Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

We do hope you will enjoy this chapter- a long awaited double wedding ;) Also, please remember your questions for Mia and Hannah for Saturday's interview. This will be the last interview for the time being.

Also, please forgive us for the cliffie. We love being evil ;)

"Do you really think he'll show up?" Darla asked her sister anxiously. "I mean, I know we've been fighting, but it's over silly things, not anything big."

"Dar, relax..." Drew said. "Hans will be here. Do you want me to send someone out to make sure?"

"No," Darla replied, starting to pace again.

"You could get dressed, sweetheart," Luna suggested.

"And you can sit down so we can do your hair," Maddie pointed out. "Come on Dar... Hans loves you. He wouldn't have proposed if he didn't."

Saffron cuddled Chloe in her arms. "And I'm happy I get to hold her all day, Drew. She's adorable."

"Thanks for taking care of her for me Saffy," Drew said appreciatively.

"It's my pleasure," Saffron said making a goofy face at the baby.

"She's good for you," Drew smiled at her daughter.

"That's because I have a way with all people---old , young..." Saffron said proudly.

"And she's so modest too," Maddie teased.

Drew laughed. "I just wish you'd let me pay you something, Saffy."

"I'm not taking any money," Saffron said. "I get to spend all day with her. I should be paying you."

Drew laughed again. "Come on Dar. We should get into our dresses."

"Right," Darla said trying to muster some enthusiasm. She was really worried about whether or not he'd show up.

"Come on," Drew said. "Dar... relax. It's our wedding day. It's going to be perfect."

"Perfect," Darla nodded. "Of course."

"I'm going to go and check on your father," Luna said. "Last time I checked, he was hugging Caroline and Emma and telling them to never get married."

"I'm going to take Chloe to go visit her daddy," Saffron said. "And I'll see if her soon to be uncle is hanging around."

"Thanks," Darla said gratefully.

"Come on gorgeous," Saffron kissed Chloe's forehead. "Let's go see what those guys are up to..."

She headed down the corridor to the room where they were getting ready and knocked on the door.

RJ opened the door. "Saffron."

Saffron sighed. "Brian here?" she asked coolly, determined not to make a scene.

"Yeah," RJ said standing back to let her inside. "Hans isn't though."

"He's not?" Saffron asked incredulously.

Brian came forward. "Hey, Saffy. And there's my girl!"

"Chloe wanted to see you," Saffron smiled at him.

Brian took the baby in his arms and placed a kiss on her soft cheek. "My sweet girl."

Chloe cooed up at him, waving her little fist in the air. "So Hans isn't here yet?" Saffron asked.

Brian frowned. "No, but he's always late. I'm sure he'll be here."

"I hope so," Saffron replied. "Darla's in a bit of a fret because they fought last night."

"Again?" RJ asked. "Bloody hell..."

"It's never over anything serious," Brian downplayed it.

"I suppose not," Saffron said. "I mean, obviously if they're getting married today, things will turn out just right."

"Exactly," Brian said. "Now Chloe, you be a good girl for Auntie Saffy."

"She'll be just perfect," Saffron gladly took the infant again.

"I'm going to go and get some shots of the altar," RJ said picking up his camera.

"Thanks mate," Brian said. "I really appreciate you helping us out here."

"Wait until you get my bill," RJ joked.

"It'll be worth every penny," Brian grinned at him.

Saffron reluctantly followed RJ out of the room.

"Chloe Hope McGregor, you are going to be the prettiest baby here," Saffron said to the smiling baby.

RJ smiled at his niece. "Mind if I get a shot?" he asked. "For the album?"

"I suppose," Saffron said quietly.

"Smile?" he said before snapping the photo.

Saffron smiled and held Chloe up.

"Hi, Saffy," someone said from behind RJ. "Your dad was looking----RJ."

RJ spun around at her voice. "Lexie?"

"Hi," Alexa said nervously. She looked past him. "Saffron, your dad was looking for you."

"Okay," Saffron said. "Thanks Lex." she smiled at her best friend before heading off down the corridor.

"Drew invited me," Alexa explained after an awkward silence. "Um, my mum sort of made the wedding cake."

"I bet that'll taste great," RJ said. "You um... you look really nice, Lex."

"Thanks," Alexa said softly. "You, too. And congratulations on your win."

"Thanks," RJ said. "It's nice to have a bit of time off now."

This was a little too bizarre for Alexa talking to him like he was an acquaintance she hadn't seen for years. "It's nice to see you taking pictures again."

"Yeah I've sort of picked it back up," RJ said. "It's the camera you gave me..."

Alexa smiled at him. "I'm glad you're using it again."

RJ nodded. "So um... what's--" his words were cut off when Gabriel came up beside Alexa.

"Lexie," Gabriel said tapping her on the shoulder.

Alexa turned around. ", right. I guess I should be getting back."

RJ didn't say anything, only gave Gabriel a dirty look.

"I guess I'll see you in there," Alexa said. "Take care, RJ."

"Lexie?" RJ asked her.

"Yeah?" Alexa turned back around.

"You really do look beautiful," RJ said softly.

Alexa smiled, a bit sadly. "Thanks."

RJ walked past them and into the church. He saw his brother and motioned for Josh to come over.

"Any sign of him?" RJ whispered.

"Nope," Josh shook his head. "I wonder what's going on."

"Thirty minutes until the start of this thing," RJ muttered. "This doesn't look good, Josh."

"He'd better show," Josh said grimly.

"Should we tell Dad?" RJ asked.

"Are you out of your mind?" Jon asked, joining them. "He's already emo enough as it is over this."

"Emo?" Josh looked at his twin. "What sort of slang is that?"

"Sorry, I guess I picked it up from the pub," Jon said. "Emotional."

"Oh," Josh replied. "Well maybe one of us should ring him... or possibly go over to his place?"

"I vote you," RJ said grinning at him.

"Gee thanks," Josh said sarcastically.

"Junior's right," Jon said. "Apparate over there and make sure the poor sod isn't hung over."

"Fine," Josh said, pulling out his wand. "You make sure Dar doesn't know he's not here."

Jon nodded. "We won't."

"We should go find Saffron," RJ replied. "She said Darla sent her to look for him."

"I'll cut her off at the pass," Jon said. He said a silent prayer that Hans showed up today. If he didn't, he'd better have plans to move to some deserted island and change his name.

The groom-to-be was trying to leave. Hans had overslept and he was presently running around his flat looking for his shoes when he heard a knock on the door.

"Just a bloody minute!" he said in an annoyed tone.

On the other side of the door Billie Flannery wiped at her eyes. Hans stared at her in disbelief. "Hi," she sobbed.

"Hi..." he said. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't let you do this," Billie said stepping into his flat. He had never seen her like this. She'd always been one to wear the latest fashions and she never left the house without her face on, but today, she wore sweats and an old ratty jumper. Her hair was pulled back into a sloppy ponytail. "You can't get married, Hans."

"Billie..." Hans shook his head. "We're over. We've been over."

"But w-we can s-start over," Billie stammered.

"I'm in love with Darla," Hans said.

This caused her to sob even more. Awkwardly, Hans patted her shoulder. "I don't know what's got into me," she tried to explain. "When I heard you were engaged, it just got me thinking about what could have been..."

"We could have had it," Hans said. "But.... I'm sorry; I'm just not in love with you anymore."

"Hans--" she started to protest.

"I can't do this," Hans said. "Not to her. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with her, Billie."

There was another knock on the door and Hans sighed. "Excuse me..."

Hans yanked open the door. "What?" he snapped.

Josh held up his hands. "Easy, mate. Just wanted to make sure that you know you were---"

His voice trailed off as he caught sight of the girl standing behind Hans.

"Josh," Hans said, a bit relieved. "I'm on my way, I swear.... I just had a visitor."

"I can see that," Josh said angrily grabbing Hans by the collar.

"Wait!" Hans tried to fend him off. "It's not what you think!"

"My baby sister is at that church worried about you and you're here with some girl!" Josh roared.

"Wait!" Billie exclaimed. "Don't hurt him! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

Josh glared at her coldly.

"I'm his ex," Billie tried to explain. "I came over here to try and get him to give me another chance."

"And I turned her down," Hans continued struggling to get his breath. "Josh---"

"Sorry," Josh let him go.

"Thanks," Hans said. "Now, if you two don't mind...I really need to get to the church."

"Hans..." Billie said softly.

"Billie," Hans said gently. "I'm getting married."

Billie's eyes were flooded with tears and for a moment, Hans felt bad for his ex.

"I'm sorry," Hans said giving her a hug.

"Me too," Billie sniffled. "She's a lucky girl."

"I'm the lucky one," Hans said. "I hope you'll be happy, Billie."

"Thanks," Billie didn't even look at either of them as she left.

"Finally," Hans sighed.

"Ten minutes," Josh reminded him.

"I'm ready," Hans said, finally spying his shoes.

"About bloody time," Josh said. "Come on then."

"I didn't mean to keep everyone waiting," Hans told him.

"Dar's already on edge enough as it is," Josh pointed out.

"I'm sorry!" Hans said. "I love your sister and I'd never purposely do this to her."

"You'd better not," Josh said. "Weasleys look out for each other and I'm sure you know that you hurt one of us...."

"I hurt you all," Hans finished. "Yeah I know that."

"You remember that and you'll do just fine," Josh said.

In her dressing room, Darla smiled as Maddie helped her with her veil. "Mads, I am getting married."

"Yes you are," Maddie smiled at her older sister. "I'm so happy for you and Drew."

"I'm so happy," Darla said, her earlier nervousness forgotten.

Maddie set the veil over Darla's hair. "You look perfect."

"Thanks, Maddie," Darla said softly.

"Let's get this show on the road," Drew said grinning at her.

"I really hope he made it," Darla felt her nerves start up again.

"You know he did," Drew reassured her. "He wouldn't miss this, Dar."

Darla nodded, clutching onto her bouquet.

"You both look so gorgeous," Maddie smiled at them. "I don't even think I looked this beautiful."

"Are you kidding me?" Drew asked her. "Maddie..."

"You're fishing for compliments," Darla said.

Maddie laughed. "Not me...."

Her words were cut off with a knock on the door.

"Are you girls decent?" Ron called out.

"Yes Daddy," Maddie answered for them.

Ron opened the door and the smile on his face froze when he saw his twin daughters.

"Uh oh," Maddie said. "He's got that look on his face."

"Dad don't cry," Drew begged. "Or we'll start..."

" girls look beautiful," Ron said in a choked voice.

Darla walked over to him and handed him a handkerchief. "You're not really losing us, Daddy. You're gaining two extra sons, really."

"I've been dreading this day my whole life," Ron replied. "I'm so proud of all three of you girls."

Drew grinned at him. "And we'll always be your girls, Daddy. No matter what."

Ron smiled. "I'm glad you're all happy. That's all your mum and I could ask for."

"We are," Drew said looking at her sister. "Right, Dar?"

Darla nodded. "We are," she echoed softly.

RJ came back into the room carrying his camera. "They're just about ready for you guys. But I thought I'd get a photo of the father of the bride and his daughters. Ready to pose, Pops?"

"In just a few minutes, you'll be the only unmarried one, Junior." Drew teased him.

"The only sane one left in the family," RJ countered with a grin.

"Did you see Hans?" Darla asked anxiously.

RJ smiled at his sister. "He's present and accounted for."

Darla let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks RJ."

"No problem," RJ said. "Now, how about that photo?"

"You two pose with Dad," Maddie told her sisters. "I'll be in the next one."

Ron stood between his two daughters and found it very hard not to cry.

"Smile Dad," RJ focused his camera. "It's really not the end of the world."

"Think about that cake and all the food you'll eat at the reception," Drew whispered to him.

"You're not playing fair now," Ron smiled at her.

RJ took a couple of shots of them before motioning for Maddie to join the group.

"Stand right there," RJ directed his sister.

Maddie stood on the other side of Drew and smiled as she remembered how the three of them used to play dress up and talk about their weddings someday. She couldn't be happier for her sisters.

Just outside the room, Caroline and Emma stood in their blue flower girl dresses waiting to walk down the aisle. Emma felt she was an old pro at this having done this at Maddie's wedding.

"Em wants to see Gabey," she told her sister.

Caroline giggled. "Em, you'll see him in just a minute. We have to wait for Aunt Drew and Aunt Darla and Grandpa."

"Oh," Emma said. "Where's Adam?"

"With Mummy," Caroline replied.

"I want to see him," Emma said.

Luckily, the others came out of the room and Caroline smiled at her aunts. "I don't which of your dresses I like bestest!"

"Thanks Caroline," Drew said. "You and Emma look beautiful!"

"I love being a flower girl," Caroline said as Emma twirled in her dress.

"Gampa!" Emma squealed.

"There's my Em," Ron grinned at her. "My partner in crime at the dinner table."

"I better get out front so I can get some shots of you lot walking down the aisle," RJ said to his sisters. "You both look beautiful, by the way."

"Thanks Junior," Darla gave him a hug. "We'll see you up there."

Maddie knelt down. "Caroline, Em. You remember to walk slow and smile pretty."

"Kay, Mad." Emma beamed at her.

"Em, you're first," Caroline whispered.

"Em wants to walk with Sissy," Emma kept her feet planted.

"Em, that's not what---" Caroline started to say.

"It's okay," Drew said. "I think that's a great idea."

"Sorry Aunt Drew," Caroline whispered.

"It's okay," Drew reassured her.

"On the count of three, you two go," Maddie whispered.

"Kay," Caroline said standing before the double doors with Emma. She listened to the count as she heard the music begin to play. When Maddie said three, the doors opened and the small group of friends and family turned to look.

"Come on Em," Caroline whispered nervously.

Emma nodded and walked slowly beside her sister. She beamed at Gabriel.

Gabriel smiled back at her and sent the redhead a wave. "Hi Em," he whispered.

Emma giggled and did a little twirl.

"Em!" Caroline whispered. "Come on!"

"Oh," Emma hurried to catch up to her sister.

Saffron smiled down at Chloe. "Those are your cousins, baby girl."

Chloe blinked at her, waving her tiny hands around.

"She is so sweet," Alexa was completely charmed by the infant. "You're so lucky you get to watch her, Saffy."

Saffron nodded. "It was completely selfish. I wanted to spend all day with her."

Maddie was next down the aisle and she smiled at her husband as she took her place by the altar.

Josh shot Hans a warning look from his seat.

"What did you do?" Brian whispered.

"I'll tell you later," Hans muttered. He wished Josh would stop giving him dirty looks.

Drew wore a strapless white gown with a beaded, embroidered bodice and an organza skirt. She wore a lace veil and carried a bouquet of white flowers. She wore a pair of her mother's pearl earrings. She was positively glowing.

Darla, on the other hand, was wearing a dress held up by two beaded straps, the skirt long and flowing behind her. Luna's favourite diamond earrings dangled from her ears and her bouquet while mainly white also held a mix of tropical blooms.

Ron walked down the aisle with his daughters, his lower lip trembling. He was trying very hard to remain stoic.

"Almost there Daddy," Drew whispered to him.

Ron nodded.

"He's really being overdramatic," Harry whispered to Hermione.

"Stop it," Hermione nudged him. "Those are his girls he's giving away."

"Still being a big baby," Harry muttered.

Hermione glared at him. "See how well you do with Saffron when she gets married."

That shut Harry up and he turned around to see his daughter holding Chloe.

While the congregation was murmuring about the two brides, Hans and Brian were completely dumbstruck as they looked at their respective fiancées.

The vicar smiled at Ron. "Who gives these two women to be married?"

"Her..." Ron coughed. "Their mother and I do..."

Darla and Drew were teary-eyed as they looked adoringly at their father.

"Thanks, Daddy," Darla whispered.

Ron kissed both of them on the cheek before releasing their arms from his.

Drew smiled at Brian. "Hi."

"Hey," he said. "You look amazing..."

"So do you," Drew whispered.

Hans's eyes were glued to Darla as she took his arm. "You're breathtaking," he said softly.

Darla blushed. She was so happy he'd shown up. After the drama of the past couple of months, she'd been afraid he wouldn't.

The vicar began speaking and Ron grabbed Luna's handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes.

Luna leaned against her husband. "It's okay," she whispered. "They're so happy, Ron."

"T-that's w-why I'm c-crying," Ron spluttered.

Luna rubbed his arm comfortingly.

"Darla Isabelle Weasley," the vicar said to Darla. "Do you take Hans Wilhelm Feinbach to be your husband? Will you love him, honour and keep him all the days of your life?"

"I will," Darla said her voice steady as she smiled at him.

"Hans Wilhelm Feinbach," the vicar looked to Hans. "Do you take Darla Isabelle Weasley to be your wife? Will you love her, honour and keep her all the days of your life?"

Hans squeezed her hand. "I will."

The vicar turned to Drew and Brian and had them repeat the same vows.

Maddie held both bouquets as her sisters exchanged rings with their respective fiancés.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you Darla Isabelle and Hans Wilhelm to be husband and wife," the vicar said. "Hans, you may kiss your bride."

Hans didn't waste a moment as he leaned in and pressed his lips to his wife's.

Drew and Brian looked on at the happy couple. Brian though was eager to get his kiss, too. Thankfully, the vicar put him out of his misery.

"And I also pronounce you Drew Meredith and Brian Edward to be husband and wife," the vicar said. "Brian, you may kiss your bride."

Brian also didn't waste any time in kissing Drew. He could hardly believe they were finally married!

The only thing missing in Drew's mind was her firstborn daughter. Tears sprang to her eyes as she thought of the little girl who wouldn't be here to see it.

The vicar didn't notice, only announced the two couples. Brian gently tugged her hands. "Drew?" he asked softly.

"I'm happy," Drew reassured him. "I-I was just thinking of Hope."

"It's okay sweetheart," Brian said, smiling at her.

Saffron came forward with Chloe. "She wanted to be the first to congratulate her mum and dad."

"Thanks Saffy," Brian told her, taking Chloe into his arms.

"I want her back though," Saffron teased.

"Maybe someday," Drew gave the younger girl a hug.

"Congratulations," Saffron whispered.

"Thanks," Drew smiled. "I imagine you'll be one of the next ones."

Saffron laughed. "Not for awhile."

"Take your time," Drew assured her. "Find the right guy."

"I've found him," Saffron said looking to where Andrew was chatting with her parents.

"Then I'm very happy for you," Drew gave her another hug.

Hans picked up Darla and spun her around. "I am the happiest bloke on the planet right now. You know that, right?"

Darla hugged him tightly. "I was so happy to see you up there..."

"Where else would I be?" Hans asked her.

"I don't know," she said, still clinging to him. "We've just been fighting so much over the past month..."

"We always fight," he said rubbing her back. "But we always make up, Dar."

She nodded. "I'm so happy right now."

"Me too," Hans said giving her a kiss.

RJ took a picture of them and started to request that the bridal party get together for a group shot.

"Newlyweds here," Drew sang out happily.

RJ laughed. "Okay, okay...but get together. The longer you delay, the more I add to my tab."

"You're charging your own sisters?" Maddie shook her head.

"Joke, Mad Dog," RJ said motioning for her to get in place.

Saffron joined Alexa and Gabriel. "Drew and Darla look so gorgeous, don't they?"

Alexa nodded her agreement. "I hope I look just like they do when I get married."

"You will," Saffron said nudging her. "Maybe someday you and I can have a double wedding."

Alexa laughed. "We should plan on it."

Saffron smiled at her. "I'm glad you decided to come. I told you it would be fine."

Alexa nodded. "So far, so good..." she leaned against Gabriel, who wrapped his arm around her.

Hermione smiled at her daughter. "Ready to head over to Molly's for the reception?"

"Sure," Saffron said, cuddling Chloe. "I have to get her pram. It's in the other room."

"I'll get it," Gabriel offered. "Be right back."

"Thanks Gabe," Saffron said. She looked at Alexa once he'd gone. "How are things going with him?"

"Fine," Alexa replied.

"Just fine?" Saffron prodded.

Alexa blushed. "Pretty good, actually. We're looking forward to Brighton."

"I'm glad you decided to come," Saffron held Chloe a little bit closer.

"Me too," Alexa said as Emma ran toward her.


"Hi Emma!" Alexa scooped up the little girl. "You look so pretty today!"

Emma threw her arms around Alexa's neck. "Em missed you!"

"I missed you too," Alexa gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't go away again, kay?" Emma asked her.

"I'll be around," Alexa promised her.

"Lexie come meet Han," Emma said. "Em's cousin!"

"Where is she?" Alexa asked.

"Over there," Emma pointed to the brown haired girl standing with Will and Frankie.

Alexa grinned. "Okay, Em. Let's go meet your cousin. I heard she was also your best friend."

Emma nodded vigorously. "Like Lexie and Saf!"

"Bestest friends then," Alexa said. "We'll be right back, Saffy."

Saffron made Chloe wave one of her little hands at them and turned to put her in the pram Gabriel had just brought over.

"Here you go," Gabriel said.

"Thanks," Saffron carefully set the infant inside.

"You're great with her," Gabriel said admiringly.

"Thanks," Saffron grinned at him. "She's so sweet. And she's been so quiet all day. I think Chloe McGregor's the happiest baby I've ever cared for."

"This was a really nice wedding," Gabriel commented.

Saffron nodded. "The girls look so gorgeous."

"And happy," Gabriel said.

"Okay, everyone!" Darla announced. "It's time to go to the Burrow. I hope everyone brought their dancing shoes!"

"Em did!" the redhead announced.

Jon chuckled. "Em, you are too much."

"Daddy dance?" Emma asked.

"With you?" Jon asked. "Of course. How could I turn this face down?"

"You can't," Allison joined them. "No one can, right Em?"

Emma giggled. "Uh-uh."

"And maybe her daddy will save one or two for his wife?" Allison asked Jon.

"Always," Jon kissed her.

"Mummy can Em dance with Adam yet?" Emma asked.

"Not yet, sweetheart," Allison told her. "But I'm sure he'd like it if you sang to him again."

"Kay," Emma nodded. "Em sing to him."

Molly engulfed her two granddaughters in a big hug. She was sobbing so hard that whatever she was trying to say was completely unintelligible.

"Nana," Drew said laughing. "I hope those are tears of joy!"

"They are, love, they are." Molly managed. "I just can't believe almost all of Ronald's children are married now..."

"You could work on getting Uncle Fred and Uncle George to settle down finally," Darla said.

"That would be a lost cause," Arthur joked.

"Who'd want them?" Ron asked.

"Ronald!" Molly admonished.

"Mum, it's the truth," Ron said.

"That's where you're wrong, little brother," Fred said. "I happen to have a date for my nieces' reception."

"Who'd date you?" Ron asked.

"Angelina Johnson," Fred said smugly.

"Why?" Ron raised an eyebrow. "She's way too hot for you."

"For your information, she has never gotten over me," Fred said doing an impromptu dance.

"Gross," Ron replied.

"True," Fred corrected.

Ron only shook his head as Luna joined them.

"Feeling better?" she asked.

"Yes," Ron replied. "I'm glad they're happy."

She smiled at her husband. "That's all we can really ask for."

"Let's go eat," Ron said.

"Your favourite part," Luna teased, giving her husband a kiss.

The reception was at the Burrow. Molly, along with Allison's help, had prepared quite a big feast for the couples and their families and friends.

"This all looks fantastic," Hans was saying as he looked around.

"It does," Darla agreed. "Grandpa did most of it with Nana's instructions."

Hans swung her around. "I know I said it before, you look absolutely stunning today."

"Thank you," Darla squealed. "So do you!"

Hans kissed his wife. "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," Darla said happily. "I really was worried that you weren't going to show."

Hans kissed her again. "Come sit down with me for a moment."

"Okay," Darla said taking his hand.

"This morning before I could leave, Billie came by," Hans told her. "She was trying to convince me not to get married."

Darla was silent for a few moments. "Billie? Billie---your ex, Billie?"

"Yeah," Hans said. "I just... I don't want to keep this from you. I don't want to keep anything from you, ever."

"I'm glad you told me," Darla said thoughtfully.

"Nothing could have kept me from being here," Hans said, moving his chair closer.

"I'm glad you chose me," Darla said resting her head on his shoulder.

Hans slid his arms around her. "And you chose me," he added.

"Forever," Darla said softly.

"So," Jon rounded on his twin brother. "Want to tell me what those dirty looks you were shooting at Hans during the ceremony were all about?"

Josh shrugged. "Nothing important."

"Tell me," Jon demanded.

"I went over there and found him with his ex," Josh said quietly.

"WHAT?" Jon asked loudly.

"Easy," Josh hissed. "She was trying to get him to take her back and convince him not to get married."

"Yeah but he showed up, didn't he?" Jon pointed out.

"Yeah," Josh admitted. "And Dar seems happy."

"Dar IS happy," Maddie joined them. "What are you two going on about?"

"Nothing," Jon said. "How you doing, Mad Dog?"

"Fine," Maddie took both their arms in hers. "Be nice to Hans. He's part of our family now. And he really, really loves Darla."

"We'll be nice to him and Brian," Josh promised. "They're official now."

Maddie beamed at both of them. "I'm going to find Ethan," she said. "And steal off his plate."

Jon laughed. "See you, Maddie."

Emma walked across the lawn toward Gabe and pursed her lips at him.

"What's up, Em?" Gabriel asked kneeling down.

"Gabey no talk to Em!" the redhead put her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry," Gabriel apologised. "What can I do to make up for it?"

"Come eat," Emma took his hand.

Alexa smiled. "Go ahead. I'll catch up with you two in a bit."

Emma held her arms up so Gabriel could pick her up. "Em misses Gabey."

Gabriel grinned at her. "I've missed you, too, Em."

"Come visit Em?" she asked.

"I will," Gabriel promised. "At Brighton."

Emma's whole face brightened. "Help Em with sand?"

"You and me will build the biggest sand castle," Gabriel told her. "Huge, Em."

"Em's excited!" she bounced in his arms.

Gabriel laughed. "Let's go get something to eat, Em. Where do you want to start first?"

"Here," Emma pointed. "We need plates!"

Alexa watched them from a distance. She smiled as she watched her boyfriend with the little girl. Emma was completely enamoured of him.

She still couldn't really believe that Gabriel was her boyfriend now. They'd been writing so much that it almost felt natural to just get together with him once he was there for Easter. And she could hardly wait until they went to Brighton.

"Lexie," RJ said from behind her.