Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: Tonight's chapter begins the time jump. We are now three years into the future and it begins with the Hogwarts crew---Ashley, Zander and Brittany are seventh years. We hope you enjoy the time jump---we have big things planned and just ask for one thing from you guys---FEEDBACK! Please, please, please take a minute after you finish reading to let us know what you think.

Ashley Malfoy had just spent the better part of two weeks stuck in the hospital wing with the Wizarding flu. Madam Pomfrey had finally decided she was well enough to rejoin her classmates in Gryffindor.

She had made it through her entire school career without spending more than an hour in the hospital wing. But, now nearing the end of her seventh and final year, she had been hit with a horrid case of the flu. When she needed to be concentrating on her art, she would have to spend the next few days, catching up on all the assignments she had missed.

"Hello," Katie waved her hand in front of her sister's face. "Are you in there?"

"Sorry," Ashley said, slowly standing up. "Just feeling a bit sorry for myself is all."

"Well you're all better," Katie said, grabbing a Gryffindor jumper from the bedside table. "You can get the bloody hell out of here."

"It hasn't been all bad," Ashley said. "Zander kept me company." She smiled at the memory of him sneaking into the wing after visiting hours.

"There you go again," Katie said, one eyebrow raised.

"What are you on about?" Ashley asked, folding her dressing gown.

"Whenever you mention Zander you get this look on your face," Katie said. "You're pale as can be, but when you say his name your cheeks get all flushed."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "They do not, Katie."

"Yes they do," Katie grinned at her. "You can't pull one over on me. I am the expert on all things having to do with blokes."

"I'll forget you said that," Ashley said. "And remember not to tell Dad." She folded Zander's Gryffindor blanket. He had let her have it last night when she'd had a chill.

Katie scoffed and turned to look at her reflection in the mirror. She had turned fifteen not long ago and had blossomed into a very beautiful young woman.

"You didn't have to do this," Ashley said to her sister. "I know you have better things to do."

"I don't mind," Katie replied. "I wanted to make sure you were okay."

Ashley smiled at her sister. "That's very kind of you."

"Don't tell anyone," Katie joked. "My Slytherin reputation is on the line."

"Speaking of which," Ashley said looking pointedly at her sister. "Caroline and Mia visited me the other day. Don't sigh, Katie. Caroline used to be your best friend."

"Please..." Katie rolled her eyes.

"I still can't believe how horrible you were to her on her first days here," Ashley said, shaking her head.

"Ashley," Katie shook her head. "I was not horrible to her."

"What do you call acting as if you didn't know her?" Ashley asked.

"Ashley she's in Gryffindor with you," Katie said as if it were the most obvious thing. "If you were that worried why didn't you show her around?"

"I did," Ashley pointed out. "But, you really have some nerve, Katie. Acting the way you do at school and then expecting her to be your friend on hols when none of your minions are around."

Katie laughed. "I don't have minions, Ash."

Ashley laughed. "Yes, you do."

"Well, maybe a few," Katie said with a grin. "I love being popular."

"You always have," Ashley said. She clasped her suitcase. "I think I'm all--"

"Mr. Murray!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed from the other room. "You cannot go back there!"

Katie nudged her sister. "Here comes your hero...."

"I'll just be a minute," Zander told the nurse.

The door swung open and Zander hurried inside. He smiled when he saw Ashley. "Miss Malfoy, I hardly recognised you standing up."

Katie rolled her eyes. "Lame joke, Murray."

"I'll try and do better next time," Zander made a goofy face at her.

Katie had to laugh at that.

"I thought I'd see if you were ready to head back to civilization," Zander said to Ashley.

"Beyond ready," Ashley replied. "Madam Pomfrey's discharged me officially.."

"Finally," Katie said, tossing her hair.

Ashley gave her sister a hug. "I'll see you at dinner. Thanks again for helping me."

"No problem," Katie replied. "I'm just glad you're better."

"Look at that," Zander said picking up Ashley's case. "Katie and I actually agreed on something."

"Again, don't tell anyone," Katie said. "Reputation..."

"Your secret is safe with me," Zander said.

"Aren't you the gentleman," Katie said flirtatiously. She still thought Zander was rather boring, but he had gotten awfully cute.

"Say goodbye, Katie," Ashley said.

"Goodbye, Katie." the brunette replied with a grin. Katie gave her sister one last hug before she breezed out of the room.

"Well..." Zander shook his head. "Are you ready, Malfoy?"

Ashley nodded and smiled at him. "Yes."

"We missed you up there," Zander told her. "Brit's been awfully quiet without you to moan and groan with."

"Brit has never been quiet in her life," Ashley said.

"Quieter, then." Zander slung his arm around her.

Ashley rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for all that you didfor me, Zander. I can't imagine spending a fortnight in the hospital wing was much for you."

"It was no big deal," he said. "You'd do it for me."

"I would," Ashley agreed.

"Everyone's anxious to have you back up there," Zander told her. "Brit can tell you the latest of her and Evan and her and Michael..."

Ashley groaned. "Seriously?"

"Her drama never fails to amaze me," he said dryly.

"I don't know how she keeps up with them all," Ashley said.

"I don't want to know," Zander said as they approached the portrait door.

"I feel like I've been away for ages," Ashley commented.

"You're looking a bit pale, even for being British," Zander teased her.

Ashley poked him in the side. "Let's see how great you look after spending two weeks in bed."

"I didn't say you looked bad," Zander squeezed her shoulders. "Just pale."

Ashley blushed. "Zander..."

"Come on Ash," he said as the door swung open.

Ashley followed him inside the warm, familiar Gryffindor common room.

"ASH!" Brittany shrieked.

Ashley turned and laughed as Brittany hugged her tightly. "I missed you too, Brit!"

"I have SO much to tell you," Brittany replied.

"Give her a chance to breathe," Zander warned his cousin.

"It's okay," Ashley said with a grin. "I've missed this."

Zander tugged affectionately on Ashley's ponytail. "I'm going to just put your case upstairs."

"Thanks," Ashley said gratefully. "And here's your blanket."

Zander took it. "Thanks."

"Madam Pomfrey charmed it so it's germ free," Ashley said with a grin.

"That's all we need," Brittany said rolling her eyes. "Zander to get sick. One case of the sniffles and he's lying on the couch moaning and groaning about how sick he is."

Zander laughed sarcastically. "As opposed to the first sign of a red, runny nose, go running to Madam Pomfrey like someone else we know?"

"At least I'm not a big baby," Brittany retorted.

"You're more like a big sissy," Zander said before sprinting away.

"UGH!" Brittany said. "He is SO obnoxious!"

Ashley watched him go, but she had a smile on her face. He was not obnoxious to her. The last couple of weeks in hospital wing would have been unbearable if it hadn't been for him.

"Anyway," Brittany said. "Now that you're out, I can talk to you about Billy."

"Billy?" Ashley asked, breaking out of her reverie.

"He's in Ravenclaw," Brittany said. "COMPLETELY gorgeous."

"What about Evan?" Ashley asked. "Before I went in hospital, you two were back together."

"That lasted like four days," Brittany waved her hand. "Bored."

Ashley giggled. "Brit..."

"He's fun for a few days," Brittany replied. "I need a little action, you know."

Ashley did not know, but she nodded her head like she understood. Zander came back downstairs and handed Ashley a couple of letters. "Corinne took your bag and asked me if I'd give you these letters from Kevin."

"Oh," Ashley blushed. "Thanks. I was hoping he had written to me."

"Too bad he wasn't able to come here and sit by your bedside giving you tender, loving care," Brittany said dreamily.

"He's so busy these days," Ashley said. "A tour this summer, a concert next week..."

"So romantic," Brittany said. "To think how he started out working with your dad..."

"He wasn't really working with him," Ashley reminded her. "He opened for my dad, and that's how we met."

"So hot," Brittany gushed.

Zander rolled his eyes. "Brit, do we need to throw you in the lake to cool you down?"

"Ugh," Brittany said. "Go away, Zander. You did your job and brought Ashley back."

"Guys, come on," Ashley said. "Be nice."

"Yeah," Zander said. "Be nice to me. I'm the good guy, remember?"

Ashley smiled at him. "You don't need to tell me that, Zander."

"Thanks Ash," Zander said dramatically.

Brittany picked up Zander's arm and twisted it around to get a look at his watch. "Ooooh...I have to go. I promised Billy I'd meet him for a walk."

"Make sure you keep it quiet this time," Zander said. "I'd hate to have to bust you on my patrol later."

Brittany glared at him. "Mr. Prefect..."

"Jealous?" he asked her, as he did every time.

Brittany tossed her hair over her shoulder and walked out without responding. It was a sore spot for her that her cousin had been named prefect their fourth year.

Ashley giggled. "You two are horrible."

Zander laughed. "She is just jealous that I have the power and she doesn't."

Ashley grinned at him and returned to her letters. "I'll write him back before dinner." she said.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Zander said. "I have something for you, too. A sort of welcome back to the land of the living present."

"You've already done enough for me--" Ashley began to protest.

"It's not anything big," Zander told her. He pulled a small bag from his pocket and handed it to her. Ashley slowly opened it and beamed at him when she saw a stuffed small unicorn inside. "I saw in that toy shoppe in Hogsmeade and thought about you."

Ashley grinned at him. "From first year... our night in the Forbidden Forest."

Zander nodded. "Told you it wasn't much..."

Ashley gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love it."

Zander grinned. "Well, Miss Malfoy, what are you going to name her?"

Ashley giggled. "I'm not sure. Any ideas?"

"I don't know," Zander said thoughtfully. He was about to say something else to her when he felt someone thump him on the back of the head.

"Isn't this cosy," Sam said disdainfully. "Malfoy and Murray..."

Zander rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And to what do we owe this extreme displeasure?"

"Didn't mean to interrupt your little reunion," Sam said. "But I am Head Boy and you have patrol, Murray."

"I know I do," Zander said impatiently. "And we all know you're only Head Boy because of your father..."

"Leave it, Zander," Ashley said. "He's not worth it."

"He never is," Zander glared at Sam. "I'll be back later, Ash."

"Thanks again for my gift," Ashley said.

Zander grinned at her again before heading out of the common room.

Sam plopped down on the sofa beside Ashley. "Welcome back."

"Thanks," Ashley said warily.

"You know," Sam said folding his arms. "I know that Murray's missed curfew the last couple of weeks. Coincided with your stay in hospital."

"I'm not sure I know what you're referring to," Ashley said, forcing a pleasant tone.

Sam shook his head and laughed.

Ashley raised an eyebrow. "Is there something else I can help you with?"

"No," Sam said. "But you should tell your friend he needs to remember who's in charge."

Ashley shook her head. "You really are on a power trip, Sam."

"Isn't it grand?" Sam asked before standing up.

She turned away from him and picked up her unicorn and the letters from her boyfriend.

She and Kevin had not been together very long. They had started dating last summer and had written to each other when they could.

She really liked him though- they had a lot in common through their different forms of art. He was easy to talk to and Ashley liked spending time with him.

She picked up her unicorn and smiled. It was such a thoughtful gift from Zander. Her first real friend.

She decided to run it upstairs for safekeeping and to start her letter to Kevin so she could owl it off before dinner.

Corinne was upstairs and after chatting with her other roommate, she set about unpacking her belongings. It would be nice to sleep in her own bed again, but she would miss the late night chats with Zander.

"It's been pretty quiet without you here," Corinne told her. "Brit hasn't been able to dish like she usually does."

Ashley laughed. "I'm sure she'll tell me everything I missed."

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Corinne said. "Wizarding flu is no fun at all."

"Tell me about it," Ashley said.

"I had it when I was younger," Corinne said. "Wiped me out."

Ashley nodded. "I haven't felt that bad in ages."

Corinne smiled ruefully. "There are better things to talk about, aren't there?" she asked. "What's that you just put up there?" she nodded to the unicorn.

"A welcome home present from Zander," Ashley said. "Sort of an inside thing between us."

"It's cute," Corinne said. "I like the sparkles."

"Me too," Ashley said softly.

"I was just going to take a little kip," Corinne said. "Will you wake me up before dinner?"

"Sure," Ashley promised.

"Thanks," Corinne pulled the hangings around her bed, leaving Ashley to work on her letter.

She struggled to think of what to say. She started the letter four times but scratched the words out and crumpled up the parchment.

This was the first time she'd ever had trouble writing to Kevin- her mind kept going back to what her sister had said about Zander back in the hospital wing.

Did her cheeks really flush when she said Zander's name?

Katie was probably exaggerating, she thought. Zander had just really helped her out over the last few weeks.

He was her best friend and they had been through a lot together. The only time things had ever been remotely romantic between them had been that summer when they were thirteen.

That seemed so long ago now, Ashley thought. So much had happened and changed since that time

Ashley had focused mainly on her art and had dated off and on over the years. Zander had his fair share of girlfriends, too.

His latest had been a girl from Hufflepuff, a sweet, quiet girl named Debra.

But, Ashley remembered, the entire time that she had been in hospital, Zander had not mentioned Debra and she had not mentioned Kevin. They talked about other things. He would tell her crazy stories to keep her mind off of her illness and she would talk to him about studying art in Paris or Rome.

Despite being sick, it was two of the best weeks she'd had in a long, long time.

Ashley looked down at her parchment and noticed that she had absently scribbled Zander's name over and over.

She stared at it for a long moment before crumpling it up and tossing it aside. She forced herself to concentrate on her letter.

While Ashley wrote, her younger sister was heading for the library. The library was without a doubt Katie's least favourite place in the whole castle. But, she had an essay to do and she had put it off as long as she could. She wished more than anything to be upstairs with her fellow Slytherins.

With a sigh, she tossed her bag down on a table and headed into the stacks to find the books she needed.

She turned down the aisle for History and smiled when she saw a familiar face. Caroline Weasley was sitting down on the floor, totally engrossed in a book. Ashley's words from earlier played in Katie's head. Katie looked around to make sure that none of her friends were around before she approached the third-year Gryffindor. "Hiya," Katie said, startling Caroline. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

Caroline looked over at her. "No big deal."

"So, you heading to Hogsmeade next weekend?" Katie asked.

"I'll probably go hang out with Mia," Caroline said. "Emma wants me to get her something from Honeydukes."

Katie giggled. "Good old Em. I can't believe she's going to be here next year."

"She was really excited when she got her letter," Caroline replied.

Katie smiled. "This summer, we'll have to help her get ready. It'll be fun going shopping with her...what?"

"You're coming over?" Caroline asked. "And shopping? Really..."

Katie nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

Caroline opened her mouth then shook her head. "Nothing. I have to go."

"Wait," Katie said. "Ashley was telling me that your mum sent new photos of Olivia. Can I see?"

Caroline hesitated. "It's in my bag."

"Let me see!" Katie exclaimed eagerly.

Caroline fished in her bag for a moment. "Here it is..."

Katie grinned when she the little girl waving enthusiastically at the camera. "Her hair's getting so long! She looks just like you, Caroline."

Caroline had to grin. "She is so cute. I can't wait to see her during summer hols."

"I bet your mum would let us baby-sit," Katie said.

"Maybe," Caroline took the picture back. She didn't feel like verbally sparring with Katie at the moment, but she didn't like how the other girl always wanted to do things together only when other people weren't around. "I have to go."

Katie nodded. "I have to get started on this essay."

"Good luck," Caroline made a hasty exit.

Katie smiled. She was already making plans in her head for the things she and Caroline could do with Emma and Olivia in Brighton.

"Excuse me Miss Malfoy," the librarian said disapprovingly.

"Yes, miss?" Katie asked turning around.

"If you're here to work, then you need to work," Madam Pince replied crisply. "No loitering is allowed!"

Katie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Of course."

"Move along," the older woman urged her.

"You'd be a lot prettier if you wore more colours," Katie said. "That grey and black robe really does nothing for you..."

"I beg your pardon?" Madam Pince looked aghast.

"And coloured your hair," Katie said thoughtfully. "What colour was it originally before it turned all white and stuff?"

"Detention!" Madam Pince barked.

Katie glared at her. "Just for offering helpful advice?"

"For being disrespectful." the librarian said angrily.

"I was not!" Katie argued.

"I will give you another for arguing," Madam Pince snapped.

Katie frowned. She knew nothing good ever came from the library and now she had detention.

"Get your books and move on," Madam Pince glared at her.

Brittany stepped out from behind the stacks and looked at the librarian. "Madam Pince. You really should go easy on Katie. Her sister has been in the hospital wing these last few days and Katie here was worried sick about her. I really don't think she should have to serve a detention do you? I mean, if she says she's sorry..."

"I am sorry," Katie said quickly. "I really am. I didn't mean any disrespect."

"See?" Brittany asked sweetly. "She feels terrible."

"Hm..." Madam Pince looked suspicious. "I'll let it slide, ONCE."

"Thank you," Katie said sweetly. The librarian gave both of them a warning look before disappearing into her office. Katie looked at Brittany. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

Brittany grinned. "You probably shouldn't waste your time offering beauty advice to the librarian."

Katie laughed. "You're probably right. So, did my sister get settled back in?"

Brittany nodded. "She was going to write Kevin a letter when I left."

Katie frowned. She still could not understand why Kevin would go for Ashley when he could have had her. True, he was a bit too old for her, but still.

"He wrote her like four times," Brittany said, oblivious to Katie's expression. "It's soooooo romantic."

"Hmm," Katie muttered, gathering her books.

"Anyways..." Brittany said. "What's up?"

"I'm just ready for school to be over," Katie said with a shrug. "I'm ready to go to Brighton."

"You lot haven't been there in a few years," Brittany commented. "I mean... I know why you guys didn't go last time..."

Katie nodded. "Dad was busy with a new tour with Kevin, and then Aunt Saffy had Edward at the end of May... plus my grandparents had work..."

"Well, we'll have to make up for it this summer," Brittany said.

"Absolutely," Katie replied. "I need a change of scenery."

"Hopefully, Ash will let loose have some fun, too," Brittany said. "All art, all the time..."

Brittany laughed. "We should get her to draw some of those gorgeous blokes that are always around."

"I know," Katie agreed, giggling.

"But she'll probably be too starry eyed over Kevin," Brittany replied. "He IS gorgeous."

"He is," Katie said. "My sister apparently has a thing for musicians."

Brittany grinned. "For the most part they are pretty sexy. I wouldn't mind dating a musician."

"You have your hands full as it is," Katie teased.

Brittany cast another look over at Evan. "Ugh... you've got that right."

Katie shook her head. She was not so sure Brittany was over Evan.

"She's a slag," Brittany muttered. "Always looking for someone on the rebound."

"What was that?" Katie asked.

"Nothing," Brittany said. "I have to get going."

Katie nodded. "Me too. Let my sister know if she needs anything to let me know."

"I will," Brittany said. "Merlin, I can't wait to get out of here. Just a few weeks, and no more school, EVER."

"Rub it in," Katie said rolling her eyes. "Some of us have to come back!"

"It'll go by fast," Brittany said.

"Yeah, yeah," Katie said grabbing her books.

"Pretty soon you'll be sunning it up in Brighton..." Brittany told her. "In your red hot bikini..."

Katie grinned. "Of course."

"That red one you showed me when I was at your house over Christmas hols was killer," Brittany said. "You'll be the talk of the beach in it."

"I can't wait," Katie said. She watched as Brittany distractedly looked to the side. "Evan?"

"He's a wanker," Brittany replied.

"So you don't mind that he's talking to Miranda?" Katie asked.

Brittany rolled her eyes. "Of course not..."

Katie laughed. "Sure, Brit..."

"It's not a big deal," Brittany said. "I'm meeting Billy after dinner to have a FABULOUS time."

Katie gathered up her belongings. Brittany was about as delusional as Ashley. But, at least, it would prove for an interesting last few weeks at school.

"I'll see you later," Brittany said, her eyes still on Evan and Miranda.

Katie walked out of the library and Brittany decided she would follow, but she stopped when she saw Miranda reach across the table for Evan's hand.

"What a slag," she muttered, glancing back at her sister's friend.

"The nerve," Brittany said. "We've only just broken up...and now he's seeing someone else!"

"Yeah but you have Billy," Katie said. "Just remember that."

"Uh-huh," Brittany said distractedly.

Katie smothered a grin as she headed over to the desk to check out her books. Her parents didn't allow her to date yet, but it didn't stop her from flirting with some of the boys in Slytherin.

What her parents did not know wouldn't hurt them, Katie thought. And Brittany was right, she would look stunning on the beach in her new bikini.

She decided to work on her essay in the Slytherin Common room after all. Perhaps if she played her cards right she could get one of her admirers to help her.