of a chance to, being away at school and all, and having Greta with us."

"And Ashley will be starting Hogwarts next year," Allison said shaking her head. "When did she grow up?"

"I blinked one day," Julie said dryly. "Yesterday she and Katie were my babies."

"They'll always be your babies," Allison told her.

"I hope so," Julie stood up. "I need to get Katie home..."

"We should get going too," Allison said standing up with Adam.

Julie hugged the younger woman. "It was good to see you, Allie. Say hello to Jon for me."

"You do the same for Nick and Greta and Ashley," Allison said.

"I will," Julie promised. "Katie!" she called. "Let's get going!"

Katie frowned. "I have to go, but ask your Mum if you can come over this weekend, Caroline. Promise?"

"I will," Caroline hugged her. "I'm glad we're friends again Katie."

"Me too," Katie hugged her back. "Bye Hannah! Bye Em!"

"Bye Katie!" Emma called. "Practise make perfect!"

Katie giggled as she joined her mother. "Em says the funniest things, Mummy."

"Yes she does," Julie agreed. "So what do you think Katie bear? What should we get on our pizza?"

Katie slid out of her ballet shoes and put on her trainers. "Pepperoni,"

"Extra cheese," Julie added.

Katie nodded. "Yummy."

Julie put an arm around her daughter's shoulders. "Your teacher rang me today when I stopped home."

"What did she say?" Katie asked, tensing up.

"She told me you have improved quite a bit," Julie said. "She's very proud of you, Katie. So am I. And I can't wait until we tell your Dad and Ashley about it."

Katie grinned. "She really said that?"

"Yes she did," Julie answered. "You have done such a good job with your reading. Maya told me just the other day that you've gone further than she thought you would."

"It's not so bad now," Katie admitted. "And the stories Maya has me read are really interesting, Mummy."

"I'm really glad you like it," Julie said. "Reading is such a wonderful opportunity."

Katie leaned against her mother. "Things are going really well for me."

Julie kissed the top of her head. "Yes they are, sweetheart."

"And I'm going to get the lead in the recital," Katie said smugly. "No one else is as good as me."

Julie looked down at her daughter. "You are a very good dancer, Katie bear. But you may not always get the lead. I don't want you to get disappointed if someone else gets it."

"I'm going to get this lead," Katie said. "And I'm going to be the best. Malfoys are always the best."

Julie stayed silent at that remark. It reminded her too much of her in laws.

They arrived back at home about a half hour later with the pizza. Katie set her bag by the door and called out for Sophie.

The puppy ran towards her, barking and running around in excited circles.

Katie knelt down and picked her up. "Hey, Sophie!"

"Mum, is that you?" Ashley called out.

"Hi sweetheart!" Julie called to her oldest daughter.

"Daddy said you were going to be home early," Ashley said coming to welcome her. "Hi, Katie. How was your class?"

"Good," Katie said. "I'm soooo getting the lead in the recital."

Ashley grinned. "I know, Katie. You've told me about a thousand times."

Julie carried the pizza box into the kitchen. "Where's your father, Ash?"

"In the studio," Ashley answered.

"Katie, why don't you go and get him?" Julie asked.

"Okay Mummy," Katie said. "Can I tell him what my teacher said?"

"Of course," Julie said grinning at her.

Katie ran down the stairs. "DADDY!"

Nick looked up from his desk. "Katie bear!"

"Guess what!" Katie gave her father a hug.

Nick sat her on his lap. "What?"

"My teacher talked to Mummy," Katie said. "And she said I'm doing really good with my reading!"

Nick gave her another hug. "That's my girl!"

"I want to make you and Mummy proud of me," Katie hugged him back.

"We are really proud of you," Nick said. "And your mum and I always told you that if you work hard, you can do anything you want. You've worked really hard at this, Katie. And you're doing so well, baby girl."

"Thanks Daddy," Katie hugged him again.

"You're my girl," Nick said. "And I take it we have pizza to celebrate?"

"With extra pepperoni and extra cheese," Katie confirmed.

Nick stood up with Katie in his arms. "What are we waiting for?"

"You'd better run," Katie laughed.

Nick carried her upstairs and into the kitchen. "Hiya, Jules."

"Hi," Julie smiled at her husband.

Ashley handed out the plates. "How's your song writing going, Daddy?"

"Good," Nick smiled at her. "I think I've got the makings of a new one."

"What's it about?" Ashley asked.

"Maybe after dinner you and Katie can come down and listen to what I have so far," Nick replied.

"I'd like that," Ashley said happily. She handed her sister a slice. "Here you go, Katie."

"Thanks," Katie said. "This is the yummiest pizza."

"I could live off this if I didn't love Greta's cooking so much," Ashley said.

"That makes two of us," Nick said to his daughter.

"Katie also made up with Caroline," Julie announced.

"You two were fighting?" Ashley asked,

"Not really," Katie said picking at her pizza.

"Oh," Ashley said.

"She's thinking of trying out for the lead in the recital and I said I didn't think it was a good idea since she's so shy," Katie explained.

"Caroline would do a good job though," Ashley said thoughtfully.

"Not as good as me," Katie said. "Right, Daddy?"

"Sure, sweetheart," Nick looked at Julie.

Julie decided a change of subject would be best. "We need to go shopping for the Brighton trip soon. Maybe next weekend?"

"Yay," Ashley said. "I need a new swim costume."

"Me too," Katie said excitedly. "And sandals. And shorts..."

Julie laughed. "I think it might cost us a small fortune."

"Big fortune, Mum," Ashley teased.

"Especially with me," Katie said with a grin.

"You're going to go easy on your dad's money, right?" Nick asked reaching across the table and tweaking her nose.

"Maybe," Katie giggled.

"You'd better," Nick said grinning at her.

"I cannot wait for it," Julie admitted. "Nothing but sun and fun and family."

"I love Brighton," Ashley said.

"We all do," Julie agreed. "Your Aunt Saffy is looking forward to it, too."

Ashley grinned. "Will, um, will Andrew be coming this year?"

Julie smiled. "I believe so."

Ashley blushed. "Oh, good."

"Ash has a crush," Katie sang.

"I don't," Ashley said defensively.

"It's okay if Ashley has a crush," Nick said grinning at his oldest. "Perfectly natural."

"I don't have a crush," Ashley was blushing so hard her face was nearly purple. "I just think he's nice."

"He is very nice," Julie agreed. "And he happens to think you are a talented artist."

Ashley looked pleased at this. "He does?"

Julie nodded. "Saffron actually gave him that sketch you did of a broom. I thought she'd told you that..."

"She didn't," Ashley put her slice of pizza down. "But it's okay."

"And how about you, Katherine Rose?" Nick asked. "You have your eye on some unsuspecting boy."

"No way," Katie made a face.

"I don't have my eye on anyone either, Daddy," Ashley said leaning back in her chair and avoiding looking at anyone. "I just think Andrew is really nice and he talks to me like I'm not a kid. I like that."

"You both are just growing up too fast for me," Nick said affectionately.

"Grandpa said that about Saffy," Katie rolled her eyes. "I don't know why...we're supposed to grow up."

"When you're a parent someday you'll understand," Julie smiled at her.

"They always say that too," Ashley told her sister.

"I know," Katie made a face. "I can't wait to be a grown up!"

"And they won't make us leave the room before they talk about the interesting stuff," Ashley said thoughtfully. "Why is that?"

"You girls have figured us out," Nick shook his head and took another piece of pizza.

"When I'm a parent, I'm not going to do stuff like that," Katie vowed.

"And what will you be like?" Nick teased.

"I'm going to be just like Mummy," Katie replied. "'cept I'm gonna let my kids eat whatever they want, and I'm gonna let them hear the important things."

"What sorts of important things?" Julie asked.

"Like when you and Daddy fight," Katie said. "Or when you talk about things that we're not supposed to hear..."

"Katie," Ashley hissed.

"Have you been eavesdropping, Katherine Rose?" Nick asked her.

"No..." Katie lied.

"Uh-huh," Nick said doubtfully.

Julie gave her daughter a look. "What have you been listening in on?"

Katie bit her bottom lip and thought about lying, but the way he mother was looking at her told her she should be honest. "Um, I sort of know that your boss has a crush on you," Katie admitted.

Julie and Nick exchanged a look that neither of their daughters could read. "Katherine Rose," Nick began. "You are never, ever to repeat that to anyone, do you understand?"

Katie nodded.

"Look girls," Julie sighed. "That's only partly true. We're just very good friends is all."

"Next time he comes, Daddy should tell him to stay away from you," Katie said quietly.

"It's been handled," Nick told his daughter.

"Did you fight him?" Katie asked eagerly. "Does Grandpa know?"

"Katie!" Ashley exclaimed. "It's none of our business!"

Julie shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She'd no idea that Katie had overheard them talking about Oliver. It wasn't something she'd ever planned on sharing with either of her daughters and she certainly didn't want her father finding out about it, given that Oliver was one of his oldest friends.

"Katherine Rose," Nick looked at his youngest daughter seriously. "I want you to promise you won't repeat that. It's something that stays in this room."

Katie nodded solemnly. "I promise."

"And I don't want you saying anything to him either," Julie added. "He's my boss, and a friend of the family."

"We wouldn't," Ashley said looking at her sister. "Right, Katie?"

Katie shrugged. "I won't."

"Finish up your dinner, girls," Julie said pushing her plate away. "You have homework."

"And you have your reading," Nick looked pointedly at Katie. "Without eavesdropping. And if your mum or I catch you--"

"Yes sir," Katie said.

The rest of their dinner was spent in relative silence until Ashley and Katie had left the kitchen. "I can't believe she overheard us," Julie rubbed her forehead.

"Me too," Nick agreed, gathering up the plates. "Jules, she promised she wouldn't say anything."

"I hope not," Julie sighed. "Nick..."

Nick set the plates down in the sink and turned to look at his wife. "Yeah?"

"You know there's nothing going on," Julie said softly. "And as long as you believe me, that's all I care about."

"I do," Nick said leaning against the counter. "I trust you, Julie. And I can't fault Wood's taste in women..."

"Just promise me you'll be nice to him," Julie stood up and went over to him. "He likes you a lot Nick."

Nick put his arms around her. "I will. I told you I'd still participate in that Quidditch match he was putting together."

"Thank you," Julie snuggled against him. "You know... this is my favourite place in the world to be."

"Mine too," Nick said giving her a kiss.

"I love you Nicholas," Julie kissed him back.

"I love you too," Nick said resting his forehead on hers.

"What's your new song about?" Julie asked in a low voice.

"It was inspired by my lovely wife," Nick told her. "Maybe you'd like to listen later tonight?"

"I'd love to," Julie replied. "And maybe I have a surprise for you in our closet for later as well..."

"Oh really?" Nick asked. "Hmmmm...."

"Well..." Julie said coyly. "It's for me to wear for YOU as a surprise..."

Nick grinned. "Well, I think I'll go help Katie with her reading and I'll meet you back downstairs in about an hour."

"And I'll go help Ash with her maths and be waiting for you," Julie nipped at his lower lip.

"You've got a date," Nick said huskily.