Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: This is a major chapter. We hope that you enjoy it!

Three weeks. Three weeks of being holed up in this nondescript room with no windows and no contact with anyone other than the sadistic bastard who was holding her here.

Saffron sighed as she pulled the covers of her bed back and got out of bed. She wasn't surprised to see the tray of food on the desk. It was always there every morning without fail.

As always, she ate it dutifully. Her captor always got quite angry if she didn't finish every bit of food there was.

Saffron wondered if her parents were any closer to finding her. She had never missed them as badly as she did right now. She wanted nothing more than to run into her mother's arms and have her say that everything was going to be okay.

With a trembly sigh, she finished the oatmeal and left her spoon in the bowl. It disappeared rapidly.

"I trust you've slept well, my sweet." the voice said.

Saffron didn't reply. The sound of his voice always sent chills down her spine. He kept calling her those names and it made her skin crawl.

"I can tell you're lonely," he continued. "Don't worry."

"I want to see my parents," Saffron said quietly. "Or at least talk to them. Please."

"I'm afraid I can't allow that," the voice said, with a touch of glee.

"Please," Saffron begged.

"You'll see your family soon enough," he told her.

"If it's money that you want," Saffron said trying to reason with him. "All you have to do is ask my parents. They'll give you whatever you need. I just want to go home."

"YOU ARE NOT GOING HOME!" the voice boomed.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" Saffron screamed back.

"It's not you I want, my sweet," the voice was calm again. "You'll see in due time..."

Saffron wondered what the hell that meant. He kept making cryptic comments like that, but he never gave anything away.

"Just be patient, love." the voice said.

"I just want to talk to my mum," Saffron pleaded, trying to keep her voice calm. "You have a mother, don't you? Please...I know that she's worried sick. I just want to talk to her for a minute to tell her I'm okay."

The voice didn't answer and Saffron lay back on the bed, trying not to sob.

Saffron thought about her parents. She wondered if they were having any luck in the search. Her father was a determined investigator and she knew he'd stop at nothing to find her. Every night, she dreamed of sleeping in her own bed with Puddles cuddled up beside her. She thought of her dog and felt the tears fall down her cheeks. Someone had to be looking after him---making sure he was fed and getting water.

Her thoughts also shifted to her brother and sister, who she was sure were just as worried as her parents.

She and Ethan didn't always get along, but she would have given anything to see him right now. Her family meant everything in the world to her and they needed her. She hated to think of them not knowing whether she was alive or dead. A terrible thought occurred to her. What if they did think she was dead?

What if they weren't looking for her after all? The thought was almost too much for her to bear. Saffron could never face the thought of her family thinking she wasn't there anymore.

Her grandmother! Elinore Granger hadn't been in the best health for the last few months.

"Sir?" Saffron called out wiping at her eyes.

He didn't answer at first.

"Sir?" Saffron called out again. "My they think I'm...dead?"

"No," he finally answered.

"You've spoken to them?" Saffron asked.

"In a way," he replied.

"You've written to them?" Saffron guessed.

"Don't you worry about it," the voice said.

That was easy for him to say. She had nothing to do all day, but worry. She tried not to think about Sean, but every time she closed her eyes, she saw him stepping in front of her. He hadn't done anything wrong, but love her and it had gotten him killed.

And then she always thought about Andrew. Andrew, who she still loved; Andrew, who said he couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her. Was he helping look for her too, she wondered?

"Sir?" Saffron asked again. "Have you heard anything about my friend, Alexa? Is she okay?"

The voice again didn't answer.

Saffron sighed. She had to believe Alexa was okay.

She rolled onto her side and pulled her knees up into her chest. The room was chilly and the oatmeal had only been lukewarm at best.

This man obviously was out for revenge, but why was he going about it this way? Did he want money? Was he enjoying watching her parents suffer?

She sniffed again, her thoughts once more wandering back to Andrew. She missed him so much. Aside from wanting to be in her parents arms, his were a very close second.

She wished he were here right now, lying beside her. No, she wouldn't want him here. She pictured them on the beach at Brighton, looking up at the night sky.

It was the first summer they were there. It was close to midnight and they had sneaked outside together.

"I want that star," Saffron pointed. "That really, really bright one."

"I'd get it for you if I could," Andrew said putting his arm around her.

"I know you would," she snuggled up against him.

"I cannot tell you how many times I thought about being with you like this," Andrew said softly. "After that whole thing with Peter..."

"That's way over and done with," Saffron said. "I love you."

"I love you too," Andrew said giving her a kiss.

"Let's stay here forever," Saffron said between kisses. "Never move from this spot again..."

"You realise that if we did that, we'd never play Quidditch again," Andrew teased.

"Okay," she laughed. "We can move ONLY to play Quidditch."

"Where you'd probably knock me off of my broom," Andrew said tickling her.

"Only if you're in my way," Saffron slapped at his hands.

"Someone doesn't like to be tickled, do they?" Andrew asked gleefully. '

"No and you know it!" Saffron pushed his fingers away.

"I just can't control myself," Andrew laughed reaching for her again.

"You'd better knock it off if you ever plan on snogging me again," Saffron warned with a grin.

"Okay, okay," Andrew said stopping. "I don't know if I could go without snogging you."

"I don't think you could," Saffron pushed him down and rolled on top of him. "I know I couldn't."

Andrew reached up and cupped her cheek in his hand. "Saffron Grace Potter."

"Yes?" she asked, grinning down at him.

"I love you," Andrew said grinning up at her.

"I love you too," she pushed back his hair. "I love you so much."

Andrew brought her face down and softly kissed her.

"Mmmm..." she purred deep in her throat.

Andrew's arms snaked around her waist.

"More," she whispered.

Andrew grinned up at her. "Your wish..."

"Is my command?" she finished impishly.

"That sounds about right," Andrew said softly. "I would do anything in this world for you, Saffy."

"I know," she said softly. "And I love you for it. You've made me so happy."

"Even if I am the better Quidditch player," Andrew said trying to keep a straight face.

"That's what you think," Saffron retorted.

"That's what I know," Andrew countered.

"Never," Saffron said, shaking her head.

"Okay," Andrew said. "You might be a little better than me..."

She laughed. "Oh maybe..."

"You're much better than me," Andrew relented. "I'm comfortable enough in my masculinity to admit it."

She kissed him again. "That's why I love you so much."

"I love you too," Andrew whispered. "Saffron Grace," the voice said interrupting her thoughts. "Wake up..."

"What?" she asked blearily.

"I'd like you to repeat something for me," the voice said. "Can you do that for me?"

"Andrew?" Saffron asked. "Andrew are you here?"

The voice laughed. "No, my sweet. It's not Andrew. It's your father..."

"Daddy?" Saffron asked hopefully.

"I'm glad that you're gone," the voice said, sounding eerily like her father.

Saffron wasn't sure if she was still sleeping or not. "What?"

"I haven't been looking for you," the voice taunted her. "I never wanted you or your brother and sister. And your mother the Mudblood---"

"STOP!" Saffron cried out.

"Don't like hearing the truth, do you?" the voice mocked.

"You aren't my father," Saffron said, tears in her eyes. "He'd never say these things. He loves us."

"I tolerated you," he said angrily. "Your mother failed me in so many ways."

"Mum never failed anyone," Saffron whispered.

"Your mother is cold and heartless," the voice said bitterly. "She betrayed me."

"My mother is warm, loving, and one of the most compassionate people I know." Saffron retorted. "So is my father."

The voice laughed haughtily. He didn't sound like her father this time. "Why so sad? You said you wanted to talk to your father...."

"You aren't my father!" she cried out. "Stop playing games with me! I just want to go home!"

"Not yet," he warned her. "I have to leave you now, my sweet. I'll be back with your lunch...and maybe something else..."

"What?" she asked, trembling.

"You'll see," he said happily. "Goodbye for now."

"You bastard!" Saffron screamed, banging the wall. "LET ME OUT OF HERE!"

There was no response and Saffron slid down against the wall. "I just want to go home..."

Meanwhile back in England, Ethan was on his thirteenth day straight in the office. He'd been home to shower and grab a few hours of sleep but other than that, he'd been working feverishly to discover his sister's whereabouts.

"I'm going to go on back down to Knockturn Alley," Ethan told Justin. "I'm going to see if anyone else is willing to give up information on Dolohov."

"I'll go with you," Justin offered.

Ethan shook his head. "You don't have to, mate. I know you're knackered. Go home. "

"You sure?" Justin asked. "I don't mind."

"I'm positive," Ethan replied, reaching for his wand. "I'll check in with you when I get back."

"Sounds good mate," Justin said. "See you later."

Ethan nodded. He thought briefly about checking with his father, but his father was in a briefing.

He decided to go and be back before anyone even realised he was gone. Perhaps he'd bring back some news.

They needed something good to go on. Ethan got angry just thinking about the latest letter from the kidnapper.

When he got his hands on the bastard, he was going to wring Dolohov's neck, especially if he'd done anything to hurt Saffron.

He decided to start his search at Borgin & Burkes. Mr. Borgin saw quite a few wizards and witches and someone might have said something about his sister.

He pulled a dark cloak over his robes and headed into the run down shop.

Mr. Borgin looked up from his spot behind the counter. "Can I help you with something, sir?"

"You can tell me if Nikolai Dolohov has been in here recently," Ethan said in a low voice. "Or if you've heard of his whereabouts."

"Potter," Mr. Borgin said with a resigned sigh. "I've told you, I don't know anything."

"And for some reason, I just don't believe you," Ethan said evenly.

"I haven't heard anything," Borgin retorted. "And I'm sick of you Aurors coming in here and acting like I had something to do with your sister's disappearance or the death of that Muggle!"

"No one ever said you had anything to do with it," Ethan snapped. "But you have friends, friends that know people like Dolohov."

"Are you talking about Nikolai Dolohov?" an old witch asked in a raspy voice.

"Yes," Ethan spun around.

Borgin rolled his eyes. He didn't want to have any part of this. Without a word, he headed off to the back of the shop to help a customer.

"I know where Dolohov is hiding," the old witch told Ethan.

Ethan put a hand on his wand. "Where?"

The witch placed a cold, bony hand on Ethan's arm. "Godric's Hollow."

"What?" Ethan asked. "That's a strange place for him to be hiding out--"

"Don't you see?" she asked. "He's toying with your father..."

"By taking my sister," Ethan said angrily.

The old witch nodded. "I would have come forward sooner, but he's very dangerous, as you well know..."

"I know," Ethan nodded.

Ethan hesitated. He didn't know who this woman was or why she would be offering to help him. The fact that she was in Knockturn Alley was telling. But, it did sound like something Dolohov would do.

"Thank you," Ethan said nodding. "I appreciate the tip." he was slightly wary, but couldn't let this go un-investigated.

"You should hurry," she told him. "I heard her screaming this morning."

Ethan's blood ran cold. "You heard my sister?"

The witch nodded. "The poor dear..."

Ethan couldn't hear any more. He hurriedly left Borgin and Burke's.

He would search through every single house in Godric's Hollow if he had to. He thought briefly about calling for backup, but time was of the essence. He needed to find Saffron now.

He Apparated away and to the desolated stretch of land where his grandparents once lived. It was a dark, almost abandoned neighbourhood. Ethan couldn't imagine anyone living there now.

He withdrew his wand and held it out in front of him.

"HELP!" Saffron's voice called out. "PLEASE!"

"Saffy!" Ethan shouted.

"OVER HERE!" Saffron called out in the distance. "ETHAN, PLEASE!"

Ethan used his wand to open a door, holding the piece of wood in front of him for protection.

"Saffy?" Ethan called out uncertainly.

"Ethan!" Saffron's voice cried. "I'm in here! Help me!"

Ethan slowly walked up the stairs keeping his eye out for any movement, any sound.

"Ethan hurry!" his sister called. "I'm in here!"

Ethan made it to the top of the stairs. "Saffy---"

His voice died when he saw a figure step out in front of him.

"Stupefy!" the figure shouted.

Ethan didn't have time to react before slumping to the ground.

The man pulled off his cloak and smiled. That had been easy. He had to only now wait for the other to arrive.

Back at the real house where Saffron was being kept, the teenager sighed. She had to focus and think of some way to get out of here.

She knew her kidnapper was gone, so she took this opportunity to start trying the door, the grimy window, and see if there were any weak spots in the walls again.

"UGH!" Saffron groaned in frustration.

She'd never felt so helpless in all her life. She hated this man for what he was doing to her, and for what he was putting her family through.

"Stand back, little one," the voice called out to her, startling her.

Saffron stumbled over the pile of blankets that had been her bed.

The door slowly opened and he pushed something into the room. It fell to the floor with a thud. Before Saffron could react, the door slammed shut.

She held back for a few moments- whatever it was her kidnapper had put in there, it was large and unmoving.

Curiosity got the better of her and she knelt down and slowly peeled away the blanket. "Ethan?" Saffron whispered.

Her brother didn't respond and didn't move, and for a terrible moment, Saffron thought he was dead.

"Ethan, please," Saffron said touching his cheek. "Please be okay..."

It was a good half hour before Ethan finally stirred. Saffron let out a choked sob of relief as he sat up gingerly.

His head was hurting and he felt woozy. "Maddie?"

"Ethan," Saffron whimpered. "It's me..." she almost feared another trick like the one her captor had pulled that morning.

Ethan blinked and everything seemed to come into focus. "Saffy---oh, Saffy!"

"Ethan," Saffron threw herself at her brother.

Ethan hugged her tightly. "Saffy, are you real?"

Saffron held onto him. "Ethan, you have to get us out of here!"

Ethan pulled away to look at her. "Did he do anything to you?"

"No," Saffron answered. "Just... he talks through the walls or something. He can see everything I do in here."

"Hermione, you know I don't do that!" the voice shouted back, startling both of them.

"Who are you?" Ethan demanded, struggling to his feet.

"You know, I shouldn't care for you since you look the most like him," the voice called back.

"What is he talking about?" Saffron whispered.

Ethan shrugged.

"Ethan, Julie and Saffron," the voice called back in a dreamlike voice.

"How does he know about Julie?" Saffron trembled.

Ethan didn't answer. His eyes trained on the bundle of blankets he'd been lying next to.

"Don't you worry," the voice said. "Pretty soon, we'll all be together. The family that you should have had all along."

"What are you talking about?" Saffron shouted as Ethan peeled back the blanket.

Saffron stood behind her brother. "What is it?"

"Oh my God," Ethan stared at the figure crumpled in the blanket.

"What?" Saffron asked.

"Dolohov," Ethan uttered.

"Is he---?" Saffron asked. "But if---"

"He's dead," Ethan said, staring.

Saffron winced as the smell hit her. "Why would he put him in here with us?"

"I don't know," Ethan said. "But Saffy... we've been looking for Dolohov because we thought he was responsible for this."

Saffron took this all in. "So, if wasn't him, who is it?"

"I don't know," Ethan admitted, covering the body back up.

"Hermione?" the voice called out. "Please don't be frightened. I did it for you."

"Why's he talking about Mum?" Saffron was quite frightened now.

The door suddenly flew open and Ethan pushed his sister behind him.

"Hermione, please don't be upset," the older man said holding out his hand to her. "Hermione, please..."

"Who the HELL are you?" Ethan asked angrily.

"Hermione," the man said in a comforting tone. "It's me...Shhhh....."

Ethan reached for his wand, but it was gone. "She's not Hermione," he snapped. "She's my sister, and you're going to let us out of here!"

"I can't do that," the older man said apologetically. "Oh, Hermione, you're just as beautiful as I remembered..."

Saffron clung to her brother. "Ethan..."

"Wait a minute," Ethan stared at him. "I know you. My parents told me about you a long time ago..."

"Who is he?" Saffron whispered.

"Gordon Devereaux," Ethan said coldly.

He smiled back at them. "I should have been your father."

"No way," Saffron shook her head.

Ethan ran at him, but he had some strong wards set up and Ethan fell back.

"Don't try me, Potter." Gordon glared down at him. "I've been waiting for this for a long, long time."

"Waiting for what, you son-of-a-bitch?" Ethan asked. "Hmm? What are you planning?"

He smiled coldly, but his look softened when he glanced back at Saffron.

"My sweet Hermione," he said softly. "You look just like how I remembered."

"Hermione is my mother," Saffron backed up, shaking.

"I'm going to right the wrongs," Gordon said not hearing her. "You were supposed to be with me. We were going to have our own family. I--I went about it the wrong way before, but I've figured it all out now. You, me, and your children....we'll be a family. I have a new home for us and everything."

"You're sick," Saffron said. "You're sick and you need help."

"I spent nearly 35 years in that horrible place!" he screamed at her. "THEY DIDN'T HELP ME!"

Saffron cowered. "Ethan..."

"Its okay, Saffy," Ethan said putting his arm around her.

Gordon seemed to focus at the mention of Saffron's name. "Little one, don't be afraid. You have your brother here and soon you will have your sister and your mother. Your father will be all alone."

Saffron's eyes filled with tears. "Just let us go," she pleaded.

The man pointed his wand at Dolohov and muttered a spell. Dolohov's body disappeared. "I'll leave you two to get reacquainted."

He left the room, slamming the door again behind him. Ethan immediately ran over and tried to open it.

"Ethan, who is Gordon Devereaux?" Saffron asked.

Ethan sighed. "He's a bloke who Mum went to school with at Beauxbatons. They met up again right after our parents moved in with each other. He was obsessed with her, and stalked her."

Saffron gaped at her brother. She wondered why no one had ever told her about this.

"He kidnapped Mum right after Dad proposed," Ethan continued. "Was going to take her to Iceland or something, to perform a spell that would bind them together forever."

"Daddy stopped him though obviously," Saffron said softly.

"Yeah," Ethan nodded. "He did."

"So what happened?" Saffron asked. "Did they throw him in Azkaban?"

"In St. Mungos," Ethan shook his head. "In the mental ward."

"And they let him out?" Saffron asked angrily. "He's insane!"

"I don't know how he got out, Saffy." Ethan took a good look at his sister. Her face was pale, her hair tangled and dirty, but she didn't look harmed in any way.

"Oh, Ethan!" Saffron cried, hugging him.

"I'm so glad you're all right," Ethan hugged her tightly. "We've all been so worried."

"I'm sorry that you've worried," Saffron said, sobbing into his shoulder. "I've missed you all so much!"

"Don't apologise," Ethan said. "We're going to get out of here Saf."

"How's Mum?" Saffron asked in a small voice.

"She's all right," Ethan said. "We're all holding it together."

"Um...Lexie?" Saffron asked, not sure if she could take hearing the fate of her best friend. "Is she---"

Ethan sighed. "She can't remember anything after your fifth year at school."

Saffron stared at him. "She lost two years of her memory?"

"The healers don't think it's permanent," Ethan said. "But she thinks she's going out with RJ again."

Saffron shook her head. "Ethan..."

"He's pretending to go along with it for now," Ethan told her.

Saffron looked up at him. "This is such a mess."

"I know," Ethan said. "And as usual, I didn't do things right. I didn't call for backup and I went to Godric's Hollow on the word of some old witch. I'll be surprised if I'm not sacked when we get out of here... if we get out of here."

"Ethan," Saffron said gently. "Don't talk like that. You're not going to be sacked. You were looking for me. Dad probably would have done the same thing."

"Dad would have done it the right way," Ethan let his head thump against the wall. "I have to get out of here. I can't leave Mads by herself."

"Ethan," Saffron said. "We are going to get out of here. We're going to get out of here hopefully before he takes Julie or Mum."

Ethan got up and went over to the window and tried to push up on it.

"I've tried it a thousand times," Saffron told him.

"There's got to be a way out of here," Ethan hit the wall with his fist.

"There's not," Saffron said. "I've tried everything. He's warded this place...there's no way out."

"There HAS to be a way out," Ethan insisted.

Gordon smiled as he watched Saffron and Ethan. It was easier to look at Saffron since she reminded him of Hermione. Ethan looked too much like Potter.

"Soon, my sweet," he whispered. "We'll all be together."

Gordon pulled out the worn photograph he had of the Potters. He had cut it out of the paper. They were all smiling and happy. Gordon had long since cut Harry out of the picture. He didn't belong there. He never had.

His finger traced over Hermione. It had been years and years, but she was still the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

"Hermione Jane Granger Devereaux," Gordon whispered. "My lovely wife. And our three children...Saffron, Julie, and Ethan...

"Yes," he continued. "My two girls look just like their mum." He set the photograph down and sat back down at his desk. He was going to write a letter. He figured now that he had the boy, it was time to set the next part of the plan in motion.

Back at the Ministry, Harry emerged from a nearly three hour briefing with Kingsley, Lupin and Neville. He decided to stop in and see if his son had learned anything new on Saffron's disappearance.

Ethan and Justin's office was empty. "Natalie?" Harry asked turning around. "Have you seen Ethan?"

"Not for awhile," Natalie answered. "I think he went out to Knockturn Alley."

"With Justin?" Harry asked.

"I'm not sure," Natalie said apologetically.

"Thanks," Harry said absently. "If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him."

"Will do," Natalie replied.

"I'm going to head upstairs to see my wife," Harry told her.

"If I hear anything, I'll send for you right away," Natalie promised.

Harry nodded and left headquarters. He was anxious to see his wife and reassure her.

He only wished he had more news for her. They'd set more Aurors on the case, but absolutely nothing had turned up. Harry couldn't remember ever feeling more frustrated than he did right now.

His wife was sitting at her desk when he walked inside. "Sweetheart?"

Hermione looked up. "Have you heard anything new?" she asked without preamble.

Harry shook his head. "No. Ethan apparently went to Knockturn Alley again to see if he could find out anything."

"By himself?" Hermione asked in alarm.

"I think Justin was with him," Harry said. "I was in a briefing so I'm not sure."

"Maybe we should go there and look for him," Hermione rose from her desk.

"Knockturn Alley isn't safe for you, Hermione," Harry said.

"If you're with me, I'll be fine," Hermione said.

"Hermione," Harry said shaking his head. "I don't think it's a good idea for us to go down there. Not to mention the fact that Ethan is a big boy. He and Justin would call for backup if they needed it."

Hermione sighed. "I guess I'm just a little overprotective these days." She sat back down and rubbed her eyes.

Harry walked around the desk and stood behind his wife massaging her shoulders. "That's understandable."

Hermione closed her eyes. "I need this to be over, Harry. I want my baby back home with us."

"She will be," Harry promised. "She's a fighter. Just like her mum."

Hermione nodded. "I hope so."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," Hermione called out. Maddie hurried into the room looking like she had just see a ghost. "Have you---have you seen Ethan?"

"He went down to Knockturn Alley," Harry told her.

Maddie shook her head. "No, please....I saw....I saw him...."

"Saw him?" Hermione got up again. "Saw him... do what?"

"Ethan," Maddie said breathlessly. "He---he---"

Hermione went pale and sagged against her husband.

"Maddie," Harry said holding onto his wife. ""

"Ethan," Maddie cried out. "I saw him going up a set of stairs and this man came out of nowhere!"

"What did he do?" Hermione asked. "Please Maddie--"

"I don't know!" Maddie exclaimed. "That was all I could see!"

"It's okay," Harry reassured her. "Maddie... we'll figure this out."

Maddie felt faint and she grabbed onto the edge of Hermione's desk.

"Maddie," Hermione rushed to her daughter in law.

"I'm---I'm okay," Maddie said hoarsely. "Can I have a glass of water?"

"Of course," Harry hurried over to the pitcher on the other side of the room.

"Sit down," Hermione urged. "I'm sure---I'm sure that Ethan is fine."

Maddie nodded and was about to say something when she heard a voice.

We have to get out of here. I can't let them go through this again.

"Maddie?" Harry asked, handing her the glass of water.

"Excuse me," Maddie turned away, holding her hand over her mouth.

"Madeline," Hermione said helping her daughter-in-law to the bathroom.

For a long few minutes, Maddie retched while she heard several voices in her head. "Please stop," she whispered.

"Maddie," Hermione said patting her back. "What is it, sweetheart?"

"I don't know," she said miserably. "I hear these voices... and it makes me sick."

"Harry?" Hermione called out. "Can you bring that glass of water?"

Harry carried it to the door. "Are you all right, Maddie?"

"I don't know," Maddie replied weakly.

"It's okay," Hermione soothed. "Just sit here and relax for a moment."

Maddie nodded. "I don't know what's wrong with me. I was thinking it was stress, but now I'm not so sure."

"Perhaps you should get yourself checked by a healer then," Hermione said. "Or if you're getting sick when you hear these voices, you might want to talk to Smythe about it."

"I just want to know where Ethan is," Maddie said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'll go down to Knockturn Alley," Harry said. "I'll get him for you."

"And I'll take you to St. Mungos," Hermione said firmly. "Come on, Maddie. Ethan would want you to get checked out."

"Okay," Maddie agreed weakly.

"Ethan and I will meet you there," Harry promised.

"Hurry," Hermione said to her husband, giving him a quick kiss.

Maddie hoped that Harry would find Ethan, safe and sound. She wished he was here with her right now. She had never been more scared in her life.

"Come on love," Hermione said. "We'll ring your parents when we get to St. Mungos."

"Okay," Maddie said weakly.

Fifteen minutes later, thanks to Hermione's pull as Minister, found them sitting in an examination room.

Hermione was glad to see Pansy Parkinson walk in the room. "Pansy, thank you for agreeing to see us on short notice."

"It's not a problem," Pansy said. "How are you doing? Has there been any news on Saffron?"

"Nothing yet," Hermione shook her head.

Pansy looked sympathetically at her. "If Gregory and I can do anything to help---"

"Thank you," Hermione nodded. "I'll let you know."

Pansy picked up Maddie's chart. "Hello, Madeline. What seems to be the problem?"

"I um... I've been hearing voices in my head lately," Maddie said quietly. "And when it happens, I get dizzy and quite ill."

"Voices?" Pansy asked. "What sorts of voices?"

"Thoughts," Maddie said. "It's almost like I can read people's minds, except I hear what they're saying."

Pansy nodded and wrote this down on the chart.

There was a knock on the door. "Excuse me, Healer Parkinson, but Mrs. Potter's mother, Luna Weasley is here."

"I've also sent for Smythe," Hermione said as Luna came in.

Luna gave her daughter a hug. "My sweet girl."

"It just keeps happening Mum," Maddie said. "And now I'm so afraid something's happened to Ethan."

Luna squeezed her hand. "It's okay. It's going to be fine. Your father's waiting outside."

"Okay," Maddie said, feeling a little better now that her mother was there.

Pansy began her preliminary examination. She took Maddie's temperature and checked her other vitals. Everything seemed to be normal. Maddie took that as a good sign.

"When was your last period, Madeline?" Pansy asked.

"I um... spotted last month a bit," Maddie replied as there was another knock on the door.

Hermione opened the door. "Oh, hello, Smythe."

"I came as quickly as I could," Smythe said.

"Thank you for being here," Hermione said. "And now that you are, I think I'll go out in the waiting room and wait with Ronald."

"Thank you," Maddie said to her mother in law. "For bringing me."

Hermione squeezed her hand. "Of course."

"You've been hearing those voices again, Madeline?" Smythe asked her.

Maddie nodded. "And right afterwards, I get really sick."

"That sounds like something I've read about before," Smythe said. "About a Seer that worked with my predecessor."

Pansy was continuing her own examination while Smythe spoke with Maddie. She had an idea what was possibly wrong.

"But I've never heard these voices before," Maddie told Smythe. "It only started to happen in the last couple of months. It's really strange."

Smythe nodded. "Madeline... that Seer... she was pregnant. And her child was the one who could hear voices, read thoughts."