Unofficial Portkey Archive

Last Dance by Amynoelle and Heaven

Last Dance

Amynoelle and Heaven

Authors' note: We were both very happy with the response to the last chapter. The cliffie was evil, but necessary. We did manage to respond to reviews too so you can check out some of those responses for additional information. And as always, if you have any questions let us know and we'll try and clear those things up for you. We have a big number of characters to keep track of and it sometimes gets confusing for us too. Please read and review !

"She's not..." Chiaki asked the words catching in her throat.

Jon shook his head. "She um... they think she had an aneurysm while pushing the baby out..."

"No," Cho said reaching for Neville. "No...No...No!"

"She's in a coma," Jon said brokenly, his eyes too filled with tears to see anything.

Frankie started to sob and Chiaki hugged her tightly. Neither of them spoke.

"W-what about the baby?" Neville finally managed to ask.

"The baby's fine," Jon choked out. "We have another daughter."

"Allie's going to be okay," Frankie said pulling away from her sister. "She's going to be fine. I know she will."

Chiaki walked over to Jon and put a hand on his arm.

Jon barely responded as he buried his face in his hands.

Maddie and Ethan walked back into the waiting room, but neither of them were prepared for what greeted them.

"Jon?" Maddie asked weakly. "Allie's okay, right? She and the baby, right?"

Jon shook his head but he couldn't talk over the lump in his throat.

"Allie had an aneurysm during labour," Chiaki said quietly. "She's...she's in a coma."

Maddie slapped her hands over her mouth in horror. "No," she shook her head as Ethan put his hands on her arms to keep her steady. "No Jon, not Allie! Not your baby!"

"The baby's okay," Jon said tears still shining in his eyes. "I…I didn't want to hold her, Maddie. I couldn't...not with Allie not there..."

Maddie rushed to her brother's side. "Jon," she sobbed. "This isn't fair!"

Harry awoke with a start; Hermione who had been lying with her head in his lap woke up too. "What happened?" he asked groggily, growing more alert as he put his glasses on.

Chiaki took it upon herself to break the news to Harry and Hermione as her parents were nearly inconsolable.

Hermione's eyes filled with tears as Harry's jaw worked up and down, no words coming out.

"I need to be by her side," Jon stood up abruptly.

"I want to see her too," Cho said coming forward. "She needs me."

Jon nodded numbly. "They said only... two or three visitors at once."

"Daddy," Chiaki said. "You and Mum go ahead with Jon. Frankie and I will wait out here."

Neville nodded, his face worn. Jon led the way into the room and Cho gasped at how pasty and wan her daughter looked.

Lizzy, who had been watching over her best friend, looked up when she saw Jon and Allie's parents enter the room. Lizzy hadn't known what to say to Jon earlier. She felt as if she'd let him and Allie down.

"Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom," Lizzy said wiping a tear from her cheek. "I'm..."

"It's okay Lizzy," Cho gave her daughter's best friend a hug. "We know."

Lizzy nodded. "The nurse should be bringing the baby back in a few minutes if you'd like to see your granddaughter."

"We would," Neville replied. "Thank you."

Jon took his wife's hand in his. "Please Al," he whispered. "Please wake up and come back to me and Caroline."

There was no response and although she felt as if she couldn't stand, she somehow managed to make it over to Allison's other side.

"Sweetheart," Cho said softly. "We're all here waiting for you. Come on, my sweet girl."

Jon pressed his lips to his wife's forehead as the nurse came back into the room with his new daughter. He felt horribly guilty at not paying attention to the baby but part of him couldn't bear to see her, not after what had happened to Allison.

Cho took the baby from the nurse and felt her heavy heart lighten somewhat at the beautiful, innocent baby in her arms who had no idea what was going on.

"She's beautiful," Neville said, looking at his granddaughter. "Have you... picked out a name yet?"

Jon shook his head. "We didn't know if the baby was going to be a boy or a girl so Allie said we should just wait until the baby arrived and we'd decide then. I-I don't want to name her without Al."

Neville nodded. "Understandable." he sat down next to his son in law. "Jon... I'm sure you already realise this, but you know Cho and I will do anything you need us to do to help you and Caroline through this especially if..." he couldn't bring himself to say the words.

Jon looked at the bedside table and saw the picture Caroline had given her mother only a few hours before. He had no idea how he was going to explain this to Caroline. He barely understood it himself.

Cho smiled down at the baby who lay sleeping, unaware of the chaos around her. "Jon... hold your daughter." she said. "It will help you feel better."

Jon looked up at his mother-in-law at first unsure of what to do. A voice somewhere in his head told him that he needed to be there for his daughters---both of them. He simply nodded and Cho gently handed the baby off to him.

He stared down at his child as tears came to his eyes. He kissed the infant's forehead. "I promise we'll get your mother back," he said softly.

"Allison Catherine," Neville said leaning over his daughter. "I know we've had some problems in the past, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. You're such a good mum to Caroline. And you should see your little girl over there. She needs you. We all need you."

Jon thought he saw a flicker behind her eyelids but he knew he was probably imagining things.

Midnight came and went but no one in Allison's room or the adjoining waiting area felt like celebrating.

"I can't even imagine what he must be going through," Harry said to Hermione. "If something like that happened to you..."

Hermione shook her head. "I really can't even imagine what it must be like..." she said.

"I just keep thinking that there must be something I can do to fix this," Harry said helplessly.

"Maddie went to floo her parents," Ethan said. "I wanted to go with her, but she said she wanted to do this by herself."

"What's Jon going to say to Caroline about all this?" Hermione wiped her eyes.

"How do you explain this to a four-year old?" Ethan asked.

Harry shook his head. "I don't even know."

Ethan looked up as Maddie came back into the room. "They'll be here soon..." she said, her eyes filling up with tears. "They have to um... wake up Caroline."

"How you holding up, Maddie?" Ethan asked.

She shook her head. "Not too good," she replied hoarsely.

Ethan took her hand and led her over to the sofa. He didn't say anything as he held her and she cried.

A few minutes later, Ron and Luna came into the waiting room with Caroline. She was still in her pyjamas and her hair was still in messy plaits.

"Caroline," Ron said leaning down in front of her. "Will you be a big girl and stay out here with Grandma? I'm going to go and find your daddy, okay?"

"Okay Grandpa," Caroline looked confused. "Auntie Maddie how come you're crying?"

"I'm okay," Maddie said quickly wiping her tears. "I'm just sleepy."

"Uncle Ethan will you read to me?" Caroline asked. "Grandma told me to bring my book."

"Sure," Ethan said, pulling her over onto his lap.

Ron walked into Allison's room and nodded at Cho and Neville who were tending to the new baby. Jon was staring out the window watching as thousands of people crowded the streets below welcoming in the new year.

Ron put a hand on his son's shoulder. "Jonathan?"

He jumped. "Dad..." he said, his face crumpling.

Ron's own eyes welled up with tears as he hugged his son. "We came as soon as we heard."

"She's in a coma Dad," Jon said. "They don't know if or when she'll wake up."

Ron nodded. "We didn't say anything to Caroline. She was so excited all night. She kept saying how she wanted to come back so she could say hello to her little sister or baby brother."

"She has a sister," Jon said numbly.

"I can't imagine what you're going through," Ron said gently. "But you're not alone, Jon."

"Thanks," Jon replied, wiping at his eyes. He returned to his wife's bedside while Ron went to see his new granddaughter.

Jon looked at his wife feeling as if his heart was breaking all over again. He brushed a stray strand of hair from her forehead. She was the only girl he'd ever loved. She was the only girl he would ever love. And no matter what anyone told him, he wasn't going to let her go. It was too soon.

"You've got to help me out here, Al," Jon whispered. "I don't know what to do."

Her face remained unresponsive yet Jon thought again he could see a flicker behind her eyes. "What am I going to tell our baby girl Al?" he asked quietly. "Please, you've got to come out of this..."

"Someone needs to tell Caroline," Cho whispered to Neville. "She's so smart. She's going to know something's not right. I think it should be Luna or me...."

"No," Jon replied, looking up. "I've got to tell her."

"Jon," Cho started to protest, but Ron put a hand on her arm.

"He's right Cho," Ron said gently. "He needs to tell her."

"She's out there I take it?" Jon asked, summoning all his strength.

Ron nodded. "We're here if you need us."

"Thanks," Jon said gratefully. "Can I um... can I get her in here, privately?"

"Sure," Ron said. "I'll go get her."

"Come on, Cho," Neville said putting an arm around his wife.

Cho handed Jon his baby daughter and followed her husband out.

A few moments later Caroline came in. "Hey baby girl," Jon said.

"Hi Daddy," Caroline whispered. Her grandfather had told her to be very quiet before she came inside. "Is that my little sister?"

"Yes that's her," Jon said. "Want to come and hold her?"

Caroline nodded and sat down beside her father.

"Mummy let me practise with my baby dolls," she said enthusiastically. "So I know just how to do it."

"Good," Jon's heart nearly broke as Caroline happily took her baby into her arms. "Listen baby... the reason I had you come in here..."

"She's so soft Daddy," Caroline interjected. "And she smells so nice. Did I look like this when I was a baby?"

"Yes you did," Jon said. "Sweetheart... this is about your mum... she's uh... she's sleeping."

"She's probably really tired from having the baby," Caroline said making a goofy face at her little sister.

"Well it's a different sort of sleep," Jon said. "It's a sleep where she can't wake up."

Caroline looked up at him confused. "She doesn't sleep like you do, Daddy. You can sleep through anything. Mummy can always hear me when I'm tiptoeing out of my room."

"Well this sort of sleep is called a coma," Jon tried to explain. "The mediwizards think that Mummy pushed too hard and something happened in her head that made her fall asleep like this."

"You just haven't tried to wake her up right," Caroline said handing the baby back to Jon. Before he could stop her, Caroline crawled up beside her mother onto the bed. She gently shook her mother's arm.

"Come on, Mummy," Caroline said softly.

"Baby," Jon said. "She's not--"

"Mummy," Caroline whispered. "I'm going to go and sneak one of those biscuits..."

"Caroline," Jon spoke louder. "That's not how Mummy will wake up."

Caroline looked up confused and for the first time noticed how tired and sad her father looked.

"I'm going to stay with her until she wakes up then," she said simply, lying down beside her mother and putting her small arm over Allison's waist.

"Well that's the main thing baby," Jon's voice broke. "We're not sure if she... ever will wake up."

"I'm staying here until she does," Caroline said stubbornly.

Jon's head drooped. "We might have to leave for a little while when the mediwizards come in to check on her. But other than that, I'm sure we can stay with her."

"Okay," Caroline said. She looked up at her father. "Don't be sad, Daddy." She hated it when either of her parents were sad or upset. Whenever she was sad or upset, her mother would always sing to her to make her feel better.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry," Caroline began singing softly.

Jon's heart nearly broke as he sat down in the chair and held his baby daughter close.

*** *** ***

It was around four in the morning when Ethan arrived back at his flat. Maddie had surprised him by asking if she could come home with him and he'd agreed- not that he expected anything to happen, especially after the events of that night.

"It's small, but its home," he said sheepishly, holding the door for her.

"Its fine," Maddie said listlessly.

He locked the door behind him, making sure the wards went up. "Are you hungry again, or thirsty?" he asked, moving into the galley kitchen.

"I'd love a glass of water," Maddie said as she sat down.

"Sure," Ethan said, rummaging in his icebox for a bottle of cold water.

Maddie had never been here before and she chanced a quick glance around. The place was sparsely decorated and Maddie smiled as she noticed the Muggle television and video game system. She thought to herself how wild R.J. would go over that. R.J. was crazy about anything having to deal with Muggles much like their grandfather.

She forced a smile as Ethan handed her a glass.

"Thanks," she said softly. "And not just for this. I don't know how I would have gotten through tonight without you."

"I didn't do much," Ethan said modestly. "And you didn't get your surprise, but something tells me you don't care much about that- I don't blame you."

"I just want Allie to be okay," Maddie said. "I've never seen Jon like that before, Ethan. He loves her so much."

"I know," Ethan replied. "She's just got to wake up though."

Maddie nodded and leaned back in her chair. "I can't even imagine going back to school. My family needs me, Ethan."

"I'm sure they'll work something out," Ethan said. "I know Allie wouldn't want any of us moping about."

"No," Maddie said. "She wouldn't."

Ethan reached for her and gave her a hug. "For what it's worth I think she'll pull through."

"Really?" Maddie asked hopefully, hugging him back.

"Yeah," Ethan kissed the side of her head. "She and Jon have made it this far."

"I'm glad you think so," Ethan pulled back and brushed some loose strands of hair from her eyes.

Maddie looked shyly up at him. "I know you said you'd sleep on the sofa and let me take your bed, but I was...I wondering if you'd stay with me until I fell asleep?"

His eyebrows shot up in surprise but he nodded. "Sure," he replied. "Do you uh... need something to sleep in? You could wear one of my shirts if you need to."

She shook her head. "I'm okay in this really. I just want to try and get some sleep."

"Sure," he nodded. She put her glass in the sink and he led her down the hall towards his bedroom.

"You didn't make your bed," she said as he switched on the bedside lamp.

"I never do," he grinned. "Seems rather pointless don't you think?"

"I used to tell my parents that all the time," Maddie said managing a genuine smile. "You're just going to go back to sleep anyway..."

"That's exactly it," Ethan said, going into his closet to pull on an old t shirt and some pyjama trousers.

Maddie took off her shoes and lifted her jumper over her head. Ethan's flat was warm and cosy so she knew she'd be okay in just her jeans and white camisole tank top.

He stayed on top of his sheets, just covering himself from the waist down with his blanket while Maddie got under all the covers. "You sure you're warm enough?" he asked.

"I'm fine," Maddie said softly.

"Okay," Ethan said. "Bathroom is over there," he pointed. "And there's another one down the hall."

Maddie didn't know why she did what she did next, but she just needed someone to hold her and tell her that it would be okay, even if it was a lie. She snuggled up close to Ethan and rested her head on his chest.

"Is this okay?" she asked him as she closed her eyes.

He felt his heartbeat speed up at her closeness. "It's fine," he whispered.

"Good night, Ethan," Maddie said softly.

"Night Mads," he replied. Within moments, her breathing had become steady and he tried to slip out of her embrace but her arms tightened.

"Stay," she said sleepily.

"But Maddie--" he began.

"Please?" she asked. "I don't want to be alone."

"Okay," he replied, relaxing and pulling the covers up over them both.

It didn't take long for Maddie to drift off to sleep.

Ethan ran his hand through her hair, wishing that this had happened under different, happier circumstances.

*** *** ***

The next morning found no change in Allison's condition. Jon and Caroline stayed in Allison's room, both falling asleep sometime in the middle of the night. With some coaxing, Jon convinced Caroline to go home with Ron and Luna.

Lizzy had already come in and out of the room several times to check on Allison and on Jon. He looked terrible, but he refused to leave. Every couple of hours, he'd go and check on their new daughter in the nursery.

"Jon you need to go home and get some real rest," Lizzy said. "Allie wouldn't want you to be like this. You have to stay strong for Caroline and your new baby."

"I'm fine where I am," Jon said sitting back down in the uncomfortable chair. "I'm not leaving here until she wakes up."

Lizzy nodded. "At least eat something. If you don't want to go down to the cafeteria at least let me have something sent up."

Jon sighed. "Okay..."

"I promise no meat surprise." Lizzy said, hoping for a smile out of him.

Jon didn't crack a smile. Lizzy turned to leave, but Jon called out to her.

"Lizzy? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure Jon." she replied softly.

"Do you think she can hear us?" he asked. "When we talk to her? Do you think she can hear us?"

Lizzy bit her lower lip. "Personally, I like to think so. I've seen patients come out of comas that mediwizards have said they would never recover from. I think it's more than magic at work- I think it's the love and strength their family members give them. Allie's got a whole lot of people who love her."

"Yeah," Jon said finally giving her a smile. "She does."

"Be right back," Lizzy said, ducking out. She ran into Josh outside in Allie's waiting room. "I'm so glad to see you," she said rushing into his arms. She and Josh had not yet married, their relationship was strong though and she knew one day she'd walk down the aisle with him.

"Hey, sweetheart," Josh said hugging her tightly. "How's he holding up?"

"Okay," Lizzy buried her face in his chest. "I told him I'd go down and get him something to eat."

"Let's hope he eats it," Josh said. "How about you? How are you holding up?"

Lizzy shrugged. "All right. It helps if I think of her as a patient and not my best friend but... I can't seem to do it for more than a few moments."

"I know," Josh said softly, kissing her.

"Will you go in and keep him company while I run to the cafeteria?" she asked.

"Of course," Josh said, squeezing her hand. He watched as she walked away.

Jon looked up as his twin knocked on the door. "Hey," he said listlessly.

"Hi," Josh said looking sympathetically at his brother. "I brought you a change of clothes."

"Thanks mate," Jon said dully.

Josh racked his brain for something to say. He knew already not to tell his brother that he should get rest or that he should go home. He knew that wasn't what Jon needed or wanted to hear.

"Guess I'll go change," Jon got up. "You'll uh... you'll stay for a minute right?"

"Sure," Josh said. "Go on."

Jon changed quickly, not wanting to be away from his wife any longer than necessary. He tossed the dirty clothes into Allison's bag that she'd packed a week before Christmas.

When Jon came back into the room, he found Josh sitting next to Allison's bedside.

"You know what I was just thinking about?" Josh asked.

"What?" Jon asked, sitting back on the edge and reaching for Allison's hand.

Josh let out a slight laugh. "All the crazy stuff you used to do to get her attention. Of course, I thought you were doing it to piss me off, but it was your own bizarre way of impressing her..."

Jon shook his head as he smiled a bit. "The silly string was the best wasn't it?"

Josh laughed as he remembered that time. They'd all been studying for final exams. He and Allison had settled down at one of their favourite tables in the common room.

"I'm never going to remember all of these ingredients," Allison said looking down at her potions notes.

"You'll do fine," Josh encouraged. "Probably get the only passing grade out of all Gryffindor."

"I wish I had your confidence," Allison said spreading out her notes.

"You'll do fine," Josh repeated.

"From your lips to Snape's ears," Allison said.

There was a loud commotion as Jonathan Weasley and one of his mates came bustling down the stairs.

"It's just like him to skive off studying to joke around," Josh muttered.

Allison shook her head, wondering how Jon Weasley had made it this far in school without failing anything.

"Joshua!" Jon said, walking over and closing Josh's books.

"Go away, Jon," Josh hissed.

"This isn't your common room, is it?" Jon asked. He smiled shyly at Allison. "Hey, Allie."

"Hello Jonathan," she said absently, trying to go over her notes.

"Either of you fancy going flying?" Jon asked.

"Are you mad?" Josh asked him. "We have finals tomorrow morning."

"Already studied," Jon replied. "Allie?"

"No thanks," Allison said, not bothering looking up from her notes. "I really need to work on this..."

"You don't have to study," Jon said. "You're the smartest girl in Gryffindor."

"Thanks but I really need to study," Allison said, wishing he'd take a hint.

"Okay," Jon said frowning. "I guess I'll leave you to it then."

"Come on, Jon," Chris Creevey said. "Let's go get our brooms."

Josh looked at Allison. "Finally," he muttered.

"I didn't mean to be short with him," Allison said. "I just don't understand how he could want to go flying at a time like this."

"I don't understand anything that Jon does," Josh replied, opening his books again.

"He's not that bad," Allison said, but she spoke too soon.

"What the hell?" Josh asked as long lines of sticky string began to fly through the common room.

"Where's it coming from?" Allison asked looking around. Their fellow Gryffindors were all scrambling around trying to avoid the silly string which was quickly filling up the entire common room. "I can't see!"

"Jon!" Josh shouted, trying to pull the string out of his hair.

"What?" Jon asked innocently coming out from behind the bookshelves.

"What the hell did you do?" Josh tried to advance angrily but slipped and fell instead.

"Things were way too serious around here," Jon said laughing. "I was just trying to lighten the mood."

He looked at Allison hopefully. "You thought it was funny, didn't you Al?"

"Where are my notes?" Allison ignored the cold sticky string on her arms as she tried to dig through the piles. "And don't call me Al!"

Jon hadn't expected her to react this way. He quickly got down on his knees to help her.

"I'm sorry, Allison," he said. "I was just trying to get you to laugh. You looked really stressed."

"Where did they go?" she asked desperately, ignoring Jon. "I had everything on those notes!"

"Nice job, Jon," Josh said angrily.

"I'm sorry!" Jon said, "I really am- it was just a joke."

"A joke!" Allison said getting to her feet. "It's going to be really funny when I fail my potions final! Thanks a lot, Jon!"

"Where are you going?" Jon asked.

"To go and find Lizzy," Allison huffed. "To see if I can borrow HER notes."

"Allie..." Jon tried to follow her but he also slipped and fell. "Allie wait!"

"Who is responsible for this?" Professor McGonagall said coming through the portrait hole just as Allison left.

Everyone turned to look at Josh and Jon, who were sprawled out identically. "Wrong twin," Josh glared at Jon.

"Explain yourself," Professor McGonagall ordered, folding her arms and looking down at Jon.

"It was just a joke Professor," Jon said sheepishly. "Everyone was so tensed up for our final exams tomorrow..."

"How about you and I go see how funny the headmaster thinks it is," Professor McGonagall said. "Right after you clean this mess up...without magic."

"But professor!" Jon began to protest.

"You heard me, Weasley," Professor McGonagall said coolly. "I expect you to be finished within the hour."

"An hour?" Jon asked. He glanced at his twin desperately. "Josh..."

"I know you don't expect me to help you after what you just did," Josh said finally finding his books. "I'm going to study in the dorm."

"But..." Jon's shoulders slumped as he began to gather up the sticky mess with his hands.

"She wouldn't talk to you for days after that," Josh said laughing at his brother. "I've never seen her that angry. Of course, in the course of a month, the two of you were dating..."

"Yeah," Jon said, looking down at her. "And a little more than a year after that we got married."

"She's going to be okay, Jon," Josh said looking at his brother. "After all that the two of you went through to be together, it won't end like this. You have to believe that."

"I'm trying to," Jon said with a short, derisive laugh. "I really am."

"I know it can't be easy," Josh said. He looked thoughtfully at his brother.

Jon simply shook his head. "I should probably go check on the baby," he said.

"Lizzy will be back with the food soon," Josh said. "Why don't you wait until after you've eaten something? Don't argue Jon. Allie would tell you the same thing..."

"Okay," Jon said.

Josh smiled. "There is something I've always wondered though..."

"What's that?" Jon stroked his wife's cheek.

"How on earth you got her to forgive you after that stunt you pulled at school?" Josh asked. He could tell that talking about these memories seemed to be helping Jon. "I'm surprised she didn't try to push you in the Hillsdale lake when she first saw you on that holiday."

"I'm not sure either," Jon said. "I guess... we were just at Hillsdale and I thought... may as well ask her out- I may not ever get another chance so I did... I couldn't believe when she said yes."

Allison remembered exactly what had happened though. She could still remember how they'd only been at the resort for a day when she and Frankie went to the lake. Frankie had rushed off almost immediately to go and get a snack so Allison had set about laying out a blanket on the grass.

"Is it safe to approach?" an amused voice said behind her.

"What?" Allison jumped, startled. "Oh Jon... I didn't realise it was you."

"Or you would have thrown that bottle of suntan lotion at me, right?" Jon asked smiling down at her.

"Probably," Allison smiled back. "Um... did you want to sit down?"

"You wouldn't mind?" he asked her trying not to beam at her, but failing miserably.

"Of course not," Allison said. "We probably won't be out here long though- we have dinner in just a little while."

Jon sat down beside her and thought hard about what to say. He didn't want to put his foot in his mouth as he was apt to do whenever she was around.

"I never really had the chance to apologise for what I did the night before finals," Jon finally said. "I really was just trying to make you laugh, Al. Sorry---Allison."

"You can call me Al if you really want to," she said, suddenly feeling shy.

Jon grinned. "I'd like that."

"So are you excited about your last year at Hogwarts?" she asked, not really knowing what to talk to him about. She didn't know Jon as well as she knew Josh.

"After the stunts I pulled this past year, I'm lucky I'm entering my last year at Hogwarts," Jon admitted.

"You know, it really was kind of funny... now that finals are past." Allison said, pushing her long ponytail over her shoulder.

Jon looked at her in surprise. "You aced that potions final, didn't you?"

"Yes," she said, blushing a bit.

"See," Jon said nudging her. "Not only are you the prettiest girl in Gryffindor, you're also the smartest."

"Oh please," Allison said her face now aflame. "I'm far from the prettiest girl in Gryffindor."

"You are," Jon said smiling at her. "I can't think of any girl in Gryffindor prettier than you."

Allison felt a jittery sensation in her stomach at his smile and his words. "Well... thanks. Most people say Chiaki or Frankie are the pretty ones- they take after my mum more than I do.

"I think you are very pretty," Jon said, looking down at the blanket. "And funny and smart and lucky for me---forgiving."

"I can't seem to hold a grudge," Allison confessed. "I get angry pretty easily but I never seem to hold onto it."

Jon grinned. He wanted so badly to ask her if she would fancy taking a walk with him after dinner, but he didn't no how to broach the subject.

"So um... I guess our families are eating dinner together with the Potters." Allison said.

"Aye," Jon said. "And it's supposed to be really nice night, too."

"I can't picture it not being nice here," Allison said. "This place is beautiful. I can see how all our parents fell in love while being here."

"I know," Jon said silently cursing himself. She'd just given him the perfect opportunity to ask her. What on earth was he waiting for? He was afraid that she'd laugh in his face, but something told him she wouldn't.

"Listen Al," Jon began. "I was just know...your family and my family are going to be eating dinner together tonight. And if it was okay with you---that is if you didn't have plans..."

Allison turned on her side and looked at him with a smile on her face.

"And if you didn't have plans," Jon repeated. "I was really hoping you might fancy taking a walk with me after dinner. You don't have to, if you don't want to, of course. And I'd completely understand if you didn't want to..."

"That sounds like fun," Allison said. "I'd have to ask my parents of course- they don't think we should date until we're sixteen- less than a bloody year away." she turned red. "Not that it would be a date or anything of course... I mean--"

"No," Jon said quickly. "Not a date. Just two people who've known each other since they were kids...getting to know each other better."

Allison nodded. "Sure," she said. "I'll um... I'll ask and let you know at dinner."

"Great," Jon said. "And I promise I won't assault you with silly string."

Allison laughed. "It's a deal."

Josh shook his head. "That was really smooth, Casanova. You do realise she was completely sprung on me at that point, don't you?"

"Not for long," Jon replied. "And you were too big a git with Julie to realise she fancied you."

Josh laughed. "Very true. For what it's worth, she picked the right brother."

Jon nodded. "I think so too." he grinned. "Thanks mate. I feel a lot better than I did."

"Good," Josh said grinning at him.

"I come bearing a feast," Lizzy announced. "And Josh- you got Jon to smile!"

"He was just informing me about how he won Allie with some silly string," Josh said smiling at her as she wheeled in a tray of food. "And Merlin's beard, Liz. How much food did you get?"

"Enough," she retorted. "Jon, eat up."

Jon walked over to the tray and grabbed a bread roll.

"Mum's going to bring Caroline by in a few hours," Josh said. "When I left the house this morning, Mum was trying to tell her that the hospital wouldn't allow her to bring the puppy with her."

"Okay," Jon said. "She loves that dog- you'd think it was human."

"I still can't believe she wanted to name it after Neville," Josh said laughing.

Jon shook his head. "We finally talked her down. It was hard but somehow I didn't see Neville enjoying the fact that the dog was named after him."

"I don't think he appreciated how you laughed right after Caroline suggested it," Josh teased.

"Probably not," Jon said.

"Speaking of names," Josh said. "Have you named the little one down the hall yet?"

Jon shook his head. "I can't name her without Allie. It just doesn't seem right." he glanced towards his wife, praying for some sort of movement.

"She's a beautiful baby," Lizzy said. "All the nurses can't stop cooing over her."

Jon smiled, but it was sad looking. "I just feel horrible you know- that I'm not paying as much attention to her as I should. But I can't leave Allie either."

"It's understandable," Lizzy said softly. "But she'd want you to take care of yourself. And to take care of your daughters, too. You know I'm right."

"I know," Jon said. "I guess part of me wants to blame the baby for what happened to Al. But then the other part of me shuts that feeling away. I don't blame the baby. I don't WANT to blame the baby."

Lizzy felt tears come to her eyes. "I keep wanting to blame myself. If I'd only done something sooner. If I'd diagnosed everything quicker..."

"We don't blame you Lizzy," Jon said gently as Josh reached for his girlfriend. "I don't and I know Al doesn't."

"Really?" Lizzy asked. "I just feel like I let all of you down."

"You helped deliver the baby safe and sound," Jon said. "It's what Allie would have wanted. She would put the baby's health over her own no matter what."

Lizzy nodded. "I know. That's what makes her such a great mum. You and Caroline and that sweet baby are everything to her, Jon."

"And she's everything to us," Jon said, kissing Allison's forehead. He let his head rest gently on hers for a moment. "Come on Al..." he whispered. "I know you can hear me."

Josh put an arm around Lizzy as they watched Jon. Lizzy's eyes grew large as she thought she saw Allison move her hand.

"D-did you see that?" she asked Josh.

"What?" Josh asked.

"Allie just moved her hand," Lizzy said excitedly. "I might have been imagining it..."

All three of them watched Allison intently, but she remained still and composed. "Maybe it was just a reflection," Jon said, trying to keep his disappointment out of his words.

"Maybe," Lizzy said frowning. "I, um, should probably go. I still have rounds."

"I'll see you later," Josh gave her a kiss, keeping it chaste. "Love you." he said under his breath.

"Love you," Lizzy whispered before walking out of the room and leaving the twins alone with Allison.

"I should probably go check on the baby now," Jon said. "You don't mind staying a few minutes do you?"

"No, of course not," Josh said. "Give my niece a kiss from her Uncle Josh."

"I will," Jon said. "Be back in just a bit."

Josh took Jon's now empty seat and looked over at Allison.

"Come on Allie," he said. "You can't leave him behind. Him, Caroline or your new little baby."

Outside in the waiting room, Caroline had just come in with her grandparents. "Daddy is Mummy awake yet?" she asked.

Jon lifted her up into his arms. "No, sweetheart. She's not."

"I made her another picture," Caroline said. "She can see it when she wakes up!"

"She's going to love that, baby," Jon said kissing her on the cheek.

"Can we go and put it on her table?" Caroline asked, giving her father an extra tight hug.

"Sure we can," Jon said. "We'll make sure that we put it where it'll be the first thing she sees when she wakes up."

Jon knew he was treading on dangerous water here. He knew he was supposed to prepare Caroline for the possibility that Allison wouldn't wake up, but he just couldn't bring himself to talk about his wife in those terms.

Josh smiled when his brother came back in with Caroline. "Hey you," he said softly.

"Hi Uncle Josh," Caroline said running up to him.

"What have you got there?" he asked, giving the little girl a hug.

"It's a picture I made for Mummy," Caroline said, handing it to him. "That's me, the new baby, Daddy and Mummy. And that over there is Max. I had a little trouble drawing his ears, but I think I did okay."

"You did a fantastic job," Josh kissed her cheek. "Are you going with your daddy to see your new sister?"

Caroline looked over at her father. "Can I go with you, Daddy?"

"Of course you can love," Jon said.

Caroline walked over to her mother's bedside table and held up the picture.

"This one is for you, Mummy," she said softly. "I'll be right back, okay?"

Jon pressed his lips together as Caroline reached for his hand. He shared a glance with his twin before they left the room and headed for the nursery.

"I still don't see why I couldn't bring Max with me," Caroline said conversationally to her father.

"Because Max would probably run all over and disturb the patients here," Jon replied.

"He'd have been good, Daddy," Caroline argued. Jon held up a hand to quiet her as they entered the nursery. "Where is she Daddy?" Caroline whispered.

"She's over there sweetheart," he picked her up and carried her over to the crib marked 'Baby Girl Weasley'. "Mummy and I have to pick out a name when she wakes up." If she wakes up... but he pushed that thought away.

"But there's a tag on there already," Caroline said. "Isn't that her name?"

"No sweetheart. It just says Baby Girl."

"Baby Girl?" Caroline said scrunching up her nose. "That sounds really stupid, Daddy."

"I know Caroline," Jon said, rubbing his head. "But I don't want to name her without your Mum."

"You really miss Mummy, don't you?" Caroline asked putting her arms around Jon's neck.

"Very much," Jon kissed his daughter's cheek.

"I miss her too," Caroline said burying her face in Jon's shoulder.

Jon hugged her. "Everything's going to be okay baby," he said.

Caroline nodded and then looked at the sleeping baby in the crib. "Was I ever that little?"

"Even smaller when you were born," Jon said fondly.

"Smaller than her?" Caroline asked pointing at the baby. "Because she's really small, Daddy."

"She was early," Jon said. "You weren't, but you've always been a tiny thing."

"Was Mummy happy when she found out she was going to have me?" Caroline asked.

"More than happy," Jon said. "We were both so excited. And every day you've been around we get happier and happier."

Caroline smiled broadly and for a few minutes, she and Jon just watched as the newest member of their family slept. As if sensing that she was being watched, the baby awoke and the nurse came forward with a bottle.

"Mr. Weasley?" the nurse asked. "Would you like to do the honours?"

"Sure," Jon said, wanting to feel closer to his new daughter.

Caroline stood beside her father as he sat down on the rocking chair. The nurse gingerly handed him the baby.

"Can I help Daddy?" she whispered.

Jon smiled. "Sure sweetheart. Why don't you hand me the bottle?"

"Okay," Caroline said, handing it over. "Daddy? I don't like calling her Baby Girl."

"We'll name her as soon as your mum wakes up," Jon said quietly. He could tell Caroline wasn't about to take no for an answer though. Sure enough she was looking at him with her little arms crossed.

"Daddy- I don't think it's fair to the baby." Caroline replied.

Jon stifled a laugh. "Okay then. What do you want to name her? And before you say it, we can't name a little girl after your grandfather."

"I want to name her..." Caroline thought for a moment. "I want to name her Emma."

"Emma?" Jon asked. Although it didn't feel right picking out a name without Allison, he did have to admit that Baby Girl Weasley didn't seem fair to the baby. The more he thought about it, the more he thought that Allison would like that name, too. At one point, he and Allison had even toyed around with naming Caroline---Emma.

He looked down at the baby. "You know what Caroline? She does look like an Emma."

Caroline was delighted. "So we can name her that? I think Mummy would really like it!"

"I think so too," Jon said smiling at her.

Caroline was so excited she wanted to hop up and down but she didn't. "Hi Emma," she whispered to her little sister.

"Emma Weasley," Jon said softly. "Meet your big sister, Caroline."

"It's really a cute name Daddy," Caroline was so proud. "I can't wait for Mummy to wake up so I can tell her!"

A few minutes later, Jon and Caroline made their way back to Allison's room. Luna and Ron had joined Josh in the room.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Caroline exclaimed forgetting her promise to keep quiet. "I named the baby!"

"Shh sweetheart," Jon put a finger to his lips.

"Sorry," Caroline said sheepishly. She looked at her grandparents and whispered, "I named the baby."

"You did?" Ron smiled at his granddaughter and pulled her onto his lap. "What name did you pick out?

"Emma," Caroline replied happily. "What do you think of that, Grandpa?"

"I think it's perfect sweetheart," Ron kissed the top of her head.

Luna smiled and walked over to Jon. "How are you doing love?"

"Better thanks to Josh," Jon said. "I still want her to wake up, of course..."

"We all do," Luna said squeezing his hand. "Oh Jonathan. I wish there was something I could do."

"I'm just glad you're all here. Having family around really helps." Jon said, giving his mother a hug.

"We'll do anything we can to help you," Luna said. "And I know you don't want to leave Allison, but promise me that you will look after yourself. Promise me that you'll eat and at least try to get some sleep."

"I got a little this morning around four," Jon replied. "And then Lizzy brought me some food from the cafeteria."

"Good," Luna said smiling at him.

Lizzy walked in the room and after exchanging hellos with Ron, Luna and Caroline, she told them how Neville and Cho were outside and that they wanted to see Allison.

"I hate to be the bad guy, but hospital rules allow no more than three visitors at a time," Lizzy explained apologetically.

"We'll wait outside with Caroline," Ron offered.

"I should go with you," Jon said quietly. "I'm sure they want some time alone with Al."

"Are you sure?" Lizzy asked.

"Yeah," Jon said reluctantly. He didn't want to leave Allison, but he knew that her parents needed their own time with their daughter.

He picked Caroline up and followed Ron and Luna out of Allison's room.

"Grandpa guess what!" Caroline said excitedly. "I named the baby!"

"You did?" Neville asked mustering some enthusiasm for his granddaughter. He and Cho hadn't slept at all the night before.

"Her name is Emma," Caroline reached for her other grandfather.

Neville took Caroline from Jon and smiled at her. "That's a really beautiful name, Caroline. And I'm sure that your mother is going to love it, too."

"When she wakes up I'm going to tell her right away," Caroline nodded.

Cho smiled at her granddaughter. "After you give her a great big hug and kiss right?"

"That's right Grandma," Caroline said. "Just like this!"

Tears welled up in Cho's eyes as Caroline gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. Both sets of her grandparents and her father knew that this whole turn of events would have been unbearable had it not been for the brown-haired girl holding everyone together.

"I thought you might like some time alone with Allie," Jon said softly to his in laws.

"Thank you, Jonathan," Neville said. He set Caroline back down. "You ready, Cho?"

"Yes dear," Cho tried to hide the fact that she was trying not to cry.

Josh and Lizzy left the room as the Longbottoms came inside. The tears Cho had been so valiantly trying to hold back flowed freely down her cheeks.

"It doesn't look like any change," Neville said brokenly, holding his wife as she slumped against him.

Cho nodded. "She's so pale, Neville."

"I know," Neville replied, perching on the edge of the bed. "Hey baby," he said softly.

Cho walked over to the other side of Allison's bed.

"Allison Catherine," she whispered brushing a strand of hair from Allison's face.

"You have to wake up love," Neville said.

"That's right," Cho whispered. "You have two beautiful little girls. A husband that adores you. Two sisters who can't seem to do anything without asking you first. And a mother and father who are so proud of you...and none of us is ready to let you go, Allison."

Neville stared at his daughter, wishing so hard that he could switch places with her.