Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

AN: Here we give you some more of Gabriel- this time meeting some more family members. Also we have some very annoying Parvati ;)

Next chapter begins the big Brighton holiday! PLEASE, please PLEASE review!!!!

Despite it only having been four days, Gabriel was feeling much more at ease with Seamus and Lavender than he originally thought. But his nervousness was back as they had just arrived in Ireland and were minutes away from meeting his paternal grandparents for the first time.

"So you really think they'll like me?" he asked.

"They're going to love you," Lavender said turning around to look at her stepson.

"I hope so," Gabriel said as they waited for Seamus to come back with their train tickets. Since he couldn't do magic they travelled the normal way to Declan and Rose Finnigan's house in Northern Ireland.

"You never told us how last night went," Lavender said smiling at him. "Did you have fun with Saffron and Alexa?"

"Yeah it was cool," Gabriel blushed slightly at the mention of Saffron's best friend. "We saw Rear Window downtown."

"One of your dad's favourites," Lavender said. "Hitchcock's one of his idols."

"The guy was pretty amazing," Gabriel said, shifting his bag to his other hand. "So um... what are they like? My grandparents that is..."

"Rose will probably talk your ear off," Lavender said. "And Declan's a little more stand-offish, but he loves golf."

"What do you mean by stand-offish?" Gabriel asked, nervous again.

"He's sort of reserved," Lavender replied. She smiled reassuringly at him. "And he's always wanted a grandchild."

"Oh," Gabriel relaxed a bit. "Okay."

Seamus returned with their tickets. "Here we are."

"What platform do we have to head for?" Lavender asked her husband.

"Seven," Seamus replied. "Lav, do you think I might have a quick word?"

"Sure," Lavender answered.

"We'll be right back," Seamus told his son.

"No need to go anywhere," Gabriel said. "I need to go the bathroom anyway."

"It's just right over there," Seamus said pointing a few feet away.

"Okay," Gabriel ambled away.

"What's going on?" Lavender asked her husband.

"I didn't tell my folks why we were coming to see them this weekend," Seamus replied sheepishly.

"Seamus," Lavender crossed her arms. "You told us you had rung them about Gabriel. And I already told your mum we had a surprise for them."

"It wasn't something I thought I could tell them over the phone," Seamus said. "And I didn't want to say anything in front of Gabe because he'd just take it the wrong way."

"He might have before," Lavender argued. "He's been a lot more reasonable since that one day..."

"I know," Seamus said. "I really can't wait for Mum and Dad to meet him. They're going to love him."

"They definitely will," Lavender assured him.

"And I brought the baby book and photo album that Margaret let me borrow," Seamus said. "I don't want to give it back, Lavender. It's all I have of his childhood."

"We can use magic to copy it," Lavender said. "I bet Hermione knows a spell we can do on it."

Seamus squeezed her hand. "Thank you."

"Love you," Lavender pecked him on the lips.

A photographer came over and snapped their picture and Seamus groaned.

"When do you start working on your next film, Mr. Finnigan?" the photographer asked as he took another picture.

"I've already started," Seamus said, backing away.

"Will your wife be working on this one with you?" the photographer asked.

"No," Lavender replied. "I have other plans this holiday, thank you."

"What brings you to Ireland?" another reporter was scribbling on a pad of paper.

"Family," Seamus replied shortly. "Now if you'll excuse us..."

"Hey Dad--" Gabriel came up to them but stopped short.

The photographer looked surprised for a moment but he looked back and forth between Seamus and the young man and a grin spread across his face. "You have a son?"

"I prefer to keep my family life out of the media," Seamus said coolly.

The photographer grinned. "Looks like you don't have much of a choice." He turned and aimed his camera at Gabriel. "This is huge news. Smile for the camera lad."

Seamus blocked the photographer's lens. "Lav take him to the train will you please?" he asked.

Lavender nodded and took Gabriel by the hand. "Come on, Gabriel."

"Don't take pictures of my family without my permission," Seamus said angrily.

The man laughed. "The story's going to come out one way or the other. Who's the kid's mum?"

Seamus saw that his wife and son were boarding the train. "No comment."

"You can't keep your bastard son out of the news forever," the photographer said trying to pull away from Seamus' vies like grip on his arm.

"Don't you dare call him a bastard," Seamus glared.

"Tetchy, aren't we?" the photographer asked.

"Leave me alone," Seamus said coldly.

"Enjoy your stay," the photographer asked chuckling as he walked away.

Seamus was shaking his head as he got on the train. "Sorry," he said as he went into the compartment where Lavender and Gabriel had settled.

"I'm sorry, Dad," Gabriel said. "I didn't know..."

"It's all right," Seamus said. "I just don't want you getting any bad notoriety from this. The press likes to give famous people a hard time about... well everything."

"I guess this would have been avoided if I was still calling you Mr. Finnigan," Gabriel mused.

"Nonsense," Seamus said. "I'd rather you call me Dad and have the press find out about it."

Gabriel smiled. "Thanks."

Seamus clapped his son's shoulder. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah," Gabriel replied. "Starving actually."

"We can go get something to eat in the dining car," Seamus said. "Lav?"

"Sure," Lavender agreed.

"I don't think they have sushi or tofu," Gabriel teased her.

"You're as bad as your father," Lavender said swatting him on the shoulder.

"It's a family trait," Gabriel laughed.

"You're outnumbered now, Lav," Seamus said grinning at her. "Finally!"

"Laugh it up while you still can," Lavender said loftily.

The rest of the journey went by uneventfully. They managed to enjoy a nice brunch in the dining car and Seamus told his son more about his grandparents. The train finally pulled into the station and Gabriel felt nervous yet again.

"My parents live just up the road here," Seamus said as they left the small train station.

Gabriel nodded. "Walking distance."

"I grew up here," Seamus told his son. "I never left the town until I was eleven and went off to Hogwarts."

"It's really nice," Gabriel said. "And quiet."

"Too quiet for me," Lavender said. "But it's nice to get away here for a few days. The media never bothers us here."

Gabriel smiled and walked up the drive to his grandparents' house. It wasn't big and for some reason, he was surprised. He figured Seamus' parents would live in a big mansion like their son.

"Is this the same house you grew up in?" Gabriel asked.

"Aye," Seamus grinned. "That was my room right up there," he pointed to a window at the corner of the house. "You'll probably sleep in there."

Gabriel smiled and stood back so his father and stepmother could lead the way. Seamus didn't knock on the door and he held the door open for his wife and son.

Immediately, Gabriel heard voices coming from the kitchen.

"No, you cannot go and play a round of golf," a woman's voice said. "Your son is going to be here any minute, Declan."

"Seamus is always running late," a man's voice replied.

"You can play next weekend," the woman's voice said firmly. "This weekend you are going to spend time with your family, Declan."

"They're always like this," Lavender said putting an arm around Gabriel.

"Okay," he said, nervous again.

"Mum, Da," Seamus called out. "We're here."

The voices stopped and two older people came into the hallway. "Seamus," the woman beamed.

"Hiya, Mum," Seamus said stepping forward to give her a hug. "Something smells delicious."

"Lemon chicken, just the way you like it," Rose kissed her son's cheek. "And Lavender, you look lovely as always!" neither of them had noticed Gabriel, who was standing behind Lavender.

"Thanks, Rose," Lavender said giving her a hug. "So do you."

"And who's this?" Declan asked finally taking notice of Gabriel.

Gabriel felt as if he was going to be sick. Hadn't his father told them?

"This is the main reason we're here," Seamus placed his hands on Gabriel's shoulders. "This is my son, Gabriel."

Rose looked at him as if she hadn't heard him correctly. "I beg your pardon?"

"This is my son," Seamus repeated.

"When did you have a son?" Declan asked staring at Gabriel.

Rose hit him hard on the arm. "Declan!"

"He's 17," Seamus held onto Gabriel who was about to make a move to bolt from the house. "His mother was Samantha Boyd- I was with her for awhile after I went to the States to work."

Rose smiled softly at her grandson. "You---you look just like Seamus when he was your age. Oh!"

"He's got his mother's eyes," Seamus said fondly.

Rose started to sob and Gabriel looked helplessly at Seamus.

"It's a good thing," Seamus reassured him. "She cries when she's happy."

"Okay," Gabriel said, still nervous. His grandfather was still sizing him up and down.

"How long have you known about this?" Declan asked his son in a hushed voice.

"A few days," Seamus told his father. "Dad there's no doubt about it okay?"

"He's so tall," Rose said her voice breaking. "And handsome!" She put her arms around Gabriel and hugged him tightly.

"His full name is Gabriel Seamus Boyd," Lavender told them, her own eyes welling up with tears.

"Gabriel this is so lovely," Rose said, her voice shaking. "I've always wanted a grandchild."

"It's nice to finally meet you both," Gabriel said hugging her back.

Declan still looked slightly suspicious but he put his hand out to his grandson. "You do look like your father," he conceded, smiling.

"So I've been told," Gabriel said smiling nervously back at him.

"It's good to meet you son," Declan said, his voice a bit warmer.

"Thank you, sir," Gabriel said.

"Samantha did a great job raising him," Seamus said proudly.

"It certainly seems so," Rose wiped her eyes. "Come in, you all must be starving!"

"Is he---you know---like you and your Mum?" Declan asked his son.

"No," Seamus shook his head.

Declan nodded. "Well, I'll just get your bags and bring them up to your rooms."

"I'll help," Seamus volunteered. "Lav, why don't you and Gabe go on in the kitchen with Mum?"

"All right," Lavender smiled at her husband before leading Gabriel into the kitchen.

"Da, I know this is sudden," Seamus began to explain.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Declan asked.

"I didn't know myself until a few days ago," Seamus replied. "And I didn't think this was something I could just tell you over the phone."

"You didn't know?" Declan asked. "How could you not have known? Who is the boy's mother and why wouldn't she--"

"Sam's dead," Seamus said bluntly. "She had cancer and she died three months ago."

"I--I'm sorry," Declan said. "You--you say you didn't know until a few days ago---she didn't tell you? How could she keep this from you?"

"I don't know Da," Seamus said wearily. "We hadn't spoken or seen each other in years, not since we broke up."

"And the boy---Gabriel, he didn't know?" Declan asked.

"Not until Sam told him right before she died," Seamus left Gabriel's suitcase in his old bedroom. "He said it took him awhile to decide whether or not he wanted to come and search me out."

"Brave boy," Declan said admiringly.

"Yeah," Seamus said. "He's a good kid Da- he's going to be a doctor. Valedictorian of his class and heading for USC this fall."

Declan nodded and smiled. "We'll finally have that doctor in the family."

"Because a big time director doesn't cut it?" Seamus joked.

Declan laughed. "Not really."

"Come on Da, are you still angry I wouldn't give you a part in the Bond movie?" Seamus teased.

"I certainly could have done a great job as a villain," Declan said. "Nepotism should be alive and well, son."

"If you say so," Seamus groaned as he lifted his wife's suitcase onto the bed. "I think she packed the kitchen sink."

"She's always been a little high maintenance," Declan said. "But that's what we love about her, right?"

"Exactly," Seamus laughed.

"I brought a photo album that his maternal grandparents let me borrow," Seamus said. "And I have his baby book."

"Your mum will love that," Declan said.

"The first couple of days were a little hard because he still felt a little angry," Seamus told his father. "Really angry, actually. But we talked it out and I think he, Lavender and I have found some common ground."

"That's great," Declan said. "I look forward to getting to know him. Does he golf?"

"I don't know," Seamus admitted. "But he's really into baseball and football---the American kind."

Declan nodded. "What have you told him about... being magical?"

"Everything," Seamus replied. "He didn't believe us at first."

"I didn't believe your mum either," Declan laughed. "She had to show me a few tricks."

"And you've been scared of her ever since," Seamus teased.

"You've seen what she can do," Declan joked as they went downstairs.

Rose beamed at them as they went into the kitchen. "He's going to be a doctor, Declan! And he wants to work with children!"

"That's what Seamus told me," Declan replied. "That's quite admirable of you Gabriel."

"I said to myself the first time I saw him, he's an intelligent lad," Rose said proudly.

Gabriel flushed. "Thanks," he said.

"The important thing is do you golf," Declan said sitting down beside him at the table.

"Golf?" Gabriel asked. "I never have..."

"My kind of golfer," Declan said grinning at him. "You will go out with Seamus and me tomorrow morning."

"I told you that you wouldn't be playing this weekend," Rose reminded him.

"Rosie," Declan said. "I've got to teach my grandson how to do the best sport of all. Especially if he's going to be a doctor- do you know how often doctors go golfing?"

"You sound just like my Uncle Robert," Lavender said laughing. "You haven't had a good partner since."

"He was a good man," Declan said nodding. "And a great golfer."

"I really miss him still," Lavender said. "I can't believe it's almost been a year."

"How are Harry and Hermione and the kids doing with that?" Rose asked. "Saffron was so close to him."

"They're fine," Lavender said. "Aunt Elinore's had a bit of difficulty but she's been doing much better lately."

"I should call on her," Rose said. "Since school is out now, I have more time on my hands."

"She'd probably love that Rose," Lavender smiled.

"Saffron's a lot of fun," Gabriel said. "We went to see Rear Window last night."

"And she's a great golfer," Declan said.

"As if that's the only thing that matters," Rose said rolling her eyes.

"She is," Declan protested. "She's as good as her grandfather."

"I hope you're all hungry," Rose said bringing over the main course. "Lemon chicken."

"That smells fantastic," Seamus said ravenously. "I've been dreaming about this..."

"Dreaming about food, Dad?" Gabriel asked.

Rose let out a sob and covered her mouth with her apron.

"What's wrong?" Lavender asked.

"He called Seamus 'dad'," Rose choked out.

Seamus put an arm around his mother. "It's okay Mum... I like hearing it too."

"That's the sweetest thing," Rose said sobbing.

Declan looked amused while Gabriel twisted his napkin between his hands.

"What are your other grandparents like?" Declan asked. "I hope your other Gran isn't as emotional at this one."

"They're really great," Gabriel said. "My mum and I moved in with them about four years back."

"What does your mother do?" Rose asked.

"Before she died, she worked in a hotel," Gabriel said. "She, um, started out as a waitress and she wanted to move up to the front desk, but it, um, didn't work out."

"Sam was a natural when it came to people," Seamus said.

"I don't remember you mentioning a Samantha to me," Rose said thoughtfully. "Of course, once you moved to the States, we hardly heard from you."

"I was with Sam a while back," Seamus said. "We were together about a year."

"And you didn't know about your son," Rose said wiping her eyes with her napkin.

"Not until a few days ago," Seamus shared a look with his wife. "But now that things have changed, I think Gabriel's going to fit in quite well."

"He'll be moving in with you and Lavender, of course," Rose said smiling at them.

"No, ma'am," Gabriel said uncomfortably. "I'm going to live with my grandparents still."

"But--" Rose began.

"It's probably best that he stays with them," Seamus said. "Sometimes I go days without being at home, as does Lav. Plus he'll be going to college in the fall- and I want him where he's most comfortable. He knows he's always welcome at our home."

"And he has a full scholarship to USC," Lavender chimed in.

"Well he won't need that," Rose said. "You and Lavender will pay---"

"I don't want them to," Gabriel said quietly. "I want to make my own way."

"I think that's very respectable," Declan said, nodding.

"But if he ever does need help, he knows where he can go," Seamus said.

"Right," Lavender said with a smile.

Seamus' mobile phone began to ring. "I thought I'd turned it off. Hello? Taryn, hold on, slow down....aye. No, we ran into him at the train, I didn't rough him up..."

"Real life rears it's ugly head," Lavender sighed. "We ran into some reporters back at the main station when we got here."

"Oh no," Rose said.

"I really don't think it's any of their business," Seamus said into the phone. "Okay, Taryn. I'll draft a statement and email it to you tonight. How's that?"

Declan laughed. "Smacking photographers around again?"

"They deserved it," Lavender said defensively.

"He didn't do anything really bad," Gabriel spoke up. "Just told them to go away. They were really persistent."

Seamus clicked off his phone. "Apparently, this has hit the news. They don't know Gabriel's name or anything about the situation, but Taryn says they're calling non-stop."

"Figures," Lavender said. "They don't bother you for months and then they act like this is the news of the century."

"Scandal sells," Seamus said with a shrug.

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said. "I didn't mean to be a scandal..."

"You aren't," Seamus said quickly. "And you have no need to apologise. I am proud of you, Gabriel. I'm proud to call you my son. And I don't care who knows it. I just don't want them taking photographs of you and prying into your life."

Gabriel nodded, a hint of a smile on his face. "Thanks Dad."

"You're welcome, Son," Seamus said grinning at him.

"Rose!" Declan said shaking his head. "You're quite the crier, you know that?"

"I'm sorry," Rose wiped her eyes. "I've just been waiting for this since Seamus got married- I'm sorry Lavender, I don't mean that the way it sounds--"

"It's okay, Rose," Lavender assured her.

"I can't get over how much you look like Seamus either," Rose sat down.

"Mum, I'm sure he's getting tired of hearing it," Seamus said with a laugh.

Lavender got up and a few moments later returned with a framed photograph. "This is your dad when he was around 17."

"Wow," Gabriel said. The man in the photograph could very well have been him.

"Told you," Rose said proudly. "Spitting image, you are."

"Yeah," Gabriel said. "Can... can I have this?"

"Of course you can," Rose said smiling at him.

"Thanks," Gabriel smiled back. "I want to show this to my Gran- my other grandmother."

"That would be lovely," Rose said.

Gabriel smiled again. "This chicken is fantastic."

"Best cook in the village," Declan said proudly. "Magic or Muggle."

"I can vouch for that," Seamus added.

"Was your mother a good cook?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," Gabriel nodded. "Dad knows about her pancakes."

"She made great vegetable soup too," Seamus remembered. "Used to make it for me when I was sick."

"Me too," Gabriel said smiling at him.

"I used to say it would kick the sick right out of me," Seamus chuckled.

"That's what she said to me when I was sick," Gabriel said. "And she'd get this wistful look on her face..."

"Now we know why," Lavender said softly.

"Yeah," Gabriel said nodding.

"I don't mean to pry," Rose was once again tearing up. "But how are you dealing with all this Lavender?"

"Well, it was hard at first, of course," Lavender said honestly. "But Gabriel is a part of our family. And I'm glad he's found Seamus."

"You're a lovely girl," Rose said. "I've always thought so."

"She's been really great," Gabriel said looking across the table at her.

Lavender smiled at him. "I'm happy you're here with us Gabriel."

"Me too," Gabriel said.

*** *** ***

Maddie grinned at the woman behind the counter.

"Love, you have to make up your mind," the cafeteria worker said grinning back at her.

"Everything looks so good," Maddie said with a giggle. "It's hard to choose!"

"You say that every day," the other woman smiled fondly.

"That's because everything ALWAYS looks so good," Maddie said. "Okay, I'll take the beef stew, but could I also have just a sample of the pasta salad, please?"

The woman winked at her. "Anything for you love."

"Thanks," Maddie said smiling back at her. "How's your husband doing, June? He's made a full recovery, right?"

"He's doing just fine Madeline," June gave her a heaping spoonful of the pasta salad. "Back at work starting next week."

"Fifty years together," Maddie said admiringly. "That's really something, June."

"And I hope there will be fifty more," June said. "I hope you and your young man have all the happiness me and my Herb have had."

"Me too," Maddie said. "And I expect you and Herb to be dancing at our reception."

"With bells on," June promised. "You're so sweet to invite an old couple like us."

"You've been sweet to me ever since I started here," Maddie said. "I couldn't imagine not having you there."

"Thank you love," June smiled at her. "Lunch is on me today all right?"

"June-" Maddie started to protest.

"I can't hear you," June teased. "Go eat before your hour is up."

"Okay," Maddie said. "Thanks, June."

She was looking forward to her lunch even though she'd be eating alone. Ethan was out of town on a case and wouldn't be back until the weekend.

She was halfway through her meal when someone plunked their tray down across from her. "How on earth do you manage to eat this much?" Bree smiled at her. "If I ate like you I'd weigh about six stones more than I do now."

Maddie laughed. "It's the Weasley metabolism."

"Care to pass some along?" Bree joked as she sat down.

"Sure," Maddie said grinning at her. There was something different about her friend, but she couldn't put her finger on what exactly. "What's got you in such a good mood, Bree?"

Bree laughed. "I just had the best weekend of my life is all."

"Details," Maddie demanded with a grin.

"Well," Bree grinned even wider. "I should think this would speak for itself." she held out her left hand.

Maddie gasped. "Bree! You're engaged!"

"Mason asked me on Sunday," Bree gushed.

"That ring is gorgeous!" Maddie exclaimed. "Congratulations!"

"Thanks," Bree said happily. "I don't think I've stopped smiling since."

"How did he propose?" Maddie asked eagerly.

"We were on a picnic," Bree said dreamily. "Right there in the park... and we were just sort of lying back together and looking at the clouds and then all of a sudden I felt him slip the ring onto my finger."

"That's so romantic," Maddie gushed.

"Isn't it?" Bree laughed. "And then he said that he knew we hadn't been together as long as most couples, but he knew he loved me more than anything and wanted me to be his wife." she sighed. "There was absolutely no possible way I could refuse... it was really the sort of proposal every girl dreams of."

Maddie smiled. "I'm so happy for the two of you especially after all that happened with Jared. I'm glad that you were able to put things back together."

"Me too," Bree agreed. "And you and Ethan too of course- it didn't take long for you two to work everything back out."

"I just wish I'd realised what he was up to before all of this happened," Maddie said. "And I'm really glad that we're all friends."

"So am I," Bree said. "Oh- and I got the invitation to your wedding- Mason and I would love to come. Thank you so much for inviting us!"

"It's just a few months away," Maddie said unable to hide her excitement. "I can't believe it's almost here."

"I really am happy for you both," Bree told her honestly.

"Thanks Bree," Maddie said. "I'm happy for you and Mason, too. Things worked out for all of us."

"Definitely," Bree nodded. "I've never been so happy- not even with Ethan. I guess everyone really does have a soul mate you know?"

"I think so," Maddie agreed.

"What have you and Ethan been up to lately?" Bree asked. "We all haven't gone out together in ages."

"We're both working really hard," Maddie said. "Trying to clear up some loose ends so we can take some time off before the wedding. My sisters have me on a tight schedule."

"They're wedding organisers right?" Bree asked.

Maddie nodded. "I may be completely biased, but they're the best in the business."

The brunette nodded. "Perhaps if I need help I'll look into hiring them for my own wedding."

"I can give you their card, if you like," Maddie said.

"That'd be lovely," Bree smiled at her. "I don't want anything big- just a simple, quiet ceremony with close friends and family."

"Will you and Mason be getting married here or back in the States?" Maddie asked.

"We're not sure yet," Bree said thoughtfully.

"Still early days, right?" Maddie asked before taking a bite of her stew.

"Right," Bree replied.

Maddie groaned as she saw Parvati Patil walking toward them. The older woman had become less of pain over the past few months, but she still had her moments.

"Madeline," Parvati said setting her tray down. "I was hoping I'd find you."

"Yes?" Maddie raised an eyebrow.

"Have you seen this?" Parvati asked handing her today's copy of The Daily Prophet. "I didn't know Seamus had a son!"

"I knew about it," Maddie replied. "His wife is designing my wedding gown and we're close friends of the family."

"Who is this boy?" Parvati asked. "They just said he was an American."

"Do you really think that's any of your business?" Bree asked the older woman. "It seems to me like Mr. Finnigan wants to keep this private."

"I don't believe this concerns you," Parvati said coolly. "Madeline--"

"Bree's right," Maddie stood up. "What's going on with Seamus, Lavender and their family is their business."

"I am one of Seamus' oldest and dearest friends," Parvati said. "And I just want to know what's going on. They're out of town apparently."

"You are not one of his friends," Maddie stated. "And if you were, then you'd certainly know what's going on."

"Maddie," Bree said standing up as well. "It's such a nice day. How about we eat our lunch outside?"

"That sounds good to me," Maddie agreed.

"Madeline---" Parvati called after her.

"She's certainly....," Bree said searching for the right word. "Um...."

"That woman drives me absolutely mad sometimes," Maddie shook her head.

"You handled her pretty well," Bree said.

"I suppose I've gotten used to it," Maddie replied. "You know, it feels odd for me not to like somebody- I normally don't have a problem with anyone. But the first day she was here she insulted my mentor, not to mention the things she said to my mother. And people who insult my family really make me angry."

"Well, I hope I always remain on your good side," Bree said smiling at her.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about," Maddie laughed.

Bree led the way over to one of the picnic tables. "Lovely day, isn't it?"

"That it is," Maddie agreed. "I just wish Ethan and I could go to Brighton with the family."

"Too busy with the wedding plans?" Bree asked.

"Well we're taking a two week honeymoon," Maddie replied. "So that's our holiday time- we're going to try and go there on the weekends though."

"It's really great that your families are so close," Bree said. "I've only met Mason's parents twice. And he has an entire extended family that only know me as the proper English girl."

"You are a proper English girl," Maddie teased her.

Bree laughed. "Yes, I am."

"I'm sure they'll love you once you spend more time with them." Maddie reassured her. "After all, you're going to be part of their family soon enough."

"True," Bree said. "I'm still nervous though."

"Don't be," Maddie said. "You're a great person Bree."

"Thanks, Maddie," Bree said. "Merlin, who would have ever thought that you and I would be sitting here like this? Friends?"

The blonde laughed. "The dreaded ex syndrome."

"We're supposed to hate each other," Bree said with a laugh.

"I've been told I'm hard to dislike," Maddie joked.

"You are," Bree agreed.

"I think the same about you," Maddie told her. "I can see why Ethan wanted to stay friends with you."

"I was hurt when things ended the way they did," Bree admitted. "But I missed having him in my life."

Maddie nodded. "I can see why... I think he missed you too."

Bree shook her head. "I'm not so sure about that."

"No he did," Maddie said. "That first day we bumped into you on the street- he told me later that he was glad you two had talked."

Bree smiled. "I'm glad that he found you, Maddie. You've made him really happy. That's all that I want for him."

"Thank you," Maddie said.

"And wherever Mason and I decide to get married, I do hope you and Ethan will come," Bree said.

"We'll be there," Maddie promised.

"Great," Bree said smiling at her. "Pasta salad and stew? That's quite a combo, Maddie."

Maddie laughed. "I can't help it- isn't it ironic that the Ministry cafeteria makes the best pasta salad in the world?"

"It is," Bree agreed with a laugh.

"Want some?" Maddie offered. "June gave me a ton."

"Sure," Bree replied. "Thanks."

"Ethan's out of town until the weekend," Maddie said conversationally. "I hate it when he's gone."

"Ahh," Bree said nodding. "The life of an Auror."

"Sarah's rather in the same boat," Maddie said. "I mean, since Justin and Ethan are partners and always off on assignment together and all."

"She is," Bree said. "But at least you aren't writing him letters in that baby talk she and Justin continue to do."

Maddie laughed. "That drives Ethan up the wall. He's always complaining about it at home."

"Speaking of home how is the new pixie?" Bree asked.

"Blue's great," Maddie giggled. "I have pictures of him."

"Let me see!" Bree said enthusiastically.

She pulled a strip of photos from her bag. "RJ was over a few days ago keeping me company and he took them."

"How cute!" Bree gushed. "I never in a million years would have thought you could have a pixie for a pet."

"I had one when I was younger," Maddie said. "I'm sure Ethan's told you about Dolly at some point or another."

Bree nodded. "Seems to me that Blue loves you a lot."

"I certainly like to think so," Maddie grinned. "But the thing with pixies is that they're so misunderstood. They're mischievous, but they can tell when someone truly cares about them."

"Sounds a bit like Ethan," Bree teased.

Maddie laughed. "I think you're right."

Bree laughed when she saw a picture that was a little out of focus of Maddie with a red-haired boy. "Let me guess, Blue got the camera on this one?"

"That was right before RJ started chasing him around trying to get it back," Maddie shook her head with a smile. "That's the camera his girlfriend Alexa gave him so he's rather protective of it."

"And did he get it back?" Bree asked.

"Oh yes," Maddie nodded. "After about a half hour."

Bree laughed. "That's too funny."

"It certainly makes life a little more amusing," Maddie finished her stew.

"Is he getting along with Ethan now?" Bree asked.

Maddie nodded as she pulled the rest of her pasta salad in front of her. "He'll sit on his knee and let Ethan play with him when I'm not around."

"They're starting to get along then?"

"The other night I came home and Ethan was asleep on the sofa- and Blue was curled up on his shoulder." Maddie said. "It was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen."

Bree smiled. "That's so sweet."

"It really was," Maddie said. "I only wish I had a picture of THAT."

"You'll have to try and catch them like that again," Bree said. She looked at her watch. "I'd better get back to work. I am so glad that we had a chance to catch up."

"Me too," Maddie said sincerely. "And I'm so happy for you and Mason."

"Thanks," Bree said smiling at her. "And if you need any help with the wedding, please let me know."

"Thanks," Maddie said. "I'll see you soon Bree."

"Bye, Maddie," Bree said picking up her tray and walking back inside.

"Madeline," Parvati passed Bree on her way out. "I think that was quite rude of you to just leave me in there--"

"And I think it's quite rude of you to interfere in something that doesn't concern you," Maddie interjected.

"But--" Parvati was at a loss for words. "Seamus is a friend..."

"And if he wanted you to know, I'm sure he'd have told you," Maddie said.

"I don't understand why you have to be so secretive," Parvati pouted like a young girl.

"I'm not being secretive," Maddie told her. "Parvati, this is something that Seamus and his family are going through. It doesn't concern me and it doesn't concern you."

"You know, I don't think we're going to be able to work together if you can't divulge me once in awhile," Parvati said crossing her arms.

"What am I supposed to divulge to you?" Maddie asked her.

"Things!" Parvati exclaimed, following Maddie back inside and down to their office.

"About my parents?" Maddie asked rolling her eyes.

"Ron Ron is quite a dear," Parvati said.

"My mother has always thought so," Maddie said brightly.

"I'm sure she has," Parvati said in a patronizing tone. "She did carry quite the torch for him at school."

"She ended up with him, didn't she?" Maddie asked, trying to keep her emotions in check. "You didn't."

"Madeline--" Parvati began.

"And that's what kills you, doesn't it?" Maddie asked interrupting her. "Seamus, Ron and even Uncle Harry all went on and managed to live their lives and have families of their own without you."

"That is completely uncalled for," Parvati said angrily.

"It's the truth," Maddie said. "I've sat here for months listening to you make comments about people I care about. I don't know what my Aunt Lavender did to make you shut up, but perhaps I should have a long talk with her about your curiosity..."

Parvati straightened up. "That's quite all right," she said coldly. "I won't bother you anymore."

"Thank you," Maddie said with a satisfied smile.