Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

For those of you who liked reading about Ashley and her new friends, you'll enjoy this chapter. And we apologise for the little cliffie at the end. Well… no we don't ;)

Ever since her mother had started dating Oliver Wood, Mimi had found her life had changed in many ways. For one, the Headmaster always seemed to take an interest in her activities- especially her performance on the Quidditch field. At first, Mimi had found it a bit mortifying, considering her crush on him, but was now growing used to it.

When she stepped into the Great Hall for dinner that evening, she caught the headmaster's eye and she gave him a little wave.

Oliver smiled and waved back as she took her seat next to Beth.

"Meems, Jake was looking for you earlier," Beth told her.

"I saw him a few minutes ago," Mimi replied.

"Oh," Beth said. "How was practise? Saffy didn't work you to death, huh?"

"Not yet," Mimi answered. "She's a really good captain."

Beth smiled. "And you have your first match next weekend!"

"I know," Mimi said. "I'm so nervous..."

"You're going to be great," Beth said. "You'll have me, and Jake and Alexa cheering you on."

"Thanks," Mimi said gratefully.

"Are your parents coming in for the match?" Beth asked.

"My mum was thinking about it," Mimi answered. "And um... my dad... well I doubt it."

"Come on, Meems," Beth said pouring herself a glass of juice. "I'm sure your dad wouldn't miss it. You did tell him, right?"

"Don't worry about it," Mimi said.

Beth wanted to ask what was going on there, but she decided to let it go.

"So how are things going with you and Peter?" Mimi asked.

"Fine," Beth replied. "He's in the library studying."

"It's sort of weird that you two are dating," Mimi said. "Not in a bad way, but because of... what happened before."

"He's not the same person he was then," Beth said defensively. "Christina was a complete cow."

"Yeah she was," Mimi agreed. "You're so much better than her. But that goes without saying..."

"Thanks," Beth said beaming at her friend.

At the professors' table, Julie sat down beside Oliver. "I was going to go home, but I knew we were having stew tonight and I couldn't resist," she said smiling at him.

Oliver laughed. "I won't tell Greta if you don't."

"Thank you," Julie said. "So how are you?"

"Things are great," Oliver replied. "A smooth year so far..."

"Knock on wood," Julie said hitting her fist on the table. She looked slyly at her friend. "I can't remember seeing you this happy."

"Yes well..." Oliver looked back over at Mimi. "Cheryl's becoming quite important in my life."

"I'm happy for you," Julie said. "Is she coming to the match next weekend?"

"Mimi invited her," Oliver nodded. "I'm looking forward to it."

"My sister is completely in captain mode," Julie said. "I saw her in the library a few minutes ago going over plays. My dad told me that you were just as bad when you were captain."

"I was a bit fanatical," Oliver nodded. "It's hard not to be. Quidditch just gets in your blood."

"It certainly is fun to watch," Julie agreed. She looked up from her plate to see Ashley walking into the Great Hall with Brittany.

Oliver followed her gaze. "She seems to be adjusting quite well."

Julie nodded. "I was worried. She's always been shy and guarded, but it's great to see her making friends and coming into her own."

Oliver nodded. "She's a lovely girl. I stopped her to talk a few days ago. She's quite bright, Julie."

Julie looked over at her daughter who was laughing at something Brittany was saying. She really had been worried about Ashley being able to adjust but so far she'd come through quite well.

"And then," Brittany continued. "Chelsea told me that Snape's cauldron just EXPLODED!"

Ashley gasped. "Oh no! No wonder he was so upset in our class!"

"I don't get it," Brittany filled her goblet with juice. "Snape seems to like you."

"Probably because my last name is Malfoy," Ashley said thoughtfully. "Apparently, he was friendly with my great-grandfather on my dad's side."

"Yeah but you said he doesn't like your mum," Brittany replied.

"Who doesn't like her mum?" Zander asked taking a seat across from the girls.

"Snape," Brittany answered.

Zander groaned. "Brit, we're about to eat. Don't mention that git's name."

"Zander, you're such a wuss," Brittany said, making Ashley laugh.

"Ash, I thought you were on my side," Zander said.

"We girls have to stick together," Brittany answered for her.

Zander rolled his eyes. "Ash can speak for herself, Brit."

"It was kind of funny," Ashley replied.

Brittany grinned triumphantly at her cousin. "See?"

Zander clutched his chest dramatically. "Ash, you're killing me!"

Ashley giggled. "You're such a goof."

"I'm so excited for the match next weekend," Zander said. "Gryffindor is going to CREAM Hufflepuff!"

Brittany stifled a yawn. "As exciting as this conversation is, I'm going to excuse myself for a minute. I have to catch up with Rachel."

"Don't be too long," Zander replied with a grin.

Ashley poured herself another glass of juice.

"So," Zander said smiling at her. "I have a proposition for you."

"A proposition?" Ashley asked curiously.

"Herbology," Zander told her. "You know how you're partnered up with Sam? And I have Magda?"

Ashley nodded. "What about it?"

"Well," Zander said grinning at her. "I spoke with Sam and he said that he'd be okay if we switched partners..."

"Why do you want to switch?" Ashley asked. "Magda doesn't exactly want to work with me-"

Zander shook his head. "Sam would be with Magda. I would be your partner."

Ashley blushed. "You want to be MY partner?"

"Of course," Zander said. "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know..." Ashley answered. "But... okay."

Zander grinned. "Fantastic. I'll tell Sam when we get back to the common room. Thanks, Ash. I promise I will not let you down."

Ashley smiled back at him. "It'll be fun to work with you."

"To think you thought I'd stick you with Magda," Zander said. "Ash, I'd never do that to you."

Ashley giggled again. "I should know you better by now."

"Absolutely," Zander said. "I wouldn't wish Magda on my worst enemy. But don't tell Sam that."

"Mum's the word," Ashley promised.

"What are you two grinning about?" Brittany asked sitting back down.

"Ash just did me the most enormous favour of my life," Zander replied.

"It's not that big," Ashley told her. "I agreed to be his lab partner in Herbology is all."

"I thought you were with Sam," Brittany asked.

"She was," Zander said before taking a bite of his bread roll.

"Zander didn't want to work with Magda," Ashley explained.

"I can't blame him there," Brittany shuddered. "She's evil. Why would Sam want to work with her?"

"He didn't," Zander admitted. "At first..."

"What did you do?" Brittany asked her cousin.

"Well, I asked him if he'd be interested in a trade," Zander told them. "And he said no because Ash is so smart...."

Ashley blushed with pride. "Then how come he switched?"

"I promised him my collection of chocolate frog cards," Zander said. "And the last 10 issues of Martin Miggs comics."

"Zander, you had over 1000 cards!" Brittany exclaimed. "You've been saving those since we were kids!"

Ashley gaped at him. "Zander!"

"It's no big deal," Zander said with a shrug. "I was outgrowing those cards anyway."

"Yeah but you just got a bunch of new ones right before we came," Brittany objected.

"You can't give up all those cards just to be my partner," Ashley said.

"It's okay Ash," Zander replied. "I want to."

"Maybe I could talk to Sam," Ashley suggested.

"It's fine," Zander insisted. "Really."

"If you're sure," Ashley said feeling guilty that he was giving up something important to him just so they could be Herbology partners.

"I'm positive," he said, blushing as she gazed at him.

Ashley smiled. "Okay."

Julie waved at her daughter and Ashley excused herself to say hello to her mother.

Brittany looked across the table at her cousin. "Why did you do that?" she asked him point blank. "You are a fanatic about those cards."

"I wanted to work with Ash," Zander replied. "I can get more."

"You've been saving them up since you were two years old," Brittany said. "And I seem to remember when Aunt Patricia accidentally spilled tea on one of them you nearly took her head off."

"Brit!" Zander glared at her. "It's No. Big. Deal."

"Mmmhmm," Brittany said unconvinced.

"Let it go," Zander hissed.

"Okay, okay," Brittany said holding her hands up. "Consider it dropped."

"Thank you," Zander sat back.

"Don't expect me to sit through all of that Quidditch match," she told him. "I'll stay for the first few minutes, but after that I'm going back inside."

"I don't get how you can hate Quidditch," Zander shook his head. "How are we even related?"

Brittany laughed. "I ask myself that all the time. But, look at it this way, you won't be alone. Ash will be with you."

"She's normal," Zander teased. "She loves Quidditch."

"You can't just sit and talk to her about Quidditch during Herbology," Brittany pointed out. "Ash is really smart, Zander."

"I know that," he answered. "I just really wanted to be partners with her."

Brittany watched him for a long moment. "Know what I think?"

"Hmm?" Zander asked.

"I think you like her," Brittany said bluntly.

"Of course I like her," Zander replied. "You do too. She's our friend."

Brittany rolled her eyes. "No, I mean, you LIKE her."

"I do not," Zander denied. "We're just friends."

"Sure," Brittany said, unconvinced.

"It's true!" Zander insisted. "I just think she's a lot of fun."

"I have to finish my essay tonight," Brittany decided to drop the subject. "I hope Ash can help me with it. I got really good marks last time."

"You're not going to make her write it are you?" Zander asked.

"No!" she glared at her cousin. "I just want some help on finishing it."

Up at the front Ashley was telling her mother about what Zander had done. "And he gave Sam 1000 Chocolate Frog cards!" she said.

Julie raised an eyebrow. "Just to be your Herbology partner?"

Ashley nodded. "Do you think I should say something to Sam? I mean, he shouldn't have to give up something like that just to work with me."

"If I were you," Julie advised. "I'd let it be."

"Really?" Ashley bit her lower lip.

"He wouldn't have done it if he didn't want to," Julie told her.

"Okay," Ashley said uncertainly.

"And what's this I hear about Snape favouring you?" Julie teased.

"I don't know," Ashley blushed. "It's still so early in the year-"

"I never thought I'd see the day," Julie replied. "Daddy and I are so proud of you, Ash. And Katie and Sophie miss you very much."

"I miss them too," Ashley said. "Will you give them all a hug for me later?"

"I will," Julie kissed her cheek. "You'd better go finish dinner. I happen to know you have homework tonight."

"Right," Ashley giggled. "Bye Mum."

Julie watched her daughter join her friends and turned back to Oliver. "Would you trade 1000 Chocolate Frog cards to switch your Herbology partner?"

"What?" Oliver looked confused.

Julie explained what Ashley had just told her. "I think Zander's got a bit of a crush on my daughter."

"Uh oh," Oliver joked. "Nick's not going to like his little girl with another bloke."

Julie laughed. "Well, I don't think we have to worry about Ash running off to Las Vegas with Zander to elope just yet."

"Nick definitely wouldn't like that," Oliver quipped.

"Not for another few years anyway," Julie said. "Speaking of which...I really should get going. I promised Katie I'd help her with her reading."

"Give my best to your family," Oliver smiled at her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Oliver stood up and did his normal rounds around the Great Hall. He stopped to say hello to some of the students and slowly made his way over to the Gryffindor table where Mimi was sitting with Beth and Jake.

"Good evening," Oliver said to them.

"Hello sir," Beth still blushed when the headmaster came near.

"Elizabeth," Oliver nodded in her direction.

Mimi smiled at him. "Is my mum coming to the game next weekend?"

"I think so," Oliver replied. "She said that your father would be coming, too."

The smile on the blonde's face fell. "Oh..."

"Meems, that's great," Beth said. "Your parents will get to see your big Quidditch debut!"

"Yeah," Mimi said unenthusiastically. "Just bloody peachy."

Jake put his arm around her. "Want to talk about it?"

"I'm fine," Mimi shrugged away. "I'll see you later."

"Mimi!" Jake called after her.

Oliver nodded to the two students before hurrying after her.

"Mimi," Oliver said coming up behind her. "Wait."

"I'm fine," Mimi wiped at her eyes. "You don't have to come after me."

"You're crying," Oliver said reaching into his pocket for a handkerchief.

"Thanks," Mimi said quietly.

"You can talk to me if you want," Oliver said softly.

"It's my dad," Mimi sniffled. "I don't want to see him."

Oliver didn't know what this must be like for her and he wasn't going to try and act like he did.

"I'm sure that he misses you and wants to be a part of your life," Oliver said instead.

Mimi shrugged. "I don't want to see him. Not after what he did to my mum."

"The decision is up to you," Oliver said. "But he is still your father. No one's saying you have to forget what he did, but you can try and find some way to forgive him."

"I just don't want to right now," Mimi didn't look at the headmaster. "I wish he'd just give me some space."

Oliver nodded. "My door is open if you want to talk about it."

"Thanks," Mimi managed a smile. "And not just for this. Thanks for making my mum so happy."

Oliver smiled. "Thank you for welcoming me into your family."

Mimi only blushed a little as the headmaster gave her a hug. "I should get back."

"Good evening, Mary Margaret," Oliver teased, using her full name.

"Please don't ever call me that in front of anyone," Mimi returned.

Oliver laughed. "Deal."

He walked her back to the Great Hall, where she spied Beth and Jake still sitting at the table. "Sorry for running out like that," she apologised, sitting down.

"Everything okay?" Jake asked.

"Fine," Mimi nodded.

Jake gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That's my girl."

Beth was about to ask her friend if there was anything she could do when the table was suddenly cleared. The three of them looked up to see Saffron breezing into the hall, a determined look on her face.

"Saffy!" Jake exclaimed. "I'd just put some food on my plate!"

Saffron shrugged. "I needed the space." She looked down the table. "Imelda! Get down here! Now!"

Imelda looked up. "What's wrong?"

Saffron summoned her other team members. "As you all know, our first match is next weekend and I really do think that we need be prepared." She handed each of the team members a practise schedule.

"You've got practise at 5 on here twice," Mimi pointed out.

"That's right," Saffron replied crisply. "Five in the morning and five in the afternoon..."

"Saffy," Imelda sighed. "Remember how you used to complain about RJ doing this exact same thing?"

Saffron nodded. "And as much as it pains me to admit it, he was on the right track. We are going to go undefeated this year."

"But some of us have a lot of homework," Mimi objected. "I can't do two practises a day, six days a week."

"Seven, not six." Saffron corrected.

"We're not even getting a day off?" one of the beaters asked. "Not even one?"

"Not until we win the Cup," Saffron answered.

Further down the table, Zander looked at Ashley. "Seven days a week? She's really intense, isn't she?"

"She can get that way sometimes," Ashley nodded.

"This is our new play book," Saffron said handing each player a copy. "Guard this with your life. Carry it every where that you go."

"Saffy!" Imelda exclaimed.

"Saffron," Alexa stood up. "Perhaps you and I might have a quick word?"

"In a minute--" Saffron began.

"Now," Alexa said taking her friend's arm and leading her away.

"Lex!" Saffron glared at her. "I was in the middle of--"

"Complete world domination," Alexa finished. "Yes, yes. I heard you. You're going to work that poor team to exhaustion and they're going to resent you for it."

"I'm going to make them a better team for it," Saffron corrected her.

"By working them from sunrise to sunset?" Alexa asked incredulously. "I know you want to win, but this is a little above and beyond, wouldn't you say?"

"No," Saffron denied.

"Saffy," Alexa said softly. "You know what this is about, don't you?"

"I don't know what you're going on about," Saffron wouldn't look her in the eye.

"Throwing yourself into your work and being captain," Alexa said.

"I'm keeping busy," Saffron crossed her arms. "What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," Alexa replied. "But I seem to remember a couple years back when RJ was the captain and you asked me to tell him how unreasonable he was being when he wanted to run practises six days a week."

"And as I said, it pains me to admit he was right," Saffron said. "Look at him now- playing Quidditch professionally. That's where I want to be, Lex."

"You're going to get there, Saffy," Alexa said. "But you don't want your team to mutiny, do you? You miss Andrew."

"So what if I do?" Saffron asked quietly.

"And you're becoming this complete workhorse since school started," Alexa continued. "I just think you might want to ease up a little on the team is all."

Saffron sighed. "Think they'll go for practise once a day?"

"That's better," Alexa said.

"Am I really being that bad?" Saffron asked sheepishly.

Alexa nodded. "Yeah."

"I really don't mean to be," Saffron said as they walked back to the Great Hall. "I just... I just really want to impress the scouts when they come."

"And you will," Alexa said loyally.

"Thanks Lexie," Saffron hugged her. "This is why I keep you around you know? To talk some sense into me."

Alexa laughed. "I like that. I'm your voice of reason."

They re-entered the Great Hall. "Okay guys," Saffron said. "Practise only once a day."

"Much better," Imelda said smiling at her captain. "You were a little scary there for a few moments."

Saffron made a face at her. "I'm still going to work you guys like crazy, so be prepared."

"We wouldn't expect anything less," Mimi said. "But at least we can work with you on this schedule, Saffy."

"And I at least get to see my girlfriend," Jake said grinning at Mimi.

"That's always a plus," Mimi grinned back at him.

"Tomorrow evening," Saffron told the team. "Practise. Three o'clock."

"Yes ma'am," Imelda saluted her.

Zander looked over at Ashley. "Would you want to watch the practise together?"

"Okay," Ashley answered. "I was going to go and draw the castle from there anyways."

"Great," Zander replied.

Brittany smirked at him. "Thanks for inviting me along, too, cousin."

"You could come, I guess," Zander rolled his eyes at her.

Brittany shook her head. "Nice as it is for you to ask me, I'll have to pass. I have some reading to catch up on."

"Whatever," Zander hoped she wouldn't say anything to Ashley about their earlier conversation.

"Maybe next time you can come with us," Ashley said to Brittany.

"Wouldn't miss it," Brittany grinned.

"You guys ready to go back upstairs?" Zander asked.

"I am," Ashley replied pushing her plate back.

"I'll catch up in a few," Brittany said. "Save me a seat in the common room, Ash."

"I'll find a book that might help you with your essay," Ashley promised.

"Thanks," Brittany smiled at her.

"Ready, Ash?" Zander asked.

"Sure," Ashley grabbed her bag. She said a quick goodbye to her aunt, who was still involved in a discussion with her team mates.

"You know," Zander told her when they left the Great Hall. "I was thinking that I might try out next year for the team. I'm not that good, but if I work on it maybe I'll get better."

"I think you'd do great," Ashley said supportively.

"You've never seen me fly," Zander said.

"I did during our flying lesson," Ashley reminded him.

Zander turned red. "You were one of the only ones not laughing when I nearly hit that tree."

"I thought you'd really gotten hurt," Ashley said.

"Just bruised a bit," Zander said brushing it off.

Ashley smiled. "You sure showed everyone when you got right up."

Zander laughed. "I'd never have heard the end of it, if I hadn't."

Ashley grinned. "Maybe later we can go over some of our Herbology notes since we're going to start working together."

"I'd really like that," Zander said when they arrived at Gryffindor Tower.

"Let me just go find that book I was telling Brittany about," Ashley replied. "And then we can start."

"Okay," Zander said. "I'll get us a table."

Ashley grinned at him before heading upstairs.

Zander found an empty table near the fireplace and set his books down. He had just sat down when Sam approached him. "Where are those cards?"

"I've got them in my trunk upstairs," Zander looked away. Despite what he'd told his cousin, it did sort of hurt to give all those cards away.

"And the comics?" Sam asked.

"They're with the cards!" Zander said sharply.

"Don't get mad at me," Sam said. "You were the one who offered the cards to switch partners."

"You don't have to keep on me about it," Zander said irritably. "I told you I'd get them for you before we go to bed."

"You'd better," Sam said glaring back at him before heading upstairs.

"Wanker," Zander muttered.

Ashley ran into Sam on her back downstairs. "Sam?"

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Zander told me about that deal he made with you," Ashley said, biting her bottom lip. She knew her mother had said to let it go, but she just couldn't let her friend give up something that was obviously so important to him.

"What about it?" Sam asked.

"You don't really want those cards, do you?" Ashley asked.

"The ones Zander's giving me?" Sam said. "Yeah I do- it'll give me the biggest collection out of anyone. Ever."

Ashley sighed. "Um...what if you could get something else?"

"Like what?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Um," Ashley wracked her brain. She highly doubted Sam would want a sketch. " you follow Quidditch?"

"Of course I do," he replied. "Why?"

"What if I could get you Andrew Kirke and RJ Weasley's autographs?" Ashley asked.

Sam raised an eyebrow sceptically. "You know both of them?"

Ashley nodded. "If you can give me a couple of days, I'm sure I can get them for you."

"For real?" Sam asked. "Well maybe.... that might be kind of cool."

"If I can get you those autographs, Zander gets to keep his cards," Ashley said. "Deal?"

"But I still want the comics," Sam said quickly.

"I'm sure that'd be okay with Zander," Ashley said. She made a mental note to write to her grandfather tonight to see if he could get those autographs to her.

"Okay then," Sam said. "You've got a deal."

Ashley smiled. "Thanks, Sam."

"How long will it take to get the autographs?" he asked.

"A couple of days," Ashley promised.

"Cool," Sam nodded then turned away.

Ashley found Zander in the common room looking quite glum. She tapped him on the shoulder. "I know something that will make you feel better."

"What's that?" Zander asked. "You're doing all my homework for me?"

Ashley shook her head and laughed. " don't have to give up your cards."

"What do you mean?" Zander asked. "I thought you wanted to be partners?"

"I do," Ashley reassured him. "But I ran into Sam and I offered him something he wanted more."

"What?" Zander asked his eyes wide.

"I know you said it wasn't a big deal," Ashley said. "I know how important those cards are to you." She told him about offering Sam the autographs.

"Ash," Zander said in amazement. "You are my new best friend."

Ashley blushed. "Zander..."

"No, really." Zander replied. "This... I mean, I'd rather have you for my partner than have my cards, but I really, really appreciate it."

Ashley smiled at him. "What are friends for, right?"

"Right," Zander smiled back. "You're the absolute best, Ash."

Ashley laughed. "I just have to write to my grandpa tonight and see if he'll get them for me, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Do you think he could get me one too?" Zander asked hopefully.

"I'll see," Ashley promised.

"Don't know what my first year would have been like without you," Zander said dramatically.

"It's not even over yet," Ashley said throwing a piece of parchment at him. "We're just getting started."

Zander threw it back. "Come on Malfoy. You can do better than that."

"You're just trying to get out of homework," Ashley said throwing it back.

"Because I don't understand any of it," Zander batted the parchment aside.

"I'll help you," Ashley said. "We're partners, remember?"

"Right," Zander grinned at her again.

Ashley stole a look at her friend as they began their studying. She didn't know what she would have done without Zander and Brittany these first few months of school. Things really were just beginning for all of them.

*** *** ***

Frankie fidgeted in her seat and looked absently at the magazine in her hands. She and Will were in the doctor's office.

"What time is it?" Frankie asked her husband.

Will didn't look up from his own magazine. "Thirty seconds from the last time you asked me that question."

Frankie sighed and looked around the room at the other pregnant women. There was one sitting just across from her who looked as if she was about to pop any moment. Frankie wondered if she would get that big.

"What's taking so bloody long?" she muttered. "Honestly..."

"I'm sure the doctor will see us as soon as he can," Will reassured her.

Frankie sighed. "At least being here makes me feel less fat," she whispered.

"You're not fat," Will said. "You are pregnant."

"I know," Frankie looked down at her stomach.

"And you've never looked more beautiful," Will said squeezing her hand.

"You have to say that," Frankie reminded him.

"I say it because I mean it," Will said. "You have that glow about you...."

"I do not have a glow," Frankie complained. "I have a pooch belly."

"I'm thinking I should probably be quiet the rest of your pregnancy," Will said thoughtfully. "Jack warned me that everything I say is going to wrong and this way we could avoid a row."

Frankie gave him a look and settled back in her chair.

"Frankie Barron," the receptionist announced.

"Finally," Frankie pushed herself up.

Will took her hand and together they followed the nurse back to the examining room.

"How are we doing today?" the nurse asked brightly.

"I'm tired," Frankie said grumpily. "And I'm still throwing up a lot."

"That's normal," the nurse said taking her blood pressure.

Frankie sighed and leaned back. "I just wish it would stop."

Will sat down and watched as the nurse finished the pre-examination.

"Your vitals are good, Mrs. Barron," the nurse announced.

"Thanks," Frankie managed a small smile.

"The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse announced before leaving the room.

Will looked at his watch. "When we finish up here, we can pick Hannah up from school."

"If we get done in time," Frankie replied petulantly.

"I don't see why we wouldn't be," Will said. "Come on, Frankie. We're going to find out how healthy our baby is."

"I'm sorry," Frankie relaxed. "I really don't mean to be so cranky."

"It's okay," Will said grinning at her. "I'm getting used to it."

"Come sit by me," Frankie reached for his hand.

"Only if you promise not to bite," Will said dryly.

"Not too hard," Frankie grinned at him.

Will sat down beside her just as the doctor came into the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Barron," the doctor said smiling warmly at them.

"Afternoon," Frankie answered.

"I hope that you're ready to see your baby for the first time," the doctor said.

Frankie nodded, as did Will. "We've been waiting for this." he said, squeezing his wife's hand.

"Let's get started then," the doctor said explaining about the ultrasound.

Frankie gripped Will's fingers tightly, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"Did you want to know the sex of the baby?" the doctor asked.

Will looked at his wife. "What do you think?"

Frankie nodded. "I'd like to know."

"So would I," Will agreed.

"Great," the doctor said. "Okay then, we'll begin. This gel should be little cold on your belly..."

"Ooooh," Frankie shivered. "You weren't kidding..."

The nurse turned on the screen and Will took Frankie's hand as the doctor moved a device over Frankie's belly. A thumping-like sound filled the room.

"That's the heartbeat," the doctor told her.

Frankie couldn't help but smile. "Really?"

The doctor nodded. "Sounds quite strong..."

Will beamed at Frankie.

The doctor moved the device and a small frown appeared.

"What is it?" Frankie asked, suddenly nervous.

The doctor didn't respond at first as he studied the screen.

"Doctor?" Will asked. "Is something wrong?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, not at all. The babies are fine."