Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors; note: Here you go, guys. Saffron's reunion with Andrew and RJ.

"Andrew and RJ are downstairs," Hermione said. "They wanted to see you, if you were up for it."

Saffron nodded. "I'll be down in just a moment."

Hermione smiled. "Okay."

"Breathe," Saffron coached herself, fanning her face.

"Sweetheart, if you're not up for it, we can ask them to come back later," Hermione offered.

"No it's fine," Saffron said.

She hadn't seen Andrew in so long and she couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach at the prospect of seeing him.

She followed her mother and Ashley down the stairs and into the sitting room.

Andrew and RJ were sitting on one of the sofas talking with Harry.

"Saf!" RJ stood up and grinned at her.

Saffron hung back with her mother. "Um...hi, RJ."

RJ came forward to give her a hug. "Missed you, Saf. And we're really glad you're okay."

"Me too," Saffron said quietly.

"Hi Saffy," Andrew stood up.

"Hiya, Andrew," Saffron said softly. She reached up and tugged nervously on one of her plaits. She didn't know what to say or do around him.

Hermione linked her arm with Ashley's. "Ashley, why don't you and I go and check on Sophie and Puddles?"

"Okay, Grandma," Ashley said. "Grandpa, are you coming too?"

Harry nodded. "Sure, Ash."

Saffron watched them leave and for a moment wished she could go with them.

"Um, Greta made chocolate pancakes for breakfast," Saffron said. "I'm sure we have leftovers. Can I get either of you anything?"

"I'd love some," RJ said ravenously. "I'm starved."

"I don't know why," Andrew said dryly. "You only ate at the Burrow this morning where your grandmother made you a six course breakfast."

RJ shrugged. "That was an appetizer."

Saffron motioned for them to follow her into the kitchen. "She's trying to fatten me up. I think I gained back whatever I lost in the last two days."

"I think you look great," Andrew said honestly.

Saffron stopped in her tracks. "Thanks..."

"I was really worried about you," Andrew told her. "I helped sort all the mail that came in while you were um... gone. I know it doesn't seem like much--"

Saffron shook her head. "It's a great deal, Andrew. Thank you for all that you did to help."

"Yeah well..." Andrew shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'd have done anything to get you home safely."

Saffron turned away. She didn't know what to make of this. She grabbed two plates from the cabinet.

"You shouldn't be serving us," RJ said. "Sit down. I know this kitchen about as well as my own, Saf."

"I don't mind," Saffron said.

"Sit," RJ said grabbing her hand.

Saffron had a flash of Gordon and she yanked her hand away. "Get away from me!"

"Saffy?" RJ asked. "I'm sorry- I didn't mean anything--"

Saffron stared up at him. "Um...I'm--I'm sorry."

"Are you all right?" he asked, concerned.

Saffron shook her head. "No."

"Is there anything we can do?" Andrew asked.

"There's nothing anyone can do," Saffron said quietly. "Things have changed so much and I'm not the same person I was. I just---I miss my grandmother so much. Everyone seems to expect me to go back to how I was, but it feels like a lifetime ago."

"You don't have to go back," RJ said. "You have to readjust however you want to."

"RJ's right," Andrew said.

Saffron shrugged. "It's just so hard."

"We can't say that we know," Andrew said looking at her. "But, um, we're here if you want to talk."

Saffron managed a smile. "Thanks Andrew."

"The coach is really eager to see you on the team," RJ said.

Saffron nodded. "I still want to play."

RJ grinned. "You are going to be the only girl on the team. I've warned them all to behave themselves."

Saffron smiled again. "You'll look out for me, right?"

"Absolutely," RJ said taking the plates. "Starting now. You sit and I'll get the food."

"Okay," Saffron sat down. "I guess I could manage a few more of those pancakes."

"Coming right up," RJ said.

"So um..." Saffron looked awkwardly at Andrew. "How are things with you and Natalia?"

"They're good," Andrew replied. "I'm supposed to be going with her to Italy for Christmas."

"Wow," Saffron said. "That's really nice..."

"Yeah," Andrew said looking down at the table.

"Here you go," RJ slid plates in front of them, breaking the tension.

Saffron smiled at him. "I heard that you were quite the photographer. Maddie said you've taken roll and after roll of film on Kiera."

RJ nodded. "She's the most photogenic baby in the world."

"She's adorable," Saffron agreed.

"How has Ethan taken to being a dad?" Andrew asked.

"He was a bit shocked to say the least when he found out," Saffron replied. "But he loves her so much."

"She's got great parents," RJ said. "And an even greater aunt and uncle, right Saf?"

"Right," Saffron said grinning.

RJ grinned back at her. He could still see a bit of the old spark in his friend.

"Will Greta become Kiera's nanny?" Andrew asked.

"I don't know," Saffron said thoughtfully. "Probably not. She's pretty attached to Nick."

"To you too," RJ said. "She baked up a storm while you were gone, you know? She was worried."

"I'm sort of reaping those benefits now," Saffron patted her stomach.

"Don't tell Nana I said this, but Greta's pancakes are the best I've ever eaten," RJ said.

"Your secret's safe with me," Saffron promised.

"Your dad told us that Puddles has been by your side since you came back," Andrew commented.

"Hasn't left once," Saffron glanced down at her dog, who had parked himself at her feet.

"He loves you," Andrew said softly. "And he's really glad that you're home."

Saffron wondered if he was only talking about Puddles.

Andrew's gaze lingered on her a few moments before he looked away.

Saffron blushed and looked down at the remains of her pancakes.

"Speaking of babies," RJ said. "Emma and Chloe are eager to see you, too, Sassy."

Saffron smiled. "I've missed them."

"Nana was crying in between cooking this morning," RJ said shaking his head. "She kept saying that her babies were home."

"She always did think of Ethan, Jules and me like her own," Saffron said.

"She thinks of everyone as her own," Andrew said. "Even me."

"She took pity on his ugly mug," RJ joked.

"He's not ugly," Saffron said softly before she could stop herself.

Andrew looked over at her in surprise.

"I forgot I was talking about Wizard McDreamy himself," RJ said chuckling.

Saffron blushed harder.

"Yeah, that's me alright," Andrew said dryly.

"I still can't believe you beat me out for that," RJ said.

"There's always next year," Saffron said. "If you keep that figure of yours..."

RJ patted his stomach. "Not if Greta keeps cooking."

Saffron laughed. "I know what you mean. But you boys always have an easier time than us burning that off."

"Yeah well once you get out there and start working out and playing, you'll lose anything you've got," RJ tossed a chocolate chip at her.

"RJ!" Saffron exclaimed.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You're wasting food," Saffron said. "I'll have to tell Emma."

"Not that," RJ said dramatically. "She'll never forgive me."

Saffron laughed. "You are such a goofball."

"Anything to make you smile," RJ tossed another chocolate chip at her.

Saffron looked at Andrew. "How do you put up with him?"

Andrew smiled. "Feed him six times a day."

Saffron laughed. "That's all it takes?"

"When his mouth is full he can't talk," Andrew said mischievously.

"I'm sorry," RJ said sarcastically. "When did this become gang up on RJ?"

"When it made her laugh," Andrew said, looking at Saffron.

Saffron smiled at him. "I really missed you guys."

"We missed you too Saf," RJ said. "A lot's happened in the past few months."

"Lexie," Saffron said quietly.

"She's doing a lot better," Andrew said. "Remembering stuff here and there."

"I want to help her," Saffron said.

"I'm sure she'd like that," RJ said. "I've... well... I need to spend more time with Audrey."

"Lexie told me how you helped her," Saffron said. "I appreciate you doing that, RJ."

"I still care about her," RJ said.

"I'm glad you were there for her," Saffron said softly. "When I couldn't be."

"You'll help her now," RJ said. "And Gabe's been over here every chance he gets."

"Have you seen him yet?" Andrew asked Saffron. "Or your Aunt Lavender since you've been back?"

"Aunt Lav was over for a bit yesterday," Saffron said. "But I haven't seen Gabe yet."

"I was really sorry to hear about your grandmother," Andrew told her. "I know how close you were."

"Thanks," Saffron said softly. "It was hard coming home to that."

"You still have Nana," RJ reminded her.

"It's not the same," Saffron said. "Gran...was more than just my grandmother. I felt like she was my friend. I could talk to her about anything and some of my favourite memories growing up were spending time with her and Grandpa."

"It'll get easier," Andrew said. "Not right away, but eventually."

Saffron nodded. "That's what everyone keeps telling me."

"It's probably the last thing you want to hear," Andrew admitted.

"No," Saffron said instinctively reaching across the table and patting his arm. "I know that you care and that's the important thing."

"I've always cared," Andrew said quietly.

Saffron smiled shyly at him. "Thanks, Andrew."

RJ looked back and forth between them. It was obvious that the two of them still had strong feelings for each other.

Saffron pulled her hand away. "I need more juice."

"I'll get it for you," Andrew offered.

"Oh," Saffron said. "Thanks."

RJ smiled. "Your tree in the sitting room looks great."

"We just decorated it this morning," Saffron said. "It was nice. Just the family."

"Cool," RJ nodded. "It was the same for us at the Burrow."

"How are your parents, Andrew?" Saffron asked.

"Good," Andrew said. "They were really happy to hear you came home safely."

Saffron smiled. "Will you tell them I said hello?"

"Sure thing," he grinned at her.

"I heard you were here," Maddie said coming into the kitchen and seeing her brother.

"Hello, Mum." RJ said with a teasing grin.

Maddie gave him a hug. "How were things at the Burrow?"

"Great," RJ said. "We missed you there."

"We'll be by later to see Nana and Grandpa Arthur," Maddie said. "But, I just felt it was important to be here today."

"We understood," RJ assured her.

"Hello, Andrew," Maddie said smiling at him.

"Hey Maddie," Andrew said. "How's the baby?"

"Perfect," Maddie replied. "Ethan's upstairs with her now."

"I should go see if he wants me to take some pictures," RJ said, grabbing his camera.

Maddie grinned. "I was hoping you would. She's doing the cutest thing right now..."

"Like what?" RJ asked, following her out of the room.

Andrew shook his head at Saffron. "You know if he's like this over his niece, imagine what he'll be like if he has one of his own someday?"

"RJ reproducing?" Saffron shook her head. "Don't want to think about that."

"It might happen someday," Andrew said laughing.

"Yeah, well... I'm sure he'd be a good dad," Saffron said.

"He would," Andrew agreed gathering up their plates.

"I still think you'll make a good father too," Saffron said softly.

Andrew smiled at her. "You'll make a good mum."

"I hope so, someday," Saffron brought her glass over to the sink.

Andrew brought the plates over and he and Saffron settled into a comfortable silence while they did the dishes.

"You know," she said. "We could have done this with our wands."

"What fun would that have been?" Andrew asked.

"Not nearly as much," Saffron said dryly.

"It's so good to have you back," Andrew said as he dried one of the dishes. "It hasn't been the same without you, Saffy."

"I'm sure you've been busy with Quidditch," Saffron said.

Andrew nodded. "I have. Coach wants to win the Cup this year."

"I don't know about that," Saffron smiled. "Not once I start playing for Puddlemere."

"She's already talking trash," Andrew said grinning back at her.

"Missed that, did you?" Saffron laughed.

"Oh yeah," Andrew said nudging her.

"Why do I think you're just taking the Mickey?" Saffron nudged him back.

"Would I do that to you?" Andrew asked her.

"Maybe," Saffron said softly.

Andrew looked seriously at her. "Saffy, what happened earlier? When RJ grabbed your arm?"

Saffron shrugged. "It just... brought back some memories of Gordon."

"Did he---?" Andrew started to ask. The thought of that psychopath touching her made him see red.

Saffron folded her arms around herself. "Not really..."

"Saffy?" Andrew asked.

"He would call me by my mum's name," Saffron said quietly. "All the time."

"Really?" Andrew asked taken aback.

Saffron nodded. "And then turn right around and call me by my name. He kept saying that we'd be a family-- sometimes I was afraid of what he would do when I fell asleep."

Andrew took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "I can't imagine what this must have been like for you."

"It was really scary," Saffron admitted. "I never thought I'd get home at some points."

Andrew opened up his arms and Saffron went willingly into them. He hugged her tightly. He didn't know what to say to make her feel better.

Saffron closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. Being in Andrew's arms again made her feel better than she had in a long time.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through this," Andrew said softly.

"It's not your fault," Saffron said, her voice muffled.

"I know," Andrew said. "But, if I'd have been there on the pier that day, maybe I could have---"

Saffron shook her head. "No... no."

Andrew looked down at her. "I always hated to see you cry."

"Sorry," Saffron whispered as he wiped her tear away with his thumb."

"You have nothing to apologise for," Andrew said. "Nothing at all."

"If it weren't for me, Sean would still be alive," Saffron sobbed. "My Gran probably still would be too!"

"Saffy," Andrew said holding her tightly. "That wasn't your fault! Sean---Sean did what anyone who loves you would have done."

Saffron drew in a ragged breath. "Everything is just such a mess, Andrew."

"It's going to sort itself out," Andrew promised. "And if you ever need to talk about it, you have your family and friends. We all want to help you, Saf. All you have to do is ask."

"You'll be there?" Saffron asked.

"Of course," Andrew said. "We're friends, right?"

Saffron paused a moment before nodding. "Friends. Of course."

Andrew looked like he was going to say something else when RJ came back into the kitchen.

"She is the cutest kid," RJ was saying. "I took another roll of film."

Saffron reluctantly stepped out of Andrew's embrace and grabbed a tissue to wipe her eyes.

"Everything okay?" RJ asked looking at his two friends.

"Fine," Andrew answered for both of them.

"I'm really glad you both stopped by," Saffron said. "But I just remembered that I promised Ash we would do something."

"Oh yeah?" RJ asked.

"Yeah," Saffron said giving him a hug. "I'll see you later, okay?"

"Sure," RJ said. "Glad you're okay, Saf. Ring me anytime you need anything, all right?"

"I will," Saffron said.

"See you, Saffy," Andrew said extending his hand.

Saffron shook it. "Thanks, Andrew."

"Come on, mate," RJ said.

Maddie came in as RJ and Andrew left. "Alright, Saffy?"

"Fine," Saffron lied.

"Ashley's upstairs in your room," Maddie said. "Told me you two were thinking of doing some shopping?"

Saffron nodded. "Yes. I haven't done any of my Christmas shopping."

"I don't think anyone expects you to get gifts--" Maddie began.

"I want to," Saffron interjected. "Especially my parents. They---they've been through a lot."

"Perhaps Ethan will want to go with you," Maddie suggested.

"I'd like that," Saffron said. She didn't want to go out with Ashley by herself. She knew it was silly to think like that. Gordon Devereaux was in Azkaban.

"Kiera and I will join the three of you then," Maddie said. "We don't have to be at the Burrow until later."

"Are you sure?" Saffron asked.

"Positive," Maddie smiled at her.

"Thanks, Maddie," Saffron said.

"Go on and get ready," Maddie told her. "I'll tell your parents and Ethan that we're headed out."

"Alright then," Saffron said walking out of the kitchen with Puddles trailing behind her.

Ashley was sitting on the edge of her bed when Saffron came in. "Did you have a nice visit with Andrew and RJ?"

"Yes," Saffron replied. "It was really good to see them again."

"Did anything happen?" Ashley asked.

Saffron didn't want to think about that hug in the kitchen. It was just two friends comforting each other. It hadn't been more than that, had it?

"They had some of Greta's pancakes," Saffron replied. "And we just talked."

"Oh," Ashley replied.

"Maddie and Ethan and the baby are going shopping with us," Saffron said eager to change the subject.

"Ooooh, really?" Ashley asked. "Cool!"

"I want to find a really great present for my mum," Saffron said.

"I'll help," Ashley said as Saffron put on a little makeup and fixed her hair again.

Downstairs, Hermione and Harry were sitting in front of the tree.

"I don't think it's such a good idea," Harry told his wife. "For her or Ethan to go out."

"We can't keep them cooped up in here," Hermione said.

"I know," Harry said. "I'm just worried, especially for Saffron. You see how fragile she is since all this happened..."

"But getting out and doing something normal will be good for her." Hermione said.

"They might run into someone from the press," Harry said. "You know they're camped out at the front gate."

"We'll get them to the Leaky Cauldron," Hermione stood up. "And stay nearby just in case."

"Okay," Harry relented.

Hermione smiled. "I'll go tell them what the plans are."

Harry watched her go. He knew his wife was right, but he couldn't help feeling that it was too soon for Ethan and Saffy to venture outside.

Slowly he headed upstairs to change into a jumper and grab his cloak.

Saffron was writing a shopping list when her mother knocked on the door.

"Hi sweetheart," Hermione said. "We hope you don't mind, but your dad and I want to tag along while you shop."

"Why would I mind?" Saffron asked smiling at her mother. "The more the merrier, right?"

Hermione was relieved. "Great- we're just going to get ready. Ten minutes?"

"Okay," Saffron replied.

"The group just keeps getting bigger," Ashley joked.

Saffron laughed. "Safety in numbers, Ash."

"Right," Ashley replied, giggling.

Hermione found her husband in their bedroom looking over a letter.

"What do you have there?" Hermione asked.

"Letter from Neville," Harry replied. "Devereaux will officially be brought to Azkaban on Tuesday."

"Good," Hermione said in relief.

"We can put all of this behind us and move on," Harry said handing her the letter.

Hermione nodded as her eyes scanned the note. "I hate him," she said quietly. "Twice now he's almost destroyed our lives."

"We stopped him though," Harry said, trying to reassure her.

"Yes, but Saffron and Ethan missed out on so much because of him," Hermione said angrily. "Time that they can't get back."

"I know," Harry said. "And that makes me so angry I could kill him."

"I'd like to see him," Hermione said quietly. "Before he goes to Azkaban."

"No," Harry said. "Absolutely not."

"I wasn't asking," Hermione said looking at him.

"Hermione--" Harry began.

"I'd like to get some closure," Hermione said. "You were able to get that. Why can't I?"

"Because he's still dangerous," Harry said. "What if he did something to you?"

"You're that worried?" Hermione asked.

"After what he's done?" Harry asked. "You're damn right I'm worried."

"Okay," Hermione said putting her arms around him. "I won't go and see him."

"Good," Harry relaxed.

"We should just put this behind us and move on," Hermione said. "It's the best thing for all of us."

"And that's what we have to keep saying to Saffy and Ethan," Harry nodded.

"Right," Hermione said giving him a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," Harry said softly.

"I've missed you," Hermione said resting her forehead on his.

"The past few months have been hard on all of us," Harry said. "Things can finally get back to normal."

"Absolutely," Hermione said. She hated lying to her husband like this. But, she had to see Gordon. She didn't think closure would be possible unless she saw him. Harry wouldn't have to know.

"Come on," Harry said. "Let's go brave the crowds."

"You hate shopping," Hermione reminded him. "You sure you're up for it?"

"Anything to spend time with my family," Harry said.

"I'm going to remind you of that the next time I ask you to go," Hermione said with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah." Harry gave her another kiss.

Maddie, Ethan, and the baby were waiting downstairs.

"One more blanket," Maddie said. "I don't want her to get too cold."

"Okay," Ethan agreed, getting one out of the closet.

Maddie looked down in the pram at their daughter who was looking up at her. "This is your first shopping trip, Kiera."

Ethan laughed. "And I'm sure your mum and your aunts will teach you the finer ways of spending money as you get older."

"We probably need to make sure that she doesn't go shopping with her Aunt Frankie," Maddie joked.

"Yeah right," Ethan kissed Kiera's forehead.

"Julie and Katie are staying behind to wait for Nick?" Maddie asked.

Ethan nodded. "And for her tea party with Blue."

Maddie grinned. "Which he'll love."

Saffron and Ashley came downstairs.

Puddles whimpered at Saffron's feet.

"I promise I'll be right back," Saffron told him. "And we'll go for our walk."

Puddles let out a pitiful whine.

"I'm going to get you a treat," Saffron said kneeling down and petting him.

"I'll go with you," Ashley said.

"Thanks, Ash," Saffron said. "I know how he feels. He's scared I'm not going to come back."

Ashley nodded. "I'm sure that's it, Aunt Saffy. He really missed you."

"I missed him too," Saffron said grabbing the box of dog treats from the cabinet.

Puddles danced around in a circle excitedly as Saffron pulled a biscuit out of the box.

Saffron laughed. "You want this, do you?"

The dog let out a short bark.

Harry and Hermione stood in the doorway watching them.

Saffron laughed as she gave the biscuit to Puddles. "There you go, Pud."

Puddles ate in a second and jumped up against her.

"Is he going to let you go?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Saffron scratched behind her dog's ears.

"I think we're going to have a great time," Ashley said to her grandparents.

"Me too Ash," Harry said. "And I'm sure Saffron just wants to spend my money, right baby?"

Saffron laughed. "Maybe just a little..."

"Anything you want," Harry said.

"Words you might live to regret, Daddy," Saffron said.

"Never," Harry hugged her tightly.

Hermione grinned. "Let's go."

*** *** ***

Hermione headed back to work a few days later, partly to catch up on a few things before the holidays commenced and partly to go see Gordon Devereaux before he was sent to Azkaban.

She was terrified to see him, but knew she had to do this to get closure. She hadn't told Harry about this. While she understood his concerns, she knew that she would be safe.

She thought about asking Samuel to accompany her, but decided it would be better to go alone.

Gordon was being held in a special cell in the basement of the Ministry. This was where they kept most of the dangerous criminals before they were sent to Azkaban. He was under tight security and a 24-hour guard.

With her clearance as Minister, Hermione was able to go to any part of the building without any questions asked. She hesitantly approached the cell, which was at the end of a long corridor.

He was sitting on the edge of the small cot with his back to her.

Hermione bit her lower lip and took a deep breath. "Gordon," she said, her tone even.

He turned around and a smile broke across his haggard face as he looked at her. "Hermione! My love!"

Hermione crossed her arms. "I am not your love, Gordon."

"You are," Gordon said standing up and slowly walking toward her. "You are. Everything...everything I did...I did for you and our children."

"They are not your children," Hermione refused to let him intimidate her. "They're Harry's and my children."

Gordon shook his head. "No. No, they're mine. I love them all so much because they have so much of you in them. Especially Saffron Grace. She has your spirit and your warmth."

Hermione actually felt sorry for the shadow of a man sitting in front of her. "Gordon... you need help. But now... I pity you because of where you're going."

Gordon vehemently shook his head. "You can't let them take me there, Hermione! I'll never make it!"

"You brought this on yourself," Hermione said. "You caused me so much grief, Gordon."

"It wasn't me," Gordon said looking at her with pleading eyes. "It was him. It was Potter!"

"Harry would never do to anyone what you did, Gordon." Hermione said. "Do you know what it did to me, not knowing where my children were for almost six months?"

"I was keeping them for you," Gordon tried to reason with her. "I was trying to protect them until we could all be together. I didn't hurt them. I would never, ever hurt them, Hermione!"

"Gordon I've never given you any indication that there was anything but friendship between us," Hermione shook her head. "And you ruined that."

"You love me!" Gordon exclaimed. "I know you do! And I love you! More than anything in this world! I did it all for you!"

"Stop it," Hermione said. "Just stop it."

"NO!" Gordon shouted. "NO!"

"I'm leaving," Hermione said. "I just... I wanted to make sure you could never hurt my children again. Ever."

"YOU BITCH!" Gordon shouted at her. "YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A TEASE!"

"SIT DOWN!" Hermione shouted back at him. "YOU ARE A BASTARD!"

Gordon stepped back. "Hermione---"

"You kidnapped me, tried to force yourself on me, tried to take me away from the people I love," Hermione began furiously. "THEN- you take two of my children, with plans to take me and my oldest daughter! And you wonder WHY I can barely stand the sight of you?"

"I did it for you," Gordon said in a small voice.

"No you didn't," Hermione said. "You did it for YOU."

Gordon sank back down on the cot and put his head in his hands. "If you'd stayed in Paris, none of this would have happened. You'd have never met him and we'd have ended up together."

"You don't know that for certain," Hermione told him. "And me staying in Paris had nothing to do with it. We'd have gone to Hillsdale and I'd have met him regardless."

Gordon shook his head. "No, that's not true! How can you defend him? He couldn't find me! He couldn't find them! It took Ethan running away with Saffron for him to find me. Some hero he is, eh?"

"You were one step ahead of us, I'll give you that," Hermione said coldly.

"He never would have found us," Gordon said gleefully. "Never."

Hermione shook her head. "Enjoy Azkaban, Gordon."

"You haven't seen the last of me," Gordon warned.

"You're never getting out," Hermione retorted. "Not this time. The Dementors aren't healers. You can't fool them into thinking you're well like you did."

Gordon put his head in his hands again and Hermione gave him one last look before heading out of the room. She gasped when she saw Harry waiting just outside.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked her coldly.

"I had to... see. For myself," Hermione replied.

"You told me that you wouldn't," Harry said folding his arms.

"I never promised," Hermione said. "And why shouldn't I go see him? I told you, I need some closure too."

"He's a psychopath," Harry said trying very hard to keep his voice down so the guard didn't hear them. "We don't know what he's capable of, Hermione!"

"He's in a cell, protected by wards stronger than anything," Hermione returned.

"What did he say to you?" Harry asked her.

"More of the same," Hermione shook her head. "He's sick."

"I wasn't following you," Harry said. "I was checking in and someone mentioned that you were down here. I just wish you'd told me you were going to do this. We could have gone in there together."

"I wanted to do this by myself," Hermione said. "I needed to be there on my own."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Because if you were there, all he'd do is be agitated even more," Hermione said.

Harry knew she had a point. "I just--that bastard has caused our family enough pain. I didn't want you to have to go through anymore, Hermione."

"And we won't have to," Hermione reassured him. "There's no way he's getting out this time."

"Absolutely not," Harry agreed, putting his arms around her.

Hermione sighed. "I spoke to those healers whose care he was under. He really had them snowed. Five years... FIVE years, he made them think he was sane before they let him out."

"He knew all the right things to say and all the right things to do," Harry said thoughtfully. "He played them."

Hermione nodded. "He's good at that."

"Are you okay?" Harry asked her. "Did you get what you needed?"

"I think so," Hermione nodded.

"Let's get out of here," Harry told her. "It's depressing."

"Yes it is," she followed her husband upstairs. "How's Saffy today?"

"She was crying this morning," Harry said. "In the kitchen. I asked her what was wrong and she told me nothing."

Hermione frowned. "I'm going home to see her."

"I'm going to take the next couple of weeks off," Harry said. "I think it's important that we spend it with her."

Hermione nodded. "Yes, I agree."

"You said that Pansy recommended she see someone," Harry said.

"I'm really starting to think she needs to," Hermione sighed. "I thought she just would open up to us."

"If she'd talk to anyone, it would be you," Harry said. "Maybe you could give it another try."

"All right," Hermione said.

"She's always been able to talk to you about everything," Harry said squeezing Hermione's hand.

"We have to be patient with her," Hermione said. "She's lost a lot, Harry."

Harry nodded. "We'll give her all the time she needs."

Hermione smiled. "And we'll make sure she knows she can talk to us anytime she feels like it."

"Do you need to go upstairs?" Harry asked her. "Or are you ready to go?"

"I need to get my things from my office," Hermione answered. "We can Floo back from there."

"Sounds good," Harry said.

Hermione gave him another kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too," Harry said softly.

"Let's go see our little girl," Hermione closed her eyes and rested against him for a moment.

A few minutes later, they were back home. Julie, Nick and the girls were in the sitting room.

"Mum, Dad," Julie said. "What are you doing home?"

"We decided to come home early," Harry answered. "Where's your sister, Jules?"

"In the kitchen with Greta," Julie replied. "They're making biscuits."

"How was she?" Hermione asked.

"Quiet," Julie replied.

"I'm going to go see her," Hermione headed for the kitchen.

Saffron was standing at the counter, absently stirring something in a bowl.

"Hermione," Greta said warmly.

"Hi Greta," Hermione replied. "It smells wonderful in here."

"I think we need some more raisins," Saffron said to Greta.

"They're just up in the cupboard," Hermione said. "I'll get them."

Saffron stifled a yawn. She hadn't slept at all last night for fear that she'd have another nightmare.

"How are you, sweetheart?" Hermione smoothed her daughter's hair back.

"Fine," Saffron said forcing a smile. "What are you doing home?"

"Your father and I finished up early," Hermione said.

"Oh," Saffron said taking the raisins from her mother. "That's good. We can wrap the presents like we planned."

Hermione smiled. "I'd like that." She looked over at Greta. "Greta, would you mind giving Saffron and me a moment?"

"Of course," Greta answered. "I'll just be in the sitting room. Saffy, you can put those biscuits in the oven for me."

"Okay," Saffron said continuing to stir the batter.

Hermione sat down. "Sweetheart, your father told me that you were crying this morning."

Saffron sighed. "I'm fine."

"Saffy," Hermione said. "We're worried about you."

Saffron shrugged. "There's nothing anyone can do."

"We can help you," Hermione said. "You went through a very traumatic experience."

Saffron didn't answer.

"No one could go through what you and Ethan went through and not change in some way," Hermione continued. "Ethan seems to be adjusting but you've..."

"I'm not the golden child, okay?" Saffron snapped/

Hermione was taken aback at Saffron's tone. "Saffron--"

"You guys don't know what it was like, okay?" Saffron asked tearfully. "You don't know what it was like sitting in that horrible room, not knowing what was going to come of you."

Hermione came up behind her daughter and put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I do know what that was like, Saffron. More than anyone."