Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors note: We hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. Here is the latest instalment---you see the return of some old favourites---as Cho and Neville have an evening with their newest grandchildren. And for those of you who were wondering where the drama was...

It was the first Hogsmeade weekend of that year and so far, Saffron and Alexa were both having a great time. It was the first time they would both go with boyfriends and they were both excited as they all slid into a booth together at The Three Broomsticks.

"This reminds me of when we were out with you and Sean this summer," R.J. commented.

"The first disastrous time?" Saffron asked.

"More like the second," R.J. joked.

"Who is Sean?" Peter asked, sliding his arm around Saffron's shoulders.

Saffron hadn't discussed Sean with Peter and she wasn't sure how he would handle it. But, since she and Sean had broken things off and agreed to see other people, she didn't see any harm in telling Peter the truth. "A boy I fancied this past summer," she answered.

"Oh," Peter answered.

"Let's not talk about him," Alexa suggested, seeing that it was a touchy subject. "Is everyone going to have a butterbeer?"

"Yes," Saffron said squeezing Peter's hand reassuringly. "That sounds great. How about your superstar boyfriend buys?"

"What am I just made of money?" R.J. asked sarcastically.

"I'll buy the first round," Peter offered. "Anyone want anything to eat?"

"I already snacked too much at Honeydukes," Saffron gave him a kiss. "So just a butterbeer for me." she smiled at him.

"I'll start with some of those chocolate biscuits," R.J. said. "But don't worry mate. I'll give you some money for that..."

Peter laughed. "How about you Alexa?"

"Butterbeer for me too," Alexa replied. "Thanks Peter."

Peter took some extra money from R.J. and departed for the counter.

"Why'd you bring up Sean in front of him?" Saffron asked as soon as Peter was out of earshot.

"I didn't think," R.J. apologised. "I'm sorry Saf."

Saffron shook her head. "Don't do it again okay?"

"I won't," R.J. promised. "I thought you'd told him about it anyway."

Saffron blushed. "We haven't done much talking..."

"Saffron Grace..." R.J. teased. "Sucking face..."

Saffron narrowed her eyes. "Missing without a trace..." she threatened.

"Okay," R.J. gulped. He looked over at his girlfriend. "So what's the latest from your folks?"

"The bakery's going well," Alexa said. "Mum had to hire a new girl to help since I went back to school though."

"I want to help out next summer," Saffron said. "I think it would cool to work for your mum."

"I'm sure she'd love that," Alexa said. "And it'd be fun to have you around. Working with Ben is all right but sometimes he makes me want to go mad."

R.J. grinned at this.

"He can be a bit annoying, Lex. Those impressions he does...I don't know who half those people are and he thinks he's so funny," Saffron said rolling her eyes.

"He's a Muggle," Alexa shrugged. "Oh but he did send me a letter Saffy. His parents bought him a car for his birthday!"

"A car?" Saffron asked at the same R.J. asked "He's been writing to you?"

"My parents forwarded a letter to me from him," Alexa answered her boyfriend's question first. "And yes, a car. It's a used one, but he said he really likes it."

"That's so cool!" Saffron exclaimed. Peter came back to the table and said someone would be out with their order in a few minutes.

R.J. used his finger to trace patterns on the table. He was still having a hard time catching onto the whole driving thing. By the end of the summer, he was still only driving in empty parking lots. Now, the rival for his girlfriend's affections would be driving around like a pro.

"Personally, I like brooms better," Alexa said, not noticing her boyfriend's discomfort. "There's something much more fun about them."

"My dad's going to teach me how to drive like he did R.J.," Saffron said.

R.J. frowned. He wondered if this was her way of getting him back for telling Peter about Sean.

"You're learning to drive?" Alexa asked him. "Since when?"

"I just went out a few times over summer hols," R.J. muttered. "Thought it might be useful to know."

"But you're not going to be living as a Muggle," Alexa said.

"I know that," R.J. replied. "But I thought it'd be nice if at some point, I could come take you out on a date in a car."

"Really?" Alexa asked touched by that. "R.J...."

"And here they go," Saffron said as her best friend gave R.J. a kiss. "Cover your eyes Pete..."

"Or we could just out snog them," Peter teased her.

"I like the way you think," Saffron said leaning in.

"Hi Peter!" a pretty brunette said striding past their table.

"Hi," Peter said automatically. "Um... Jenna right?"

"You remembered," she gushed. "We had Herbology together first year."

"Right," Peter replied vaguely. "Well um... good seeing you..."

"It was great seeing you too!" Jenna said touching his arm before heading off to join her friends.

"Well," Saffron said. "You're certainly becoming quite sought after."

"No I'm not," Peter said his cheeks turning pink.

"You are too," Saffron teased. "I told you before Peter Lawson, you're quite fanciable now."

"I saw you surrounded by girls at the Ravenclaw table," R.J. joked. "Lucky bastard."

Peter flushed even darker. "They just wanted a little help with homework," he mumbled uncomfortably.

"I guess they forgave you for pulling for Gryffindor then?" Saffron teased.

"Guess so," he said, relaxing a bit as she leaned against him.

"Slytherin's coming up in two weeks," R.J. reminded his friend. "We've got to be ready for them, Saf."

"We will be," Saffron replied. "We're going to slaughter them R.J.."

"I hope so," R.J. said. "I've gone undefeated against them the entire time I've been here and I want to keep it that way."

"You won't lose against them on my account," Saffron vowed. "Especially not with Pete and Lex cheering us on."

"And all my Ravenclaw mates will be cheering with me this time," Peter said grinning at his girlfriend. "Except for Christina Grant probably."

"Don't say her name," Saffron said with a groan.

"Didn't you used to date her?" Peter asked R.J. innocently.

"I was mentally challenged at the time," R.J. replied. "Thank goodness I got Lexie here. She's straightened me out," he grinned at his girlfriend.

"She's a complete and utter cow," Saffron said grateful that the waitress brought out their drinks and R.J.'s food.

"I've been waiting for this," Alexa said, eager to keep the subject away from R.J.'s ex. "I wish they had butterbeer back in school."

"Andrew has a secret stash," R.J. said grinning at her. "You just say the word and I'll get you some..."

"He does?" Alexa smiled. "There are some nights I'd do just about anything for a butterbeer."

"Oh really?" R.J. asked nudging her. "Well, well..."

"Get your mind out of the gutter," Saffron interjected. "You can take the most benign things and turn them into something sexual."

R.J. grinned at her. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Please," Saffron said rolling her eyes. "It's all you boys think about, isn't it?"

"I don't," Peter interjected.

"It's not all I think about either," R.J. said defensively. "And you're one to talk Saffron. Last year, I seem to remember you telling us that you didn't have time for boys."

"That was before they all got so cute," Saffron smiled flirtatiously at Peter.

"And now I'm reaping the benefits," Peter said kissing her forehead.

Alexa looked longingly at one of the biscuits on R.J.'s plate. She and Saffron had sampled quite a bit at Honeydukes, but those biscuits did look really good.

"You want one?" R.J. asked his mouth full.

"You don't mind?" she asked.

He shook his head and pushed the plate toward her.

"Thank you," she said softly. "I know how much you like these. And when we go home for Christmas hols I'm going to make you loads of biscuits."

"Yours are better than this anyway," he said loyally.

"And some fudge?" Alexa asked. "For you AND your dad?"

"My dad has already given me permission to marry you after you sent him that double chocolate fudge," R.J. said laughing.

She giggled. "I knew I liked your dad."

"I think my family actually likes you better than me," R.J. said.

"I know I do," Saffron joked. "Even though I'm not a Weasley."

"Thanks Saf... my FORMER seeker," R.J. retorted playfully.

"You want to beat Slytherin, don't you?" Saffron asked. "You want to impress that scout again right? You need me R.J.."

"They're already licking my Quidditch gloves," R.J. said arrogantly.

"Oh really?" Saffron asked. "Let me guess, you've already picked out a new racing broom? Already picked out the luxury flat that you'll buy off that fat contract they sign you to, haven't you?"

"Sure," R.J. stretched his arm along the back of the booth and over Alexa's shoulders.

"Just don't forget who you are," Saffron said. "You don't want to turn into some insufferable, arrogant arse. I mean you're that anyway, but you know how some people can get once they've had a taste of fame and fortune."

"I'll always have my humble roots," R.J. stuffed the last biscuit in his mouth.

"It'll be weird to think of you out there playing while we're still here at school," Saffron said before taking a sip of her butterbeer.

"That's right," Peter said nodding. "I forget that you're a seventh year sometimes. Not that you act immature or's just that you hang out with Saffron and Alexa and they're younger than you."

"I've known Saf since we were babies," R.J. said. "I could tell you loads of embarrassing stuff about her."

"No you couldn't," Saffron said with clenched teeth. For added measure, she kicked him under the table.

"OW!" Alexa yelped. "Wrong leg, Saffy..."

"Wasn't me," Saffron shot a look of apology at her friend.

"Like for instance," R.J. said gleefully to Peter. "She couldn't say broom for the longest time. She used to say 'boom'. In fact, her favourite phrase for the longest time was "I go boom'!"

Peter smiled. "How old were you?" he asked.

"A year," Saffron said, her face bright red. "Better than R.J.- he didn't talk until he was almost four."

"That's not true," R.J. said. "I talked plenty."

Alexa grinned. "I know for a fact he used to run around his house starkers and talk about being a fairy."

"Okay, okay," R.J. said covering her mouth with his hand. "I thought we agreed we weren't going to ever mention that again. Ever."

Saffron was laughing. "R.J. the fairy," she snorted. "I could have some REAL fun with that!"

R.J. glared across the table at her. "Saffron...Ethan told me some things about you that I'm not so sure you want anyone to know about..."

"There's absolutely nothing that beats you being a fairy R.J.," Saffron said, leaning her head against Peter's shoulder. "And I bet you anything I can get physical proof from Mads."

"You wouldn't dare!" R.J. said threateningly.

"And neither will you I wager," she said sweetly.

"Okay," R.J. said. "How about we make a deal? I won't mention anything about that time Ethan caught you doing---well you and I both know what that was----and you won't tell anyone about that running around starkers thing? Deal?" He extended his hand toward Saffron.

Saffron nodded. "All right, deal."

The waitress came back with a large mug of hot chocolate and set it down in front of Peter.

"Excuse me," Peter said. "I didn't order any hot chocolate miss."

"Courtesy of the girls at that back table over there," the waitress said motioning to the table where Jenna and her friends were sitting.

"Oh..." Peter seemed flustered by this. "Well uh... thank you?"

"I'll tell them you were pleased," the waitress said smiling at him.

"Okay..." he didn't really know what to say.

"A group of girls has never sent me anything," R.J. said grinning at him. "Except adoring looks that is..."

"If you want it you can have it," Peter pushed the mug towards Saffron.

"It wasn't meant for me," Saffron said not really sure what to make of all this. Things like this had been happening all the time lately where Peter was concerned. "You go ahead, Pete."

"I don't know why they're suddenly paying so much attention to me," he muttered.

"Maybe it's because you got a haircut, filled out quite a bit and caught some sun this summer," Saffron guessed. "But I liked you the way you were before too, Peter."

"You did?" that simple statement brightened his whole face. "Thanks Saffron."

"Come on Lex," R.J. said finishing off his butterbeer. "I want to check out the Quality Quidditch and see if they have anything new."

Alexa was about to ask if Saffron would be okay alone with Peter, but the way the two of them were staring at each other, she had her answer.

"We'll catch up with you later," Alexa said putting on her cloak.

"Okay," Saffron said.

Peter watched the other couple leave and then he turned his attention back to Saffron. "Alone at last..."

"Yeah," she smiled at him. "Feels like we waited forever for this, aye?"

He laughed. "I like your friends, but I'm glad to finally get some alone time with you. Saf, I can't believe I'm sitting here with you at a cosy table with my arm around you. I never thought we'd be anything but friends."

"I didn't really, either," she confessed. "Not until we got back to school at least..."

"You were the reason I started exercising during summer hols," he admitted. "The reason I got a haircut and contacts. I wanted you to see me, you know?"

"I was?" Saffron asked, flattered.

He nodded. "I've fancied you since the moment we met. You're funny. You're smart. And you're the most beautiful girl in the world to me."

Saffron literally felt herself melt. "That is so sweet," she whispered, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering madly.

"It's the truth," he said touching her cheek. "And I don't care that you didn't see me like you do now until this year, Saffron. You see me now. And I..." His words were cut off as she leaned in and kissed him.

"I did see you," she whispered a few moments later. "I always knew you were a great guy."

"Thanks Saffy," he said softly.

"Come on..." she said. "Let's get out of here. I have a place I want to show you..."

"Where are you taking me?" he asked as he helped her on with her cloak.

"Somewhere Lex and I found when we first started coming to Hogsmeade." Saffron said. "I just hope she and R.J. really went to the Quidditch shoppe and not there."

"Some place we can be alone?" Peter asked with a grin.

"That's exactly it," Saffron gave him a kiss, mostly to benefit the glares from Peter's fan club in the corner.

Peter took her hand and led her outside. "Which way?"

"Over here," Saffron said, holding her cloak tightly to ward off the cool wind blowing against them. "It's just past Honeydukes."

"How did you and Alexa discover this place?" Peter asked conversationally. "Whatever this place is?'

"It's just this little cranny," Saffron said, leading him around the corner. "It's this nice, private little nook right out of the way here..."

"And it looks like we've got it all to ourselves," he said smiling at her.

"Good," she said. "And we found it when we were trying to get away from some Slytherin creeps who were trying to steal our sweets. Turns out to be quite handy..."

"I wish I'd known about it," Peter said. "I had to do my fair share of running from Slytherin creeps. They always seemed to catch me though."

"Not anymore they won't," Saffron said, running her hands up his arms.

Peter smiled. "You're going to protect me then?"

"I don't think I'll need to," she grinned back at him.

Peter marvelled again at the fact that he was here with Saffron Potter---the girl of his dreams. He pulled her close and softly kissed her.

Saffron purred deep in her throat and kissed him back, winding her arms around his middle.

Peter's hands swept through her hair which she'd worn down that day. He didn't imagine kissing her would ever get old.

"Peter," she murmured. "You're quite good at this..." she pressed her lips to his again.

"I had a really good teacher," he whispered back.

"She likes teaching you," Saffron rested her forehead against his as she closed her eyes.

"I find myself wishing the stupidest things," he said softly. "Like we were in the same house. That I could sneak you into my room. Crazy, eh?"

"That's what R.J. does to Alexa," she said, her lips brushing his. "I wish we could be in the same house too."

"I'm guess I'm not as brave and courageous as you," he said tickling her side.

"That's why you're not a Gryffindor," she teased, laughing.

"You're as smart as any of us in Ravenclaw," he said. "I think we should ask the Sorting Hat for a do over."

"You wish," Saffron was still laughing. "Although maybe for you, you can tell it how brave you really are and tell it all forcefully that you want to be a Gryffindor."

"The Sorting Hat would probably laugh itself silly," he said laughing as well. "And it would probably do something horrid and sort me into Hufflepuff."

"Well that would be a tragedy," Saffron pressed closer to him. "Because I'd never be the girlfriend of a Hufflepuff..."

"That so?" Peter asked his eyes darkening as he looked at her.

"Quite so," Saffron said, tilting her face up.

"Good thing I'm in Ravenclaw then," he said before crushing his lips to hers in a fiery kiss.

Saffron could hardly contain her surprise at his sudden aggressive kiss.

""Come on Lex," R.J. whined. "That was a wicked broom..."

"We have to start back to the castle soon," she reminded him dragging him toward that special place she and Saffron had found their third year. "Do you want to spend it looking at a broom?"

"But it was a broom," he said, still whining.

Alexa stopped walking and looked at him. "Okay, let's think about this....looking at a broom," she said thoughtfully holding up her arm as if she was weighing her options. "Or snogging in a secluded spot with your girlfriend?"

"Well," R.J. grinned at her. "Since you put it that way... you're better than any old broom Lexie."

"That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," she teased tugging at his hand and leading him around the corner. "Come on..."

Alexa noticed the amused look on R.J.'s face and turned to see what he was looking at when she saw Peter and Saffron snogging like there was no tomorrow.

"Whoa," he smirked. "Looks like your private spot isn't so private..."

"Maybe we should just go?" Alexa whispered. "They were here first..."

"We should just start snogging," R.J. said. "See if they ever notice."

But it wasn't necessary. Each of the Hogwarts professors were required to spend at least one weekend chaperoning the Hogsmeade weekends and this time it was Julie's turn. She'd made the most of it and had purchased a few early Christmas presents for her daughters. She was hoping to run into her sister, but certainly hadn't planned on running into her like this.

"Jules," R.J. grinned. "Look at your little sister..."

"I guess this spot really isn't so secret," Alexa said.

Saffron finally pulled away from an equally dazed Peter. "Oh my..." she whispered, not knowing they had an audience.

"Hello Saffy," Julie said brightly. "Peter..."

For a moment, her sister's voice didn't register to Saffron. "Jules?" she finally asked, blinking.

"Seeing stars?" Julie asked teasingly.

"We were...we were just...." Peter stammered.

"We know what you were just," R.J. said grinning like a hyena.

"What the hell are you lot doing here?" Saffron asked, still holding onto Peter.

"Easy Saf," R.J. said cheekily. "Do you kiss Peter with that mouth? Oh! That's right! You do!"

"Sod off," Saffron said.

"Professor," Peter's nervousness had returned. "Saffron and I... we were... we were just..."

"Being teenagers," Julie finished for him.

"Come on R.J.," Alexa said. "Let's go look at that broom again..."

"But I thought we were going to..." R.J. started to protest, but Alexa had already pulled him away.

"Do you mind if I have a quick word with my sister?" Julie asked Peter.

"No," he replied. "I wanted to go and check on a book anyway. I'll meet up with you in a bit Saffy."

"Pete..." Saffron started to say.

"It's okay," he said squeezing her hand. "I'll catch up with you."

Julie smiled. "I won't keep you long Saffy."

Saffron didn't say anything as Peter left them. "I suppose you're going to tell me how mum and dad would be disappointed to hear about this."

Julie shook her head. "No, I'm sure they wouldn't be pleased, but they really wouldn't have any room to talk now, would they?"

Saffron bit down on her lower lip, which was slightly swollen. "I guess not," she said, hiding her smile.

"It just threw me for a second," Julie admitted. "You're my baby sister and I turn the corner and there you are..."

"Are you going to say anything to mum and dad?" Saffron asked.

"No," Julie answered. "You're getting top marks. You're doing brilliantly with Quidditch. There's nothing to report to mum and dad if all you're doing is snogging, Saffron."

Saffron smiled. "I got lucky to have a cool big sister," she said, hugging Julie.

Julie hugged her back. "That is all you're doing, isn't it?"

"Yes," Saffron said. "I swear it is Jules. I don't want to go that far. Not yet."

"Good answer," Julie said with a relieved sigh. "Now, I know you want to catch up to Peter, but would you mind helping me pick out a present for Greta? You know her birthday's coming up..."

"I'd love to!" Saffron said brightly. "I bet she'd love those Wizarding cookbooks- the ones where you point to the ingredient and even though she's a Squib, it should work for her anyways where it comes directly from wherever it is in the kitchen?"

"I've heard about those," Julie said linking arms with her sister. "Greta would love that, Saffy."

"I know her too well," Saffron replied. "Thanks Jules. You're the best."

Julie laughed. "Is that just because I'm not telling mum and dad about that scene back there?"

Saffron nudged her sister's side. "Just partly. I'm really glad you're teaching here this year. I miss you so much while I'm away all year long."

"Part of the reason I wanted to teach here was to be here for you," Julie said nudging her back. "And I hope you know you can come and talk to me anytime, Saffy."

"Thanks Jules," Saffron said. "I appreciate it a lot." they walked along the road to the bookstore. "Oh but I really want to tell you what Peter told me back in The Three Broomsticks."

"What was that?" Julie asked with a grin.

"He told me that the reason he started working out this summer and got contacts and all that was because he wanted me to notice him," Saffron said. "And then he told me I was beautiful."

"That's really sweet," Julie smiled. "He really must fancy you."

Saffron nodded and hugged herself. "I like him a lot too." She laughed. "It wasn't like this for you and Nick at first though was it?"

"Not at all," Julie agreed. "He was a smarmy git, but then again I wasn't the nicest person either. I'm just glad we managed to make everything work out. He's really an amazing guy, and he's a wonderful father."

"So how are my favourite nieces?" Saffron asked.

"Probably driving Nick and Greta completely mad," Julie said shaking her head. "Katie's in a strop because Caroline's spending the weekend with Mia. So last night, Katie decides to try and make Ashley miserable. She tore up this painting Ashley was doing. Needless to say, they're not speaking..."

"Ouch," Saffron winced. "Why's Katie so angry about Caroline and Mia?"

"How much time do you have?" Julie asked. "She thinks that she should be Caroline's only friend. And she treats poor Mia terribly whenever the three of them are in the same room. Nick and I have talked to her until we're blue in the face. I'm afraid if she keeps this up, Caroline's not going to be her friend anymore."

"That's really stupid," Saffron said. "Caroline practically worships Katie."

"I know," Julie said. "I don't know what to do. You know, I used to think Greta was only teasing when she said that I was going to have my hands full with Katie..."

"What does Ash say about all this?" Saffron ventured as she and her sister picked out the cookbooks.

"Ashley thinks Katie is being very selfish and doesn't hesitate to tell her this," Julie said. She looked wistfully at her little sister. "I just wish they could be as close as you and me. Maybe someday..."

"They can only be so lucky," Saffron joked. "Of course, I'm sure it also helps that you were almost twenty one when I was born..."

"That could have been it," Julie said laughing. "But it wasn't as if Mum and Dad planned it that way."

"That's true," Saffron said. "But aren't you glad? You wouldn't have had me!" she laughed.

"True," Julie said grinning at her. "And where would we all be without you?"

"Bored as can be," Saffron deadpanned.

*** *** ***

"And you'll owl us immediately if something happens," Chiaki was saying as Toshio helped her on with her cloak.

"Yes," Cho said patting Mitsuko's back. "Sukie wants you and her daddy to go out and have a good time."

"We've never left them, Mum," Chiaki said biting her bottom lip to stop from crying.

"You did for your sister's wedding," Cho reminded her. "And everything was fine."

"I know but--" Chiaki started to argue.

"How many times have you told me over the past couple of months that you wanted us to have a night out to ourselves?" Toshio asked his wife. "It's just dinner, Chi."

"All right," Chiaki relented. "You be a good little angel," she kissed Mitsuko's head. "And you too..." she pressed her lips to Masanobu's forehead.

"Have a good time," Neville told his daughter and he held up Masanobu's hand and waved it at her.

"We will," Chiaki said. "Thanks again Mum and Dad."

Cho laughed as Toshio practically had to pull his wife out the door. She kissed the side of her granddaughter's head. "I get you all to myself..."

"Not completely," Neville teased. "We switch in a half hour."

"Deal," Cho said with a grin. She looked around Toshio and Chiaki's small flat and smiled. "This reminds me of our first place."

"Nice and small," Neville replied. "When it was just you, me and Chiaki."

"And then---" Cho said.

"Our little family grew," Neville grinned. "I'll never forget the day you found out you were pregnant with Allie."


Six-year old Chiaki stood with one arm on the back of the sofa for support. "First position." The little girl put her feet in the correct places as she demonstrated the move for her father. Her mother had gone out for lunch with Lavender and Hermione.

Neville grinned. "Second position?"

Chiaki positioned her feet and arms correctly. "There," she said.

"Perfect," Neville said. "Though, I'm hardly an expert..."

"You know what the positions are Daddy," Chiaki giggled. "But no one is as good as Mummy."

"You're on your way, sweetheart," Neville said leaning down and giving her a hug. "My sweet little girl."

"I love you Daddy," Chiaki held onto her father.

"I love you too," Neville said patting her back. This little girl had changed his life in ways she'd never know.

"I'm going to my room to practise some more," Chiaki said. "When Mummy comes home I want to show her how perfect I did my positions."

"Okay sweetheart," Neville said. He went back into the kitchen and looked over his case notes. Their small flat wasn't big enough for him to have an office and so the kitchen table usually turned into his makeshift desk.

An hour or so later he heard his wife let herself in the front door. "Hi," Cho swept into the room with a large grin.

"Hi," Neville said still looking at his paperwork. "How was lunch? Don't tell me Lavender is still bitching and moaning about Seamus..."

"No," Cho said. "Neville look at me a moment."

"What is it?" Neville asked looking up.

Cho's grin got even wider. "I'm pregnant."

"Chiaki wants you to---" Neville started to say. "Excuse're what?"

"Pregnant," Cho repeated with a laugh.

"With a baby?" Neville asked excitedly.

Cho shook her head. "What else- a chicken?" she asked as Neville jumped up and embraced her.

Neville was speechless as he hugged his wife and then knelt down in front of her. He placed a hand on her still flat-stomach. "There's a baby in there!"

"There is," Cho repeated with a grin. "I'm just over three months along."

"November," Neville said brightly. "Our little baby will be in here in November."

"That's right," Cho said softly. "I can't wait Nev... another baby around here!"

"Where are we going to put a baby?" Neville asked with a laugh. "We're packed pretty tight now."

"We could put Chiaki's old crib either into her room or in ours," Cho suggested. "Harry told me they still have it in the attic from when they used it for Julie."

Neville frowned. "How---how did Hermione take the news?" He knew that she and Harry were still trying to conceive and Hermione had been in a sad state the past few months. She'd recently been talking with a counsellor and seemed to be feeling better.

"She's happy for us." Cho replied. "She wishes she and Harry could have another baby of course, but wants to help us out."

"That's great," Neville said giving her another hug. "Oh, Cho! I'm so happy!"

"Daddy!" Chiaki said from the doorway. Her little arms folded across her chest. "You said you'd tell me when Mummy came home!"

"Hi sweetheart," Cho laughed as she extracted herself from her husband's arms. "I just got in."

"I wanted to show you my positions," Chiaki said. "I've been working on them all morning."

"I can't wait to see them," Cho hugged her daughter. "But first your father and I have some wonderful news."

"I'm getting a dog, right?" Chiaki asked clapping her hands together. "I want one just like Aunt Luna and Uncle Ron's!"

Cho and Neville laughed. "Sorry Chi, no dog," Neville's eyes twinkled.

Cho sat down and motioned for her daughter to do the same. "Sweetheart, in a few months time, you're going to have a little brother or sister."

Neville and Cho exchanged happy looks as they waited for their daughter's reaction. Chiaki looked thoughtfully at them.

"Can't I have the dog instead?" she asked.

"Chiaki!" Cho exclaimed.

"I don't want a smelly old brother," Chiaki said innocently.

"Just a smelly old dog?" Neville asked.

"You might get a sister," Cho replied, moving over to sit next to her daughter.

"A sister might be kind of cool," Chiaki said fidgeting in her seat.

"I hope you'll be happy about this," Neville stroked her long black hair behind her ear. "You're going to be a wonderful big sister."

"A big sister?" Chiaki asked. "I'd like that!"

"That's right," Cho smiled. "Sort of like how you are to Julie, only it's your own brother or sister."

"I can't wait to tell Julie!" Chiaki exclaimed.

"I'm sure she'll be surprised," Cho replied. "Why don't you go and tell her now if you like?"

"You know what would be even better?" Chiaki asked.

"What's that?" Neville asked.

"If I could tell her I was getting a baby sister and a dog," Chiaki said sweetly.

Neville shook his head. "No dog."

"Nice try though," Cho said laughing.

"I'm going to Floo over," Chiaki said. "And when I get back can I show you my positions Mummy?"

"Okay," Cho said. "But don't stay long, sweetheart."

"Okay," Chiaki ran into the sitting room.

"She's certainly persistent," Neville laughed. "Cho I cannot believe this- we're going to have another baby!"

"There's something else I wanted to ask you," Cho said.

"What's that?" he asked before giving her a kiss.

"Well, I was thinking that if it's a girl, we could name it Allison," Cho said. "And if it's a boy, we could name it honour of your parents. Would you---would you like that?"

"That would be wonderful," Neville replied softly.

"And once he or she's here, we can bring the baby to meet your parents," Cho said squeezing his hand.

"They've always liked it when we brought Chiaki," Neville kissed his wife again. "And she likes spending time with them too."

"She's saved every single gum wrapper," Cho said softly.

"I used to do that too," Neville said with a sad smile.

"Those visits mean a lot to them," Cho said hugging her husband. "And to us too."


"You know they still recognise us and the girls," Neville said as he and Cho fed Sukie and Mas. "And my mother loves seeing these two."

"And little Emma brings them extra sweets," Cho said.

Mitsuko looked up at her grandmother and cooed.

"And your mummy never did get her dog," Cho said softly.

"Somehow I think these two made up for it," Neville snickered.

"You ready to switch?" Cho asked. "I think Sukie wants some Grandpa time."

"Always," Neville replied. "Mas- over to grandma you go."

"Grandma's big boy," Cho said standing up with her grandson.

"Oooh..." Masanobu looked with his wide eyes at his grandmother.

"Are you trying to say something?" Cho asked making a goofy face at him.

"Maybe they're trying to talk," Neville suggested.

"Chiaki would hate to miss that," Cho said looking expectantly at her grandson.

"Yeah she would," Neville said. "So would Tosh."

"Mmmmmmmmuh," Mitsuko said grabbing onto Neville's fringe.

"OW!" Neville said. "Cho!"

"You're as bad as Harry was when Saffy used to do that," Cho said laughing as Neville tried to pry his granddaughter's hand away.

"Help me!" Neville said panicking.

Cho hastily put her grandson in his bouncy seat and then turned her attention to Neville.

"Don't hurt Grandpa, Sukie," Cho said softly. "Come here, baby."

Neville groaned. "Look at that!" he whined. "She took out half my fringe Cho!"

"Quit being a baby," she said to her husband. "Sukie didn't mean to do it and besides, can you really be mad at this sweet little face?"

"No," Neville replied. "But that really hurt."

"You'd never know you were a big, tough Auror," Cho teased as she set Sukie into her bouncy seat.

"Funny," Neville replied. "I think these two are about ready for a kip."

"We'll give them a few minutes," Cho said sitting back down on the sofa. "I just want to watch them for a little while longer."

Neville slid his arm around her. "This does rather remind me of when we used to sit here together and watch Chiaki sleep. We never got tired of doing that."

"And I doubt we ever will," Cho kissed his cheek.

*** *** ***

Bree and Ethan rode the lift up to the Auror Headquarters. They were going to be working all alone tonight as Justin had used his charm to talk Lupin into giving him the night off. It was Justin and Sarah's anniversary and Justin was going to surprise his girlfriend by popping the question. Bree and Ethan already knew and had both been sworn to secrecy.

They didn't plan on working long tonight. Maddie and Mason were to arrive around nine so they could all have a late dinner.

"How do you think he's going to do it?" Bree asked Ethan as the lift pinged open. "You don't think he'll do the baby talk as he proposes, do you? 'Will you be my ickle wifey, sweetie?'"

Ethan snorted. "And she'll bat her eyes and say something like 'Oh yes sweetie honey pie,'" he mimicked in a falsetto voice. "I would love to be your wifey poo!"

Bree giggled following Ethan toward their familiar haunting grounds---the interrogation room that had been their home sweet home lately. It wasn't so bad. Neville had let them bring in a sofa and a couple of comfortable chairs.

Ethan turned the lights on and they were both surprised to see a tray of tea and biscuits in the middle of the table.

"What's all this?" Bree asked.

"I don't know," Ethan replied. "There's no note or anything. Maybe my dad had it sent up knowing we were going to be here late..."

"I didn't have any lunch today," Bree said setting her bag and books down on the table. "How about we have a quick snack before we get to work?"

"Sounds good to me," Ethan agreed. "It's getting cold out- I always liked tea in the winter."

"If your dad did this, it was very sweet of him," Bree said as Ethan poured them both a cup.

"He's good like that," Ethan said, munching on a biscuit. "These are bloody good."

Bree picked up an oatmeal raisin biscuit. "My favourite!"

"Tea's good too," Ethan said, relaxing in his chair.

Bree took a sip. "It is good. This has been nice, hasn't it? I know we've worked long hours and all, but it's been great to spend time with you and Just--" she yawned. "I'm sorry...I guess I'm more knackered than I thought."

"Me too," Ethan rubbed his eyes. "All of a sudden I just feel really exhausted."

Bree yawned again. It suddenly felt quite warm in the room. She looked over at Ethan who was staring back at her with a dazed expression on his face.

"Ethan..." she whispered.

Maddie pulled her hair back and tied it in a loose ponytail. She was wearing a simple long skirt and jumper, as the four of them didn't plan on doing more than just have dinner. She was glad- she had really missed spending time with Ethan lately and although she'd have rather had him alone, being around a few other people didn't bother her. She'd tried to stay as close as possible to him since her disturbing vision and her sisters had both reassured her that it was probably nothing more than a bad dream.

Drew and Darla stopped in to see their younger sister before they returned to Dublin. They were still in the process of moving their offices to London and were still very much in the transition stage. Maddie was so happy they were moving closer to home.

"You're going to take his breath away," Drew said smiling at her sister as Maddie came into the sitting room.

Maddie smiled back. "I hope so. Everything was so great in Brighton but then we come back home and it's like real life just slaps us all in the face with a reality check."

"Sounds a bit like me and Paul," Drew said sadly. When she saw the look on Maddie's face, she felt like an idiot. "Ethan is nothing like Paul, you know I didn't mean it like that. It's just that things can be so perfect when it's just the two of you and then you come back to your everyday life or balancing work with your lives's not easy."

"I swear if that wanker ever shows his face around you--" Darla threatened.

"He'll have to answer to a load of Weasleys if he does," Maddie said echoing her sister's sentiment.

"I still appreciate all that you lot did for me back in Brighton," Drew said. "It really made a world of difference for me."

"We love you Drew," Maddie said. "And I'm so happy you two are going to be nearby. Mum and Dad are over the moon about it."

"We hope you are too," Darla teased. "Now that we expect to hear regular updates on what's going on with you and Ethan."

"I hope it's all good news," Maddie said, worry creeping into her voice again.

"It's nothing Maddie," Darla reassured her. "Just a bad, bad dream. It wasn't real. You and Ethan are tight and always will be."

"I hope so," Maddie looked down at the promise ring which sparkled as it always did on her right hand. "I love him so much."

"And Drew and I will plan the most fantastic wedding for you," Darla said dreamily. "And you'll live happily ever after..."

"She always did read way too many fairy tales," Drew joked.

"Oh come off it Drew," Darla said. "Maddie's romance with Ethan is so like a fairy tale. She's fancied him since she was a child. He finally realised how he felt about her and under the stars on a bloody beach, he tells her he's in love with her. Then on New Year's Eve with fireworks all around them, he gives her a promise ring! And for their first anniversary he surprises her with sapphire earrings on the same moonlit beach where he first told her he loves her. You don't get much more romantic than that!"

"That's true," Drew said grinning at her younger sister. "Perhaps we might want to think of a fairy tale theme for your wedding...."

Maddie smiled. "He really is amazing isn't he?" she asked rhetorically.

"I always said he'd grow up to be a handsome bloke," Darla said. "And I knew he'd come around for you eventually Madeline."

"I'm glad he did," Maddie said. "Even though I stopped really fancying him during the time we were at school, I never really saw myself with anyone else."

"And it seems like you've been together forever," Drew said thoughtfully. "I hope someday I can find someone just like him."

"I bet you will Drew," Maddie said supportively. "Someone who will make Paul look like a load of dung."

"Paul will get his one day," Darla said getting angry just thinking about the bastard. "Karma has a way of evening things out."

"Right," Drew said. "We don't want to keep you Mads. We just wanted to pop by and say hello."

"And remember you and Ethan promised to help us move," Darla said giving her sister a hug.

"As if you'd let us forget it," Maddie laughed."

"Just reminding you is all," Drew said. "And owl us tomorrow and let us know how your night went, okay?"

"I will," Maddie promised. "Thanks you guys. I'll see you both later."

Maddie gave herself one last look in the mirror before putting on her cloak and grabbing her bag. She couldn't wait to see Ethan and tried to clamp down the memories of that horrible dream.

She and Mason arrived at the Ministry at the same time and they headed up in the lift together. "How's everything going with you and Bree?" she asked conversationally.

"Great," Mason said smiling at her. "In fact, I'm going to tell her today that I was offered a full-time post here at the Ministry. I won't be going back to the States."

"Oh she'll be so happy to hear that," Maddie grinned. "She really cares about you a lot."

"I've never met anyone like her," Mason said. "I just thought I'd come here and serve my time at the Ministry and just go home. I didn't count on meeting her. But fate, destiny or whatever you call it brought us here. Does that make any sense?"

"I understand how that is completely," Maddie replied. "I'm so glad you and Bree found each other. I guess because Ethan and I are so happy together I want everyone else to be that way too."

Mason nodded. "I know the feeling. I certainly never thought I'd be doubling with my new girlfriend's ex, but Ethan's a good man and he obviously loves you a lot. "

Maddie smiled softly. "And you're obviously quite comfortable with us, for which I'm glad."

"We are," Mason agreed. The lift doors opened and Mason motioned for Maddie to exit first.

"Thank you," Maddie said, leading the way down to the office.

"So what have you got planned for us tonight?" Mason asked.

"I think Ethan said we were just going for some supper," Maddie replied. "We've all had a busy week and I don't think any of us are up for a night out in a club."

"Something nice and quiet sounds perfect," Mason said. The door to the interrogation room was closed and it was very quiet. "Do you think they've gone?" Mason asked Maddie.

"I don't think so," Maddie said. "Ethan told me to meet him here right at this time..." she knocked softly.

There was no answer and Maddie and Mason exchanged puzzled looks. Mason tried the door which was unlocked and slowly opened the door.

"Bree...?" he called out. The room was completely dark. "I don't think they're here, Maddie..."

"Isn't there a light somewhere?" she dug into her bag for her wand.

Mason reached out blindly for the light switch and finally found it. The room was suddenly illuminated and Maddie felt her heart sink as she took in the sight before her.

"Wha..." Ethan blinked as the lights came on. "What's going on?" he found himself lying on the cushy sofa with a blanket draped over him. He felt something heavy on his arm and he first thought it was Maddie, but when he turned he saw a head of brown hair instead.

"Bree..." Mason said quietly.

Bree was still fast asleep in Ethan's arms, her bare shoulders and back peeking out from underneath the blanket.

"What is going on here?" Maddie asked, her voice shaking. "Ethan?"

Ethan tried to focus but his vision was still quite blurry. "Maddie? W-what are you..."

"What the hell is going on?" Mason asked. "Breeana..."

"What?" Bree asked sleepily. "Mason?"

"Nice that you remember my fucking name," Mason said coldly. "So what was this? You using me to get him back?"

"Get who back?" Bree asked. "My head hurts.."

"You probably banged it a few times while having sex," Mason spat disgustedly, turning on his heel and walking out.

"Ethan how could you?" Maddie whispered as he sat up, revealing his bare chest.