Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Thanks to everyone who continues to read! We appreciate the feedback and hope that you guys are continuing to enjoy the story. This is the start of a huge story arc for the Hogwarts crew. Drama, drama, drama.

Because it was too cold to go outside and there was a blizzard brewing, everyone pretty much stayed inside the castle that weekend. Saffron decided to catch up on some required reading for Herbology. Andrew apparently hadn't gotten up yet.

"Hi Saf," Alexa said approaching her best friend. She carried a huge pile of books. "I hate revising for O.W.L.s."

"Revising is never fun," Saffron smiled at her. "I'm just doing some reading for Herbology. You can sit with me if you want."

"Thanks," Alexa said sitting down. "I just checked these out from Madam Pince. R.J. offered to help me carry them, but he was busy..."

"With his new best friend?" Saffron rolled her eyes.

"She was helping him with an essay," Alexa said defensively.

"I'm sure she was," Saffron shook her head and went back to her reading.

"She was really nice," Alexa said quietly. "She said I could join them if I wanted..."

"I still think it's all an act," Saffron replied. "I wouldn't trust her one bit."

"R.J. thinks she's really trying," Alexa said. "Though, to be honest, it isn't easy to see him being friendly with her. She's prettier than I am. She's definitely more experienced."

"She is not prettier than you are," Saffron said emphatically. "You don't rely on a whole load of makeup to look as nice as you do."

"Thanks, Saffy," Alexa said. "But you're supposed to say that. You're my best friend."

"I'd say that even if I wasn't your best friend," Saffron gave her a look.

"Have I told you lately how glad I am that you're my best friend?" Alexa asked grinning at her.

"I could always use an ego boost if you want to tell me again," Saffron teased.

"I am very, very happy that you're my bestest friend in the entire world," Alexa said with a laugh.

"Morning," Andrew said, stumbling over and flopping down on the sofa next to Saffron.

"It's already eleven thirty," Saffron giggled. "Are you just getting up, lazy bones?"

"Someone kept me up last night snogging me senseless," Andrew said with a yawn.

"Hmm..." Saffron tipped her head. "She's not that tired and she was up just as late..."

"That's because she's used to staying up late and studying," Alexa told Andrew. "She's like a machine."

"I won't get to be Head Girl by slacking off," Saffron replied pertly.

"My ambitious girlfriend," Andrew said giving her a kiss. "So have you two seen R.J.? He was actually awake before me."

"He's... studying... in the library." Saffron replied with a curl of her lip. "With his new best friend."

"I thought I still held that title?" Andrew asked teasingly.

"Maybe not for long," Saffron rolled her eyes again.

"Saf," Andrew said with a sigh. "She's not that bad. In fact, she's been kind of nice lately."

Saffron stared at him in disbelief. "Oh not you too!"

"Don't jump down my throat," Andrew said putting his hands up. "Saffy, she was apparently really hurt by what happened with R.J.. They talked and now things seem to be okay. Come on, R.J.'s not stupid."

"I beg to differ," Saffron muttered, looking back at her book.

"How about we agree not to talk about her?" Andrew asked. "It only leads to trouble----"

They all turned as they saw someone coming through the portrait hole. It was R.J., but he didn't stop to talk to them. He only waved as he sprinted upstairs.

"What was that all about?" Andrew asked. "He didn't even come over to say hello."

"Dunno," Saffron said with a shrug. "I'm surprised the Ice Queen let him get away..."

Alexa bit her lower lip. "Do you think he's meeting her somewhere?" she asked softly.

Before Saffron could answer, R.J. came back downstairs carrying a book. "What's going on mate?" Andrew asked.

"Chris is helping me with that Charms essay," R.J. said. "And I needed to get this book."

"Are you wearing cologne?" Saffron asked. "To study?"

"I'm not wearing cologne," R.J. said hastily. "I really have to go."

Without a word or glimpse at Alexa, R.J. disappeared through the portrait hole.

Saffron shook her head. "This is how he was when he dated her."

"I-I think I'm going to go upstairs," Alexa said quickly gathering her books.

"Lex," Saffron put her book aside. "I'm sorry- I didn't mean to say that. Don't leave okay?"

"No," Alexa said quietly. "I-I'm kind of tired. I'll see you later, okay? Bye, Andrew."

"I can't believe him," Saffron fumed. "He didn't say one bloody word to her!"

"That was kind of harsh," Andrew admitted. "But he was in a hurry..."

"To get back to HER!" Saffron said angrily.

"Saffy," Andrew said. "You know how much R.J. loves Alexa. It didn't mean anything, I'm sure."

"It better not," Saffron said. "If he hurts her..."

"He won't," Andrew reassured her.

"Better not," Saffron sat back against the sofa, her arms crossed.

"Come on, Saffy," Andrew said. "Let's not talk about Christina Grant or R.J.."

"Okay," Saffron said as he took her hand. He really looked cute all rumpled from sleeping in so late.

"Good morning," he whispered tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She couldn't resist a smile at him. "More like good afternoon now," she teased.

"Doesn't matter," he said before kissing her.

Saffron closed her eyes and relished the feel of his lips on hers.

"You taste like cinnamon," he said grinning down at her.

"That could be the rolls I had for breakfast," she said, kissing him again. "And I may have nicked you a few when you didn't show up..."

"You did?" Andrew asked tickling her. "Just for me?"

"Just for you," she laughed. "Had to make sure my guy is well fed you know."

"You've definitely got my vote for Head Girl," Andrew said nuzzling her neck. "Of course, I will be long gone when your reign begins..."

"Unfortunately," she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes.

Andrew kissed her again; oblivious to the stares a couple of first-years were giving them.

"I'm supposed to be reading right now," she said in between kisses. "But for some reason I don't care that I'm not..."

"I do believe I'm a bad influence on you," Andrew teased.

"I don't know if I would call it bad," Saffron purred.

"It's pretty good actually," Andrew said kissing her again.

"You're pretty good," Saffron kept her lips against his. "Well... more than pretty good. You're very good... at this."

"You. Are. Brilliant." Andrew said in between kisses.

"Tell me something I don't know," Saffron laughed as he kissed her neck.

They spent the rest of the morning and afternoon, snogging on the sofa.

"How about we go grab some lunch?" Andrew suggested.

"I think we missed lunch already," Saffron pressed her rather swollen lips together. "We'd have to sneak into the kitchens."

"Let's go then," Andrew said standing up. "Come on then."

"Sounds good," Saffron stuck her Herbology book back in her bag. "Let me go drop this off in my dorm and see what Lex is up to."

"Okay," Andrew said giving her a kiss. "See if she wants to join us."

"I will," Saffron said, heading upstairs after one more kiss.

Alexa was upstairs in their room revising, or at least trying to. Mimi and Beth had tried to engage her in conversation, but she'd made it quite clear that she wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Hey," Saffron said, dropping her bag on her bed. "What's up?"

"Lex is brooding," Mimi said looking up from her magazine.

"I'm revising," Alexa said through clenched teeth.

"Listen, Andrew and I are going to the kitchens for some lunch," Saffron said. "Why don't you come with us?"

"I am kind of hungry," Alexa admitted.

"Good," Saffron smiled at her. "And I'll sit with you later if you want and help you revise."

"Thanks, Saffy," Alexa said closing her book. "I need all the help I can get."

She pulled her hair back with a band and then put on her shoes.

"Come on, I'm starving," Saffron pulled on her hand.

"Me too," Alexa said.

Together with Andrew, they made their way toward the kitchens.

"We should go out later and have a snowball fight," Andrew suggested to the two girls. "I know it's cold, but..."

"That might be kind of fun," Saffron agreed. "We'll drag R.J. out with us and deck him."

Alexa giggled feeling better already. "And we can build a big snowman, too."

"And make snow angels," Saffron said. "I haven't done that in years."

"Me too," Alexa said.

Andrew led them down the corridor until they came to the painting of the bowl of fruit. "Who wants to do the honours?"

"I will," Saffron said. "I love tickling this pear..."

"Oooooh," Andrew teased. Saffron tickled the pear and then they all three walked inside, but not before hearing a peal of familiar laughter.

"I am not eating that Junior," Christina said as he held out his finger. "That looks disgusting!"

"Come on it's good," R.J. laughed.

Alexa froze at the sight in front of her, as did Saffron and Andrew.

"Something called anchovy paste doesn't sound very appealing," Christina said scrunching up her nose. "R.J.! Don't you dare!"

"What is going on?" Saffron demanded when Alexa didn't speak up.

"Saf?" R.J. asked the smile falling from his face.

"Glad to see you remember your friends," she said sarcastically, ignoring Christina.

"We finished with Junior's essay and we thought we'd grab a quick bite," Christina said sweetly. She hopped off the counter and touched R.J.'s face. "You have some chocolate on your cheek."

"Oh," R.J. pulled back and rubbed at his face. "Thanks Chris."

"No problem," she said grinning at him. "Would you three like to join us?"

"Oh but we don't want to interrupt anything," Saffron said, her words saccharine laced. "After all... Chris... you and Junior here are having such a great time aren't you?"

"We were just having fun, Saffy," R.J. said glaring at her. "Chris didn't do anything."

"I'm so sure," Saffron said icily. "We'll find somewhere else to sit, thanks."

R.J. hadn't even looked at Alexa and she wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the words. She was struck again by how comfortable R.J. seemed with Christina and how much prettier the Ravenclaw was.

Letting her head fall forward, she followed her best friend to the other side of the kitchen. She wasn't very hungry anymore and was actually near the point of tears.

"Don't cry, Lex," Saffron whispered. "Act like you could care less."

"I'll try," Alexa said, tears already pooling in her eyes. "But he hasn't talked or looked at me once since this morning."

Saffron squeezed her hand. "He's an arse. You're better than he is anyway."

"Thanks," Alexa managed a tiny smile.

Christina looked at R.J.. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you on the outs with your friends."

"I don't know what her deal is," R.J. said looking at Saffron. "I told her that we're cool now."

Christina resisted the urge to do a victory dance. Everything was going according to plan.

"She's just going to need some time to get used to it," Christina said. "There's a lot of bad blood between us. I guess she's more willing to hold onto a grudge."

"Like no one else I've ever known," R.J. said with a rueful grin.

"I'm just glad that you're able to forgive me," Christina said softly. "It means so much to me, R.J.."

"Yeah well unlike my so called friend, I really can't hold a grudge," R.J. shrugged.

Christina impulsively gave him a hug. "Thank you, R.J.."

"He's hugging her," Alexa dropped the biscuit she'd been nibbling at. "Saffy..."

Saffron turned around and felt anger rising in her again.

"Saffy," Andrew said. "Don't..."

"This is getting ridiculous," She said furiously. "It's one thing for him to be all friendly but now they're hugging?"

"I'm going to go back to the dorm," Alexa said pushing her plate away. "I can't do this."

"I'll go with you," Saffron said, also standing up.

"I'll have a word with R.J.," Andrew put a hand on Alexa's arm. "I'm sure nothing's going on between them Lexie. He loves you."

Alexa nodded.

"Hold your head high and act like you can't even see them," Saffron whispered to her. "Come on."

"Okay," Alexa bit her lower lip and turned her head the other way as she followed her friend out. She didn't see R.J. finally take notice of her and watch as she exited the room.

Andrew could only shake his head as he approached his best friend and Christina.

"Chris?" Andrew asked. "Do you mind if I have a word with R.J.?"

"Of course not," Christina kept her sweet facade. "I should get going. I've taken up enough of your time today Junior."

"Thanks for helping me, Chris," R.J. said. "I'm really grateful."

"That's what we Ravenclaws are for," Christina smiled. "By Junior. Bye Andy!"

"You my friend are in the proverbial dog house," Andrew said leaning against the counter.

"I know Saffy's pissed off but--" R.J. began.

"Alexa," Andrew interjected.

R.J. sighed. "She wouldn't even look at me Andrew."

"Maybe that's because when you ran into the common room earlier, you didn't even say a word to her," Andrew said quietly. "Not to mention how you were flirting with Christina right in front of her."

"I wasn't flirting," R.J. said defensively.

"I've known you for how long?" Andrew asked folding his arms. "And you are wearing cologne. You want to tell me why?"

R.J. shrugged, not really knowing what to say. "It's been nice being friends with Chris again," he said. "She's a lot more fun these days."

"And Alexa?" Andrew asked.

"I... love her." R.J. said. "She has nothing to worry about."

"You might want to tell her that," Andrew said quietly.

"Fine I will," R.J. said quickly. "Lectured me enough?"

"I wasn't lecturing you," Andrew said. "I don't know what's gotten into you lately, R.J.."

"Nothing!" R.J. said defensive again. "Can't a bloke be friends with his ex girlfriend without getting the third degree?"

"Do what you want. Just don't screw things up, R.J.," Andrew said before walking out of the kitchens.

R.J. hung around for a little while longer before heading back up to the Gryffindor dormitories. For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about Christina and Alexa was only occupying his thoughts a little.

He ran into Mimi Doyle in the Common Room. "Can you ask Alexa to meet me down here?" he asked her.

She looked hesitantly at him. "I'm not so sure that's a good idea, R.J.."

"Why not?" he asked baffled.

"She's not very happy with you at the moment," Mimi said quietly. "But I could ask her..."

"I'd appreciate it," R.J. said, pushing his hair out of his eyes.

Mimi disappeared upstairs and seemed to be gone for quite some time. Finally, Alexa came downstairs not looking very happy to see him.

"Hi," she said quietly.

"Hey," he said, his head clearing for the first time that day as he smiled at her.

"Meems said you wanted to see me," Alexa said not looking at him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't around much today," R.J. said, reaching for her.

Alexa moved away from him. "Don't."

"Why not?" he asked.

"You ignored me today, R.J.," Alexa answered finally looking at him. "In the kitchens, you didn't even see me. It was like there was no one else in the room except for Christina."

"That's not true," R.J. denied lamely. "I saw you there."

"When?" she asked him. "When I left?"

"Lexie don't be jealous of Christina," he said, reaching for her hand again. "I love you."

Alexa wanted to believe him. "I don't want to be jealous of Christina, R.J.."

"You don't have to be," he said, pulling her closer. "You're my girl." He leaned in and softly kissed her. "Chris...."

"WHAT?" Alexa pulled away. "What did you just say to me?"

R.J. looked at her confused. "I said that you were my girl."

"You called me Chris," she said, her voice shaking.

R.J. shook his head. "No, Lexie. I wouldn't have!"

"You just did," she said angrily. "Don't bloody LIE to me R.J.!"

"Lexie," R.J. said helplessly. "I-I don't know what's gotten into me."

"I don't either," Alexa wiped her eyes.

"I didn't mean it," R.J. said reaching for her again. An image of Christina filled his head and he tried to block it out. This didn't make any sense.

"Don't touch me," she backed away. "Just leave me alone R.J.."

"Lex---" R.J. called after her, but she'd already run up the stairs.

"What happened?" Saffron asked, seeing her friend burst back into the room. "What did he say to you Lex?"

"You---you were right," Alexa said her lower lip trembling. "I-I shouldn't have gone down there."

"What did he do?" Saffron asked, hugging her. "Tell me Lex."

"He kissed me and then he called me----" Alexa started to explain.

"Called you what?" Saffron prompted gently.

"He called me 'Chris'," Alexa finally choked out.

"WHAT?" Saffron nearly exploded.

"He called me by her name," Alexa said quietly.

"I say we castrate him," Beth said loyally. "He's a pig!"

"Totally a pig," Saffron agreed. "I'm going right down there and--"

Alexa shook her head. "Don't. It's not worth it, Saffy. It's over."

"You don't know that for sure," Mimi said. "Come on Lex- I'm sure it was a mistake."

"Our whole relationship was a mistake," Alexa said sinking down onto her bed.

"It was not," Saffron said. "You love him Lexie."

"I was so stupid to think I could ever compete against someone like her," Alexa said curling up on the bed.

"You aren't competing with that stupid cow," Saffron said. "I'm going to kill her."

"Just drop it, Saffy," Alexa said quietly. "Okay? Just let it go."

Saffron looked at her friend sympathetically. "Okay," she said softly. "I'll do what you want me to Lexie."

"Thank you," Alexa whispered.

"If you want to talk, we're here," Mimi said.

"I'm really sorry Lex," Saffron said. "I hate when you're unhappy."

"Me too," Alexa said sitting up. "I'm going to try and take a kip." She drew the curtains around her bed closed.

Saffron folded her arms and stared at her best friend's bed for a moment before turning and stomping down the stairs.

R.J. was sitting on the sofa his head in his hands, trying to make sense of what had happened.

"What the hell did you do," Saffron's cold voice cut into him. "You called her CHRIS?"

He looked up and frowned. "Saffy, I don't need this right now."

"I don't care what you need," she said angrily. "How could you do this?"

"I don't know!" he exclaimed in frustration. "I don't know, okay?"

"Are you under some sort of spell?" she exclaimed. "Like a stupidity one?"

R.J. shook his head. "Why don't you get off my back?"

"Why should I?" Saffron demanded.

"Chris and I are just friends, Saffy," R.J. said. "I'm sick of having to explain myself to everyone. I feel bad for what I did to her, okay? And I want to make it up to her any way I can."

"Obviously," Saffron said with a smirk. "Well I hope you and Miss Priss are happy. Alexa's up there sobbing and she thinks your whole relationship is a mistake."

"I need to see Christina," R.J. said suddenly getting to his feet.

"What?" Saffron asked in disbelief.

"I'll catch up with you later," R.J. said dismissively as if he and Saffron had just been discussing what was for dinner that evening.

"I can't believe this," Saffron said as Andrew came back into the common room.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"I think..." she began slowly. "I think R.J. and Alexa have broken up. And R.J. just ran out of here to see Christina."

"Whoa," Andrew said frowning at her. "Start from the beginning, Saf."

Saffron told him what she thought. "It's like he's under a spell or something. I've never seen him act like this before Andrew."

"And it all started when he and Christina made amends," Andrew said nodding. "Something's definitely not right. I'll give you that."

Saffron sighed as he put his arm around her. "I wish I knew what to do," she muttered. "I hate seeing Lex like this."

"It'll all sort itself out," Andrew said hoping he sounded convincing.

"If I find out she did anything I'll do worse this time than just give her spots," Saffron said angrily.

The girl in question had just come out of the Ravenclaw dorm with Monica when she spotted R.J..

"Chris," he called out. "I-I needed to see you."

"Hello there Junior," Christina purred.

R.J. didn't understand why or how he'd gotten here, but he felt his cheeks flush as she looked at him. He grabbed her and pulled her close. "I've missed you."

"I bet you have," Christina ran her fingers through his hair as Monica stared in disbelief.

He pressed his lips to hers in a bruising kiss.

Christina wanted to scream in satisfaction as he did this. "Junior," she whispered. "I've missed this so much..."

"Don't leave me again," R.J. said huskily.

"I didn't leave you the first time silly," she said, ignoring Monica's tugging on her arm.

"Chris," Monica said. "Come on. We're going to be late for dinner."

"I have my dinner right here," Christina replied as R.J. kept her close.

Monica gawked at her. "Okay, this is just too weird."

"I'll catch up with you later," Christina said as R.J. stared at her with a lovesick expression. "Junior and I are going to be busy for a few hours..."

" want to go upstairs to the Room of Requirement?" he asked resting his forehead on hers. "I want to be alone with you."

"I'm all yours," Christina said, kissing him again.

Monica watched as her best friend and R.J. walked away, joined at their lips. This didn't make any sense at all. Although she didn't know R.J. very well, from what Jason had told her, he was completely mad about his girlfriend.

"Hey I was just thinking about you," Jason said, approaching her. "Want to go sit with me at dinner?"

"Hmmm?" she asked.

"You all right?" he asked, looking at her quizzically.

"I don't know," Monica said truthfully. "Chris and I were about to go to dinner when R.J. comes up and grabs her and plants one on her. Next thing I know, he's taking her up to the Room of Requirement."

"Huh?" Jason was confused. "He took Christina up there? What about Alexa?"

"I don't know," Monica said. "You tell me."

"She's your friend," Jason replied. "I hardly know her."

"She's been so great lately," Monica said. "You know? Nice and not so into herself and now....I don't know what to believe."

"Me either," Jason said. "Well... shall we just go to dinner then? Guess there really isn't anything we can do right now."

"Guess not," Monica said giving him a hug. "I'm happy to see you, Jas."

He smiled and hugged her back. "I'm really glad we got together Monica."

"Me too," Monica said giving him a kiss. "At least we make sense."

"And we're uncomplicated," he grinned, kissing her back.

It was a couple of days later and Alexa was doing everything she could to avoid R.J. at all costs. She and Saffron ate breakfast early and always had an early dinner. Saffron had it much harder since she still had to deal with R.J.. To her dismay, Christina had even started to come to the Gryffindor practises. If it hadn't been for Andrew, Saffron wasn't sure she would have made it through any of it.

Unfortunately, Professor McGonagall had called for a house meeting and the Gryffindors were gathering in the common room. The meeting was mandatory and Alexa knew there was no way around it.

"We'll sit away from him," Saffron said to Alexa. "And we won't even look at him. Right, Andrew?"

"Sure," Andrew said, not liking that he was caught in the middle of things but not really wanting to be around R.J. either. At night in the 7th year dormitory all R.J. did was talk about Christina this and Christina that. It was as if his relationship with Alexa had never existed.

"I wonder what this meeting is about." Alexa asked.

"I heard we're having a Valentine's Ball," Mimi said excitedly.

"A what?" Alexa asked, her heart sinking. This was not what she wanted to hear.

"A ball!" Mimi said. "And I know who I have my eye on...."

"We all know who you have your eye on," Saffron teased. "We hear you talking about Ivan in your sleep, Meems."

Mimi blushed. "I can't help it that he's so dreamy."

Saffron batted her eyelashes. "Ivan, Ivan, Ivan...."

"Saffy!" Mimi hissed as they all sat down. "He'll hear you. He's just over there!"

"Well then he'll know and he can ask you," Saffron said grinning.

Alexa looked around the room and was happy to see that R.J. hadn't arrived yet. Maybe, he wouldn't even show up. But that only made her think about where he could be.

"Hiya, Lex," Ewan Chase, a fifth-year Gryffindor said. "Mind if I sit with you?"

"Um... sure," she forced a smile onto her face.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your Herbology notes," Ewan said conversationally. "You might have saved my life."

"You're welcome," Alexa said shyly.

Professor McGonagall appeared in the room and motioned for everyone to be quiet. She started to speak, but R.J. appeared behind her. If looks could kill, the red-headed boy would be in big trouble.

"How nice of you to join us, Mr. Weasley," Professor McGonagall said coolly.

"Sorry," R.J. said, wiping at his mouth before heading to an empty chair on the other side of the room. He didn't even look over at Alexa, Andrew and Saffron.

"I needed to make some announcements," Professor McGonagall said. "You are all young adults and I don't feel I need to remind you of the importance of keeping the common room tidy. Please remember to clean up after yourselves."

"Tell that to the first years," Saffron muttered to Andrew, who grinned.

"And need I remind you that unless you are a prefect, you are to be in your dormitories by nine o'clock every evening," McGonagall continued. "Some of you have been breaking curfew on a regular basis lately."

Her eyes fell on R.J..

R.J. had been busy looking out the window thinking about Christina and missed the professor's silent insinuation.

"And last but not least," Professor McGonagall said. "I have great news. There will be ball held on Valentine's Day. No first or second year students will be allowed to attend."

The third through seventh years with the exception of Alexa let out a huge cheer.

"I expect you all to be on your best behaviour," McGonagall continued. "I will not have the house of Godric Gryffindor shamed in any way."

"Yes Professor," the group mumbled as a whole.

"Does anyone have anything to add?" she asked looking around the room.

Everyone shook their heads. "Very well," Professor McGonagall said crisply.

She quietly left the room and everyone save for the younger students talked excitedly about the ball.

"So, Saffron Grace," Andrew said gallantly. "Will you do me the honour?"

Saffron giggled. "Of course I'll go with you."

"Wanted to get you before anyone else swooped in," Andrew teased, giving her a kiss.

"No one else would have a chance," Saffron said, pressing her lips to his again.

Alexa started to get up, but Ewan put his hand out to stop her. "Um, Alexa? There's something I've been wanting to....well, I've been meaning to...."

Alexa stopped and looked at him. "What?" she asked.

"I'm shite at this," he said turning red. "And I imagine using that word when trying to ask a girl to the ball, isn't a good thing."

Her eyebrows rose. "You want to go to the ball with me?" she asked in surprise.

Ewan nodded and nervously ran a hand through his brown hair. "Pathetic as I may be, I was hoping you might take pity on me."

Alexa was about to say no when she thought about his offer. It was obvious that R.J. was going to take Christina, as the two of them had barely been apart since the other day. And Ewan was genuinely cute and nice. "Well... maybe that'll be fun." she said tentatively.

"Really?" Ewan asked. "We'll have a good time, Lex. I promise I won't step all over your feet."

She actually smiled. "I'm not that great of a dancer either."

"We can sit and talk most of the night if you want," Ewan said grinning at her. Neither of them noticed that R.J. was watching their every move. Saffron did, however.

"He's annoyed," she whispered to Andrew. "He doesn't like that some other guy has noticed how great Lex is."

"Maybe this will wake him up," Andrew whispered back.

"I actually only know one dance," Ewan said. "Have you ever ...tangoed?"

"No," Alexa said, blushing.

"I'll show it to you," Ewan said taking her hand in his. "Just extend your arm with mine. There you go and then we'll go across the room."

Alexa felt silly doing this in front of everyone. "Maybe you can show me a few steps when it's not so crowded in here," she said, her face still red.

"Come on," Ewan said squeezing her hand. "No one cares...."

"She said she didn't want to!" R.J. said rounding on Ewan. "Get your hands off of her!"

"What?" Ewan looked confused. "I didn't mean to Alexa I just--"

"It's okay Ewan," Alexa said, glaring at R.J.. "Don't listen to him."

"Ewan's just asked Lex to the ball, R.J.," Saffron said. "I think they make a lovely couple."

"I didn't ask you Saffron," R.J. said coolly.

"I was just making an observation," Saffron said innocently.

"I thought the two of you had broken things off," Ewan said feeling very much like the odd-man-out.

"We did," Alexa said. "So I'd love to go to the ball with you."

"Lexie," R.J. said looking at her.

"What," she asked her tone sharp.

"I, um," R.J. stammered. "You..."

Alexa raised her eyebrow but said nothing.

"What's happening between us?" he asked suddenly.

"Mister Selective Memory," Saffron said rolling her eyes.

"Stay out of it Saffron," R.J. warned her.

"What do you want to say to me?" Alexa asked. "What could you possibly have to say to me after what you've done?"

"I just…" R.J. started. "I didn't want…"

"Perhaps you ought to leave her alone?" Ewan suggested.

"I agree with Ewan," Saffron said. "Haven't you done enough damage here R.J.?" she put an arm around her best friend.

He didn't like the way Alexa was looking at him and all he wanted to do was take her hand and lead her away from everyone in here. But, for some reason, he didn't. He couldn't. She hadn't even been on his mind until he'd turned and seen the other boy talking to her.

"You've moved on," Alexa said quietly. "I wish you'd at least let me try to do the same."

"But I... I haven't," he said. "Well... I mean..."

"Come on Lex," Saffron said. "Let's go up to the dorm."

"Right," Alexa agreed. "Good night, Ewan. And thank you for inviting me to the ball."

"Thank you for agreeing to go with me," Ewan said smiling at her. "I hope you have a good night, Alexa."

R.J. glared at the other bloke. "Why did you ask her to the ball?" he demanded.

"R.J.," Andrew said. "He has every right to ask her."

"Not that it's any of your business," Ewan said glaring right back at him. "But I've fancied her for quite some time. It's not my fault, you let her go."

"I didn't!" R.J. shouted angrily.

"R.J.," Andrew said putting a hand on his friend's arm, but R.J. shoved him away.

"What do you call snogging some other girl?" Ewan asked sarcastically. "Or calling your 'girlfriend' by that girl's name?"

"And what would you know about it?" R.J. asked grabbing Ewan's collar.

"I was sitting right in the room," Ewan retorted. "Everyone here heard you call her Chris that one day."

"I didn't...." R.J. said weakly. "I couldn't have done that."

"Come on mate," Andrew said. "Let's go okay?"

R.J. let go of Ewan and quietly followed Andrew upstairs to their room. He sank down onto his bed and put his head in his hands. "I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why any of this is happening, Andrew."

"I don't know either," Andrew said, looking directly at him. "But all you've been talking about the last few weeks is Christina. And the two of you have been all over each other in front of Alexa. It's really hurting her R.J.."

"I haven't been able to think about anyone but Christina," R.J. said with a heavy sigh. "And tonight...."

"What?" Andrew asked. "Mate, please tell me you didn't sleep with her again..."

R.J. shook his head. "We've just been snogging and stuff. That's all."

"Keep it that way," Andrew warned. "I don't know what this sudden hold she's got on you again is all about and I don't like it. You're different with her."

"I've really been doing all of this in front of Alexa?" R.J. asked feeling worse than he already did.

"Yeah," Andrew said rummaging around for his Potions textbook. "I mean, you're all over Christina at every meal, you walk her to and from her dorm, to every class... in front of the entire school."

R.J. didn't really listen. Absently, he opened up the drawer in his bedside table and pulled out the picture he'd taken of Alexa in Brighton. She looked so happy and was waving at him from the picture.

"I don't know what you're doing, but if you really don't want to lose Alexa, you'd better figure yourself out fast." Andrew told him. "I have to go study."

R.J. nodded and leaned back on the bed still holding Alexa's picture. He also picked up the framed photograph of Christina that was now beside his bed.

Looking back and forth between the two girls, he couldn't figure out why his heart beat faster at Alexa's photo, but his eyes were drawn more to Christina's.

He hadn't been paying attention to his studies and he'd skived off a few lessons to spend time with Christina. Not to mention the fact, that he spent most of his Quidditch practises distracted by her.

Back in the girl's dorm, Saffron was trying to console her friend. "Come Lex, don't cry over R.J.. It's going to be all right."

"And you do have a pretty hot bloke taking you to the ball," Mimi said.

"I don't like him like that," Alexa sniffled. "I just miss R.J.."

"He certainly didn't seem too happy with Ewan," Beth said sitting down on Alexa's bed. "After you and Saffy left, he grabbed him by the collar. I thought he was going to beat him up or something."

"It's too bad for R.J.," Saffron said. "He's lost out on the best thing to ever happen to him."