Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

A/N: Sorry for the late update you guys- I (Heaven) was babysitting and the parents got home much later than they had expected and I had told Amy earlier that I would update thinking I'd get home around ten. So my apologies for making you all wait- and please don't kill us for the little cliffie at the end of this chapter ;) As always, PLEASE let us know what you think!

"So are you positive your sister doesn't hate me?" Frankie asked as she followed Will to his brother Jack's house, where they were having dinner with his siblings and their families. "And that she's not a witch, and therefore won't hex me to sport warts and ugly hair the rest of my life?"

Will chuckled. "Frankie, they don't hate you. And I've told you how many times now that I am the only magical person in my family? You have nothing to worry about aside from Mia, who is actually pretty harmless."

"Who's Mia again?" Frankie asked, suddenly panicked. "I'm never going to remember all their names... I couldn't even remember that Disney was the guy that did those films Caroline loves!"

"Mia is Jack's daughter," Will said putting an arm around her. "She's five years old and she loves those Disney movies just like Caroline."

"You'll help me if I forget right?" Frankie asked.

"Yes," Will said giving her a kiss. "They're just my family. They're completely harmless."

Frankie relaxed against him. "I just figured after breaking your heart that they wouldn't like me at all."

"They know how happy you make me," Will reassured her. "That's all that matters. Now, are you ready?"

"Ready," Frankie said. "One more kiss for luck?" she asked.

Will leaned in and kissed her. "They're going to love you, Frankie."

"Okay," Frankie said. "I love you Will."

Will squeezed her hand. "I love you too." With his free hand, he rang the doorbell.

"William!" Jack exclaimed swinging the door open. "Since when do you ring the bell?"

"Well, I wanted to impress Frankie," Will said motioning toward his girlfriend.

"Hiya Frankie," Jack said warmly. "Glad you could make it."

"Hi," Frankie shook his hand. "It's lovely to finally meet you properly."

"I feel like we know you already with how much Will's talked about you," he said standing back so they could enter the house. "Everyone's in the sitting room..."

"All right," Frankie gripped Will's hand in hers. A case of her former nerves sprang up but she pushed them away, telling herself that soon enough these people would be her family.

Jack led the way to the sitting room and the conversation came to a standstill once they saw that the guests of honour had arrived.

"Well," Will said. "Frankie, you know Jack, of course. This lovely woman here is his wife Claire..."

"Hello Frankie," a pretty woman with short blonde hair said extending her hand. "It's lovely to meet you."

"You too," Frankie smiled, feeling at ease with this woman right away.

"And this little terror," Will said tickling his niece. "Is Mia..."

"Hi!" the little girl chirped. "You're going to be my new aunt right?"

Frankie smiled at the pretty blonde-haired little girl. She wore her hair in plaits like Caroline often did. "Yes, I sure am. You can call me Frankie."

"Okay," she grinned. "And you can call me Mia!"

Frankie giggled. "Okay..."

Will grinned. "And you remember my sister, Mary..."

Mary didn't stand up or smile as she looked appraisingly at Frankie. Mary had always been fiercely loyal and protective of her baby brother and Will knew that out of everyone, Mary would be the one who might give Frankie the most trouble.

"Hello," Mary said quietly.

"Hi," Frankie nervously put out her hand. "It's lovely to see you again."

Mary stared at her for a few moments before extending her own hand.

Will cleared his throat. "And this is Mary's husband Tim. And these little hellions over there are Marcus who is six, Timothy who's four and Nathan who just turned two…watch him like a hawk."

"All right," Frankie said, hoping Mary would warm up to her as the evening wore on. "You guys should meet my little nieces, Caroline and Emma. Caroline's five and Emma's just turned one on New Year's Eve."

Timothy walked over to Frankie and looked up at her with a curious expression on his face.

"What is it Tim?" Will asked kneeling down.

Tim looked innocently at his uncle. "Is she the one who hurt you Uncle Will?"

"Timothy!" Will put a hand over his mouth.

Frankie gave a hollow laugh. "Kids say the funniest things, don't they?"

"Too funny," Mary's husband replied sheepishly. "Sorry about that Frankie."

"It's okay Tim," Frankie said with a smile. "I'm used to it. You wouldn't believe some of the things my niece Caroline comes out with..."

"What's for dinner Jack?" Will asked. "Something smells fantastic."

"Fish and chips," Jack replied. "And my little Mia helped me make a huge salad just an hour ago."

"It's going to be the bestest salad ever," Mia said proudly.

"It sounds delicious," Frankie said. She was glad they weren't having anything like a roast- she was mostly a vegetarian like her mother.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Claire asked.

"White wine would be fantastic," Frankie said, sitting on the sofa next to Will.

Claire smiled. She knew what her brother-in-law would want so she didn't bother asking him. "Coming right up..."

An awkward silence fell over the room and Will could see his older sister staring daggers at Frankie.

Jack, however, could always be counted on to make everyone feel at ease. "Frankie, we promised Will we wouldn't tell you any embarrassing stories about him when he was a kid."

"It's all right," Frankie smiled. "I already know loads- your mum told me a few things the night we went to dinner and you were in the loo. Plus I forbade my family to say a word about the things I said and did as a kid."

"Chiaki did manage to fill me in on how you used to spy on boys when you were at school," Will teased.

"Rumours," Frankie laughed. "That was never proven to be true."

"Allie backed her up," Will said. "Jon too."

"Yes well they weren't there," Frankie said. "I was set up!" she laughed.

"Will, you seem to know Frankie's family pretty well," Mary said abruptly. "And this is really the first time we've ever met her. I mean, we did see her at mum and dads, but..."

"I've had a few times when I've gone over there," Will said. "And I helped her one weekend with her nieces when her sister and brother in law were out of town and we all had dinner together when they got back." he shot a warning look at his sister.

"My family really took to him," Frankie said. "He just fit right in right from the start."

"Interesting," Mary said, still without a smile.

Claire came back into the sitting room and handed Will a beer and Frankie her glass of white wine.

"That's a lovely dress Frankie," Claire said.

"Thank you," Frankie said. "You know, if you ever want to go shopping make sure and ring me. I'm an expert." she joked.

"I need all the help I can get," Claire said grinning at her.

"That's not true Mummy," Mia said. "I heard Daddy say you never looked prettier tonight!"

Claire beamed at her husband. "Thanks Jack."

"Welcome dear," Jack smiled back at his wife.

"Your entire family is magical?" Tim asked Frankie.

"Yes," Frankie nodded. "And Will's the only one of you lot?"

"Actually," Will looked at Mia. "This one has been showing a few signs. There may be some hope yet that I'm not the only wizard around here." he laughed.

"I hope so!" Mia said enthusiastically. "I want to be a witch just like the good one in The Wizard of Oz!"

"You look more like the Wicked One who the house landed on," Marcus said with a mischievous grin.

"You be quiet Marcus," Mia ordered. "You're just jealous!"

"I think you'd love Hogwarts," Frankie told the little girl. "It's the most amazing place in the world."

"Hogwarts," Mia repeated. "Is that where you went Uncle Will? Did you meet Frankie there?"

"That's where I went," Will said nodding. "And I didn't really know Frankie when I was there, but I did see her from time to time."

"He's a year older than me," Frankie said. "We met after we both graduated, at a party."

"And you've been on and off for years?" Mary asked.

Will sighed. "Yes Mary...but that's over now. You know that."

"Four," Frankie nodded. "Something just kept throwing us back at each other and now..." she smiled at Will. "Now we're going to spend the rest of our lives together."

"Uh-huh," Mary commented.

An awkward silence followed Mary's statement as Frankie blushed and took a sip of her wine. "So um... Will told me that you're in sales, Jack."

Will groaned. "Don't get him started, Frankie!"

Jack grinned. "Will are you saying that I'm boring?"

"I'm just saying that you can go a little overboard," Will clarified.

"Says the bloke who helps write textbooks," Tim teased.

"Hey," Will protested. "I happen to cave out quite a nice living writing textbooks," he grinned.

"Well I just think you shouldn't be calling anyone boring considering what you do," Jack teased.

"I assure you your brother is not boring," Frankie said loyally putting her head on Will's shoulder.

Will grinned widely at his brother at Frankie's remark.

"I'll take your word for it," Jack said with a laugh. "Dinner should be ready if you lot want to follow me..."

"I certainly can't wait for that salad," Will grinned at Mia.

"It's really yummy," Mia said. "Can---can Frankie sit beside me?"

"I'd love to sit by you," Frankie smiled at her. "I can tell you about my niece Caroline- she loves Disney movies too!"

"Disney movies are for wusses!" Marcus called out.

"At least I don't still watch the Teletubbies!" Mia shot back.

"Nah," Tim Jr. said. "He doesn't watch them anymore. He watches Boohbah Zone instead."

"I don't watch that much telly I'm afraid," Frankie apologised. All three of Mary's children looked at her as if she'd just sprouted another head.

"Do you not have one?" Marcus asked.

"I don't have a lot of time to watch the telly," Frankie said. "My job keeps me pretty busy."

"Do you have a Gameboy?" Marcus asked.

"A what?" Frankie asked.

"It's to play games with," Marcus said. "Dad, can I show Frankie mine?"

"How about after dinner?" Tim suggested. "Then you can show Frankie all your games if she wants to see them." he smiled at the young woman.

"Sure," Frankie said taking her seat in between Will and Mia.

"I have this really cool game where you shoot these aliens," Marcus began eagerly.

"Marcus," Mary interjected. "Let's not talk about that now, okay?"

"All right Mum," Marcus said, taking a sip of his soda.

Will leaned over. "You doing okay, Frankie?" he asked his voice barely above a whisper.

"Its fine," Frankie said, leaning in so no one else could hear. "Your sister hates me even though everyone else doesn't seem to."

"She doesn't hate you," Will reassured her. "She just doesn't know you. She's always been really protective over Jack and me. I'll say something to her..."

"No, no." Frankie replied. "I want her to accept me on her own terms... however long that might take."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

Frankie nodded. "Positive." she squeezed his hand. "This family thing isn't so bad."

Will grinned. "And I think Mia's your biggest fan. She actually has a dance recital in a few weeks."

"You didn't tell me that Mia's a dancer!" Frankie said, smiling at the young girl.

Mia nodded happily. "I'm a ballerina!"

"Well you know what? My mum teaches ballet," Frankie said. "And tap dance, and just about any dance you can think of."

"Really?" Mia asked.

"Mmmhmm," Frankie nodded. "Perhaps if your parents are okay with it, you can come with me to the studio and watch- and even take some classes there."

"Can I Mummy?" Mia asked. "Can I, please?"

"Well that's quite lovely of you Frankie," Claire said graciously.

"It's my pleasure," Frankie said. "My mum's studio is fantastic. And she offers all these classes for kids."

"Is everyone in your family dancers?" Tim asked.

"My sister," Frankie said. "She used to dance professionally but she's retired- and she's pregnant with twins now. Her husband Toshio still dances in the company but she's started teaching with my mum." she smiled. "My sister Allison and I can dance, but we were never into it like Mum and Chiaki. And my dad's got two left feet."

"Sounds a bit like me," Jack said. "And Mary..."

Will laughed. "I'm the only one in the family with even the slightest bit of talent for dancing. And you know how bad I am..." he said to his fiancée.

"You're good at the slow ones," Frankie said with a smile. "That's the important thing."

"That's right," Will grinned back.

"Slow dancing is gross," Marcus looked at his brother who grimaced as well.

"You two will change your mind someday," Will told his nephews. "Mark my words on that."

Jack started to serve the food and Mia beamed as he spooned salad into everyone's bowls.

"I made the dressing myself!" she announced. "So everybody has to have some!"

"I can't wait to taste it," Frankie said smiling at the little girl. Things seemed to be going quite well and Mary hadn't said anything derogatory in quite some time. This was going to be okay, she thought to herself.

"So what exactly is it you do Frankie?" Mary asked as they all dug into their meals. "Will hasn't explained your job."

"I work in public relations," Frankie replied. "For one of the Quidditch teams. It's really stressful, but I love it."

"Doesn't sound very stressful," Mary remarked idly. "Going to parties and hanging around a bunch of sports figures..."

The smile fell from Frankie's face. "Um, well it's not just that, Mary. It's actually loads of hard work. I have to write up press releases and write pieces on each of the players for the media guide. I also have to coordinate fan events too. The parties are only a very small part of my job."

"I see," Mary replied.

"Frankie works really hard," Will said in her defence. "Its part of the reason we all haven't been able to meet before."

"We were afraid that he'd told you about how horrible we were and you were right to stay away," Jack joked. "We're really not that bad."

"And you haven't met the whole family yet," Claire said with a shudder.

"I'm not going to throw her to the wolves like that this early," Will said.

"They're not that bad," Mary replied in her cool tone.

"I'm rather used to a big family," Frankie said. "One of my parents' best friends comes from a family of seven, and he and his wife have six kids."

"Two sets of twins," Will chimed in. "Can you believe that?"

"And I thought we had our hands full with Mia," Claire said shaking her head. "Wow..."

"Josh and Jon were quite the handful," Frankie smiled. "They're a few years older than me. And Drew and Darla are both girls, and they're about four years younger than I am."

"We'll have to get both families together," Claire suggested. "So we can all get to know each other."

"That sounds like fun," Will agreed.

"I'll bring it up next time I see everyone," Frankie said easily.

For the most part, dinner went quite well. Conversation flowed quite nicely and there were only a few awkward silences. Mia regaled Frankie with details about her recital and Frankie, in turn, told the little girl about her two nieces.

"When can I meet Caroline to play with her?" Mia asked eagerly.

"I'll have to check with my sister, but maybe Will and I can take you two to the park?" Frankie suggested. "Caroline loves the swings."

"Me too!" Mia said excitedly.

"You boys are welcome to join us if your parents don't mind," Frankie said to Marcus and Timothy.

"Can we?" Timothy asked.

"I'm not so sure," Mary replied. "We'll have to see..."

"Come on Mary," Will joked. "I promise nothing will happen to the little buggers on my watch."

Tim smiled. "I think the boys would have fun," he said, nudging his wife's foot under the table.

"I suppose so," Mary finally relented. "That--that'd be nice of you both."

Frankie chanced a smile at the woman. "We'll plan on it then."

"Sure," Mary said smiling back at her. She still had her reservations, but she couldn't deny that this girl did make her brother happy.

"Well who's up for dessert?" Jack asked. "We have some fantastic pudding and of course, the always enjoyable ice cream."

"Count me in," Will said. "I always have room for Claire's pudding."

"If it's anywhere near as good as the fish and chips count me in as well," Frankie said. "Can I help you both with anything?"

"No," Claire said clearing away the dinner dishes. "You sit and enjoy your fiancé."

"She's already done that," Will cracked, earning a reproving look from Mary and a jab from Frankie.

"I don't know how you put up with him," Claire joked. "You must be on a mission from God."

"I'm not the easiest person to get along with," Frankie said with a smile. "So it's a bit of a stretch for both of us." they all laughed.

"No one else would have us," Will said squeezing her hand.

"How else do you think I got stuck?" Frankie laughed. "Will's very good to me."

"He deserves the very best," Mary said. "None of us wants to see him hurt, Frankie."

Her words hung in the air between the two women. "Well he won't get hurt Mary," Frankie replied. "Not anymore, not with me."

"Things are different this time," Will told his older sister. "We're both in the same place for once. We both want the same things. And I don't appreciate you putting Frankie on trial here--"

"I'm just looking out for you William," Mary said. "As I've always had to do since we were children."

"We're not children anymore," Will pointed out. "Look, I appreciate your concern, but you have no reason to worry."

"I'll always have to worry about you," Mary said pointedly. "You have a way of getting yourself into trouble and not getting back out."

"Will you get off his back Mare?" Jack asked. "Will has a mum, he doesn't need another one."

Mary pushed her chair back sharply. "Well I can see how much I'm appreciated here," she snapped.

Claire decided that perhaps it wouldn't be a good idea for the children to witness this. "Marcus, why don't you take your brothers and Mia into the back room. You can play your Gameboy..."

"No way!" Marcus exclaimed. "I want to see this!"

"Marcus---" Tim warned.

"We always have to miss the good stuff," Marcus grumbled, picking up his baby brother and leading Timothy and Mia out behind him.

"All I was trying to do was express concern about a girl who has been toying William along all this time," Mary explained once they were all alone. "And now she suddenly has this change of face and everything's okay? Forgive me for being a little sceptical..."

"Look I love your brother," Frankie said before anyone else could speak. "I know I messed up and I'm sorry okay? I had a few commitment issues that I couldn't admit to until this happened. But now I know that Will is the only one that I want, the only one I'll ever want."

"That's good enough for me," Will said smiling at her. He looked at his sister. "Mary?"

"I'm just looking out for you Will," Mary answered quietly.

"I know," Will said standing up and walking over to where his sister stood. "But you don't have to worry. Frankie's a great girl and I love her very, very much. For me, can you please give her a chance?"

Mary was silent a moment and Frankie held her breath.

"All right," she finally said. "Frankie... I'm sorry." she smiled at the black haired woman.

Frankie exhaled. "It's okay. We have something in common, Mary. We both care about Will and want him to be happy."

"That we do Frankie," Mary replied. "And if you make him happy, that's really all I can ask for."

Will gave his sister a hug. Jack grinned at Frankie. "Now you see why we call her 'Scary Mary'."

Frankie laughed. "I'm not going to comment on that."

"Good idea," Jack joked giving her a hug. "Welcome to the family, Francesca."

"Thank you," Frankie hugged him back.

"Well that wasn't so bad," Will said later as they left. "I mean, after Mary stopped being her evil self."

"She's not that bad all the time, is she?" Frankie asked.

"She's just really protective," Will explained. "And now that she finally knows where I stand, I don't think she'll give you any more trouble."

"I hope so," Frankie said. "I really liked Claire and Jack. And that Mia reminds me so much of Caroline. I think they'll get along really well."

"I cannot wait for those two to meet," Will laughed.

"It should be something else," Frankie said. "I'm not so sure about your nephews...I'm used to girls, not little boys."

"They're a handful," Will said. "But they're good kids. I think they liked you a lot."

"Really?" Frankie asked pleased. "I really want them to like me. They're going to be my family too."

"That they are," Will scooped her up and spun her around right there on the pavement.

Frankie giggled. "Will, what are you doing? Put me down!"

"Kiss me first," Will laughed.

Frankie shook her head. "Uh-uh."

"What was that?" Will asked, squeezing her sides.

"William Christopher Barron!" she exclaimed laughing. "You know I hate it when you do that!"

"I hate it when you don't kiss me," Will pushed his lower lip out.

"You're such a baby," Frankie said shaking her head. "Okay then...come here..."

"I'm right here," Will replied, setting her down.

"You're not close enough," she said pouting just as he had a moment ago.

Will reached out and drew her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Close enough now?" he asked softly.

"Perfect," she said leaning up and kissing him. He certainly didn't kiss like a boring textbook writer.

Will opened her lips under his, slanting his mouth and kissing her deeply.

"Mmmm," Frankie murmured as Will worked his way down her neck. "Let's go back to yours..."

"Suits me," Will said huskily. "I don't know how much longer I can stand these clothes on you."

Frankie grinned. "Your sister-in-law said this was a lovely dress..."

"It'll look even lovelier crumpled up on my bedroom floor," Will replied licentiously.

"Hmmm...I don't know if I want my new dress crumpled up on the ---" her words were cut off by another kiss from her fiancé. "On second thought...."

*** *** ***

Maddie was having trouble getting to sleep. She supposed it might have had something do with the fact that this was her last night in her old bedroom and in the old house. Tomorrow, she would officially move in with Ethan. It seemed so surreal and grownup. Jon, Josh, Drew, Darla and R.J. were there and they'd spent the entire evening reminiscing about old times. They'd shared stories they'd all heard a million times, but laughed like it was the first time.

She pulled back her sheets and slipped on her robe. She wanted to see if there was any of that blueberry tart her mother had made. That anda nice glass of milk would be just the ticket, she thought as she walked out of her bedroom.

Ron was already in the kitchen when his youngest daughter appeared, rubbing her eyes. "Evening sweetheart," he said. "Thought you might be up." he gestured to the table.

Maddie saw where her father had set out a piece of the blueberry tart and a glass of milk for her.

"Oh Daddy," Maddie said her voice breaking.

"Maddie," Ron reached for her and she hugged him. "Are you all right?"

"Just a little sad," she said relaxing in his comforting embrace. "I guess with the dinner tonight and now this..."

"I've been dreading this moment since you were born," Ron joked.

Maddie still held on to her father. "I love you so much Daddy. "

Ron kissed the top of her head. "I love you too Maddie. You've always been my little girl."

"I always will be," Maddie promised pulling away to look at him. "No matter where I am, I will always be that Daddy."

Ron chucked under her chin. "Music to my ears," he teased.

Maddie giggled and she sat down at the table. "This is really great."

"I'll miss this," Ron said. "I've always enjoyed midnight snacks with you."

"You just enjoy snacks...period," Maddie teased. "And you'll still have R.J. to carry on the tradition."

"He eats more than I do," Ron grunted.

"Makes sense," Maddie said. "He is named after you and he is like you in so many ways..."

Ron laughed. "That he is. And so are you Madeline Molly- although you look more like your mum."

"I do," Maddie said. "But we've all taken something from you, Dad. Jon's funny like you and always seems to say things before he thinks them out. Drew and Darla inherited your troublemaking skills and Josh is loyal, just like you. And R.J. inherited your appetite and your flying ability."

Ron felt proud hearing his daughter say these things. "I'm glad I was able to pass some things down," he grinned. "Including my appetite- which I know you've got."

Maddie grinned. "Most definitely. Frankie was mortified when I told her about having midnight snacks with you. Do you know she actually thinks you shouldn't eat anything after eight p.m.?"

Ron laughed. "She's more horrified that you managed to stay skinny when you eat as much as your old man."

"I guess I inherited your metabolism too," Maddie said with a grin.

"And that you can definitely be thankful for," Ron said, stuffing a large bite of the tart in his mouth.

"We don't have to stop this you know," Maddie said after taking a bite. "We could still do this. I can Apparate over..."

"I think you'll probably be too busy with work and with Ethan, but our door is always open for you," Ron said.

"I'm never going to be too busy for you," Maddie said. "Never."

"Again, music to my ears," Ron laughed. "Every father loves hearing that from his daughter."

Maddie smiled. She was going to miss him and her mother more than she could even put into words. Ethan kept teasing her and reminding her that it wasn't as if she was moving to another country or another city for that matter. It was just different, Maddie thought.

"You're nearly rid of us all," Maddie said thoughtfully. "I don't know what you and Mum will do with such a quiet house."

"It'll be different, that's for sure," Ron said. "Your mum's already got empty nest syndrome."

"Remember how sad she got when Jon and Josh moved out?" Maddie asked.

"That was probably the worst," Ron replied. "And I'm sure with R.J. it'll be bad again- since he'll be the last of you lot to go."

"And I remember after Drew and Darla left you kept Flooing over to their new place to see if they needed anything," Maddie teased.

"I remember you giving Drew a hard time about staying in Ireland," Ron joked.

"She threatened Dolly!" Maddie said defensively. "She kicked her cage!"

Ron bit his lower lip to try and keep his laughter in. "That damned pixie," he chuckled.

Maddie giggled. "She meant well. She just went a little crazy when we let her loose..."

"She was crazy all the time," Ron corrected her.

"Come on Daddy," Maddie said. "Admit it. You loved Dolly a little, didn't you? You let me keep her after all that she did. You had to have some feeling for her."

"Dolly made you happy," Ron said, finishing his tart. "That little pixie had you completely enthralled."

"She was my best friend growing up," Maddie said fondly. "I loved her so much."

"And now you have Ethan," Ron mused. "He loves you a lot Maddie."

"He does," Maddie said nodding. "And I love him too."

"You'll take good care of each other," Ron said. "I'm happy you got what you wanted Maddie."

Maddie looked adoringly across the table at her father. "Thanks Daddy."

"We'd better get to bed," Ron said. "You've got a big day tomorrow."

"We both do," Maddie said pushing back from her chair. "You're helping me with the rest of my stuff, right?"

"Of course I am," Ron said. "I tell you, what you and Frankie have done to Ethan's flat in just a few days..." he laughed. "The poor bloke doesn't know what hit him."

Maddie laughed. "He's taken it all in stride though. He's only complained a little bit and we didn't make anything pink."

"Lucky for him right?" Ron teased. "It looks really nice. I think you'll enjoy living there."

"I think so too," Maddie agreed. "But this will always be my home too."

"Of course it will be," Ron gave his daughter another hug. "And you'll always be my baby, you know that right?"

"And you'll always be my Daddy," she said hugging him back.

"Off to bed with you," Ron said gruffly. "I don't want you all bleary eyed and sleepy come morning."

"That was never me," Maddie said. "That was Darla."

"And I don't want a repeat," Ron said, mock sternly. "This is the last time I can order you around Madeline."

"Okay, Ronald," Maddie teased giving her father a peck on the cheek before scurrying back upstairs.

Ron watched her go then headed for his own bedroom. "What're you still doing up?" he asked Luna as he slid into bed beside her.

"Waiting up for you," Luna whispered. "You and Maddie have one of your usuals?"

"We finished off your tart," Ron said.

Luna cuddled up close to her husband. "I was looking at her tonight and I kept seeing that adorable five-year old who hung on your every word."

"Now she's almost nineteen," Ron replied, stroking his wife's hair. "And tomorrow she's moving out."

"I know," Luna said softly. "Our little girl."

"I wish I could turn back time," Ron said wistfully. "Go back to when she was born and do it all over again just to have her here another twenty years."

Luna smiled. "You said the same thing when Drew and Darla moved out."

"And I love when they all come back and visit like they did tonight," Ron grinned. "Now I know why Mum always goes crazy when we all herd on over to the Burrow."

"I'm so glad that they all had each other," Luna said. "I grew up an only child and I always wanted a brother or a sister."

"So that's why you married me," Ron teased. "So you could make sure you had a big family."

"Oh yes," Luna said sarcastically. "You've figured me out, Ronald. And here I thought I had you fooled!"

Ron leaned in and gave his wife a firm kiss. "And marrying you was the smartest damn decision I ever made."

"I wish I could go back in time and have you tell your 15-year old self that," Luna said softly.

He laughed. "I was pretty stupid back then wasn't I?"

"Yes, but I thought you were quite fascinating," Luna said.

"What did you find so fascinating?" Ron asked curiously. "My robust good Weasley looks or was it my charm? No I know- it was my appetite wasn't it? I always knew me stuffing my face was attractive."

Luna laughed. "That was some of it, yes."

"I knew it," Ron said in satisfaction.

"We'd better get to sleep Mister Confidence," Luna said giving him one last lingering kiss. "It's an early start tomorrow."

"Aye," Ron replied. "And I love you Loony."

"Weasley is my king..." Luna sang in a sleepy voice.

"Loony is my queen," Ron answered, his eyes drooping.

*** *** ***

It was nearly midnight and Saffron was busily writing her essay for Professor McGonagall. She should have done it over winter break, but she'd been so busy helping Ethan and Maddie with the move and looking after her grandfather, there hadn't been much time for studying. She was also getting used to being without her braces for the first time in two years. It still felt strange to look in the mirror and not see a mouth full of metal reflected back.

She'd spent most of the first few days back getting reacquainted with her classes and the new schedule.She'd been far too busy to seek out R.J. and even if she hadn't been, it wouldn't have made any difference. He was nowhere to be found. Some of his mates said he was meeting up with his new girlfriend Christina up in the Astronomy Tower. How could he not see what a complete and utter cow that Ravenclaw was?

"Speak of the devil," she muttered as R.J. stumbled into the common room. Even from her seat across the room she could see the shiny lip gloss streaked over his mouth.

R.J. was lost in thought and didn't notice anyone in the Common Room. He was thinking about what he and Christina had just done in the Astronomy Tower.

"Good evening to you too," Saffron said sarcastically when it looked like her friend would just walk past her.

R.J. turned around and was surprised to see Saffron sitting at her favourite table in the back of the room. "Hey, Saf. You're up late, aren't you?"

"Just finishing an essay," Saffron replied. "What's your excuse?"

He shrugged. "Just looking at some stars...for Astronomy class, you know?"

"I didn't realise the stars wore pink lip gloss," Saffron said as innocently as possible.

R.J. blushed and hastily wiped at his mouth. "I hate that mess she wears...."

"So you WERE with that idiot," Saffron said before she could stop herself. "What do you bloody see in her anyway?"

R.J. was surprised at her tone. "Christina's not an idiot, Saffy. She's in Ravenclaw. They're not usually known for being idiots. Now Slytherins..."

"She's as stuck up as a Slytherin," Saffron countered.

R.J. didn't have much to say on that point. If he was being honest, Christina was a bit self-absorbed and conceited, but that wasn't really the point. He wondered what it all mattered to Saffron anyway. As he looked at his friend, he noticed there was something different about her.

"Saf!" he said suddenly grinning at her. "You got your braces off!"

Saffron rolled her eyes. "Thank you Captain Obvious," she replied. "I've had them off since the day before we came back and you're just NOW noticing?"

R.J. frowned. "Saffy, I haven't seen you since we got back. But now that you mention it, I did hear some blokes talking about how hot a certain fourth-year Gryffindor girl was looking...could they have been talking about you, perhaps?"

"Who was it?" Saffron immediately forgot her anger at R.J.

"A couple of Slytherins," R.J. replied grinning at her.

"Oh," Saffron replied, her lip curling up in disgust. "Well they don't count."

"I was lying," R.J. said. "Brendan Grey and Patrick Shaughnessy were the two blokes talking about how hot you were. And they even made some comments about...well; I better not say...considering what Ethan told me..."

Saffron narrowed her eyes. "What did they say?" she asked. "And what did that prat of a brother of mine do this time?"

"Which do you want to know first?" R.J. asked enjoying their banter.

"I don't care just tell me," Saffron ordered.

R.J. laughed and sat down. "Well, Brendan thinks you have a nice set of legs and he wonders why you try and hide them...and I told him to knock it off. I don't like hearing them talk about you like that."

"Why should you care?" Saffron asked, flattered at what R.J. told her. "It's nice that guys are finally starting to notice me." she smiled.

"Brendan and Patrick would notice a gardening tool if it showed interest," R.J. muttered. "Saf, you're much better than that. You deserve better than those two losers."

"Says you," Saffron returned to her essay and finished it, a small grin spreading over her face.

"You do," R.J. told her. "And I'm not just saying that because of what Ethan told me. You're my friend and ...what? What's that look for?"

"All right what did Ethan say to you?" Saffron asked. "Whatever he told you it's probably a lie."

R.J. leaned across the table. " don't fancy me then?"

Saffron raised one eyebrow and then burst out laughing.

R.J. frowned at her. "It's not that funny..."

"Yes it is," Saffron giggled. "You... and me..." she was laughing so hard tears were gathering in her eyes.

R.J. was starting to get insulted. "It's not that funny, Saffron. And you don't have put on this act with me. Ethan told me that you were really jealous over me and Christina."

"You are so egotistical," Saffron said, wiping at her eyes. "I wasn't jealous and I'm NOT jealous now. I just don't like her and I think you can do better."

"Better as in a fourth year Gryffindor with brown bushy hair and green eyes?" R.J. countered. "That better?"

Now it was Saffron's turn to glower. "I NEVER said that!"

"Ethan said you'd deny it," R.J. teased.

"Ethan said, Ethan said," Saffron mocked. "You sound like a recording of my brother."

R.J. loved getting a rise out of her like this. "Its okay, Saf. You fancy me. I'm quite fanciable, according to Christina...."

"I wouldn't fancy you if you were the last wizard on earth!" Saffron fumed.

"You lurve me," R.J. sang. "You lurve me and want to have my babies...."

Saffron threw a book at his head. "I do not!"

R.J. ducked just in time. "To paraphrase my sister, I think you might be protesting a bit much..."

"Ugh," Saffron said. "I'm going to bed."

"To dream about a certain red-haired bloke who makes your heart flutter," R.J. said standing up. He watched in amusement as Saffron stuffed her books, parchment, and other supplies into her bag.

"I don't even want to LOOK at you right now much less talk to you," Saffron said haughtily. "I've NEVER thought of you in a romantic aspect, and I thought as a FRIEND, you might like to know that Christina Grant is an uppity snobby prat who will only stomp on you in the end."

"Saffy," R.J. said hastily. "I was only having a go with you. Come on, don't be like this..."

"Leave me alone," Saffron snapped.

R.J. put a hand on her arm when she attempted to push past him. "Saffy, really. I didn't mean it. I was only teasing."

"Well I'm not jealous," Saffron said firmly.

R.J.'s hand was still on her arm and he looked down at her. As stupid and immature as Patrick and Brendan were, they did have a point. Saffron was turning into a very beautiful girl.

"Wha- what are you doing?" Saffron asked, her voice quavering.

"Have you...have you ever been kissed before?" he asked.